A Single Precision Integer Arithmetic Utility Library
is a FORTRAN77 library which
contains many utility routines for "I4" or "single precision integer"
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
I4LIB is available in
a C version and
a C++ version and
a FORTRAN77 version and
a FORTRAN90 version and
a MATLAB version and
a Python version.
Related Programs:
a FORTRAN77 library which
implements certain elementary functions for "C4" or
single precision complex variables;
a FORTRAN77 library which
implements certain elementary functions for "C8" or
double precision complex variables;
a FORTRAN77 library which
contains many utility routines, using "I8" or "double precision integer"
a FORTRAN77 library which
contains many utility routines, using "R4" or
"single precision real" arithmetic.
a FORTRAN77 library which
contains many utility routines, using "R8" or
"double precision real" arithmetic.
a FORTRAN77 library which
contains many utility routines;
Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun,
Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
National Bureau of Standards, 1964,
ISBN: 0-486-61272-4,
LC: QA47.A34.
Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest,
Introduction to Algorithms,
MIT Press, 2001,
ISBN: 0262032937,
LC: QA76.C662.
Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf,
Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators,
Second Edition,
Academic Press, 1978,
ISBN: 0-12-519260-6,
LC: QA164.N54.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
List of Routines:
I4_BIT_HI1 returns the position of the high 1 bit base 2 in an I4.
I4_BIT_LO0 returns the position of the low 0 bit base 2 in an I4.
I4_BIT_LO1 returns the position of the low 1 bit base 2 in an I4.
I4_BIT_REVERSE reverses the bits in an I4.
I4_CHARACTERISTIC gives the characteristic for an I4.
I4_CHOOSE computes the binomial coefficient C(N,K).
I4_DIV_ROUNDED computes the rounded result of I4 division.
I4_DIVP returns the smallest multiple of J greater than or equal to I.
I4_EVEN returns TRUE if an I4 is even.
I4_FACTORIAL computes the factorial of N.
I4_FRACTION computes a ratio and returns an integer result.
I4_GCD finds the greatest common divisor of I and J.
I4_GCDB finds the greatest common divisor of the form K**N of two I4's.
I4_HUGE returns a "huge" I4.
I4_HUGE_NORMALIZER returns the "normalizer" for I4_HUGE.
I4_IS_POWER_OF_2 reports whether an I4 is a power of 2.
I4_IS_PRIME reports whether an I4 is prime.
I4_LCM computes the least common multiple of two I4's.
I4_LOG_10 returns the integer part of the logarithm base 10 of ABS(X).
I4_LOG_2 returns the integer part of the logarithm base 2 of an I4.
I4_LOG_I4 returns the logarithm of an I4 to an I4 base.
I4_LOG_R8 returns the logarithm of an I4 to an R8 base.
I4_MANT computes the "mantissa" of a double precision number.
I4_MODDIV breaks an I4 into a multiple of a divisor and remainder.
I4_MODP returns the nonnegative remainder of integer division.
I4_MOP returns the I-th power of -1 as an I4 value.
I4_ODD returns TRUE if an I4 is odd.
I4_POWER returns the integer power of an I4.
I4_SIGN evaluates the sign of an I4.
I4_SWAP switches two I4's.
I4_SWAP3 swaps three I4's.
I4_TO_ANGLE maps I4's to points on a circle.
I4_TO_DIGITS_DECIMAL determines the last N decimal digits of an I4.
I4_TO_FAC converts an I4 into a product of prime factors.
I4_TO_HALTON computes one element of a leaped Halton subsequence.
I4_TO_ISBN converts an I4 to an ISBN digit.
I4_UNIFORM returns a scaled pseudorandom I4.
I4_UNSWAP3 unswaps three I4's.
I4_WALSH_1D evaluates the Walsh function.
I4_WIDTH returns the "width" of an I4.
I4_WRAP forces an I4 to lie between given limits by wrapping.
I4_XOR calculates the exclusive OR of two I4's.
I43MAT_FLIP_COLS swaps the columns of an I43MAT.
I43MAT_FLIP_ROWS swaps the rows of an I43MAT.
I4COL_COMPARE compares columns I and J of an I4COL.
I4COL_FIND searches an I4COL for a particular column value.
I4COL_FIND_ITEM searches an I4COL for a given scalar value.
I4COL_FIND_PAIR_WRAP searches an I4COL for a pair of items.
I4COL_FIRST_INDEX indexes the first occurrence of values in an I4COL.
I4COL_SORT_A ascending sorts an I4COL.
I4COL_SORT_D descending sorts an I4COL.
I4COL_SORT2_A ascending sorts the elements of each column of an I4COL.
