Order, Sort and Search Data using Bins
is a FORTRAN90 library which
sorts data into order, or lumps
it into bins, or selects an item of particular rank, or finds
the unique elements in a list.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
BINS is available in
a C++ version and
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 library which
contains many routines for sorting and searching data.
Jon Bentley, Bruce Weide, Andrew Yao,
Optimal Expected Time Algorithms for Closest Point Problems,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Volume 6, Number 4, December 1980, pages 563-580.
Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest,
Introduction to Algorithms,
MIT Press, 2001,
ISBN: 0262032937,
LC: QA76.C662.
Barry Joe,
GEOMPACK - a software package for the generation of meshes
using geometric algorithms,
Advances in Engineering Software,
Volume 13, pages 325-331, 1991.
Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf,
Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators,
Second Edition,
Academic Press, 1978,
ISBN: 0-12-519260-6,
LC: QA164.N54.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
List of Routines:
BIN_SEARCH_ONE_2D searches one cell in a 2D array of bins.
BIN_TO_R8_EVEN returns the limits for a given "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R8_EVEN2 returns the limits for a given "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R82_EVEN returns the limits for a given R82 "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R82_EVEN2 returns the limits for a given R82 "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R82_EVEN3 returns the limits for a given R82 "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R83_EVEN2 returns the limits for a given R83 "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R83_EVEN3 returns the limits for a given R83 "bin" in [A,B].
BIN_TO_R8VEC_EVEN3 returns the limits for a given R8VEC "bin" in [A,B].
DIAEDG chooses a diagonal edge.
DTRIS2 constructs a Delaunay triangulation of 2D vertices.
GET_SEED returns a seed for the random number generator.
I4_MODP returns the nonnegative remainder of integer division.
I4_SWAP switches two integer values.
I4_WRAP forces an integer to lie between given limits by wrapping.
I4MAT_PRINT prints an integer matrix.
I4MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an integer matrix.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an IMAT, transposed.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of the transpose of an integer matrix.
I4VEC_HEAP_D reorders an I4VEC into a descending heap.
I4VEC_INDICATOR sets an I4VEC to the indicator vector.
I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using heap sort.
I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE finds the number of unique elements in a sorted I4VEC.
I4VEC2_COMPARE compares pairs of integers stored in two vectors.
I4VEC2_SORT_A ascending sorts a vector of pairs of integers.
I4VEC2_SORTED_UNIQUE keeps the unique elements in a array of pairs of integers.
INDEX_BOX2_NEXT_2D produces indices on the surface of a box in 2D.
INDEX_BOX2_NEXT_3D produces indices on the surface of a box in 3D.
LRLINE determines where a point lies in relation to a directed line.
PERM_INV inverts a permutation "in place".
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_BINS_2D finds the nearest point to a given point in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_BINS_2D_2 finds the nearest point to a given point in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_BINS_2D_3 finds the nearest point to a given point in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_DEL_2D: nearest neighbor in a Delaunay triangulation.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_NAIVE_2D finds the nearest point to a given point in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_NAIVE_3D finds the nearest point to a given point in 3D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_BINS_2D finds the nearest point to given points in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_BINS_2D_2 finds the nearest point to given points in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_BINS_2D_3 finds the nearest point to given points in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_BINS_2D_4 finds the nearest point to given points in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_BINS_3D_2 finds the nearest point to given points in 3D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_BINS_3D_3 finds the nearest point to given points in 3D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_NAIVE_2D finds the nearest point to given points in 2D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINTS_NAIVE_3D finds the nearest point to given points in 3D.
POINTS_NEAREST_POINT_NAIVE_ND finds the nearest point to a given point in ND.
R8_TO_BIN_EVEN determines the appropriate "bin" for C in [A,B].
R8_TO_BIN_EVEN2 determines the appropriate "bin" for C in [A,B].
R8_TO_BIN_UNEVEN places X in one of several unevenly spaced bins.
R8_UNIFORM returns a scaled pseudorandom R8.
R8_UNIFORM_01 returns a unit pseudorandom R8.
