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The exercise ladder in functional analysis
G. Androulakis, M. Ziemke A textbook for a two semester graduate course in functional analysis, (in preparation). Table of Contents. |
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Optimal lower bound for lossless quantum block encoding
G. Androulakis, R. Wosti Quantum Information and Computation. Vol. 24, No. 13&14 (2024) 1110-1145. ArXiv, journal. |
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Optimal lower bound of the average indeterminate length lossless quantum block encoding
G. Androulakis, R. Wosti 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 2694-2699, doi: 10.1109/ISIT57864.2024.10619558. journal. |
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Relative Entropy via Distribution of Observables
G. Androulakis, T.C. John Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., Vol. 27, No. 02, 2350021 (2024). ArXiv, journal. |
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Petz-Rényi Relative Entropy of Thermal States and their Displacements
G. Androulakis, T.C. John Letters in Mathematical Physics, (2024) 114:57. ArXiv, journal. |
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Quantum f-divergences via Nussbaum-Szkoła Distributions and
Applications to f-divergence Inequalities
G. Androulakis, T.C. John Reviews in Mathematical Physics, doi: 10.1142/S0129055X23600024. ArXiv, journal. |
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A Variational Quantum Algorithm For Approximating Convex Roofs
G. Androulakis, R. McGaha Quantum Information and Computation, Vol. 22, No. 13&14 (2022) 1081–1109. ArXiv, journal. |
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Some remarks on the entanglement number
G. Androulakis, R. McGaha Quanta 2020; 9: 22–36. ArXiv, journal. |
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The induced semigroup of Schwarz maps to the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators
G. Androulakis, A. Wiedemann, M. Ziemke Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 23, 10 (2020). ArXiv, journal. |
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Optimality in Quantum Data Compression using Dynamical Entropy
G. Androulakis, D. Wright Phys. Rev. A 100, (2019) 032301. ArXiv, journal. |
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GKSL generators and digraphs: Computing invariant states
G. Androulakis, A. Wiedemann J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019) 305201. ArXiv, journal. |
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On the non-linearity of quantum dynamical entropy
G. Androulakis, D. Wright J. Math. Phys. Vol. 60, (2019), 053504. ArXiv, journal. |
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A connection between mixing and Kac's chaos
G. Androulakis, R. Musulin Dynamical Systems, An International Journal Vol. 34, No 1, (2019), 113-129. ArXiv, journal. |
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Quantum Kac's chaos
G. Androulakis, R. Musulin Commun. Math. Sci. Vol. 16, No 7, (2018), 1801-1825. ArXiv, journal. |
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On the closedness of the generator of a semigroup
G. Androulakis, M. Ziemke Semigroup Forum Vol. 93, No. 3, (2016), 589-606. ArXiv, journal. |
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Generators of Quantum Markov semigroups
G. Androulakis, M. Ziemke J. of Math. Phys. Volume 56, (2015), 083512. ArXiv, journal. |
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Dissipative dynamics in semiconductors at low temperature
G. Androulakis, J. Bellissard, C. Sadel J. Stat. Phys. Volume 147, Issue 2, (2012), 448-486. ArXiv, journal. |
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Hyperinvariant subspace for weighted composition operator on $L^p([0,1]^d)$
G. Androulakis, A. Flattot J. Operator Theory 66 (1) (2011), 125-144. ArXiv, journal. |
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On Banach spaces containing $\ell_p$ or $c_0$
G. Androulakis, N.J. Kalton, A. Tcaciuc Houston J. Math. 37 (3) (2011), 859-866. ArXiv, journal. |
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A new approach to the Ramsey-type games and the Gowers dichotomy in F-spaces
G. Androulakis, S.J. Dilworth, N.J. Kalton Combinatorica 30 (4) (2010), 359-385. ArXiv, journal. |
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Almost invariant half-spaces of operators on Banach spaces
G. Androulakis, A.I. Popov, A. Tcaciuc, V.G. Troitsky Integral Equations and Operator Theory 65 (2009), 473-484. ArXiv, journal. |
