FORTRAN77 Source Codes

Most of these FORTRAN77 codes will no longer be updated or maintained.

  1. analemma, a program which evaluates the equation of time, a formula for the difference between the uniform 24 hour day and the actual position of the sun, creating data files that can be plotted with gnuplot, based on a C program by Brian Tung.
  2. args, a program which reports the command line arguments of a FORTRAN77 program;
  3. asa005, a library which evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 5;
  4. asa006, a library which computes the Cholesky factor of a positive definite symmetric matrix; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 6;
  5. asa007, a library which computes the inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 7;
  6. asa032, a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 32;
  7. asa047, a library which minimizes a scalar function of several variables using the Nelder-Mead algorithm; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 47;
  8. asa058, a library which carries out clustering of data; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 58;
  9. asa063, a library which evaluates the incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 63;
  10. asa066, a library which computes the cumulative density function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 66;
  11. asa076, a library which evaluates Owen's T function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 76;
  12. asa091, a library which computes the percentage points of the Chi-square distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 91;
  13. asa103, a library which evaluates the digamma or psi function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 103;
  14. asa109, a library which inverts the incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 109;
  15. asa111, a library which evaluates the percentage points of the normal distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 111;
  16. asa113, a library which clusters data using the Banfield and Bassill transfer and swap algorithm; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 113;
  17. asa121, a library which evaluates the trigamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 121;
  18. asa136, a library which clusters data using the Hartigan and Wong K-means algorithm; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 136;
  19. asa144, a library which randomly generates tables with given row and column sums; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 144;
  20. asa147, a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 147;
  21. asa152, a library which evaluates point and cumulative probabilities associated with the hypergeometric distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 152;
  22. asa159, a library which generates a table with given row and column sums; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 159;
  23. asa172, a library which simulates the generation of a set of multi-indices by nested DO-Loops; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 172;
  24. asa183, a library which implements the Wichman-Hill random number generator (RNG); this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 183;
  25. asa189, a library which estimates the parameters of a beta binomial distribution based on a sample of values generated by the distribution, by D Smith; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 189;
  26. asa205, a library which generates tables with given row and column sums; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 205;
  27. asa226, a library which evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 226;
  28. asa239, a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 239;
  29. asa241, a library which computes the inverse of the normal cumulative density function (CDF); this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 241;
  30. asa243, a library which evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 243;
  31. asa245, a library which evaluates the logarithm of the Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 245;
  32. asa266, a library which evaluates various properties of the Dirichlet probability density function (PDF); this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 266;
  33. asa299, a library which computes the lattice points (integer coordinates) in an M-dimensional simplex; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 299;
  34. asa310, a library which evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 310;
  35. asa314, a library which computes the inverse of a matrix whose elements are subject to modulo arithmetic, by Roger Payne. This is a FORTRAN77 version of Applied Statistics Algorithm 314.
  36. backtrack_binary_rc, a library which carries out a backtrack search for a set of binary decisions, using reverse communication.
  37. ball_grid, a library which computes grid points inside a 3D ball.
  38. ball_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit ball in 3D.
  39. ball_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals of a function over the interior of the unit ball in 3D;
  40. band_qr, a library which computes the QR factorization of a banded matrix, and can solve related linear systems, by Alfredo Remon, Enrique Quintana-Orti, Gregorio Quintana-Orti.
  41. barycentric_interp_1d, a library which defines and evaluates the barycentric Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates a set of data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i). The barycentric approach means that very high degree polynomials can safely be used.
  42. bdmlib, a library which estimates the weights in a Dirichlet mixtured based on sample data;
  43. bellman_ford, a library which implements the Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding the shortest distance from a given node to all other nodes in a directed graph whose edges have been assigned real-valued lengths.
  44. bernstein_polynomial, a library which evaluates the Bernstein polynomials;
  45. beta_nc, a library which evaluates the cumulative density function (CDF) of the noncentral Beta distribution;
  46. bins, a library which orders, sorts and searches data using bins;
  47. bisection_integer, a library which seeks an integer solution to the equation F(X)=0, using bisection within a user-supplied change of sign interval [A,B].
  48. bisection_rc, a library which seeks a solution to the equation F(X)=0 using bisection within a user-supplied change of sign interval [A,B]. The procedure is written using reverse communication.
  49. black_scholes, a library which implements some simple approaches to the Black-Scholes option valuation theory, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot, by Desmond Higham.
  50. blas, a library which contains the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) for level 1, 2 and 3, for single and double precision, and for real and complex arithmetic.
  51. blas0, a library which contains auxilliary functions for the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS).
  52. blas1_c, a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for vector-vector operations using single precision complex arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
  53. blas1_d, a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for vector-vector operations using double precision real arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
  54. blas1_s, a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for vector-vector operations using single precision real arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
  55. blas1_z, a library which constitutes the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for vector-vector operations using double precision complex arithmetic, by Charles Lawson, Richard Hanson, David Kincaid, Fred Krogh.
  56. blas2_c, a library which constitutes the Level 2 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-vector operations using single precision complex arithmetic.
  57. blas2_d, a library which constitutes the Level 2 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-vector operations using double precision real arithmetic.
  58. blas2_s, a library which constitutes the Level 2 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-vector operations using single precision real arithmetic.
  59. blas2_z, a library which constitutes the Level 2 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-vector operations using double precision complex arithmetic.
  60. blas3_c, a library which constitutes the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-matrix operations using single precision complex arithmetic.
  61. blas3_d, a library which constitutes the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-matrix operations using double precision real arithmetic.
  62. blas3_s, a library which constitutes the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-matrix operations using single precision real arithmetic.
  63. blas3_z, a library which constitutes the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), for matrix-matrix operations using double precision complex arithmetic.
  64. blend, a library which carries out 1D/2D/3D blending interpolation;
  65. box_behnken, a library which computes a Box-Behnken design, that is, a set of arguments to sample the behavior of a function of multiple parameters;
  66. brent, a library which contains routines for finding zeroes or minima of a scalar function of a scalar variable, without the use of derivative information, by Richard Brent.
  67. brent_test
  68. brent_original, a library which contains routines for finding zeroes or minima of a scalar function of a scalar variable, without the use of derivative information, in the original format, by Richard Brent.
  69. brent_original_test
  70. brownian_motion_simulation, a library which simulates Brownian motion in an M-dimensional region, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  71. burgers_solution, a library which evaluates an exact solution of the time-dependent 1D viscous Burgers equation.
  72. bvec, a library which demonstrates how signed integers can be stored as binary vectors, and arithmetic can be performed on them.
  73. bvls, a library which applies least squares methods to solve a linear system for which lower and upper constraints may have been placed on every variable, by Charles Lawson and Richard Hanson.
  74. bvpsol, a library which solves a highly nonlinear two point boundary value problem (BVP) using a local linear solver (condensing algorithm) or a global sparse linear solver for the solution of the arising linear subproblems, by Peter Deuflhard, Georg Bader, Lutz Weimann.
  75. c4lib, a library which implements certain elementary functions for single precision complex variables;
  76. c8lib, a library which implements certain elementary functions for double precision complex variables;
  77. cauchy_principal_value, a library which uses Gauss-Legendre quadrature to estimate the Cauchy Principal Value (CPV) of certain singular integrals.
  78. cc_io a library which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Compressed Column (CC) format.
  79. cc_to_st a library which converts a sparse matrix from compressed column (CC) to sparse triplet (ST) format.
  80. ccn_rule, a program which defines a one of a sequence of nested Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rules of any order.
  81. cell, a library which defines a cell array, a generalization of an array which can compactly store and retrieve vector or matrix data of varying size, such as the rows of a triangular matrix.
  82. cellular_automaton, a program which demonstrates the 1D Cellular Automaton known as rule #30.
  83. cg, a library which implements a simple version of the conjugate gradient (CG) method for solving a system of linear equations of the form A*x=b, suitable for situations in which the matrix A is positive definite (only real, positive eigenvalues) and symmetric.
  84. cg_plus, a library which implements the conjugate gradient method for the minimization of a scalar functional;
  85. cg_rc, a library which implements the conjugate gradient method for solving a positive definite sparse linear system A*x=b, using reverse communication.
  86. change_making, a library which considers the change making problem, in which a given sum is to be formed using coins of various denominations.
  87. chebyshev, a library which computes the Chebyshev interpolant/approximant to a given function over an interval.
  88. chebyshev_interp_1d, a library which determines the combination of Chebyshev polynomials which interpolates a set of data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
  89. chebyshev_polynomial, a library which considers the Chebyshev polynomials T(i,x), U(i,x), V(i,x) and W(i,x). Functions are provided to evaluate the polynomials, determine their zeros, produce their polynomial coefficients, produce related quadrature rules, project other functions onto these polynomial bases, and integrate double and triple products of the polynomials.
  90. chebyshev_series, a library which can evaluate a Chebyshev series approximating a function f(x), while efficiently computing one, two or three derivatives of the series, which approximate f'(x), f''(x), and f'''(x), by Manfred Zimmer.
  91. chrpak, a library which can be used to analyze and manipulate character strings;
  92. circle_arc_grid, a program which computes grid points along a circular arc.
  93. circle_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the circumference of the unit circle in 2D.
  94. circle_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function along the circumference of the unit circle in 2D;
  95. circle_rule, a library which computes quadrature rules for the unit circle in 2D, that is, the circumference of the circle of radius 1 and center (0,0).
  96. circle_segment, a library which carries out computations associated with a circle segment, including height, angle, area, centroid, sampling, and quadrature, creating some graphics images using gnuplot.
