Math 142
Study Suggestions for
Exam 3
Exam 3 is Tuesday April 20, 2019.
It will cover:
10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 11.1, 11.2.
Note that what we called Section 10.TS
is the book's sections: 10.8, 10.9, and 10.10.
Hint (warning).
As with the other exams, there will be a Problem 0 of basic concepts
you must understand in order to do well on the rest of the exam.
If you do not make at least a 50% on this part of the exam, then
your score on the whole exam is what you got on this part.
Below are some Practice Problem 0's.
The rest of the test will be a mixture of:
multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true/false, and show-all-your-work problems.
As stated on the syllabus,
calculators are not allowed (nor needed) on exams.
As stated on the syllabus,
during class, cell phones are to be
turned off and stored in a closed (e.g., zipped or buttoned) bag (e.g., backpack or
purse). Cell phones may not be stored in the person's clothing (e.g., jacket pocket).
At the request of a student, I will project my watch up
onto the overhead screen.
You will be expected
- but also to know how to use them
to find other power series respresentations (for example, as we did in class when we
used the geometric series (a.k.a. "work moose") to get lots
of other power series representations).
Of course, you have already finished all the
homework for the sections covered by this exam.
Recall, in addition to MML homework there was also (off-line)
homework posted on the Ch 10 homework page (under §10.7&10.TS).
Work through one of
my previous exams, which are
posted (along with solutions) on the course homepage.
When working through my previous exams, do so
- without your notes/books/etc.
- in 75 minutes
(the amount of time you will have for the exam).
After working an exam,
you should know how you stand on the various concepts.
For the topics you need more work on, practice
more problems of this type.
This nice
read on Taylor Polynominal and Series
(from How to Ace the rest of Calculus by Adams, Hass, and Thompson) has some great worked out examples. Read it and try doing examples without looking
at the solutions.
- Try working examples (without looking at the solutions) from the textbook.
- The textbook has more (i.e., not assigned on MML)
problem with solutions in the back of the book.
MML has the nice feature where you can go to (on the LHS toolbar)
"Review Homework" and practice problems (without changing your grade).
- Next work through some of my
Previous Exams
(without your notes/books/etc).
I would suggest working through the following.
(In the list, F denotes Fall while S denotes Spring.)
For §10-7-10.10 material:
- 18F, Exam 3: 0A, 0B, 1, 3, 4-12.
- 18S, Exam 3: all.
- 17S, Exam 3: 0A-C, 1-6, 12.
- 16F, Exam 3: 1-10.
- 16S, Exam 3: 1-8
- 15F, Exam 3: 2-8
- 14S, Exam 2: 6
- 14S, Exam 3: 1-5
- 13S, Exam 2: 4, 9, 10
- 13S, Exam 3: 1-6
- 12F, Practice Exam 3: 1-5.
- 12F, Exam 3: 1-7
- 11F, Exam 3: take home: all
- 11F, Exam 3: in class: 1, 2, 5.
For §11.1 and 11.2 material
- 18F, Exam 3: 0C, 2, 13-16
- 17S, Exam 3: 0D, 7-11
- 16F, Exam 3: 11
- 18F, Final: 25-29
- 17F, Final: 20, 22
- 17S, Final: 22, 23
- Come to the exam well rested.
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