Anton R. Schep
As of January 1, 2021, I am retired as a Distinguished Professor Emeritus. I will continue refereeing papers for the foreseeable future, but only papers I can do a report on quickly or which interest me highly. On this page you can find links to information on classes I have taught and
selected re- and preprints. To find information about our
department, go to the
Departmental homepage. For my
professional background, see my curriculum
vitae .
Research Interests
I am generally interested in the areas of Functional Analysis
and Operator Theory. In particular my published research includes
papers on:
- the study of linear integral operators on Banach function
- positive operators and C0-semigroups of positive
operators on Banach lattices.
- spectral properties, and compactness properties of special
classes of operators, such as disjointness preserving
List of Publications (PDF file).
Click here to get a listing of my papers from the AMS
MathSciNet with links to Mathematical Reviews.
Selected Reprints and Preprints (PDF Files)
- The
measure of non-compactness of a disjointness preserving
A slightly revised version appeared in: J. Operator Theory,
21(1989), 397-402.
- And Still
One More Proof of the Radon-Nikodym Theorem
Appeared in the Mathematical Monthly (2003). Here is
updated and improved version. UPDATE: When preparing a lecture for my graduate class, I decided that the second version was not as intuitive in its approach as the original version. Therefore I wrote a
third version. much closer inspirit to the published version, but using ideas from the second version. Therefore check out this version too, if you plan to present the proof in a class.
of positive operators on Lp-spaces
(with Ralph E. Howard), A revision appeared in: Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society,109 (1990), 135-146.
proof of Dunford's theorem
A rather loose translation of G. Ya. Lozanovskii's paper: N.
Dunford's theorem, Izv. Vyss Ucebn. Zaved. Matem.,
8(1974), 58-59 (in Russian).
Products of
Cesaro convergent sequences with applications to convex solid sets
and integral operators Proc. of the AMS 137 (2009), 579–584.
and Factors of Banach Function spaces Appeared in Positivity.
- Minkowski’s integral inequality for function norms In this paper we give a necessary and sufficient condition on a pair of Fatou norms $\rho$ and $\lambda$ so that an inequality of the form $\rho(\lambda(f_x))\le C\lambda(\rho(f^y))$ holds for all nonnegative measurable functions $f(x, y)$.
This paper appeared in Operator Theory in Function Spaces and Banach lattices, Operator Theory, Advances and Applications, vol. 75, Birkhauser, Basel–Boston–Berlin, 1995, pp. 299–308. Here we posted an updated version, which corrects an error in the published version.
Course materials
Selected Notes (PDF Files)
How to reach me
- Email:
- schep AT
- Snail Mail:
- Anton R. Schep
Department of Mathematics
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Page Last Updated:February 2022