  97. clenshaw_curtis_rule, a program which implements a Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rule;
  98. colnew, a library which solves a system of boundary value problems (BVP's), a mixed-order system of ordinary differential equations (ODE's) subject to separated, multipoint boundary conditions, using collocation at Gaussian points, by Uri Ascher and Georg Bader.
  99. colored_noise, a library which generates samples of noise obeying a 1/f^alpha power law.
  100. combination_lock, a program which simulates the process of determining the secret combination of a lock.
  101. combo, a library which includes routines for ranking, unranking, enumerating and randomly selecting balanced sequences, cycles, graphs, Gray codes, subsets, partitions, permutations, restricted growth functions, Pruefer codes and trees.
  102. communicator_mpi, a program which creates new communicators involving a subset of initial set of MPI processes in the default communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD.
  103. compass_search, a library which seeks the minimizer of a scalar function of several variables using compass search, a direct search algorithm that does not use derivatives.
  104. complex_numbers, a program which demonstrates some simple features involved in the use of complex numbers in FORTRAN77 programming.
  105. condition, a library which implements methods of computing or estimating the condition number of a matrix.
  106. cordic, a library which computes a few special functions using the CORDIC algorithm.
  107. correlation, a library which contains examples of statistical correlation functions.
  108. cube_arbq_rule, a library which returns quadrature rules, with exactness up to total degree 15, over the interior of the symmetric cube in 3D, by Hong Xiao and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
  109. cube_exactness, a library which investigates the polynomial exactness of quadrature rules over the interior of a cube in 3D.
  110. cube_felippa_rule, a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a cube in 3D.
  111. cube_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a cube in 3D.
  112. cube_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit cube in 3D.
  113. cube_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit cube in 3D.
  114. cwg_ode, a library which contains three ODE solvers by William Gear.
  115. cycle_brent, a library which carries out an iterated function evaluation, and seeks to determine the nearest element of a cycle, and the cycle's length, using Brent's method.
  116. cycle_floyd, a library which carries out an iterated function evaluation, and seeks to determine the nearest element of a cycle, and the cycle's length, using Floyd's method.
  117. cyclic_reduction, a library which solves a tridiagonal linear system using cyclic reduction;
  118. diaphony, a program which reads a file of N points in M dimensions and computes its diaphony, a measure of point dispersion.
  119. differ, determines the finite difference coefficients necessary in order to combine function values at known locations to compute an approximation of given accuracy to a derivative of a given order.
  120. dijkstra, a library which implements a simple version of Dijkstra's minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
  121. dijkstra_openmp, a program which uses OpenMP to parallelize a simple example of Dijkstra's minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
  122. disk_grid, a library which computes grid points within the interior of a disk of user specified radius and center in 2D, using GNUPLOT to create an image of the grid.
  123. disk01_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit disk in 2D.
  124. disk01_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals of a function over the interior of the unit disk in 2D;
  125. disk01_rule, a library which computes quadrature rules for the unit disk in 2D, that is, the interior of the circle of radius 1 and center (0,0).
  126. divdif, a library which interpolates data using divided difference tables;
  127. dlap_io, a library which reads and writes DLAP sparse matrix files;
  128. doomsday, a library which is given the year, month and day of a date, and uses John Conway's doomsday algorithm to determine the corresponding day of the week.
  129. dqed, a library which solves bounded and constrained least squares problems and systems of nonlinear equations;
  130. duel_simulation, a program which simulates N repetitions of a duel between two players, each of whom has a known firing accuracy.
  131. edge, a library which defines some test functions in 1D, 2D and 3D for the detection of edges or discontinuities, and using GNUPLOT to display the curves or surfaces.
  132. eispack, a library which carries out eigenvalue computations; superseded by LAPACK;
  133. eispack_test
  134. ellipse_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of an ellipse in 2D.
  135. ellipse_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate the value of integrals over the interior of an ellipse in 2D.
  136. ellipsoid_grid, a library which computes a grid points over the interior of an ellipsoid in 3D.
  137. ellipsoid_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate the value of integrals over the interior of an ellipsoid in M dimensions.
  138. elliptic_integral, a library which evaluates complete elliptic integrals of first, second and third kind, using Carlson's elliptic integral functions.
  139. exactness, a library which investigates the exactness of quadrature rules that estimate the integral of a function with a density, such as 1, exp(-x) or exp(-x^2), over an interval such as [-1,+1], [0,+oo) or (-oo,+oo).
  140. expokit, a library which solves various forms of the matrix exponential problem, by Roger Sidje.
  141. f77, examples which illustrate features of FORTRAN77;
  142. f77_calls_c, programs which illustrate how a FORTRAN77 program can call a C function.
  143. f77_calls_c++, programs which illustrate how a FORTRAN77 program can call a C++ function.
  144. f77_calls_matlab, programs which illustrate how a FORTRAN77 program can interact with MATLAB;
  145. f77_condor, programs which illustrate how a FORTRAN77 program can be run in batch mode using the condor queueing system.
  146. f77_intrinsics, examples which illustrate the use of some of the intrinsic functions included with the F77 standard language;
  147. f77_mistake, programs which illustrate some simple but devious programming mistakes in FORTRAN77.
  148. f77_return, programs which illustrates how a FORTRAN77 program can return a program status value to the calling environment.
  149. fair_dice_simulation, a program which simulates N tosses of 2 dice, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  150. fd_predator_prey, a program which solves a pair of predator prey ordinary differential equations (ODE's) using a finite difference approximation.
  151. fd1d_advection_diffusion_steady, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the steady advection diffusion equation v*ux-k*uxx=0 in one spatial dimension, with constant velocity v and diffusivity k, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  152. fd1d_advection_ftcs, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent advection equation ut = - c * ux in one spatial dimension, with a constant velocity, using the FTCS method, forward time difference, centered space difference, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  153. fd1d_advection_lax, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent advection equation ut = - c * ux in one spatial dimension, with a constant velocity, using the Lax method to approximate the time derivative, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  154. fd1d_advection_lax_wendroff, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent advection equation ut = - c * ux in one spatial dimension, with a constant velocity, using the Lax-Wendroff method to approximate the time derivative, writing graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  155. fd1d_burgers_lax, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) and the Lax Wendroff method to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.
  156. fd1d_burgers_leap, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) and the leapfrog approach to solve the non-viscous time-dependent Burgers equation in one spatial dimension.
  157. fd1d_bvp, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to a two point boundary value problem (BVP) in one spatial dimension.
  158. fd1d_heat_explicit, a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM), explicit in time, of the time dependent 1D heat equation;
  159. fd1d_heat_implicit, a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM), implicit in time, of the time dependent 1D heat equation;
  160. fd1d_heat_steady, a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM) for the steady (time independent) 1D heat equation;
  161. fd1d_predator_prey, a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM) for a 1D predator-prey system;
  162. fd1d_wave, a program which applies the finite difference method (FDM) to solve the time-dependent wave equation utt = c * uxx in one spatial dimension.
  163. fd2d_heat_steady, a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM) for the steady (time independent) 2D heat equation;
  164. fem_basis, a library which can define and evaluate basis functions associated with the finite element method (FEM) for any degree in an M-dimensional simplex (1D interval, 2D triangle, 3D tetrahedron, and higher dimensional generalizations.)
  165. fem_io, a library which reads or writes FEM files, which describe the nodes, elements, and function values associated with a finite element method (FEM) model;
  166. fem_to_gmsh, a program which reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 1D, 2D or 3D mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a Gmsh mesh file.
  167. fem_to_medit, a program which reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 2D mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding MEDIT mesh file.
  168. fem_to_triangle, a program which reads FEM files defining a 2D mesh of triangles, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding pair of node and element files for use by Jonathan Shewchuk's triangle program.
  169. fem_to_xml, reads a pair of FEM files defining node coordinates and elements, of a 1D, 2D or 3D mesh, namely a file of node coordinates and a file of elements defined by node indices, and creates a corresponding XML file for input to DOLFIN or FENICS.
  170. fem1d, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
  171. fem1d_adaptive, a program which uses an adaptive mesh when applying the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
  172. fem1d_bvp_linear, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear elements, to a two point boundary value problem (BVP) in one spatial dimension.
  173. fem1d_bvp_quadratic, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise quadratic elements, to a two point boundary value problem (BVP) in one spatial dimension, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
  174. fem1d_heat_steady, a program which implements the finite element method (FEM) for the steady (time independent) 1D heat equation;
  175. fem1d_lagrange, a library which sets up the matrices and vectors associated with the finite element method (FEM) solution of a boundary value problem (BVP) -u''+u=f(x), using Lagrange basis polynomials.
  176. fem1d_nonlinear, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear basis functions, to a nonlinear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
  177. fem1d_oden, a library which implements a 1D finite element method (FEM) calculation.
  178. fem1d_pack, a library which contains utilities for 1D finite element method (FEM) calculations.
  179. fem1d_pmethod, a program which applies the p-method version of the finite element method (FEM) to a linear two point boundary value problem (BVP) in 1D;
  180. fem1d_project, a program which projects data into a finite element space, including the least squares approximation of data, or the projection of a finite element solution from one mesh to another.
  181. fem1d_sample, a program which samples a scalar or vector finite element function of one variable, defined by a set of files in FEM format, returning interpolated values at the sample points.
  182. fem2d_bvp_linear, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise linear elements, to a 2D boundary value problem (BVP) in a rectangle, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
  183. fem2d_bvp_quadratic, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with piecewise quadratic elements, to a 2D boundary value problem (BVP) in a rectangle, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
  184. fem2d_bvp_serene, a program which applies the finite element method (FEM), with serendipity elements, to a 2D boundary value problem (BVP) in a rectangle, and compares the computed and exact solutions with the L2 and seminorm errors.
