Uncommon Special Functions
is a FORTRAN90 library which
evaluates a number of
uncommon special functions, by Allan McLeod.
TOMS757 is a FORTRAN90 version of ACM TOMS algorithm 757.
The special functions include:
the Abramowitz function of several orders;
integrals of the Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x);
Clausen's integral;
Debye integrals of several orders;
integrals of the Bessel functions I0, J0, K0 and Y0;
Struve functions;
the synchrotron radiation integral;
the transport integral of several orders;
The original, true, correct version of ACM TOMS Algorithm 757
is available through ACM:
The version displayed here has been converted to FORTRAN90,
and other internal changes have been made to suit me.
TOMS757 is available in
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 library which
contains routines which store selected values of various
special functions.
Allan McLeod,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Paisley University, Scotland.
Allan Mcleod,
Algorithm 757, MISCFUN: A software package to compute uncommon
special functions,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Volume 22, Number 3, September 1996, pages 288-301.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
List of Routines:
ABRAM0 evaluates the Abramowitz function of order 0.
ABRAM0_VALUES returns some values of the Abramowitz0 function.
ABRAM1 evaluates the Abramowitz function of order 1.
ABRAM1_VALUES returns some values of the Abramowitz1 function.
ABRAM2 evaluates the Abramowitz function of order 2.
ABRAM2_VALUES returns some values of the Abramowitz2 function.
AIRY_AI_INT calculates the integral of the Airy function Ai.
AIRY_AI_INT_VALUES returns some values of the integral of the Airy function.
AIRY_BI_INT calculates the integral of the Airy function Bi.
AIRY_BI_INT_VALUES returns some values of the integral of the Airy function.
AIRY_GI computes the modified Airy function Gi(x).
AIRY_GI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Gi function.
AIRY_HI computes the modified Airy function Hi(x).
AIRY_HI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Hi function.
ARCTAN_INT calculates the inverse tangent integral.
ARCTAN_INT_VALUES returns some values of the inverse tangent integral.
BESSEL_I0_INT computes the integral of the modified Bessel function I0(X).
BESSEL_I0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel I0 integral.
BESSEL_J0_INT calculates the integral of the Bessel function J0.
BESSEL_J0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel J0 integral.
BESSEL_K0_INT calculates the integral of the modified Bessel function K0(X).
BESSEL_K0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel K0 integral.
BESSEL_Y0_INT calculates the integral of the Bessel function Y0.
BESSEL_Y0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel Y0 integral.
CHEVAL evaluates a Chebyshev series.
CLAUSEN calculates Clausen's integral.
CLAUSEN_VALUES returns some values of the Clausen's integral.
DEBYE1 calculates the Debye function of order 1.
DEBYE1_VALUES returns some values of Debye's function of order 1.
DEBYE2 calculates the Debye function of order 2.
DEBYE2_VALUES returns some values of Debye's function of order 2.
DEBYE3 calculates the Debye function of order 3.
DEBYE3_VALUES returns some values of Debye's function of order 3.
DEBYE4 calculates the Debye function of order 4.
DEBYE4_VALUES returns some values of Debye's function of order 4.
EXP3_INT calculates the integral of exp(-t^3).
EXP3_INT_VALUES returns some values of the EXP3 integral function.
GOODWIN calculates the integral of exp(-t^2/(t+x)).
GOODWIN_VALUES returns some values of the Goodwin and Staton function.
I0ML0 calculates the difference between the Bessel I0 and Struve L0 functions.
I0ML0_VALUES returns some values of the I0ML0 function.
I1ML1 calculates the difference between the Bessel I1 and Struve L1 functions.
I1ML1_VALUES returns some values of the I1ML1 function.
LOBACHEVSKY calculates the Lobachevsky function.
LOBACHEVSKY_VALUES returns some values of the Lobachevsky function.
STROMGEN calculates Stromgen's integral.
STROMGEN_VALUES returns some values of the Stromgen function.
STRUVE_H0 calculates the Struve function of order 0.
STRUVE_H0_VALUES returns some values of the Struve H0 function.
STRUVE_H1 calculates the Struve function of order 1.
STRUVE_H1_VALUES returns some values of the Struve H1 function.
STRUVE_L0 calculates the modified Struve function of order 0.
STRUVE_L0_VALUES returns some values of the Struve L0 function.
STRUVE_L1 calculates the modified Struve function of order 1.
STRUVE_L1_VALUES returns some values of the Struve L1 function.
SYNCH1 calculates the synchrotron radiation function.
SYNCH1_VALUES returns some values of the synchrotron radiation function.
SYNCH2 calculates the synchrotron radiation function.
SYNCH2_VALUES returns some values of the synchrotron radiation function.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
TIMESTRING writes the current YMDHMS date into a string.
TRAN02 calculates the transport integral of order 2.
TRAN02_VALUES returns some values of the order 2 transportation function.
TRAN03 calculates the transport integral of order 3.
TRAN03_VALUES returns some values of the order 3 transportation function.
TRAN04 calculates the transport integral of order 4.
TRAN04_VALUES returns some values of the order 4 transportation function.
TRAN05 calculates the transport integral of order 5.
TRAN05_VALUES returns some values of the order 5 transportation function.
TRAN06 calculates the transport integral of order 6.
TRAN06_VALUES returns some values of the order 6 transportation function.
TRAN07 calculates the transport integral of order 7.
TRAN07_VALUES returns some values of the order 7 transportation function.
TRAN08 calculates the transport integral of order 8.
TRAN08_VALUES returns some values of the order 8 transportation function.
TRAN09 calculates the transport integral of order 9.
TRAN09_VALUES returns some values of the order 9 transportation function.
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the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 03 January 2006.