A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and 3D Delaunay Triangulator

TETGEN is a C++ program which can create a 3D mesh of tetrahedrons, suitable for use in finite element or finite volume calculations, with the mesh satisfying the 3D Delaunay criterion. The program is by Hang Si.

For a 3D point set, the program generates the Delaunay tetrahedralization and the convex hull.

For a 3D domain, in which the user has defined boundaries, the program can generate additional internal points, which are then organized into a boundary-constrained conforming quality Delaunay mesh.

tetgen works with the following files:

tetgen can read and write the following common polyhedral file formats:


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the following license.

Related Data and Programs:

BAMG, examples which illustrate the use of BAMG, a program for generating 2D meshes that can be used to define the geometry for the the finite element package FREEFEM++.

DIST_PLOT, a MATLAB program which creates a color contour plot of the distance functions that are used by DISTMESH.

DISTMESH, a MATLAB library which creates meshes, for 2D or 3D data.

DISTMESH_3D, a MATLAB program which is a subset of the DISTMESH routines, exclusively for 3D problems.

GMSH, examples which illustrate the use of the gmsh program, a 3D mesh generator for the finite element method (FEM).

MESH, a data directory which contains examples of MESH files, which can be used to define the geometry of a finite element mesh in 2D or 3D, using triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons or hexahedrons. These files can be viewed by the medit graphics program.

MESH2D, a MATLAB library which can automatically create a triangular mesh for a given polygonal region, by Darren Engwirda.

OFF, a data directory which contains examples of Object File Format (OFF) files, a Geomview file format for 3D graphics;

PLY, a data directory which contains examples of PLY files, a format for objects defined as a collection of polygons, 3D graphics;

POLY_3D, a data directory which contains examples of 3D POLY files, a 3D format used by tetgen and tetview, for a Piecewise Linear Complex.

STLA, a data directory which contains examples of ASCII stereolithography (STL) files for 3D graphics;

TETVIEW, examples of the use of TETVIEW which can display the 3D meshes and tetrahedralizations created by TETGEN.


Hang Si


  1. G Miller, D Talmor, S-H Teng, N Walkington, H Wang,
    Control volume meshes using sphere packing: generation, refinement and coarsening,
    Proceedings of the Fifth International Meshing Roundtable,
    pages 47-61, 1996.
  2. Hang Si,
    TetGen: A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and 3D Delaunay Trianulator,
    Version 1.4 User Manual,
    Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS),
    16 January 2006.
  3. Hang Si,
    TetGen, a Delaunay-based quality tetrahedral mesh generator,
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
    Volume 41, Number 2, January 2015, 36 pages.

Examples and Tests:

CUBE starts with a "poly" file that describes a cube.

Then we give the command "tetgen -pq cube"

ELLELL starts with a "ply" file that describes a building with L-shaped base and profile.

Then we give the quality mesh command "tetgen -pq ellell" Then we give the refinement command "tetgen -ra0.1 ellell.1"

EXAMPLE starts with just a "poly" file that describes a compensated magic tee junction, with 54 nodes and 29 faces. The poly file describes a piecewise linear complex (PLC).

The command tetgen -pg example reads the PLC, and writes its constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization to node, element and face files. The additional "g" switch creates a ".mesh" file which can be used by the MEDIT graphics program.

The command tetgen -pgq example reads the PLC and creates a quality mesh, with a quality ratio (circumradius to shortest edge) bounded by 2.0 (the default). The additional "g" switch creates a ".mesh" file which can be used by the MEDIT graphics program.

The command tetgen -pgq1.414V example forces the quality ratio to be bounded by 1.414. The additional "g" switch creates a ".mesh" file which can be used by the MEDIT graphics program.

Creating a "node" file, the command tetgen example now simply computes the Delaunay tetrahedralization and the convex hull of the given nodes.

You can go up one level to the Examples directory.

Last revised on 04 June 2012.