Workshops often involve a varied collection of documents, links,
and software.
Introduction to Advanced Research Computing, 2015.
Introduction to Advanced Research Computing, 2016.
Introduction to Advanced Research Computing, 2017.
Introduction to Advanced Research Computing, 2018.
bootcamp_2008_vt, a high performance computing bootcamp,
held at Virginia Tech, 28 July to 02 August 2008;
bootcamp_2010_vt, a high performance computing bootcamp,
held at Virginia Tech, 10 August 2010;
cmda3634_cuda_2017_fall_vt, CUDA Programming on the HokieSpeed cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics,
presented 01 November 2017.
cmda3634_cuda_2017_spring_vt, CUDA Programming on the HokieSpeed cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics,
presented 28 March 2017.
cmda3634_intro_2018_vt, Working on the NewRiver Cluster,
a presentation to the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics,
22 February 2018.
cmda3634_mpi_2016_vt, MPI Programming on the HokieSpeed cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics,
created and presented by Justin Krometis, 03 March 2016.
cmda3634_mpi_2017_fall_vt, MPI Programming on the NewRiver cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics,
09 October 2017.
cmda3634_mpi_2017_spring_vt, MPI Programming on the HokieSpeed cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics,
23 February 2017.
cmda3634_openmp_2017_vt, OpenMP Programming on the HokieSpeed cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class CMDA3634,
Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and
Data Analytics, spring 2017.
cuda_test_drive_2017_vt, a one hour workshop on
"Take CUDA for a Test Drive", held at Virginia Tech,
and sponsored by the Networked Learning Initiative.
exm_iteration_2017_vt, "Experiments in MATLAB: Iteration",
a workshop presented for the Networked Learning Initiative,
01 March 2017.
"Faster Code for Free: Linear Algebra Libraries", a workshop
created and presented by Justin Krometis for the Networked
Learning Initiative, 26 February 2016.
math5414_2017_vt, MPI and CUDA Programming on the NewRiver cluster,
for the Virginia Tech class MATH5414,
Fall 2017.
matlab_graphics_2018_vt, a presentation by John Burkardt
on the use of MATLAB to display sets of statistical data,
presented to staff and students of the Virginia Tech Child Development
Center, 08 May 2018.
matlab_parallel_2015_vt, a presentation by Justin Krometis.
matlab_parallel_2017_vt, a presentation by John Burkardt,
Gene Cliff, and Justin Krometis.
lecture notes and exercises for MPI programming,
presented to the Advanced Computational Science 2 (ACS2) class
of the Department of Scientific Computing,
at Florida State University, 16/18/22 September 2008.
lecture notes and exercises for MPI programming,
presented to the Advanced Computational Science 2 (ACS2) class
of the Department of Scientific Computing,
at Florida State University, 10/15 October 2013.
mpi_test_drive_2017_vt, a one hour workshop on
"Take MPI for a Test Drive", held at Virginia Tech,
10 April 2017, and sponsored by the Networked Learning Initiative.
lecture notes and exercises for OpenMP programming,
presented to the Advanced Computational Science 2 (ACS2) class
of the Department of Scientific Computing,
at Florida State University, 08/11/15 September 2008.
lecture notes and exercises for OpenMP programming,
presented to the Advanced Computational Science 2 (ACS2) class
of the Department of Scientific Computing,
at Florida State University, 03/08 October 2013.
slides and examples for a presentation about OpenMP programming,
held at Virginia Tech in 2015, presented by a staff member
of Advanced Research Computing,
and sponsored by the Networked Learning Initiative.
openmp_intro_2017_vt, a one hour workshop on
"Introduction to OpenMP Programming", held at Virginia Tech,
17 March 2017, and sponsored by the Networked Learning Initiative.
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Last revised on 02 July 2018.