Homework   Math 300   Spring 2023

Instructions: Exercise (ER)
HW Instructions
Study Guide (SG)
HW Instructions
Evaluation of Proofs
Guidelines: WG1-WG14 with details
List of WG1-WG14
Symbolically Write Math Induction
Latex Help: Overleaf Overleaf's help Detexify
Book's Resources: PDF of Book Study Guides
has Focus Questions

note to yourself of
due date
Variant of
For the collection of progress checks (e.g., ER's, SG's) due on a given day:
  1. first put the non-ER (e.g., SG, LL, WG) progress checks
  2. next put the ER's ordered in numberically (then, if needed, alphabetically for parts A, B, etc.)
  3. make sure that BACK of your LAST page is blank (if not insert a page)
  4. staples your pages (if more than one page)
  5. turn your assignment over and on the back of the (blank) last page in the upper right hand corner (near back of staple) write: your PIN, Name, and due date
  6. fold your page(s) in half (to form a 4.25''x11'' size) with the back of your last page showing outward.
The order given on this HW page is a suggested order for doing the progress checks.
Due Dates are announced in class.
at start of class
Step 1
Do Step 1 from the PDF file, in which you will be asked to load the corresponding LaTex file.
The purpose of this HW is to ensure you are are able to LaTex the ER 1.1.3, which is basically Step 2 and is due Wed. 1/11. If you are having troubles with Step 1, after class on Monday I can help you. It would be helpful for you to bring your laptop if you have one. Nothing to hand in but if you cannot do Step 1, you will not be able to do your ER homework so let's get Step 1 figured out ASAP.

at 7 pm

If you are having troubles with Step 1 of the HW due 1/9,
then join the Zoom meeting at 7pm this evening (Tue 1/10).
Recall, you cannot do ER 1.1.3, which is due tommorrow (1/11), unless you can do this Step 1. Over Zoom, students can share their screen so we can figure out what you need to do on your computer for Step 1. Recall, the Zoom link is on Blackboard (see left side column).
My apologies for not being able to give you a time of this meeting in class yesterday but an email just arrived telling me the time of a meeting I have to attend today.
Just omit your PIN for today's homeworks. PINs will be assigned after the roster is fixed.
Recall due date are not usually posted but is here since students are still adding the class.
1.1 Study Guide Homework for this section.
First read the Study Guide (SG) HW Instructions posted above.
FYI: Correct solution to Exercise 1.1.2 (solution in back of book is wrong).
Step 2
First read the Exercise (ER) HW Instructions posted above.
For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
(These above two posted files are the same files posted for Mon. 1/9.)
Just omit your PIN, which will be given to you after the roster is fixed.
The place to enter your name on an ER is towards the top of the Latex file (about line 15).
If you double click (with left mouse key) at a place in the PDF file, then Overleaf indicated to you the corresponging place in the TeX file. This feature makes it easy to compare the PDF output to the LaTex input.
1.2 Study Guide Homework for this section. (As usual, follow the Study Guide HW Instructions posted above.)
1.1.5 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.1.9 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.1.10C For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
GW § 1.2 Group Work   (Direct proof of a conditional statement using def. of even/odd.)
Change of what was announced in class.
For your group's one Lemma, before class do just the Thinking Land (directly on the class handout where it says Below space is for your Thinking Land). Bring your Thinking Land to class on Monday. Then in class on Monday, be prepared to help your group write a proof for your Lemma. So you do the Thinking Land before class and during class your group will write the proof together.
1.3 Take advantage of this Chapter Summary. Nothing to hand in.
2.1 Study Guide Homework for this section.
2.1 Watch the five Screencasts 2.1.2-2.1.6 from this section to how to make a Truth Table.
Nothing to hand in but needed for upcoming homework.
LL Latex Lessons. Read the Latex Lessons assignment which is due on Monday 1/30 and get started by doing the first two lessons (so Lesson 1 and Lesson 2). Your notes on these 2 lessons are due on Monday. The first two LaTex Lessons should help with the below ER's.
1.1.7DF For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.1.8ACF For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
LL Latex Lessons   (LaTex Help by Example).
  1. Read the link Latex Lessons page, which is also posted on the course homepage.
  2. On Overleaf, create yourself a new project named Latex Lessons.
  3. Into your Overleaf project Latex Lessons, load each of the five (5) Latex Lessons LaTex files (FileName.tex) that are posted on the Latex Lessons page.
Then on Overleaf, for each of the five lessons:
  1. (re)compile the lesson, which will produce the corresponding PDF file in Overleaf's last column
  2. actively read the PDF file, comparing the PDF output to the Latex input.

To Hand In
Basically, some kind of evidence that you did this assignment. List each of the 5 lessons and then under a lesson take some notes. Your notes can just be in the form of student notetaking (so handwritten and need not use complete senetences). You can just jot down items you do not want to forget. Be sure to have at least 2 take-aways/noted-items for each lesson.

WG It is highly suggested you get started on the WG homework due 2 days after this HW (so on Wed 2/1). Note there are several ER's due on 2/1.
Do the WG homework before the ER homeworks.
Staple all homeworks due today in order listed below.
Always order your HW's as listed on this web page. Thanks!
WG Writing Guidelines (WG).

Read the 2 Handouts (which are posted on the Handout page and were distributed in class):

To Hand In Must be hand written.
Basically, some kind of evidence that you did this assignment. Handwrite each of the 14 Writing Guidelines (WG's). Under each WG, take some notes. Your notes can just be in the form of student notetaking (so handwritten and need not use complete senetences). You can just jot down items you do not want to forget. Be sure to have at least 1 take-aways/noted-items for each lesson.

1.2.5A For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.2.5B For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.1.5 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
Staple all homeworks due today in order listed below.
2.2 Study Guide Homework for this section.
2.3 Study Guide Homework for this section.
1.2.7A For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.2.7B For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.2.13B For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
1.2.13C For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
Staple all homeworks due today in order listed below.
2.4 Study Guide Homework for this section.
2.1.13 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.1.14CDI For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
Most students did well on the truth tables (ER 2.1.5). If you want more practice see these 9 Truth Table Practice Exercises. You can come to my office and together we can work some of the even numbered exercises. Solutions to the odd numbered exercises are given on the handout. Nothing to hand in but Truth Tables are usually on an exam.
Staple all homeworks due today in order listed below.
2.2.3FH For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.2.6 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.2.13 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.3.1+2 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.3.4D For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.3.7 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
Staple all homeworks due today in order listed below.
2.3.91 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.4.2E For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
On page 2 (Example 1) of you copy of the handout §2.4: Quantifiers and Negation, write out part a (but not part b). This Example 1 is important for the exam and we will go over it in class so in class be sure to ask questions if what you wrote differs from what we write in class. (Not to hand in.)
Staple all homeworks due today in order listed below.
2.4.2&1 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.4.3D For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.4.14AEF For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.4.91 For the variant/hints, see the PDF file. To LaTex the ER, load this LaTex file to Overleaf.
2.5 Take advantage of this Chapter Summary. Nothing to hand in.
Exam 1 is Wednesday March 1 .
the sooner the better Study for

Exam 1:

Ch. 1
Ch 2

See Study Suggestions and Details for Exam 1, which included
  • dates,
  • material covered,
  • sample formatting of proof problems,
  • highly recommended Practice Proof Problems (along with hints/solutions).
Feel free to use Piazza to form study groups to go over the practice problems.