Math 554.001
Spring 2025
Prof. Girardi

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Textbook: Introduction to Real Analysis, 4th ed., by Bartle and Sherbert.

HW set section
note to yourself of
due date
Homework Instructions⊕     and     Handouts
1 1.2
Th 1/30 Since induction (§1.2) is covered in Math 300, there will be no formal lectures over §1.2.
Here is a summary and 3 examples of proofs by induction.
  1. ER 0.0.1. Read the Homework Instructions (posted above). Write at least 5 items you want to remember.
  2. ER 0.0.2. From the class Handout page (see above link), read all handouts under Writing Guidelines (WG). Write at least 5 items you want to remember.
  3. ER 1.2.5
  4. ER 1.2.14   (Use induction. Do not use calculus.)
  5. ER 1.2.15   (Use induction. Do not use calculus.)
  6. ER 1.2.20
2 1.1
Th 2/6
  1. ER 1.1.1
  2. Verify Thm 1.1.4+ part (2), which is a DeMorgan Law. You may use symbolic logic language, as we did in class for part (1). Note this problem is a variant of ER 1.1.4.
  3. ER 1.1.5.
  4. ER 1.1.7
  5. ER 1.1.10
  6. ER 1.1.19a. You may use (3) and (4) from Functions and Sets.
  7. ER 1.1.19b. You may use (3) and (4) from Functions and Sets.

Findable from URL: http://people.math.sc.edu/girardi/w554.html