  185. fem2d_oden, a library which implements a 2D calculations for the finite element method (FEM);
  186. fem2d_pack, a library which implements simple 2D calculations for the finite element method (FEM);
  187. fem2d_poisson_rectangle, a program which solves the 2D Poisson equation on a rectangle, using the finite element method (FEM), and piecewise quadratic triangular elements.
  188. fem2d_poisson_rectangle_linear, a program which solves the 2D Poisson equation on a rectangle, using the finite element method (FEM), and piecewise linear triangular elements.
  189. fem2d_sample, a program which samples a finite element function, defined by FEM files, (three text files describing the nodes, triangles, and coefficients); at arbitrary points.
  190. feynman_kac_1d, a program which demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in a 1D interval by averaging stochastic paths to the boundary.
  191. feynman_kac_2d, a program which demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in a 2D ellipse by averaging stochastic paths to the boundary.
  192. feynman_kac_3d, a program which demonstrates the use of the Feynman-Kac algorithm to solve Poisson's equation in a 3D ellipsoid by averaging stochastic paths to the boundary.
  193. fft_openmp, a program which demonstrates the computation of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in parallel, using OpenMP.
  194. fft_serial, a program which computes a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and is intended as a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
  195. fftpack5, a library which contains version 5 of the FFTPACK Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) package by Paul Swarztrauber and Dick Valent;
  196. fftpack5.1, a library which contains version 5.1 of the FFTPACK Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) package by Paul Swarztrauber and Dick Valent;
  197. fftw, examples which illustrate the use of the FFTW Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) package, by Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson.
  198. file_name_sequence, a program which demonstrates ways to generate a sequence of filenames, which can be useful when generating a sequence of still snapshots to be animated later.
  199. files_multiple, a program which demonstrates how a program can open multiple output files at one time, and write data to any one specific file it chooses.
  200. filon, a library which can approximate integrals in which the integrand includes an oscillatory factor of sin(k*x) or cos(k*x).
  201. filum, a library which performs various operations on files;
  202. fire_serial, a program which simulates a forest fire over a rectangular array of trees, starting at a single random location. It is intended as a starting point for the development of a parallel version.
  203. floyd, a library which implements Floyd's algorithm for finding the shortest distance between pairs of nodes on a directed graph.
  204. fmm2d, a library which implements the fast multipole method, by Leslie Greengard and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
  205. fn, a library which evaluates elementary and special functions, by Wayne Fullerton.
  206. freefem++_msh_io, a library which can read and write files used by the FreeFem++ finite element program to store mesh information.
  207. gdb, an example directory of programs which illustrate the use of the gnu debugger program on a FORTRAN77 program;
  208. geometry, a library which carries out a number of 2D/3D geometric calculations;
  209. geqp3, a library which contains the portion of the LAPACK library that carries out the QR factorization, with column pivoting, of an M by N rectangular matrix, with N <= M.
  210. gfortran, examples which investigate the use of the Gnu GFORTRAN compiler for FORTRAN77.
  211. gfortran_intrinsics, a program which illustrates the use of some of the intrinsic functions included by the Gnu GFORTRAN compiler, above and beyond those specified in the FORTRAN77 language standards.
  212. gfortran_quadmath, a program which illustrates the use of quadruple precision real arithmetic, as provided on some systems by the Gnu GFORTRAN compiler for FORTRAN77.
  213. gmsh_io, a library which can read or write some of the files created by the Gmsh program for 1D, 2D or 3D meshes used by the finite element method (FEM).
  214. gmsh_to_fem, a program which reads a mesh data file created by the GMSH program and writes a pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
  215. gnufor, a library which provides an interface between a program and the gnuplot graphics library.
  216. gnuplot, programs which illustrate how a program can write data and command files so that gnuplot can create plots of the program results.
  217. gprof_test, examples which illustrate the use of the GPROF program performance monitor;
  218. graphics_examples, programs which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically.
  219. haar, a library which computes the Haar transform of data.
  220. hb_read, a library which reads files in the Harwell Boeing (HB) sparse matrix format; This is a simplified interface intended to handle only the most common format, complex unsymmetric assembled (CUA) or real unsymmetric assembled (RUA).
  221. hb_to_st, a program which reads a sparse matrix in a Harwell-Boeing (HB) file and writes an equivalent Sparse Triplet (ST) file.
  222. hcell, a program which solves the time-dependent 2D incompressible Navier Stokes equations in an H-shaped region.
  223. hcell_steady, a program which solves the time-independent or "steady" 2D incompressible Navier Stokes equations in an H-shaped region, by Hyung-Chun Lee.
  224. heat_mpi, a program which solves the 1D time dependent heat equation using MPI.
  225. heated_plate, a program which solves the steady state heat equation in a 2D rectangular region, and is intended as a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
  226. heated_plate_openmp, a program which solves the steady (time independent) heat equation in a 2D rectangular region, using OpenMP to run in parallel.
  227. hello, a program which prints out "Hello, world!".
  228. hello_mpi, a program which prints out "Hello, world!" using MPI for parallel programming.
  229. hello_openmp, a program which prints out "Hello, world!" within the OpenMP parallel programming environment.
  230. hermite, a library which computes the Hermite interpolant, a polynomial that matches function values and derivatives.
  231. hermite_cubic, a library which can compute the value, derivatives or integral of a Hermite cubic polynomial, or manipulate an interpolating function made up of piecewise Hermite cubic polynomials.
  232. hermite_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules to estimate the integral of f(x) with density exp(-x^2) over the interval (-oo,+oo).
  233. hermite_polynomial, a library which evaluates the physicist's Hermite polynomial, the probabilist's Hermite polynomial, the Hermite function, and related functions.
  234. hermite_product_polynomial, a library which defines Hermite product polynomials, creating a multivariate polynomial as the product of univariate Hermite polynomials.
  235. hermite_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule of given order.
  236. hermite_test_int, a library which defines test integrands for Hermite integrals with density exp(-x^2) over the interval (-oo,+oo).
  237. high_card_simulation, a program which simulates a situation in which you see the cards in a deck one by one, and must select the one you think is the highest and stop; the program uses GNUPLOT to create a graph of the results.
  238. histogram_data_2d_sample, a program which demonstrates how to construct a Probability Density Function (PDF) from sample data over a 2D domain, and then to use that PDF to create new samples.
  239. hyperball_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit hyperball in M dimensions.
  240. hyperball_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit ball in M dimensions;
  241. hyperball_volume_monte_carlo, a program which applies a Monte Carlo procedure to estimate the volume of the unit ball in M dimensions;
  242. hypercube_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of the unit hypercube in M dimensions.
  243. hypercube_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a hypercube in M dimensions.
  244. hypercube_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit hypercube in M dimensions.
  245. hypercube_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit hypercube in M dimensions.
  246. hypersphere, a library which carries out various operations for an M dimensional hypersphere, including converting between Cartesian and spherical coordinates, stereographic projection, sampling the surface of the sphere, and computing the surface area and volume.
  247. hypersphere_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the surface of the unit hypersphere in M dimensions.
  248. hypersphere_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function on the surface of the unit sphere in M dimensions;
  249. hypersphere_properties, a library which carries out various operations for an M dimensional hypersphere, including converting between Cartesian and spherical coordinates, stereographic projection, sampling the surface of the sphere, and computing the surface area and volume.
  250. i4lib, a library which contains many utility routines, using "I4" or "single precision integer" arithmetic.
  251. i8lib, a library which contains many utility routines, using "I8" or "double precision integer" arithmetic.
  252. image_components, a library which seeks the connected nonzero or nonblack components of an image or integer array.
  253. image_denoise, a library which applies simple filtering operations to a noisy image.
  254. image_edge, a library which demonstrates a simple procedure for edge detection in images.
  255. index, a library which converts a multidimensional vector index to a one-dimensional vector index; it can handle zero and one based indexing schemes, as well as column major and row major conventions.
  256. inout a program which solves the time-dependent Navier Stokes equations in the "INOUT" region, by Hyung-Chun Lee.
  257. interp, a library which can be used for parameterizing and interpolating data;
  258. ising_2d_simulation, a program which simulates the evolution of a 2D array of positive and negative charges, each of which is likely to "flip" to be in agreement with neighbors.
  259. jacobi, a library which implements the Jacobi iteration for the iterative solution of linear systems.
  260. jacobi_eigenvalue, a library which implements the Jacobi iteration for the iterative determination of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix.
  261. jacobi_polynomial, a library which evaluates the Jacobi polynomial and associated functions.
  262. kmedian, a program which solves the K-Median problem, by G Cornuejols, M L Fisher, G L Nemhauser.
  263. knapsack, a library which solves a variety of knapsack problems, by Silvano Martelo and Paolo Toth.
  264. knapsack_01, a library which uses brute force to solve small versions of the 0/1 knapsack problem;
  265. kronrod, a library which can compute a Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod pair of quadrature rules of arbitrary order, by Robert Piessens, Maria Branders.
  266. lagrange_approx_1d, a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) of degree m which approximates a set of nd data points (x(i),y(i)).
  267. lagrange_interp_1d, a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates a set of data depending on a 1D argument, so that p(x(i)) = y(i).
  268. lagrange_interp_2d, a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x,y) which interpolates a set of data depending on a 2D argument that was evaluated on a product grid, so that p(x(i),y(j)) = z(i,j).
  269. lagrange_interp_nd, a library which defines and evaluates the Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates a set of data depending on a multidimensional argument that was evaluated on a product grid, so that p(x(i)) = z(i).
  270. laguerre_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules for estimating the integral of a function with density exp(-x) over the interval [0,+oo).
