Font Database for NASADIG
is a FORTRAN90 program which
creates the font
database for the NASADIG graphics library.
NASADIG_FONTS is available in
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs:
is a C library which
defines the interface routines used by NASADIG
in order to produce X Windows graphics output.
is a FORTRAN90 library which
defines dummy versions of the interface routines defined by NASADIG
in order to produce X Windows graphics output.
is a FORTRAN90 library which
creates the font database for the SMDLIB graphics library.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
Font files:
stdtri02.fnt, standard triplex font #2.
stddup03.fnt, standard duplex font #3.
itatri04.fnt, italix triplex font #4.
scrsim05.fnt, script simple font #5.
scrcom06.fnt, script complex font #6.
uncial07.fnt, uncial font #7.
grkcom08.fnt, Greek complex font #8.
stdgot09.fnt, standard Gothic font #9.
scrgot10.fnt, script Gothic font #10.
stdsim11.fnt, standard simple font #11.
stdcom12.fnt, standard complex font #12.
grksim13.fnt, Greek simple font #13.
itacom14.fnt, italic complex font #14.
stddup15.fnt, standard duplex font #15.
mathem16.fnt, mathematical font #16.
grkcom17.fnt, Greek complex font #17.
itasim18.fnt, italic simple font #18.
stylex19.fnt, stylex outline font #19.
Roman light outline font #20.
clasic21.fnt, Classic outline font #21.
romanb22.fnt, Roman bold outline font #22.
List of Routines:
MAIN is the main program for NASADIG_FONTS.
BYTES_PER_WORD returns the number of bytes per word.
IPXCON gets an integer associated with a POSIX constant string.
KSYAND performs the logical AND of two integer values.
PXFOPN opens a file.
SYRECL determines the record length for a random access file.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 30 August 2008.