EXAMPLES, a directory which holds examples of usage for system or proprietary software.

  1. bamg, examples which illustrate the use of BAMG, which is a program for generating 2D meshes that can be used to define the geometry for the the finite element package FREEFEM++.
  2. bash_shell, examples which illustrate the use of the BASH Shell, which is a scripting language for Unix systems;
  3. chrispell_freefem++, examples which are associated with a FreeFem++ presentation by John Chrispell and Jason Howell.
  4. cmake, examples which illustrate the use of CMAKE, which is a program for the automatic compilation, loading, and maintenance of a computer software package;
  5. condor, examples which illustrate the use of CONDOR, which is a queuing system for submitting jobs;
  6. dealii, examples which illustrate the use of DEAL.II, which is a finite element Differential Equations Analysis Library (DEAL).
  7. dealii_osx, examples which illustrate the use of DEAL.II_OSX, which is simply the version of DEAL.II running on a Macintosh under the OSX operating system.
  8. dealii_rcc, examples which illustrate the use of DEAL.II_RCC, which is simply the version of DEAL.II running on the FSU Research Computing Center (RCC) cluster.
  9. eps_to_jpg, examples which illustrate the use of EPS_TO_JPG, which is a script which converts many EPS files to JPG format.
  10. eps_to_png, examples which illustrate the use of EPS_TO_PNG, which is a script which converts many EPS files to PNG format.
  11. espresso, examples which illustrate the use of Quantum ESPRESSO, which is an integrated suite of open source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory (DFT), plane waves, and pseudopotentials.
  12. freefem++, examples which illustrate the use of FREEFEM++, which is a high-level integrated development environment for the numerical solution of nonlinear multiphysics partial differential equations in 2D and 3D.
  13. ga, examples which illustrate the use of GA, which is the global arrays toolkit, which simulates shared memory in a distributed memory computation.
  14. gmsh, examples which illustrate the use of GMSH, which is a mesh generator for 1D/2D/3D regions, especially usefule for the finite element method (FEM), or other computations that need a discretized geometric model.
  15. gnuplot, examples which illustrate the use of gnuplot(), which is an interactive graphing program.
  16. graphics_examples_convert, examples which illustrate how various kinds of data can be modified and converted using the ImageMagick program convert() and related tools.
  17. graphics_examples_dislin, examples which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically, using the graphics library dislin.
  18. graphics_examples_gnuplot, examples which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically, using the interactive executable program gnuplot().
  19. graphics_examples_grace, examples which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically, using the interactive executable program grace().
  20. graphics_examples_octave, examples which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically, using the interactive executable program octave().
  21. graphics_examples_plotly1, examples which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically, using the plotly() program (version 1) from a browser.
  22. hecht_freefem++, examples which accompanied the standard reference paper for FREEFEM++, used by Frederic Hecht to illustrate special features of the program.
  23. ifiss, examples which illustrate the use of IFISS, which is a MATLAB-based flow-solver.
  24. imagemagick, examples which illustrate the use of IMAGEMAGICK, which is a program that can create, edit, compose or convert graphical information as stored in many different file formats. IMAGEMAGICK can resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.
  25. mandelbrot, examples which illustrate the computation of the MANDELBROT set, which is defined as the set of points which remain bounded under a given iteration.
  26. mathjax, examples which illustrate the use of MATHJAX, which is a system for displaying mathematical notation in a web page.
  27. medit, examples which illustrate the use of MEDIT, which is an interactive graphics program.
  28. meshlab, examples which illustrate the use of MESHLAB, which is an advanced mesh processing system for automatic or user-assisted editing, cleaning, filtering, converting and rendering of large unstructured 3D triangular meshes.
  29. mitchell_dealii, examples which illustrate the implementation of the Mitchell elliptic test problems using DEAL.II.
  30. mitchell_freefem++, examples which illustrate the implementation of the Mitchell elliptic test problems using FREEFEM++.
  31. mumps, examples which illustrate the use of MUMPS, which is a package for the solution of large linear systems.
  32. parallel_matlab, examples which illustrate the use of MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolbox;
  33. paraview, examples which illustrate the use of PARAVIEW, which is an interactive graphics program.
  34. pbs, examples which illustrate the use of PBS, the Portable Batch Scheduler, as installed at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
  35. ranksb EMPTY
  36. s2de_freefem++, examples which illustrate the solution of steady incompressible Stokes flow problems using FREEFEM++.
  37. slurm, examples which illustrate the use of SLURM, which is a job scheduler for a computer cluster.
  38. sort, examples which illustrate the use of SORT, which is a UNIX system command that can sort lists of data.
  39. tetgen, examples which illustrate the use of TETGEN, which can compute the convex hull and Delaunay tetrahedralization of a set of 3D points, or can start with a 3D region defined by its boundaries, and construct a boundary-constrained conforming quality Delaunay mesh, by Hang Si.
  40. tethex, examples which illustrate the use of TETHEX, which is a C++ program which can read a Gmsh file defining a mesh of triangles or tetrahedrons, and subdivide the mesh into quadrilaterals or hexahedrons, which are suitable for use by the DEALII finite element program, by Mikhail Artemiev.
  41. tetview, examples which illustrate the use of TETVIEW, which can display the 3D meshes and tetrahedralizations created by TETGEN, by Hang Si.
  42. tikz, examples which illustrate the use of TIKZ, which is a drawing package for use in TEX and LATEX documents;
  43. visit, examples which illustrate the use of VISIT, which is an interactive scientific graphics program.
  44. voronoi_diagram, examples which illustrate the computation and use of a Voronoi diagram.
  45. x_window_display, examples which illustrate the issues that arise when trying to use an X-window program remotely.

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Last revised on 11 September 2018.