  271. laguerre_polynomial, a library which evaluates the Laguerre polynomial, the generalized Laguerre polynomials, and the Laguerre function.
  272. laguerre_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule for estimating the integral of a function with density exp(-x) over the interval [0,+oo).
  273. laguerre_test_int, a library which implements test problems for quadrature rules for estimating the integral of a function with density exp(-x) over the interval [0,+oo).
  274. lapack_eigen_test, a program which tests some of the LAPACK eigenvalue functions.
  275. lapack_examples, a program which demonstrates the use of the LAPACK linear algebra library.
  276. lapack_examples_osx, a program which demonstrates the use of the precompiled LAPACK linear algebra library available on Macintosh OSX systems, using the "-framework veclib" compiler option.
  277. laplacian, a library which carries out computations related to the discrete Laplacian operator, including full or sparse evaluation, evaluation for unequally spaced data sampling points, application to a set of data samples, solution of associated linear systems, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and extension to 2D and 3D geometry.
  278. latin_cover, a library which produces N Latin squares which cover an NxN square, or NxN Latin cubes which cover an NxNxN cube.
  279. latin_random, a library which produces N points in an M-dimensional Latin Random Hypercube.
  280. latinize, a library which adjusts N points in M dimensions to form a Latin hypercube.
  281. lawson, a library which contains routines for solving least squares problems and the singular value decomposition (SVD), by Lawson and Hanson.
  282. lebesgue, a library which is given a set of nodes in 1D, and plots the Lebesgue function, and estimates the Lebesgue constant, which measures the maximum magnitude of the potential error of Lagrange polynomial interpolation.
  283. legendre_exactness, a program which tests the monomial exactness of quadrature rules for the Legendre problem of integrating a function with density 1 over the interval [-1,+1].
  284. legendre_polynomial, a library which evaluates the Legendre polynomial and associated functions.
  285. legendre_product_polynomial, a library which defines Legendre product polynomials, creating a multivariate polynomial as the product of univariate Legendre polynomials.
  286. legendre_rule, a program which writes out a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule of given order.
  287. legendre_rule_fast, a program which uses a fast (order N) algorithm to compute a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule of given order.
  288. life_serial, a program which computes a few steps of the evolution of John Conway's Game of Life, intended as a starting point for implementing a parallel version.
  289. line_cvt_lloyd, a library which applies Lloyd's iteration repeatedly to a set of N points, to compute a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
  290. line_fekete_rule, a library which estimates the location of N Fekete points, for polynomial interpolation or quadrature, over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
  291. line_felippa_rule, a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
  292. line_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
  293. line_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the length of the unit line in 1D.
  294. line_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the length of the unit line in 1D.
  295. line_ncc_rule, a library which computes a Newton Cotes Closed (NCC) quadrature rule, using equally spaced points, over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
  296. line_nco_rule, a library which computes a Newton Cotes Open (NCO) quadrature rule, using equally spaced points, over the interior of a line segment in 1D.
  297. linpack, a library which solves linear systems for a variety of matrix storage schemes, real or complex arithmetic, and single or double precision. It includes a routine for computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix. The original version of this library is by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
  298. linpack_bench, a program which carries out the LINPACK benchmark;
  299. linpack_c, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library for single precision complex arithmetic; it includes a function for the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix. The original version of this library is by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
  300. linpack_d, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library for double precision real arithmetic; it includes a function for the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix. The original version of this library is by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
  301. linpack_s, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library; for single precision real arithmetic; it includes a function for the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix. The original version of this library is by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
  302. linpack_z, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library for double precision complex arithmetic; it includes a function for the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix. The original version of this library is by Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart.
  303. linplus, a library which carries out operations such as matrix-vector products, matrix factorization, direct and iterative linear solvers for matrices in a variety of formats, including banded, border-banded, circulant, lower triangular, pentadiagonal, sparse, symmetric, toeplitz, tridiagonal, upper triangular and vandermonde formats.
  304. llsq, a library which solves the simple linear least squares problem of finding the formula of a straight line y=a*x+b which minimizes the root-mean-square error to a set of N data points.
  305. lobatto_polynomial, a library which evaluates Lobatto polynomials similar to Legendre polynomials except that they are 0 at both endpoints.
  306. lorenz_ode, a program which approximates solutions to the Lorenz system, creating output files that can be displayed by Gnuplot.
  307. machar, a library which computes the values of various machine characteristic constants;
  308. machine, a library which returns tabulated values of machine constants;
  309. makefiles, examples which illustrate the use of MAKEFILES for maintaining a software project;
  310. mandelbrot, a program which generates an ASCII PPM image of the Mandelbrot set;
  311. mandelbrot_openmp, a program which generates an ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) image of the Mandelbrot fractal set, using OpenMP for parallel execution;
  312. matman, a program which manipulates matrices;
  313. matmul, a program which carries out a matrix multiplication benchmark;
  314. matrix_exponential, a library which demonstrates some simple approaches to the problem of computing the exponential of a matrix.
  315. md, a program which carries out a molecular dynamics simulation, and is intended as a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
  316. md_openmp, a program which carries out a molecular dynamics simulation in parallel using OpenMP.
  317. medit_io, a library which can read or write files used by the MEDIT program, which can be used to define the a mesh associated with the finite element method (FEM) in 2D or 3D, using triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons or hexahedrons.
  318. medit_to_fem, a program which reads a mesh file created by the MEDIT program and writes a corresponding pair of node and element files that correspond to the FEM format.
  319. mesh_bandwidth, a program which returns the geometric bandwidth associated with a mesh of elements of any order and in a space of M dimensions.
  320. mgmres, a library which applies the restarted Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) algorithm to solve a sparse linear system, using compressed row (CR) or sparse triplet (ST) format, by Lili Ju.
  321. mgs, a library which is an example of "legacy code", which the student is encouraged to study, understand, and document. This example is due to Diane O'Leary.
  322. minpack, a library which solves linear and nonlinear least squares problems, by Jorge More, Danny Sorenson, Burton Garbow, Kenneth Hillstrom.
  323. mixed, examples which illustrate the use of mixed language programming in which the main program is written in FORTRAN77;
  324. mm_io, a library which reads or writes sparse matrices that use the Matrix Market (MM) sparse matrix file format.
  325. monomial, a library which enumerates, lists, ranks, unranks and randomizes multivariate monomials in a space of M dimensions, with total degree less than N, equal to N, or lying within a given range.
  326. monomial_value, a library which evaluates a monomial in M dimensions.
  327. monte_carlo_rule, a program which generates a dataset of N random M-dimensional points, regards it as a quadrature rule for the unit hypercube, and writes out three files of information.
  328. mpi, examples which illustrate the use of the MPI library for the parallel execution of programs;
  329. mpi_stubs, a library which may be used if a parallel program is to be compiled, loaded and run in a serial machine.
  330. multigrid_poisson_1d, a library which applies the multigrid method to a discretized version of the 1D Poisson equation.
  331. multitask_mpi, a program which demonstrates how to multitask, that is, to execute several unrelated and distinct tasks simultaneously, using MPI for parallel execution.
  332. multitask_openmp, a program which demonstrates how to multitask, that is, to execute several unrelated and distinct tasks simultaneously, using OpenMP for parallel execution.
  333. mus, a library which implements the multiple shooting method for two point boundary value problems (BVP's), for linear or nonlinear cases, by Robert Mattheij and G Staarink.
  334. mxm, a program which sets up a matrix multiplication problem A=B*C of arbitrary size, and compares the time required for IJK, IKJ, JIK, JKI, KIJ and KJI orderings of the loops.
  335. mxm_openmp, a program which computes a dense matrix product C=A*B, using OpenMP for parallel execution.
  336. mxm_serial, a program which sets up a matrix multiplication problem A=B*C, intended as a starting point for implementing a parallel version.
  337. naca, a library which can take the parameters of certain NACA airfoils and return the coordinates of a sequence of points that outline the wing shape. The points can be plotted with gnuplot.
  338. napack, a library which includes many routines for applied numerical linear algebra, by William Hager.
  339. nas, a program which runs the NASA kernel benchmark.
  340. navier_stokes_2d_exact, a library which evaluates an exact solution to the incompressible time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations over an arbitrary domain in 2D.
  341. navier_stokes_3d_exact, a library which evaluates an exact solution to the incompressible time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations over an arbitrary domain in 3D.
  342. nearest_interp_1d, a library which interpolates a set of data using a piecewise constant interpolant defined by the nearest neighbor criterion, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  343. netcdf, programs which read and write NETCDF files.
  344. newton_rc, a program which demonstrates the use of Newton's method to solve a system of nonlinear equations, using reverse communication.
  345. nintlib, a library which applies approximate integration (quadrature) in M dimensions;
  346. nl2sol, a library which implements an adaptive nonlinear least squares algorithm, by John Dennis, David Gay, Roy Welsch.
  347. nms, a library which includes a wide variety of numerical software, including solvers for linear systems of equations, interpolation of data, numerical quadrature, linear least squares data fitting, the solution of nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equations (ODE's), optimization and nonlinear least squares, simulation and random numbers, trigonometric approximation and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT).
  348. normal, a library which generates normally distributed pseudorandom numbers.
  349. nspcg, a library which carries out the iterative solution of large nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. The package includes a variety of matrix storage formats, preconditioners, and solvers.
  350. ode, a library which handles ordinary differential equations (ODE's), by Shampine and Gordon;
  351. odepack, a library which contains nine ODE solvers, including LSODE, LSODES, LSODA, LSODAR, LSODPK, LSODKR, LSODI, LSOIBT, and LSODIS, by Alan Hindmarsh.
