TABLE_BARPLOT_PPMA is a FORTRAN90 program which reads in a data file in the TABLE format and creates an ASCII Portable Pixel Map (PPM) graphics file containing a bar graph version of the data.
The program has been tailored for my specific needs, so it has some quirks. First, we assume that the data file contains N rows of data, each with M items.
We are going to plot N tall skinny bars (one pixel wide!), and the bar is divided into M colors, whose relative widths reflect the relative sizes of the items.
The same scale is used for each bar, so some bars may not reach as high as others. A light gray background will show up, in that case.
Only the magnitude of the items is important.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
TABLE_BARPLOT_PPMA is available in a FORTRAN90 version.
PPMA, a graphics format which is used by this program.
TABLE, a file format which is used by this program.
TABLE_BORDER, a FORTRAN90 program which can be used to add a border (of zero values) to a table file.
TABLE_COLUMNS, a FORTRAN90 program which can extract specific columns of data from a table file.
TABLE_COLUMNS_PERMUTE, a FORTRAN90 program which permutes the columns of a table file.
TABLE_DELAUNAY, a FORTRAN90 program which computes the Delaunay triangulation of a set of points.
TABLE_HISTOGRAM, a FORTRAN90 program which can make a histogram of a set of points stored in a table file.
TABLE_IO, a FORTRAN90 library which supplies the routines used to read the TABLE file.
TABLE_LATINIZE, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a file of points and creates a "latinized" version by adjusting the data.
TABLE_MERGE, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a file of points, and removes duplicates, and points that are close to each other.
TABLE_ORTHONORMALIZE, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a file of points and orthonormalizes the columns.
TABLE_QUALITY, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a file of points and computes the quality of dispersion.
TABLE_RECORD_MATCH, a FORTRAN90 program which finds close records in a table file.
TABLE_SCALE, a FORTRAN90 program that multiplies the entries of a table file by a scale vector.
TABLE_SHIFT, a FORTRAN90 program which can be used to shift the entries of a table file by a shift vector.
TABLE_STATS, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a table file and compute certain statistics.
TABLE_TET_MESH, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a table file of 3D data, and compute a tetrahedral mesh.
TABLE_TOP, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a table file of M-dimensional data and make a table of plots of all pairs of coordinates.
TABLE_UNBORDER, a FORTRAN90 program which removes the border from a table file.
TABLE_UNIFORM_NOISE, a FORTRAN90 program which adds a uniform noise term to the data in a table file.
TABLE_VORONOI, a FORTRAN90 program which computes information about the Voronoi diagram of the points.
You can go up one level to the FORTRAN90 source codes.