Andrew R. Kustin --- Research
Macaulay2 scripts:
- SocDeg3.m2 This Package is described in the paper "Artinian Gorenstein algebras of socle degree three which have the weak Lefscetz property."
Recent Papers and preprints:
- "Artinian Gorenstein algebras of socle degree three which have the weak Lefschetz property" Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 229 (2025).
- "Artinian Gorenstein algebras of embedding dimension four and socle degree three
over an arbitrary field" (with S. El Khoury) arXiv.
- "The weak Lefschetz property for Standard graded, Artinian Gorenstein algebras of embedding dimension four and socle degree three" preprint or J. Algebra 650 (2024), 80--122.
- "Quadratically presented grade three Gorenstein ideals" (with S. El Khoury) arXiv
or J. Algebra 622 (2023), 258--290.
- "The syzygies of the ideal $(x_1^N,x_2^N,x_3^N,x_4^N)$ in the hypersurface ring defined by $x_1^n+x_2^n+x_3^n+x_4^n$ over any field" (with Rebecca R.G. and A. Vraciu) preprint
or J. Algebra 615 (2023), 205--242.
- "The resolution of $(x^N,y^N,z^N,w^N)$" (with Rebecca R.G. and A. Vraciu)
preprint or J. Algebra 590 (2022), 338--393.
- "Perfect modules with Betti numbers (2,6,5,1)" arXiv or
J. Algebra 600 (2022), 71--124.
- "Using DG-methods to build a matrix factorization"
arXiv or J. Commut. Algebra 14 (2022), 229--266.
- "Resolutions of length four which are Differential Graded Algebras"
arXiv or J. Commut. Algebra 12 (2020), 509--538..
- "The structure of quasi-complete intersection ideals" (with L. Şega).
arXiv or J. Algebra 632 (2023), 286--309.
- "Totally reflexive modules over rings that are close to Gorenstein" (with A. Vraciu). arXiv or J. Algebra, 571(2021), 190--231.
- "Poincaré series of compressed local Artinian rings with odd top socle degree" (with L. Şega and A. Vraciu).
arXiv or J. Algebra 505 (2018), 383--419.
- "An alternating matrix and a vector, with application to Aluffi algebras"
arXiv or
J. Algebra 472, (2017), 115--145.
- "Canonical complexes associated to a matrix"
arXiv or
J. Algebra 460 (2016), 60--101.
- "Degree bounds for local cohomology" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich) arXiv or Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 121 (2020), 1251--1267.
- "A matrix of linear forms which is annihilated by a vector of indeterminates" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich).
arXiv or
J. Algebra 469 (2017), 120--187.
- "The equations defining blowup algebras of height three Gorenstein ideals" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich).
Algebra and Number Theory, 11 (2017), 1489--1525.
- "The Hilbert series of the ring associated to an almost alternating matrix" (C. Polini and B. Ulrich).
arXiv or
Comm. Algebra 44 (2016), 3053--3068.
- "Blowups and fibers of morphisms" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich),
arXiv or
Nagoya Math. J. 224 (2016), 168--201.
- "The structure of Gorenstein-linear resolutions of Artinian algebras" (with S. El Khoury):
arXiv or
J. Algebra 453 (2016), 492--560.
- "The explicit minimal resolution constructed from a Macaulay inverse system" (with S. El Khoury):
arXiv or
J. Algebra 440 (2015), 145--186.
- "Minimal quasi-complete intersection ideals" (with L. Şega and A. Vraciu):
arXiv or
Illinois J. Math. 58 (2014), 867--889.
- "Artinian Gorenstein algebras with linear resolutions" (with S. El Khoury):
arXiv or
J. Algebra 420 (2014), 402--474.
- "Exact pairs of homogeneous zero divisors" (with J. Striuli and A. Vraciu): arXiv
or J. Algebra 453 (2016), 221--248.
- "The bi-graded structure of Symmetric Algebras with applications to Rees rings" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich):
arXiv or
J. Algebra 469 (2017), 188--250.
- "The Weak Lefschetz Property for monomial complete intersections" (with A. Vraciu):
arXiv or
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 366 (2014), 4571--4601.