  352. openmp, examples which illustrate the use of the use of the OpenMP interface for parallel processing on shared memory systems;
  353. openmp_stubs, a library which is a dummy implementation of the OpenMP routines, and can be used to compile, load, and run a program using OpenMP on a system which does not have OpenMP installed.
  354. optimize, a program which looks at the use of automatic optimization by the compiler to make the executable code run faster.
  355. ornstein_uhlenbeck, a library which approximates solutions of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic ordinary differential equation (SODE) using the Euler method, the Euler-Maruyama method, and the Milstein method, and creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  356. owens, a library which evaluates Owen's T function;
  357. padua, a library which returns the points and weights for Padu sets, useful for interpolation in 2D. GNUPLOT is used to make plots of the points.
  358. partition_problem, a library which seeks solutions of the partition problem, splitting a set of integers into two subsets with equal sum.
  359. patterson_rule, a program which returns the points and weights of a 1D Gauss-Patterson quadrature rule of order 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255 or 511.
  360. pbma_io, a library which reads or writes ASCII PBM 2D bit map graphics files;
  361. pce_burgers, a program which defines and solves a version of the time-dependent viscous Burgers equation, with uncertain viscosity, using a polynomial chaos expansion in terms of Hermite polynomials, by Gianluca Iaccarino.
  362. pce_ode_hermite, a program which sets up a simple scalar ordinary differential equation (ODE) for exponential decay with an uncertain decay rate, using a polynomial chaos expansion in terms of Hermite polynomials.
  363. pchip, a library which can construct a piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant to data, and carry out various related operations, by Fred Fritsch.
  364. pdflib, a library which evaluates Probability Density Functions (PDF's) and produces random samples from them, including beta, binomial, chi, exponential, gamma, inverse chi, inverse gamma, multinomial, normal, scaled inverse chi, and uniform.
  365. pgma_io, a library which reads or writes ASCII PGM 2D grayscale graphics files;
  366. piecewise_linear_product_integral, a library which calculates the exact value of the integral of the product of two piecewise linear functions F(X) and G(X).
  367. pink_noise, a library which computes a pink noise signal obeying a 1/f power law.
  368. point_merge, a library which considers N points in M dimensional space, and counts or indexes the unique or "tolerably unique" items.
  369. poisson_openmp, a program which computes an approximate solution to the Poisson equation in a rectangle, using the Jacobi iteration to solve the linear system, and OpenMP to carry out the Jacobi iteration in parallel.
  370. poisson_serial, a program which computes an approximate solution to the Poisson equation in a rectangle, and is intended as the starting point for the creation of a parallel version.
  371. poisson_simulation, a library which simulates a Poisson process in which events randomly occur with an average waiting time of Lambda, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  372. polpak, a library which evaluates special functions, recursive polynomials, and so on.
  373. polygon_grid, a library which generates a grid of points over the interior of a polygon in 2D.
  374. polygon_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of a polygon in 2D.
  375. polygon_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of a polygon in 2D.
  376. polygon_properties, a library which computes properties of an arbitrary polygon in the plane, defined by a sequence of vertices, including interior angles, area, centroid, containment of a point, convexity, diameter, distance to a point, inradius, lattice area, nearest point in set, outradius, uniform sampling.
  377. polygon_triangulate, a library which triangulates a possibly nonconvex polygon in 2D, and which can use gnuplot to display the external edges and internal diagonals of the triangulation.
  378. polynomial, a library which adds, multiplies, differentiates, evaluates and prints multivariate polynomials in a space of M dimensions.
  379. power_method, a library which carries out the power method for finding a dominant eigenvalue and its eigenvector.
  380. power_rule, a program which constructs a power rule, that is, a product quadrature rule from identical 1D factor rules.
  381. ppma_io, a library which reads or writes ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) 2D color graphics files;
  382. pppack, a library which computes piecewise polynomial interpolants and approximants, in particular, cubic splines, by Carl DeBoor.
  383. praxis, a library which minimizes a scalar function of several variables, without requiring derivative information, by Richard Brent.
  384. prime_mpi, a program which counts the number of primes between 1 and N, using MPI for parallel execution.
  385. prime_openmp, a program which counts the number of primes between 1 and N, using OpenMP for parallel execution.
  386. prime_serial, a program which counts the number of primes between 1 and N, and is intended as a starting point for a parallel version.
  387. prob, a library which evaluates, samples, inverts, and characterizes a number of Probability Density Functions (PDF's) and Cumulative Density Functions (CDF's), including anglit, arcsin, benford, birthday, bernoulli, beta_binomial, beta, binomial, bradford, burr, cardiod, cauchy, chi, chi squared, circular, cosine, deranged, dipole, dirichlet mixture, discrete, empirical, english sentence and word length, error, exponential, extreme values, f, fisk, folded normal, frechet, gamma, generalized logistic, geometric, gompertz, gumbel, half normal, hypergeometric, inverse gaussian, laplace, levy, logistic, log normal, log series, log uniform, lorentz, maxwell, multinomial, nakagami, negative binomial, normal, pareto, planck, poisson, power, quasigeometric, rayleigh, reciprocal, runs, sech, semicircular, student t, triangle, uniform, von mises, weibull, zipf.
  388. product_rule, a program which creates an M-dimensional quadrature rule from a product of distinct 1d quadrature rules;
  389. pwl_approx_1d, a library which approximates a set of data using a piecewise linear function.
  390. pwl_interp_1d, a library which interpolates a set of data using a piecewise linear function.
  391. pwl_interp_2d, a library which evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to data defined on a regular 2D grid.
  392. pwl_interp_2d_scattered, a library which evaluates a piecewise linear interpolant to data which is available at an irregularly arranged set of points.
  393. pyramid_exactness, a program which investigates the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of the unit pyramid in 3D.
  394. pyramid_felippa_rule, a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a pyramid in 3D.
  395. pyramid_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of the unit pyramid in 3D;
  396. pyramid_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit pyramid in 3D.
  397. pyramid_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals of a function over the interior of the unit pyramid in 3D;
  398. pyramid_rule, a program which computes a quadrature rule over the interior of the unit pyramid in 3D.
  399. qr_solve, a library which computes the least squares solution of a linear system A*x=b.
  400. quad_mpi, a program which applies a quadrature rule to estimate an integral, using MPI;
  401. quad_openmp, a program which applies a quadrature rule to estimate an integral over a 1D interval, using OpenMP for parallel execution;
  402. quad_serial, a program which applies a quadrature rule to estimate an integral, intended as a starting point for parallelization exercises.
  403. quad2d_openmp, a program which applies a product quadrature rule to estimate an integral over a 2D rectangle, using OpenMP for parallel execution;
  404. quad2d_serial, a program which applies a product quadrature rule to estimate an integral over a 2D rectangle, intended as a starting point for parallelization exercises.
  405. quadmom, a library which computes a Gaussian quadrature rule for a weight function rho(x) based on the Golub-Welsch procedure that only requires knowledge of the moments of rho(x).
  406. quadpack, a library which estimates integrals using numerical quadrature, by Piessens, deDoncker-Kapenga, Ueberhuber, and Kahaner.
  407. quadrature_golub_welsch, a library which computes the points and weights of a Gaussian quadrature rule using the Golub-Welsch procedure.
  408. quadrature_least_squares, a library which computes weights for sub-interpolatory quadrature rules, that is, it estimates integrals by integrating a polynomial that approximates the function data in a least squares sense.
  409. quadrature_weights_vandermonde, a library which computes the weights of a quadrature rule using the Vandermonde matrix, assuming that the points have been specified.
  410. quadrature_weights_vandermonde_2d, a library which computes the weights of a 2D quadrature rule using the Vandermonde matrix, assuming that the points have been specified.
  411. quadrule, a library which implements rules for approximate integration (quadrature) in one dimension;
  412. r4lib, a library which contains many utility routines, using "R4" or "single precision real" arithmetic.
  413. r8lib, a library which contains many utility routines, using "R8" or "double precision real" arithmetic.
  414. randlc, a library which is a random number generator (RNG) used by the NAS Benchmark programs.
  415. random_data, a library which uses a random number generator (RNG) to sample points for various probability distributions, spatial dimensions, and geometries, including the M-dimensional cube, ellipsoid, simplex and sphere.
  416. random_mpi, a program which demonstrates one way to use a random number generator (RNG) to generate the same sequence of values for both sequential execution and parallel execution under MPI.
  417. random_openmp, a program which illustrates how a parallel program using OpenMP can generate multiple distinct streams of random numbers.
  418. ranlib, a library which produces random samples from a variety of probabilistic distributions, by Brown and Lovato.
  419. rbf_interp_1d, a library which defines and evaluates radial basis function (RBF) interpolants to 1D data.
  420. rbf_interp_2d, a library which defines and evaluates radial basis function (RBF) interpolants to 2D data.
  421. rbf_interp_nd, a library which defines and evaluates radial basis function (RBF) interpolants to multidimensional data.
  422. reactor simulation, a program which is a simple Monte Carlo simulation of the shielding effect of a slab of a certain thickness in front of a neutron source. This program was provided as an example with the book "Numerical Methods and Software."
  423. ring_mpi, a program which uses the MPI parallel programming environment, and measures the time necessary to copy a set of data around a ring of processes.
  424. rk4, a library which applies the fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK) algorithm to estimate the solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) at the next time step.
  425. rkf45, a library which solves a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE's) by the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method.
  426. rnglib, a library which implements a random number generator (RNG) with splitting facilities, allowing multiple independent streams to be computed, by L'Ecuyer and Cote.
