FEM1D_ODEN is a FORTRAN77 program which applies the finite element method (FEM) to a linear two point boundary value problem in one spatial dimension; this code is an example for the Texas Finite Element Series, by Eric Becker, Graham Carey and J Tinsley Oden.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
FEM1D_ODEN is available in a FORTRAN77 version.
FEM1D, a FORTRAN77 program which applies the finite element method (FEM) to a 1D linear two point boundary value problem (BVP).
FEM1D_ADAPTIVE, a FORTRAN77 program which applies the finite element method to a linear two point boundary value problem in a 1D region, using adaptive refinement to improve the solution.
FEM1D_BVP_LINEAR, a FORTRAN77 program which applies the finite element method, with piecewise linear elements, to a two point boundary value problem in one spatial dimension.
FEM1D_NONLINEAR, a FORTRAN77 program which applies the finite element method to a nonlinear two point boundary value problem in a 1D region.
FEM1D_PMETHOD, a FORTRAN77 program which applies the p-method version of the finite element method to a linear two point boundary value problem in a 1D region.
FEM1D_PROJECT, a FORTRAN77 program which projects data into a finite element space, including the least squares approximation of data, or the projection of a finite element solution from one mesh to another.
FEM1D_SAMPLE, a FORTRAN77 program which samples a scalar or vector finite element function of one variable, defined by FEM files; returning interpolated values at the sample points.
QUADS defines a grid of quadratic elements.
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