
CMDA3634_MPI_2016_VT, information associated with a presentation on MPI Programming for the Virginia Tech HokieSpeed cluster, given to the class CMDA3634: Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics, created and presented by Justin Krometis, 03 March 2016.

  1. instructions.pdf, the handout.
  2. hs_sample.qsub, a sample batch file for HokieSpeed.
  3. hs_sample_verbose.qsub, the sample batch file, with extensive explanatory comments.
  4., a command to request interactive access to a HokieSpeed node.
  5., a command to request interactive access to a HokieSpeed node.
  6. mpi_hello_world.c, a "Hello, World!" program written in C, that can use MPI.

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Last revised on 27 February 2017.