Uncommon Special Functions
is a FORTRAN77 library which
evaluates a number of
uncommon special functions, by Allan McLeod.
TOMS757 is a FORTRAN90 version of ACM TOMS algorithm 757.
The special functions include:
the Abramowitz function of several orders;
integrals of the Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x);
Clausen's integral;
Debye integrals of several orders;
integrals of the Bessel functions I0, J0, K0 and Y0;
Struve functions;
the synchrotron radiation integral;
the transport integral of several orders;
The original, true, correct version of ACM TOMS Algorithm 757
is available through ACM:
The version displayed here has been converted to FORTRAN90,
and other internal changes have been made to suit me.
TOMS757 is available in
a FORTRAN77 version and
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN77 library which
contains routines which store selected values of various
special functions.
Allan McLeod,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Paisley University, Scotland.
Allan Mcleod,
Algorithm 757, MISCFUN: A software package to compute uncommon
special functions,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Volume 22, Number 3, September 1996, pages 288-301.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
List of Routines:
ABRAM0 evaluates the Abramowitz function of order 0.
ABRAM1 evaluates the Abramowitz function of order 1.
ABRAM2 evaluates the Abramowitz function of order 2.
AIRINT calculates the integral of the Airy function Ai.
AIRYGI computes the modified Airy function Gi(x).
AIRYHI computes the modified Airy function Hi(x).
ATNINT calculates the inverse tangent integral.
BIRINT calculates the integral of the Airy function Bi.
CLAUSN calculates Clausen's integral.
DEBYE1 calculates the Debye function of order 1.
DEBYE2 calculates the Debye function of order 2.
DEBYE3 calculates the Debye function of order 3.
DEBYE4 calculates the Debye function of order 4.
EXP3 calculates the integral of exp(-t^3).
GOODST calculates the integral of exp(-t^2/(t+x)).
I0INT computes the integral of the modified Bessel function I0(X).
I0ML0 calculates the difference between the Bessel I0 and Struve L0 functions.
I1ML1 calculates the difference between the Bessel I1 and Struve L1 functions.
J0INT calculates the integral of the Bessel function J0.
K0INT calculates the integral of the modified Bessel function K0(X).
LOBACH calculates the Lobachevsky function.
STROM calculates Stromgen's integral.
STRVH0 calculates the Struve function of order 0.
STRVH1 calculates the Struve function of order 1.
STRVL0 calculates the modified Struve function of order 0.
STRVL1 calculates the modified Struve function of order 1.
SYNCH1 calculates the synchrotron radiation function.
SYNCH2 calculates the synchrotron radiation function.
TRAN02 calculates the transport integral of order 2.
TRAN03 calculates the transport integral of order 3.
TRAN04 calculates the transport integral of order 4.
TRAN05 calculates the transport integral of order 5.
TRAN06 calculates the transport integral of order 6.
TRAN07 calculates the transport integral of order 7.
TRAN08 calculates the transport integral of order 8.
TRAN09 calculates the transport integral of order 9.
BESSEL_Y0_INT calculates the integral of the Bessel function Y0.
CHEVAL evaluates a Chebyshev series.
ERRPRN prints an error message.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN770 source codes.
Last revised on 29 June 2012.