Zhu Wang

  • Department of Mathematics
  • University of South Carolina
  • LeConte College, 337
  • 1523 Greene Street
  • Columbia, SC 29208
  • Email: wangzhu at math.sc.edu
  • Phone: (803) 576-5985
am a professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of South Carolina.
was an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of South Carolina in 2018-2022.
was an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of South Carolina in 2014-2018.
was an industrial postdoc of the IMA at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2012-2014.
graduated from the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech in Spring, 2012.
worked with my advisor, Dr. Traian Iliescu in my PhD study.
worked with Dr. Mihai Anitescu and Dr. Oleg Roderick in MCS at Argonne National Laboratory during 2010 and 2011 summers.
I will co-organize the 45th annual meeting of the SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section. The meeting will take place on March 25-26, 2023 at Virgina Tech.
I will join the editorial board of International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling (IJNAM) in January 2023.
I have been invited to participate as a Research Fellow in the Model and dimension reduction in uncertain and dynamic systems program at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Brown University in Spring 2020.
I have been selected as one of the 2018-2019 USC Breakthrough Stars.
The University of South Carolina, Columbia held the 9th annual graduate student mini-conference in Computational Mathematics on February 17-18, 2018.
Our work, Exponential time differencing for large time stepping and localized approach for parallel implementation, presented by Phuong, Konstantin and Chad won the best poster award at 2017 ACME All-Hands Meeting.
last updated: January 2024