  427. sandia_cvt, a program which positions a given number of points in an arbitrary region, using probabilistic centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) techniques to achieve good coverage and separation; developed for Sandia National Laboratories;
  428. satisfy, a program which demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search for solutions of the circuit satisfiability problem.
  429. satisfy_mpi, a program which demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search for solutions of the circuit satisfiability problem, using MPI to perform the calculation in parallel.
  430. satisfy_openmp, a program which demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search for solutions of the circuit satisfiability problem, using OpenMP for parallel execution.
  431. schedule_openmp, a program which demonstrates the default, static, and dynamic methods of "scheduling" loop iterations in OpenMP to avoid work imbalance.
  432. scotch_test, a FORTRAN77 program which tests the scotch sparse matrix package.
  433. sde, a library which illustrates properties of stochastic ordinary differential equations (SODE's), and common algorithms for their analysis, including the Euler method, the Euler-Maruyama method, and the Milstein method, making graphics files for processing and display by gnuplot, by Desmond Higham;
  434. search_mpi, a program which searches integers between A and B for a solution J such that F(J)=C, carried out in parallel using MPI.
  435. search_serial, a program which searches the integers from A to B for a value J such that F(J) = C. this version of the program is intended as a starting point for a parallel approach.
  436. select, a library which carries out Nijenhuis and Wilf's generalized combinatorial selection algorithm;
  437. set_theory, a library which demonstrates various set theoretic operations using several models of a set.
  438. sftpack, a library which implements the "slow" Fourier transform, intended as a teaching tool and comparison with the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
  439. sgefa_openmp, a program which compares a standard linear algebra solver against a revised version which can be run in parallel with OpenMP.
  440. shepard_interp_1d, a library which defines and evaluates Shepard interpolants to 1D data, based on inverse distance weighting.
  441. shepard_interp_2d, a library which defines and evaluates Shepard interpolants to 2D data, based on inverse distance weighting.
  442. shepard_interp_nd, a library which defines and evaluates Shepard interpolants to multidimensional data, based on inverse distance weighting.
  443. simpack, a library which estimates an integral over a region that is the union of multidimensional simplexes, by Alan Genz.
  444. simplex_coordinates, a library which computes the Cartesian coordinates of the vertices of a regular simplex in M dimensions.
  445. simplex_gm_rule, a library which defines Grundmann-Moeller quadrature rules over the interior of a triangle in 2D, a tetrahedron in 3D, or over the interior of the simplex in M dimensions.
  446. simplex_grid, a library which generates a regular grid of points over the interior of an arbitrary simplex in M dimensions.
  447. simplex_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit simplex in M dimensions.
  448. simplex_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate an integral over the interior of the unit simplex in M dimensions.
  449. sine_transform, a library which demonstrates some simple properties of the discrete sine transform.
  450. snakes_and_ladders, programs which simulate and investigate a one-player version of the game of Snakes and Ladders.
  451. solve, a library which demonstrates how Gauss elimination can be used to solve a linear system A*x=b.
  452. sort_rc, a library which can sort a list of any kind of objects, using reverse communication (RC).
  453. spaeth2, a library which performs the cluster analysis of data, by Helmut Spaeth;
  454. sparse_display, a library which can read information defining a matrix of numbers and display the sparsity pattern or location of the nonzero elements using gnuplot. This operation is already available in the built-in MATLAB "spy" command.
  455. sparse_grid_cc, a library which creates sparse grids based on Clenshaw-Curtis rules.
  456. sparse_grid_cc_dataset, a program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on Clenshaw-Curtis rules.
  457. sparse_grid_hw, a library which creates sparse grids based on Gauss-Legendre, Gauss-Hermite, Gauss-Patterson, or a nested variation of Gauss-Hermite rules, by Florian Heiss and Viktor Winschel.
  458. sparse_interp_nd a library which can be used to define a sparse interpolant to a function f(x) of a M-dimensional argument.
  459. sparsekit, a library which performs sparse matrix operations, by Yousef Saad;
  460. sparsekit2, a library which implements operations on sparse matrices, including conversion between various formats; this is version 2 of the library, by Yousef Saad.
  461. sparsepak, a library which forms an obsolete version of the Waterloo Sparse Matrix Package;
  462. specfun, a library which computes special functions, including Bessel I, J, K and Y functions, and the Dawson, E1, EI, Erf, Gamma, Psi/Digamma functions, by William Cody and Laura Stoltz;
  463. special_functions, a library which computes special functions, by Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin;
  464. sphere_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  465. sphere_fibonacci_grid, a library which uses a Fibonacci spiral to create a grid of points on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  466. sphere_grid, a library which provides a number of ways of generating grids of points, or of points and lines, or of points and lines and faces, on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  467. sphere_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  468. sphere_lebedev_rule, a library which computes Lebedev quadrature rules on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D
  469. sphere_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  470. sphere_quad, a library which uses triangulation to approximate an integral on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D;
  471. sphere_stereograph, a library which computes the stereographic mapping between points on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D and points on the plane Z = 1; a generalized mapping is also available.
  472. sphere_triangle_monte_carlo, a library which used the Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function defined in a triangle on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  473. sphere_triangle_quad, a library which uses quadrature to estimate the integral of a function in a spherical triangle on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D.
  474. spiral_data, a program which computes a velocity vector field that satisfies the continuity equation, writing the data to a file that can be plotted by gnuplot.
  475. spline, a library which interpolates and approximates via splines;
  476. spring_ode, a program which shows how line printer graphics can be used to make a crude illustration of a solution of the ordinary differential equation (ODE) that describes the motion of a weight attached to a spring.
  477. spring_ode2, a program which shows how gnuplot graphics can be used to illustrate a solution of the ordinary differential equation (ODE) that describes the motion of a weight attached to a spring.
  478. square_arbq_rule, a library which returns quadrature rules, with exactness up to total degree 20, over the interior of the symmetric square in 2D, by Hong Xiao and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
  479. square_exactness, a library which investigates the polynomial exactness of quadrature rules for f(x,y) over the interior of a rectangle in 2D.
  480. square_felippa_rule, a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a square in 2D.
  481. square_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a square in 2D.
  482. square_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit square in 2D.
  483. square_monte_carlo, a library which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of the unit square in 2D.
  484. square_symq_rule, a library which returns symmetric quadrature rules, with exactness up to total degree 20, over the interior of the symmetric square in 2D, by Hong Xiao and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
  485. st_io, a library which reads and writes sparse linear systems stored in the Sparse Triplet (ST) format.
  486. st_to_cc, a library which converts sparse matrix data from Sparse Triplet (ST) format to Compressed Column (CC) format;
  487. steam_nbs, a library which is based on the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) steam tables;
  488. steam_nbs_interact, a program which queries the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) steam table package;
  489. stochastic_diffusion, functions which implement several versions of a stochastic diffusivity coefficient.
  490. stochastic_heat2d, a program which implements a finite difference method (FDM) for the steady (time independent) 2D heat equation, with a stochastic heat diffusivity coefficient, using gnuplot to illustrate the results.
  491. stochastic_rk, a library which applies a Runge-Kutta scheme to a stochastic ordinary differential equation (SODE).
  492. stokes_2d_exact, a library which evaluates exact solutions to the incompressible steady Stokes equations over the unit square in 2D.
  493. string_simulation, a program which simulates the behavior of a vibrating string by solving the corresponding initial boundary value problem (IBVP), creating files that can be displayed by gnuplot.
  494. stroud, a library which defines quadrature rules for a variety of M-dimensional regions, including the interior of the square, cube and hypercube, the pyramid, cone and ellipse, the hexagon, the M-dimensional octahedron, the circle, sphere and hypersphere, the triangle, tetrahedron and simplex, and the surface of the circle, sphere and hypersphere.
  495. subpak, a library which implements a wide variety of operations on real and integer vectors and matrices;
  496. subset, a library which enumerates, generates, randomizes, ranks and unranks combinatorial objects including combinations, compositions, Gray codes, index sets, partitions, permutations, polynomials, subsets, and Young tables. Backtracking routines are included to solve some combinatorial problems.
  497. subset_sum, a program which seeks solutions of the subset sum problem.
  498. subset_sum_serial, a program which seeks solutions of the subset sum problem, intended as a starting point for a parallel computing approach.
  499. superlu, programs which illustrate how a FORTRAN77 program can call the SUPERLU library, (which is written in C), which applies a fast direct solution method to solve sparse linear systems, by James Demmel, John Gilbert, and Xiaoye Li.
  500. superlu_openmp, programs which illustrate how to use the SUPERLU library with the OpenMP parallel programming interface, which applies a fast direct solution method to solve sparse linear systems, by James Demmel, John Gilbert, and Xiaoye Li.
  501. svd_snowfall, a program which reads a file containing historical snowfall data and analyzes the data with the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), displaying the results using gnuplot.
  502. svd_test, a program which demonstrates the calculation of the singular value decomposition (SVD) and some of its properties;
  503. svd_truncated, a program which demonstrates the computation of the reduced or truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) that is useful for cases when one dimension of the matrix is much smaller than the other.
  504. table_io, a library which reads and writes a set of data as a table file.
  505. task_division, a library which implements a simple procedure for smoothly dividing T tasks among P processors; such a method can be useful in MPI and other parallel environments, particularly when T is not an exact multiple of P, and when the processors can be indexed starting from 0 or from 1.
  506. tcell, a program which solves the time-dependent 2D incompressible Navier Stokes equations in a T-shaped region, by Hyung-Chun Lee.
  507. tcell_mass, a program which creates and saves the mass matrix associated with a finite element method (FEM) solution of the time dependent 2D incompressible Navier Stokes equations in the TCELL region, by Hyung-Chun Lee.
  508. templated, a library which forms basic implementations of iterative methods for solving large sparse linear systems, using double precision arithmetic.