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Classes of strictly singular operators and their products
G. Androulakis, P. Dodos, G. Sirotkin, V.G. Troitsky Israel J. Math. 169, (2009), 221-250. ArXiv, journal. |
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An extension of Schreier unconditionality
G. Androulakis, F. Sanacory Positivity 12 (2008), no. 2, 313--340. pdf file, journal. |
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Descriptive set theoretic methods applied to strictly singular and strictly cosingular operators
G. Androulakis, K. Beanland Quaestiones Mathematicae 31 (2008), 151-161. ArXiv, journal. |
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Some equivalent norms on the Hilbert space G. Androulakis, F. Sanacory Banach spaces and their applications in Analysis, de Gruyter 2007, 241-250. pdf file, journal. |
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A new method for constructing invariant subspaces
G. Androulakis J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007) 1254-1263. ArXiv, journal. |
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A Hereditarily Indecomposable Asymptotic $\ell_2$ Banach Space
G. Androulakis, K. Beanland Glasgow Mathematical Journal 48 (2006) 503-532. ArXiv, journal. |
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Embedding $\ell_\infty$ into the space of bounded operators on certain Banach spaces
G. Androulakis, K. Beanland, S.J. Dilworth, F. Sanacory Bull. London Math. Soc. 38 (2006) 979-990. ArXiv, journal. |
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On the structure of the spreading models of a Banach space
G. Androulakis, E. Odell, Th. Schlumprecht, N. Tomczak-Jaegermann Canadian J. Math. Vol. 57 (4), (2005), 673-707. ArXiv, journal. |
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Space averages and homogeneous fluid flows
G. Androulakis, S. Dostoglou Math. Phys. Electronic J. Vol. 10 (4) (2004), 1-12. pdf file, journal. |
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A property of strictly singular 1-1 operators
G. Androulakis, P. Enflo Ark. Mat. 41, (2003), 233-252. ArXiv, journal. |
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A note on the method of minimal vectors
G. Androulakis Trends in Banach spaces and operator theory (Memphis, TN, 2001), 29-36, Contemp. Math., 321, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003. ArXiv, journal. |
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The Banach space S is complementably minimal and subsequentially prime
G. Androulakis, Th. Schlumprecht Studia Math. 156 (3) (2003), 227-242. ArXiv, journal. |
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Strictly singular non-compact operators exist on the Gowers-Maurey space
G. Androulakis, Th. Schlumprecht J. London Math. Soc. (2) 64 (2001), no 3, 655-674. ArXiv, journal. |
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Some more weak Hilbert spaces
G. Androulakis, P. Casazza, D. Kutzarova Canad. Math. Bull. 43 (2000), no 3, 257-267. ArXiv, journal. |
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Positivity results for the Yang-Mills-Higgs Hessian
G. Androulakis, S. Dostoglou Pacific J. Math. 194 (2000), no 1, 1-17. pdf file, journal. |
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Distorting mixed Tsirelson spaces
G. Androulakis, E. Odell Israel J. Math. 109 (1999) 125-149. ArXiv, journal. |
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On the stability of monopole solutions
G. Androulakis, S. Dostoglou Nonlinearity 11 no. 3 (1998), 377-408. pdf file, journal. |
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Twisted sums, Fenchel-Orlicz spaces and property (M)
G. Androulakis, C.D. Cazacu, N.J. Kalton Houston J. Math. 24 no. 1 (1998), 105-126. ArXiv, journal. |
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A counterexample to a question of R. Haydon, E. Odell and H. Rosenthal
G. Androulakis Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 no. 5 (1998), 1425-1428. ArXiv, journal. |
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A subsequence characterization of sequences spanning isomorphically polyhedral Banach spaces
G. Androulakis Studia Math. 127 no. 1 (1998), 65-80. ArXiv, journal. |
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Isomorphically polyhedral Banach spaces and mixed Tsirelson spaces of arbitrary distortion
G. Androulakis Ph.D. dissertation University of Texas, Austin, TX 1996. |
On the subsymmetric sequences in S
G. Androulakis, Th. Schlumprecht Unpublished. pdf file. |