- "Integral extensions and the $a$-invariant" (with C. Polini, and B. Ulrich):
or Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 216 (2012), 2800 -- 2806.
- "A study of singularities on rational curves via syzygies" (with D. Cox, C. Polini, and B. Ulrich): Memoirs of the AMS 222 (2013).
arXiv or Memoirs of the AMS 222 (2013).
- "The resolution of the bracket powers of the maximal ideal in a diagonal hypersurface ring" (with H. Rahmati and A. Vraciu):
or arXiv or
Journal of Algebra 369 (2012), 256--321.
- "Rational Normal Scrolls and the Defining Equations of Rees Algebras" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich):
arXiv or
Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 650 (2011), 23-65.
- "Divisors on Rational Normal Scrolls" (with C. Polini and B. Ulrich):
arXiv or
Journal of Algebra, Volume 322, (2009), 1748-1773.
- "Socle Degrees, Resolutions, and Frobenius Powers", (with B. Ulrich):
arXiv or
Journal of Algebra, 322, (2009), 25-41.
- "An explicit, characteristic-free, equivariant homology equivalence
between Koszul complexes":
Comm. in Algebra, vol. 36, no. 9, (2008), 3263--3316.
- "Socle degrees of Frobenius powers" (with A. Vraciu):
Illinois Journal of Mathematics, vol. 51, no. 1 (2007), 185--208.
- "On the minimal free resolution of the universal ring for
resolutions of length two" (with J.Weyman), : arXiv or
Journal of Algebra,
vol. 311, (2007), 435-462.
- "The resolution of the universal ring for modules of rank zero and projective dimension two", Journal of Algebra, vol. 310, (2007), 261--289:
Final version .pdf file
, or Final version .ps file ,
2002 draft .pdf version , or 2002 draft .ps version .
- "The cohomology of the Koszul complexes associated to the tensor
product of two free modules" Comm. Alg. vol. 33, (2005), 467--495: . pdf version or ps version .
- "Complexes associated to two vectors and a rectangular matrix", Memoirs of the AMS, vol. 147, (2000), 1--81: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "Migliore-Peterson rings in the case that the reflexive sheaf has even rank", J. of Algebra, vol. 207, (1998), 572--615: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "Ideals associated to two sequences and a matrix",
arXiv or
Comm. in Algebra, vol. 23, (1995), 1047--1084.
- "Huneke-Ulrich almost complete
intersections of Cohen-Macaulay type two", J. of Algebra, vol. 17, (1995), 373-429: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "The deviation two Gorenstein rings of Huneke and Ulrich", Commutative Algebra, 14--25 September 1992, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, World Scientific Publishing Co., River Edge, NJ, 1994, 140--163: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "Pfaffian identities, with applications to free resolutions,
DG-Algebras, and algebras with straightening law",
Contempory Math., vol. 159, (1994), 269--292: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "The Poincare series of every finitely generated module over a
codimension four almost complete intersection is a rational function",
(with S. Palmer Slattery),
J. of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 95, (1994), 271--295: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "The minimal resolution of a codimension four almost complete
intersection is a DG-algebra",
J. of Algebra, vol. 168, (1994), 371--399: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "Classification of the Tor-algebras of codimension four almost
complete intersections",
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.. vol.339, (1993), 61--85: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "Complexes which arise from a matrix and a vector: resolutions of
divisors on certain varieties of complexes",
J. of Algebra, vol. 158, (1993), 420--491: .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "If the socle fits",
(with B. Ulrich),
J. of Algebra,
vol. 147, (1992), 63--80
.pdf version or
.ps version .
- "Generating a residual intersection" (with M. Miller and B. Ulrich)
J. Algebra 146 (1992), no. 2, 335–384.
or .pdf version or
.ps version .
- "The Lexicographic Sum of Cohen-Macaulay
and Shellable Ordered Sets" (with J.~Griggs, J.~Ross, and J.~Stahl)
Graphs Combin. 1 (1985), no. 2, 145--163.
or .pdf version .