Handouts for Math 554 Spring 2021

* The symbol * means not handed out in class; however, you should read on the internet.

Write Guidelines

  1. List of Writing Guidelines   (WG 1-15)
  2. Writing Guidelines*   (Appendix A from a Math 300 book by Sundstrom.)
  3. Writing Guidelines*   (with further comments/clarifications)

Course Handouts

  1. Unions and Intersections
  2. Functions and Sets
  3. Induction   (summary and PMI Writing Guidelines)
  4. A Rigorous Axiomatic Approach to the Real Numbers  (soln to charts)
  5. Sequences Limit Theorems
  6. Two color coded Sequences Limit proofs

Findable from URL http://people.math.sc.edu/girardi/