  509. templates, a library which forms basic implementations of iterative methods for solving large sparse linear systems;
  510. test_approx, a library which implements test problems for approximation, provided as a set of (x,y) data.
  511. test_con, a library which implements test problems for numerical continuation.
  512. test_eigen, a library which implements test matrices for eigenvalue analysis.
  513. test_int, a library which implements test problems for approximate integration (quadrature) in one dimension.
  514. test_int_2d, a library which implements test problems for approximate integration (quadrature) in two dimensions.
  515. test_interp, a library which defines test problems for interpolation, provided as a set of (x,y(x)) data.
  516. test_interp_1d, a library which defines test problems for interpolation of data y(x), which depends on a 1D argument.
  517. test_interp_2d, a library which defines test problems for interpolation of data z(x,y), depending on a 2D argument.
  518. test_interp_nd, a library which defines test problems for interpolation of data z(x), depending on an M-dimensional argument.
  519. test_lls, a library which implements linear least squares test problems of the form A*x=b.
  520. test_mat, a library which defines test matrices for which some of the determinant, eigenvalues, inverse, null vectors, P*L*U factorization or linear system solution are already known, including the Vandermonde matrix.
  521. test_matrix_exponential, a library which defines a set of test cases for computing the matrix exponential.
  522. test_min, a library which implements test problems for minimization of a scalar function of a scalar variable.
  523. test_nearest, a library which tests the time complexity of various procedures for solving the nearest neighbor problem.
  524. test_nonlin, a library which implements test problems for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations.
  525. test_opt_con, a library which defines test problems for the minimization of a scalar function of several variables, with the search constrained to lie within a specified hyper-rectangle.
  526. test_optimization, a library which implements test problems for optimization of a scalar function of several variables, as described by Molga and Smutnicki.
  527. test_values, a library which stores a small set of values for a variety of mathematical functions.
  528. test_zero, a library which implements test problems for the solution of a single nonlinear equation in one variable.
  529. testpack, a library which contains a set of test integrand functions, by Alan Genz.
  530. tet_mesh, a library which carries out various tasks associated with tetrahedral meshes in 3D;
  531. tetrahedron_arbq_rule, a library which returns quadrature rules, with exactness up to total degree 15, over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D, by Hong Xiao and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
  532. tetrahedron_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.
  533. tetrahedron_felippa_rule, a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.
  534. tetrahedron_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.
  535. tetrahedron_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit tetrahedron in 3D.
  536. tetrahedron_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate an integral over the interior of a general tetrahedron in 3D.
  537. tetrahedron_properties, a program which computes properties, including the centroid, circumsphere, dihedral angles, edge lengths, face angles, face areas, insphere, quality, solid angles, and volume, of a tetrahedron in 3D,
  538. tetrahedron01_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate an integral over the interior of the unit tetrahedron in 3D.
  539. three_body_simulation, a program which simulates the behavior of three planets, constrained to lie in a plane, and moving under the influence of gravity, by Walter Gander and Jiri Hrebicek.
  540. timer, examples which illustrate how executing code may be timed.
  541. timestamp, a library which prints out the YMDHMS date as a timestamp.
  542. toeplitz, a library which implements Toeplitz matrix system solvers.
  543. toeplitz_cholesky, a library which computes the Cholesky factorization of a nonnegative definite symmetric Toeplitz matrix.
  544. toms097, a library which computes the distance between all pairs of nodes in a directed graph with weighted edges, using Floyd's algorithm. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 097.
  545. toms178, a library which seeks the minimizer of a scalar function of several variables using the Hooke-Jeeves method; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 178.
  546. toms179, a library which calculates the incomplete Beta ratio; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 179.
  547. toms291, a library which approximates the logarithm of the Gamma function; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 291.
  548. toms322, a library which evaluates the normal, Student's T, F and chi-square cumulative density functions (CDF's); this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 322.
  549. toms332, a library which evaluates Jacobi polynomials; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 332.
  550. toms343, a library which computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general real matrix; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 343.
  551. toms344, a library which calculates the Student T distribution; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 344.
  552. toms347, a library which sorts an integer vector; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 347.
  553. toms351, a library which estimates an integral using Romberg integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 351.
  554. toms352, a library which computes the characteristic values and associated solutions of Mattieu's differential equation; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 352.
  555. toms353, a library which estimates an integral involving a cosine or sine factor using Filon quadrature; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 353.
  556. toms358, a library which computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a complex matrix; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 358.
  557. toms359, a library which computes the factorial analysis of variance; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 359.
  558. toms365, a library which finds a root of an analytic complex function by the downhill method; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 365.
  559. toms370, a library which produces random numbers sampled from an arbitrary PDF; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 370.
  560. toms379, a library which approximates the integral of a function, by James Lyness. this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 379.
  561. toms379_test
  562. toms384, a library which computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 384.
  563. toms385, a library which evaluates the exponential integral function; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 385.
  564. toms392, a library which approximates the time evolution of a hyperbolic partial differential equation (PDE); this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 392.
  565. toms418, a library which implements Filon quadrature of integrals involve a factor of COS(W*X) or SIN(W*X); this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 418.
  566. toms419, a library which seeks the zeroes of a polynomial with complex coefficients; this library is commonly called CPOLY; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 419.
  567. toms423, a library which implements Gaussian elimination, revised versions of DECOMP and SOLVE; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 423.
  568. toms424, a library which implements Clenshaw-Curtis integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 424.
  569. toms425, a library which generates a sequence of vectors from a multivariate normal distribution with given covariance; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 425.
  570. toms427, a library which estimates a Fourier cosine integral; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 427.
  571. toms429, a library which reports information about the estimated location of roots of a polynomial; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 429.
  572. toms431, a library which solves quadratic and linear programming problems; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 431.
  573. toms434, a library which computes the probability of a given RxC contingency table; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 434.
  574. toms435, a library which computes the modified incomplete gamma function; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 435.
  575. toms436, a library which carries out product-type trapezoidal integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 436.
  576. toms437, a library which carries out product-type Simpson's integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 437.
  577. toms438, a library which carries out product-type two point Gauss-Legendre-Simpson integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 438.
  578. toms439, a library which carries out product-type three point Gauss-Legendre-Simpson integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 439.
  579. toms441, a library which samples the dipole distribution; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 441.
  580. toms443, a library which evaluates Lambert's W function; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 443.
  581. toms446, a library which manipulates Chebyshev series for interpolation and approximation; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 446, by Roger Broucke.
  582. toms448, a library which counts the number of partitions of an integer into a given set of integers; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 448.
  583. toms449, a library which solves linear programming problems with variables restricted to 0 and 1 values; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 449.
  584. toms450, a library which minimizes a scalar function of N variables using the method of Rosenbrock; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 450.
  585. toms451, a library which determines quantiles of the Chi-Square distribution; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 451.
  586. toms452, a library which generates a sequence of combinations of M things out of N; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 452.
  587. toms453, a library which determines the abscissas and weights for a Gaussian quadrature formula for Bromwich's integral; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 453.
  588. toms454, a library which implements the complex method of constrained optimization; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 454.
  589. toms456, a library which implements the routing algorithm; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 456.
  590. toms460, a library which determines the optimal parameters for an alternating direction implicit (ADI) iteration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 460.
  591. toms461, a library which applies cubic spline solutions to a class of functional differential equations; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 461.
  592. toms462, a library which evaluates the bivariate normal distribution; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 462.
  593. toms463, a library which chooses "nice" ranges for a graph of computer-generated data; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 463.
  594. toms467, a library which transposes a matrix in place; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 467.
  595. toms468, a library which carries out automatic numerical integration; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 468.
  596. toms470, a library which solves an "almost tridiagonal" system of linear equations; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 470.
  597. toms493, a library which seeks the roots of a real polynomial; this library is commonly called RPOLY; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 493.
  598. toms494, a library which approximates a 1D partial differential equation (PDE) as a system of ordinary differential equation (ODE's); this library is commonly called PDEONE; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 494.
  599. toms502, a library which computes a sequence of solutions of a parameterized system of equations; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 526.
  600. toms511, a library which can evaluate Bessel I or J functions of real (non integer) order, This is a version of ACM TOMS Algorithm 511;
  601. toms515, a library which can select subsets of size K from a set of size N, This is a version of ACM TOMS Algorithm 515, by Bill Buckles, Matthew Lybanon.
  602. toms526, a library which interpolates scattered bivariate data, by Hiroshi Akima; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 526.
  603. toms550, a library which evaluates certain measures of a solid polyhedron, including surface area, centroid, volume, weight, moments and products of inertia; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 550.
  604. toms552, a library which solves an overdetermined constrained linear system; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 552.
  605. toms565, a library which approximates the solution of a system of time-dependent partial differential equations (PDE's) over a 2D domain; this library is commonly called PDETWO; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 565;
  606. toms571, a library which evaluates or inverts the von Mises and Fisher distributions of directions on a circle or sphere; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 571.
  607. toms577, a library which evaluates Carlson's elliptic integral functions RC, RD, RF and RJ. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 577.
  608. toms596, a library which seeks to produce a sequence of points that satisfy a set of nonlinear equations with one degree of freedom; this library is commonly called PITCON; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 596.
  609. toms611, a library which performs unconstrained optimization of a scalar function; this library is commonly called UNCMIN; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 611.
  610. toms612, a library which approximates the integral of a function over a triangle; the primary routine is known as TRIEX; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 612.
  611. toms626, a library which creates a contour plot of data associated with a triangulated set of points. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 626.
  612. toms632, a library which solves the multiple knapsack problem, by Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 632.