R82_TO_BIN_EVEN determines the appropriate "bin" for an R82 value.
R82_TO_BIN_EVEN2 determines the appropriate "bin" for an R82 value.
R82_TO_BIN_EVEN3 determines the appropriate "bin" for an R82 value.
R82_UNIFORM returns a random R82 value in a given range.
R82VEC_BIN_EVEN bins an R82VEC into evenly spaced bins.
R82VEC_BIN_EVEN2 bins an R82VEC into evenly spaced bins.
R82VEC_BIN_EVEN3 bins an R82VEC into evenly spaced bins.
R82VEC_BINNED_REORDER reorders a binned R82 data vector.
R82VEC_BINNED_REORDER2 reorders a binned R82VEC.
R82VEC_BINNED_SORT_A sorts each bin of a binned R82VEC.
R82VEC_BINNED_SORT_A2 sorts each bin of a binned R82VEC.
R82VEC_PART_QUICK_A reorders an R82VEC as part of a quick sort.
R82VEC_PERMUTE permutes an R82VEC in place.
R82VEC_PRINT prints an R82VEC.
R82VEC_SORT_HEAP_INDEX_A does an indexed heap ascending sort of an R82VEC.
R82VEC_SORT_QUICK_A ascending sorts an R82VEC using quick sort.
R82VEC_UNIFORM returns a random R82VEC in a given range.
R83_TO_BIN_EVEN2 determines the appropriate "bin" for an R83 value.
R83_TO_BIN_EVEN3 determines the appropriate "bin" for an R83 value.
R83VEC_BIN_EVEN2 bins an R83VEC into evenly spaced bins.
R83VEC_BIN_EVEN3 bins an R83 array into evenly spaced bins.
R83VEC_BINNED_REORDER reorders a binned R83 data vector.
R83VEC_BINNED_REORDER2 reorders a binned R83 data vector.
R83VEC_BINNED_SORT_A sorts each bin of a binned R83VEC.
R83VEC_BINNED_SORT_A2 sorts each bin of an R83 binned data vector.
R83VEC_PART_QUICK_A reorders an R83VEC as part of a quick sort.
R83VEC_PRINT prints an R83VEC.
R83VEC_SORT_QUICK_A ascending sorts an R83VEC using quick sort.
R83VEC_UNIFORM returns a random R83VEC in a given range.
R8MAT_PRINT prints an R8MAT.
R8MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an R8MAT, transposed.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT, transposed.
R8VEC_BIN bins an R8VEC, returning the population of each bin.
R8VEC_BIN_EVEN bins an R8VEC into evenly spaced bins.
R8VEC_BINNED_REORDER reorders a binned R8VEC.
R8VEC_BINNED_SORT_A ascending sorts a binned reordered R8VEC.
R8VEC_BRACKET searches a sorted array for successive brackets of a value.
R8VEC_EQ is true if every pair of entries in two vectors is equal.
R8VEC_GT == ( A1 > A2 ) for real vectors.
R8VEC_LT == ( A1 < A2 ) for real vectors.
R8VEC_PART_QUICK_A reorders an R8VEC as part of a quick sort.
R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC.
R8VEC_SORT_QUICK_A ascending sorts an R8VEC using quick sort.
R8VEC_SWAP swaps the entries of two real vectors.
R8VEC_TO_BIN_EVEN3 determines the appropriate "bin" for an R8VEC.
R8VEC_UNIFORM returns a random R8VEC in a given range.
SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL externally sorts a list of items into ascending order.
SWAPEC swaps diagonal edges until all triangles are Delaunay.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
TRIANGLE_AREA_2D computes the area of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_SAMPLE_2D returns a random point in a triangle.
TRIANGULATION_NABE_NODES determines the neighbors of triangulation nodes.
TRIANGULATION_PRINT prints out information defining a Delaunay triangulation.
TRIANGULATION_SAMPLE_2D returns random points in a triangulation.
TUPLE_NEXT2 computes the next element of an integer tuple space.
VBEDG determines which boundary edges are visible to a point.
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the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 26 July 2008.