August 30 2008 2:04:12.962 PM NASADIG_FONTS FORTRAN90 version Create the NASADIG font database file. Font 2 from file stdtri02.fnt Height = 21 Font 3 from file stddup03.fnt Height = 21 Font 4 from file itatri04.fnt Height = 21 Font 5 from file scrsim05.fnt Height = 21 Font 6 from file scrcom06.fnt Height = 21 Font 7 from file uncial07.fnt Height = 21 Font 8 from file grkcom08.fnt Height = 21 Font 9 from file stdgot09.fnt Height = 21 Font 10 from file scrgot10.fnt Height = 21 Font 11 from file stdsim11.fnt Height = 21 Font 12 from file stdcom12.fnt Height = 21 Font 13 from file grksim13.fnt Height = 21 Font 14 from file itacom14.fnt Height = 21 Font 15 from file stddup15.fnt Height = 21 Font 16 from file mathem16.fnt Height = 20 Font 17 from file grkcom17.fnt Height = 21 Font 18 from file itasim18.fnt Height = 21 Font 19 from file stylex19.fnt Height = 42 Font 20 from file romanl20.fnt Height = 42 Font 21 from file clasic21.fnt Height = 42 Font 22 from file romanb22.fnt Height = 42 NASADIG_FONTS No room for more fonts! NASADIG_FONTS: Created the direct access font file NASAFNTS It contains fonts 2 through 22 NASADIG_FONTS: Normal end of execution. August 30 2008 2:04:13.180 PM