OpenMP Materials for ACS II

From 09 September to 22 September 2008, I will be an instructor for the Advanced Computational Science II (ACS II), given by the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University.


11:00-12:15, Tuesday,
09 September 2008
OpenMP Introduction
11:00-12:15, Thursday,
11 September 2008
OpenMP Conclusion
2:30-5:00, Monday,
15 September 2008
OpenMP Exercises
11:00-12:15, Tuesday,
16 September 2008
MPI Introduction
11:00-12:15, Thursday,
18 September 2008
MPI Conclusion
2:30-5:00, Monday,
22 September 2008
MPI Exercises

OpenMP Documents:

OpenMP Latex Source:

Latex input files:

OpenMP Warmup Exercise
11 September 2008

You were asked to write a code that computes the l1 norm of a vector of 1000 random entries, using OpenMP, and run it on the lab machines and the FSU HPC system. A worked out example is available:

OpenMP Exercises
15 September 2008

The exercises require access to source codes, which are available here:

  1. hello, the OpenMP version of the "Hello, World!" program.
  2. quad, a sketch of the program you will need to write.
  3. fft, a Fast Fourier Transform program which computes time and MegaFLOPS.
  4. md, a molecular dynamics program.
  5. heated_plate, a program to solve the steady state heat equation in a rectangular region;
    grid_to_bmp, a C++ program which can display the solution produced by heated_plate.

OpenMP Assignment to be Turned In
by 19 September 2008

Insert OpenMP directives into a code for the Jacobi iteration. Run the resulting code on the HPC system, using 1 and 8 processors. Turn in the code, and the output of the two runs.

You can go up one level to the Workshops page.

Last revised on 15 September 2008.