Robert Vandermolen

Date Presenter/ Topic (pdf)
9-13-2017 Presenter:Tracy Huggins
Chain Complexes in Abeilan Categories
9-20-2017 Presenter: Robert Vandermolen
Double Complexes, Total Complexes and other Constructions
9-27-2017 Presenter: Keller Vandebogert
On Chain Homotopies, Mapping Cones and Cylinders
10-4-2017 Presenter: Blake Farman
More on Abelian Categories and an Introduction to Derived Functors
10-11-2017 Presenter: Xiaofei Yi
On Projective and Injective Resolutions
10-18-2017 Presenter: Tracy Huggins
On Left and Right Derived Functors
10-25-2017 Presenter: Keller Vandebogert
On Adjoint functors and Balancing Tor and Ext
11-1-2017 & 11-8-2017 Presenter: Robert Vandermolen
Examples of Tor and Ext in nice cases, and the interaction of Ext with extensions
(pdf-1) & (pdf-2)
Presenter:Blake Farman
On Derived Functors of the Inverse Limit and Universal Coefficient Theorems
(pdf-1) & (pdf-2)
- Presenter: