Create font database for SMDLIB
is a FORTRAN77 program which
reads a set of ASCII
font description files, and creates a single binary font
file for use by the SMDLIB graphics library.
Related Data and Programs:
is a FORTRAN90 library which
creates the font database for the NASADIG graphics library.
SMDLIB_FONTS is available in
a FORTRAN77 version and
a FORTRAN90 version.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
Font files:
stdtri02.fnt, standard triplex font.
stddup03.fnt, standard duplex font.
itatri04.fnt, italic triplex font.
scrsim05.fnt, script simple font.
scrcom06.fnt, script complex font.
uncial07.fnt, uncial font.
grkcom08.fnt, Greek complex font.
stdgot09.fnt, standard gothic font.
scrgot10.fnt, script gothic font.
stdsim11.fnt/a>, standard simple font.
stdcom12.fnt, standard complex font.
grksim13.fnt, Greek simple font.
itacom14.fnt, italic complex font.
stddup15.fnt, standard duplex font.
mathem16.fnt/a>, mathematical font.
grkcom17.fnt, Greek complex font.
itasim18.fnt/a>, italic simple font.
stylex19.fnt, stylex outline font #19.
Roman light outline font #20.
clasic21.fnt, Classic outline font #21.
romanb22.fnt, Roman bold outline font #22.
List of Routines:
MAIN is the main program for SMDLIB_FONTS.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN77 source codes.
Last revised on 30 August 2008.