  613. toms644, a library which evaluates the Bessel I, J, K, Y functions, the Airy functions Ai and Bi, and the Hankel function, for complex argument and real order. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 644.
  614. toms647, a library which evaluates the Faure, Halton, and Sobol quasirandom sequences, this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 647;
  615. toms648_nsd, a library which defines non-stiff test problems for solvers of ordinary differential equations (ODE's), using double precision arithmetic; this is a version of one part of ACM TOMS algorithm 648.
  616. toms655, a library which computes the weights for interpolatory quadrature rule; this library is commonly called IQPACK, and is by Sylvan Elhay and Jaroslav Kautsky. this version of ACM TOMS algorithm 655 has been extensively modified.
  617. toms655_original, a library which computes the weights for interpolatory quadrature rule; this library is commonly called IQPACK, and is by Sylvan Elhay and Jaroslav Kautsky. this is the original version of ACM TOMS algorithm 655.
  618. toms659, a library which computes elements of the Sobol quasirandom sequence; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 659.
  619. toms660, a library which takes scattered data in 2D and creates an interpolating function F(X,Y); this program is often called qshep2d; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 660, by Robert Renka.
  620. toms661, a library which takes scattered data in 3D and creates an interpolating function F(X,Y,Z), called qshep3d; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 661, by Robert Renka.
  621. toms664, a library which uses Gauss elimination to solve linear systems involving large banded matrices. Disk storage is used when there is not enough memory for the working data; this library is commonly called GBSOL; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 664.
  622. toms672, a library which generates an interpolatory quadrature rule of highest possible order, given a set of preassigned abscissas; this library is commonly called EXTEND; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 672.
  623. toms699, a library which implements a new representation of Patterson's quadrature formula; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 699.
  624. toms706, a library which estimates the integral of a function over a triangulated region; this library is commonly called DCUTRI; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 706.
  625. toms708, a library which evaluates the incomplete beta function; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 708.
  626. toms715, a library which evaluates special functions, including the Bessel I, J, K, and Y functions of order 0, of order 1, and of any real order, Dawson's integral, the error function, exponential integrals, the gamma function, the normal distribution function, the psi function. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 715.
  627. toms723, a library which computes the Fresnel sine and cosine integrals, by W van Snyder. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 723.
  628. toms724, a library which computes the inverse Cumulative Density Function (CDF) or percentiles of the F distribution, by Roger Abernathy and Robert Smith. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 724.
  629. toms726, a library which computes recursion coefficients for orthogonal polynomials, and the abscissa and weights for related quadrature rules; this library is commonly called ORTHPOL, and is by Walter Gautschi. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 726.
  630. toms738, a library which evaluates Niederreiter's quasirandom sequence; this is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 738;
  631. toms743, a library which evaluates Lambert's W function. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 743, by Barry, Barry and Culligan-Hensley.
  632. toms757, a library which evaluates uncommon special functions, by Allan Mcleod. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 757;
  633. toms772, a library which carries out computational geometry on the unit sphere; this library is commonly called STRIPACK, by Robert Renka. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 772.
  634. toms790, a library which computes an interpolating function to scattered data in the plane; this library is commonly called CSHEP2D; by Robert Renka. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 790.
  635. toms792, a library which tests functions that interpolate scattered data in the plane; by Robert Renka. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 792.
  636. toms793, a library which carries out Gauss quadrature for rational functions, by Walter Gautschi. This library is commonly called GQRAT. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 793.
  637. toms886, a library which defines the Padua points for interpolation in a 2D region, including the rectangle, triangle, and ellipse, by Marco Caliari, Stefano de Marchi, Marco Vianello. This is a version of ACM TOMS algorithm 886.
  638. treepack, a library which carries out computations on trees, a simple kind of graph that is minimally connected.
  639. triangle_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of a triangle in 2D.
  640. triangle_felippa_rule, a library which returns Felippa's quadratures rules for approximating integrals over the interior of a triangle in 2D.
  641. triangle_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of a triangle in 2D.
  642. triangle_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any polynomial over the interior of an arbitrary triangle in 2D.
  643. triangle_io, a library which can read or write some of the files created by Jonathan Shewchuk's triangle program.
  644. triangle_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate an integral over the interior of a general triangle in 2D.
  645. triangle_properties, a program which computes properties, including angles, area, centroid, circumcircle, edge lengths, incircle, orientation, orthocenter, and quality, of a triangle in 2D.
  646. triangle_svg, a library which uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to plot a triangle and any number of points, to illustrate quadrature rules and sampling techniques.
  647. triangle_symq_rule, a library which returns efficient symmetric quadrature rules, with exactness up to total degree 50, over the interior of a triangle in 2D, by Hong Xiao and Zydrunas Gimbutas.
  648. triangle_to_fem, a program which reads the NODE and ELE files created by the triangle program to describe a triangular mesh, and writes a corresponding pair of node and element files in the 2D FEM format.
  649. triangle_to_medit, a program which reads the NODE and ELE files created by the triangle() program to describe a triangular mesh, and writes a corresponding MESH file for input to medit().
  650. triangle_to_xml, a program which reads the NODE and ELE files created by triangle() to describe a triangular mesh in 2D, and writes out a corresponding XML mesh file for use by DOLFIN or FENICS.
  651. triangle01_integrals, a library which returns the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit triangle in 2D.
  652. triangle01_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate an integral over the interior of the unit triangle in 2D.
  653. triangulation, a library which computes the triangulation of a set of points in the plane, and performs various operations using a triangulation, including searching a Delaunay triangulation to find which triangle contains a given point.
  654. triangulation_node_to_element, a program which reads files describing a set of nodes, their triangulation, and the value of one or more quantities at each node, and outputs a file that averages the quantities for each element. This operation in effect creates an "order1" finite element model of the data.
  655. triangulation_svg, a program which creates an SVG image of a triangulation, which can be displayed by a web browser.
  656. tripack, a library which computes constrained Delaunay triangulation in the plane, ACM TOMS algorithm 751, by Robert Renka.
  657. truncated_normal, a library which works with the truncated normal distribution over [A,B], or [A,+oo) or (-oo,B], returning the probability density function (PDF), the cumulative density function (CDF), the inverse CDF, the mean, the variance, and sample values.
  658. truncated_normal_rule, a program which computes a quadrature rule for a normal distribution that has been truncated to [A,+oo), (-oo,B] or [A,B].
  659. tsp_brute, a program which reads a file of city-to-city distances and solves a (small!) traveling salesperson problem, using brute force.
  660. umfpack, examples which illustrate how to call the C library UMFPACK to solve a large sparse linear system.
  661. umfpack_2.0, a library which solves unsymmetric sparse linear systems, this is the obsolete FORTRAN77 version of UMFPACK, which has since been rewritten in C, by Timothy Davis, Iain Duff.
  662. unicycle, a library which considers permutations containing a single cycle, sometimes called cyclic permutations.
  663. uniform, a library which generates uniform random numbers.
  664. valgrind, directory of programs which illustrate the use of the VALGRIND suite of programs which includes a memory leak detector.
  665. vandermonde, a library which carries out certain operations associated with the Vandermonde matrix.
  666. vandermonde_approx_1d, a library which finds a polynomial approximant to data y(x) of a 1D argument by setting up and solving an overdetermined linear system for the polynomial coefficients involving the Vandermonde matrix.
  667. vandermonde_approx_2d, a library which finds a polynomial approximant p(x,y) to data z(x,y) of a 2D argument by setting up and solving an overdetermined linear system for the polynomial coefficients involving the Vandermonde matrix
  668. vandermonde_interp_1d, a library which finds a polynomial interpolant to data y(x) of a 1D argument by setting up and solving a linear system for the polynomial coefficients involving the Vandermonde matrix, creating graphics files for processing by gnuplot.
  669. vandermonde_interp_2d, a library which finds a polynomial interpolant to data z(x,y) of a 2D argument by setting up and solving a linear system for the polynomial coefficients involving the Vandermonde matrix.
  670. walsh, a library which implements versions of the Walsh and Haar transforms.
  671. wathen, a library which compares storage schemes (full, banded, sparse triplet ) and solution strategies (Linpack full, Linpack banded, conjugate gradient) for linear systems involving the Wathen matrix, which can arise when solving a problem using the finite element method (FEM).
  672. wave_mpi, a program which uses finite differences and MPI to estimate a solution to the wave equation.
  673. wavelet, a library which does some simple wavelet calculations;
  674. wedge_exactness, a program which investigates the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of the unit wedge in 3D.
  675. wedge_felippa_rule, a library which returns quadrature rules for approximating integrals over the interior of the unit wedge in 3D.
  676. wedge_grid, a library which computes a grid of points over the interior of the unit wedge in 3D.
  677. wedge_integrals, a library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit wedge in 3D.
  678. wedge_monte_carlo, a library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate an integral over the interior of the unit wedge in 3D.
  679. weekday, a library which determines the day of the week corresponding to a given date, such as 14 October 1066, Julian calendar, ... which was a Saturday.
  680. wishart, a library which produces sample matrices from the Wishart or Bartlett distributions, useful for sampling random covariance matrices.
  681. wtime, a library which returns a reading of the wall clock time in seconds.
  682. xerror, a library which reports and handles errors detected during program execution.
  683. zero_rc, a library which seeks solutions of a scalar nonlinear equation f(x)=0, or a system of nonlinear equations, using reverse communication.
  684. ziggurat, a library which works as a random number generator (RNG) for the uniform, normal or exponential distributions, using the ziggurat method.
  685. ziggurat_openmp, a program which demonstrates how the ZIGGURAT library can be used as a random number generator (RNG) in an OpenMP parallel program.

Last revised on 02 May 2019.