I4COL_SORT2_D descending sorts elements of each column of an I4COL.
I4COL_SORTED_SINGLETON_COUNT counts singletons in an I4COL.
I4COL_SORTED_UNIQUE keeps unique elements in a sorted I4COL.
I4COL_SORTED_UNIQUE_COUNT counts unique elements in an I4COL.
I4COL_SWAP swaps columns J1 and J2 of an I4COL.
I4COL_UNIQUE_INDEX indexes the first occurrence of values in an I4COL.
I4I4_SORT_A ascending sorts a pair of integers.
I4I4I4_SORT_A ascending sorts a triple of integers.
I4LIST_PRINT prints an I4LIST.
I4MAT_BORDER_ADD adds a "border" to an I4MAT.
I4MAT_BORDER_CUT cuts the "border" of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_COPY copies an I4MAT.
I4MAT_ELIM carries out exact Gauss elimination on an I4MAT.
I4MAT_FLIP_COLS swaps the columns of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_FLIP_ROWS swaps the rows of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_HISTOGRAM computes a histogram of the elements of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_INDICATOR sets up an "indicator" I4MAT.
I4MAT_L1_INVERSE inverts a unit lower triangular I4MAT.
I4MAT_MAX returns the maximum of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_MAX_INDEX returns the location of the maximum of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_MIN returns the minimum of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_MIN_INDEX returns the location of the minimum of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_MM multiplies two I4MAT's.
I4MAT_PERM permutes the rows and columns of a square I4MAT.
I4MAT_PERM_UNIFORM selects a random permutation of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_PERM2_UNIFORM selects a random permutation of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_PRINT prints an I4MAT.
I4MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_RED divides out common factors in a row or column of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4MAT, transposed.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of the transpose of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_U1_INVERSE inverts a unit upper triangular I4MAT.
I4MAT_UNIFORM returns a scaled pseudorandom I4MAT.
I4MAT_ZERO zeroes out an I4MAT.
I4ROW_COMPARE compares two rows of an I4ROW.
I4ROW_FIND_ITEM searches the rows of an I4ROW for a given value.
I4ROW_FIND_PAIR_WRAP searches rows of an I4ROW for a pair of items.
I4ROW_MAX returns the maximums of the rows of an I4ROW.
I4ROW_MEAN returns the means of the rows of an I4ROW.
I4ROW_MIN returns the minimums of the rows of an I4ROW.
I4ROW_SORT_A ascending sorts the rows of an I4ROW.
I4ROW_SWAP swaps two rows of an I4ROW.
I4ROW_VARIANCE returns the variances of an I4ROW.
I4VEC_ADD computes C = A + B for I4VEC's.
I4VEC_AMAX returns the largest magnitude in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_AMAX_INDEX returns the index of the largest magnitude in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_AMIN returns the smallest magnitude in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_AMIN_INDEX returns the index of the smallest magnitude in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_AMINZ returns the smallest nonzero magnitude in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_AMINZ_INDEX returns the smallest nonzero magnitude in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_ANY_LT: ( any ( A < B ) ) for I4VEC's.
I4VEC_ASCEND_SUB computes the longest ascending subsequence of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_ASCENDS determines if an I4VEC is (weakly) ascending.
I4VEC_AXPY: Y(I) := Y(I) + A * X(I).
I4VEC_BRACKET searches a sorted I4VEC for successive brackets of a value.
I4VEC_COMPARE compares two I4VEC's.
I4VEC_COPY copies an I4VEC.
I4VEC_CUM computes the cumulutive sum of the entries of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_CUM0 computes the cumulutive sum of the entries of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_DESCENDS determines if an I4VEC is decreasing.
I4VEC_DIRECT_PRODUCT creates a direct product of I4VEC's.
I4VEC_DIRECT_PRODUCT2 creates a direct product of I4VEC's.
I4VEC_EVEN_ALL is TRUE if all entries of an I4VEC are even.
I4VEC_EVEN_ANY is TRUE if any entry of an I4VEC is even.
I4VEC_FIRST_INDEX indexes the first occurrence of values in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_FRAC searches for the K-th smallest element in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_GCD returns the greatest common divisor of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_HEAP_A reorders an I4VEC into an ascending heap.
I4VEC_HEAP_D reorders an I4VEC into an descending heap.
I4VEC_HEAP_D_EXTRACT extracts the maximum value from a descending heap.
I4VEC_HEAP_D_INSERT inserts a new I4 into a descending heap.
I4VEC_HEAP_D_MAX returns the maximum value in a descending heap of integers.
I4VEC_INDEX returns the location of the first occurrence of a given value.
