Math 300
Instructions for
Study Guide Homework
The class will have some components of a "flip class".
As USC's Center for Teaching Excellence explains:
Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach in which students gain first-exposure learning of course material outside of class,
often through readings or lecture videos. Instructors then engage students during class meetings in more complex application, problem-solving or analysis.
In other words, students do less complex cognitive work (memorization, comprehension) on their own time.
They then participate in hands-on activities and discussions in class. This approach helps move students to higher levels of learning.
Prior to the initial lecture on a textbook section,
you will read the section and answer the
(usually about 4) Focus Questions
from that section's
Study Guide⊕.
Thus before class you obtain a base knowledge through your reading,
being guided by the focus questions, so that in class we can
move deeper into the material.
You are encouraged to do the whole Study Guide but all you need to hand in is the Focus Questions part.
Study Guide (SG) Instructions
Read the assigned section in the textbook.
Then for that section
answer all of the (usually about 4) Focus Questions
from that section's Study Guides⊕.
You should handwrite your SG HW. Write legibly and work neatly.
Scratched out work is not acceptable so
(earseable) pencil is highly suggested.
You may handwrite on a tablet (no copy/cut/paste-ing of text)
and then print your SG HW.
To discourage copy/cut/paste-ing (thus not reading thoroughly),
you may not use a word processor
(e.g., Word, LaTex).
Do your homework on one side of a piece of paper.
Do not do write your homework back-to-back.
Homework written on back side will NOT be graded and will receive a zero!
Use 8.5''x11'' paper that is either lined or blank and is either white or yellow. (No frizzy edges please).
Do the Focus Questions in the order in which they are given.
Copy the statement of a Focus Question.
Below the statement of a Focus Question,
answer the question, using complete sentences and proper English.
Once you finish answering all the Focus Questions, see
to turn in a collection of Progress Checks.
Your Study Guide Homeworks will provide you with material to help study for exams.
Thus it is just fine to leave a note to yourself while answering the question, such as
I think it means (be sure I ask about this in class) that ...
and then clarify in class.
Study Guide Homework will be graded on whether or not they indicated
you actively and thoroughly read the section.
Your answers are not expect to be "exam-ready" yet.
Some handy links
Textbook :
Mathematical Reasoning. Writing and Proof by Ted Sundstrom (either Version 3 or Version 2.1) |
Version 3: |
PDF of Book⊕ |
Study Guides
(has Focus Questions) |
The difference
between Versions 2.1 and 3 is extremely minimal so either version is fine.
If you want a hard copy of the book, please note that either Version 3 or Version 2.1 will do (but not Version 2).
Version 2.1: |
PDF of Book Dated April 13, 2018 |
We will not be using Version 2.1's Study Guides.. |
Findable from URL: