This variant of the ER.
Please jot down to yourself your solutions
somewhere where you can find them during the class of the due date.
W 10/25
Exam 1
M 10/30
2.5.DA DivideBy3
This variant of the ER , which was passed out the day of Exam 1.
Jot down your solutions somewhere where you can find them during class of the due date.
One of the ER's due Wed 11/8 is an E&A (Exploration and
Activites) ER, which often take more thought than the other types of ER.
So you might want to start early.
Read about Prime Factorization (the Fundamental Thm of Arithmetric) on the
last page of the (linked)
Ch 3 summary handout, which is also on our Handout Page and was handed out in class on Wed 11/8.
If the notation in the Thm on Prime Factorization does not make sense,
find the prime factorization of some big numbers (remember them "factorization trees")
to help you make sense of the notation.
Remeber ∑ is for sum while ∏ is for product. Nothing to hand in.
On the first attempt of this ER, part 2 looked good but the proof in part 1 were not a proof.
So now that we have done some in class work on the proof, let's try again.
Your recorded score for this progress check will be the score on from this redo of the ER
(and your original score on this ER will not be recorded).
To be turned in separately from this day's Set 2 HW. Must work in groups of 3-5 students
(formed of your choice towards end of class Wed).
Turn in one paper per group.
This variant of the ER
(both part 1 and part 2).
W 11/15
Set 2
Turned in this Set 2 separately from this day's Set 1 HW.
These probelms serve as excellent practice for Exam 2.
Think of these problems as getting
credit for studying for Exam 2!
Study Guide Homework for this section
Review of Proof Methods, which will be an excellent review
for the exam.
Think of it as getting points for studying for the exam.
Take advantage of this Chapter Summary. Nothing to hand in.