I4VEC_INDEX_DELETE_ALL deletes a value in an indexed sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDEX_DELETE_DUPES deletes duplicates from an indexed sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDEX_SORT_UNIQUE creates a sorted unique index for an I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D creates a descending heap from an indexed I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D_EXTRACT: extract from heap descending indexed I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D_INSERT: insert value into heap descending indexed I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D_MAX: maximum value in heap descending indexed I4VEC.
I4VEC_INDICATOR sets an I4VEC to the indicator vector.
I4VEC_INSERT inserts a value into an I4VEC.
I4VEC_LCM returns the least common multiple of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_MASK_PRINT prints a masked I4VEC.
I4VEC_MAX computes the maximum element of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_MAX_INDEX computes the index of a maximum element of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_MAX_INDEX_LAST returns the last maximal element location in an I4VEC
I4VEC_MEAN returns the mean of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_MEDIAN returns the median of an unsorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_MERGE_A merges two ascending sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_MIN computes the minimum element of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_MIN_INDEX computes the index of the minimum element of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_NONZERO_COUNT counts the nonzero entries in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_NONZERO_FIRST left-shifts all nonzeros in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_ODD_ALL is TRUE if all entries of an I4VEC are odd.
I4VEC_ODD_ANY is TRUE if any entry of an I4VEC is odd.
I4VEC_ORDER_TYPE determines if I4VEC is (non)strictly ascending/descending.
I4VEC_PAIRWISE_PRIME checks whether an I4VEC's entries are pairwise prime.
I4VEC_PART partitions an integer NVAL into N nearly equal parts.
I4VEC_PART_QUICK_A reorders an I4VEC as part of a quick sort.
I4VEC_PERMUTE permutes an I4VEC in place.
I4VEC_PERMUTE_UNIFORM randomly permutes an I4VEC.
I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC.
I4VEC_PRINT_PART prints "part" of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_PRINT_SOME prints "some" of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_PRODUCT returns the product of the entries of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_RED divides out common factors in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_REVERSE reverses the elements of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_ROTATE rotates an I4VEC in place.
I4VEC_RUN_COUNT counts runs of equal values in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SEARCH_BINARY_A searches an ascending sorted I4VEC for a value.
I4VEC_SEARCH_BINARY_D searches a descending sorted I4VEC for a value.
I4VEC_SORT_BUBBLE_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using bubble sort.
I4VEC_SORT_BUBBLE_D descending sorts an I4VEC using bubble sort.
I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using heap sort.
I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_D descending sorts an I4VEC using heap sort.
I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_INDEX_A does an indexed heap ascending sort of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_INDEX_D does an indexed heap descending sort of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORT_INSERT_A uses an ascending insertion sort on an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORT_INSERT_D uses a descending insertion sort on an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORT_QUICK_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using quick sort.
I4VEC_SORT_SHELL_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using Shell's sort.
I4VEC_SORTED_UNDEX returns unique sorted indexes for a sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE finds the unique elements in a sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE_COUNT counts the unique elements in a sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE_HIST histograms the unique elements of a sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_SPLIT "splits" an unsorted I4VEC based on a splitting value.
I4VEC_STD returns the standard deviation of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SUM returns the sum of the entries of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SWAP swaps the entries of two I4VEC's.
I4VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4VEC "transposed".
I4VEC_UNDEX returns unique sorted indexes for an I4VEC.
I4VEC_UNIFORM returns a scaled pseudorandom I4VEC.
I4VEC_UNIQUE_COUNT counts the unique elements in an unsorted I4VEC.
I4VEC_UNIQUE_INDEX indexes the first occurrence of values in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_VALUE_INDEX indexes entries equal to a given value in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_VALUE_NUM counts entries equal to a given value in an I4VEC.
I4VEC_VARIANCE returns the variance of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_WIDTH returns the "width" of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_ZERO sets the entries of an I4VEC to 0.
I4VEC2_COMPARE compares pairs of integers stored in two vectors.
I4VEC2_PRINT prints a pair of integer vectors.
I4VEC2_SORT_A ascending sorts a vector of pairs of integers.
I4VEC2_SORT_D descending sorts a vector of pairs of integers.
I4VEC2_SORTED_UNIQUE gets the unique elements in a sorted I4VEC2.
PERM_CHECK checks that a vector represents a permutation.
PERM_CYCLE analyzes a permutation.
PERM_UNIFORM selects a random permutation of N objects.
PRIME returns any of the first PRIME_MAX prime numbers.
SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL externally sorts a list of items into ascending order.
TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp.
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the FORTRAN77 source codes.
Last revised on 27 December 2010.