Interactive Graphics
is a FORTRAN90 program which
tries to take simple input
from the user and display some interesting data on the screen.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
XYZ_PLOT is available in
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 library which
served as a generic interface between FORTRAN90 programs and various
graphics output devices and files.
a data directory which
contains examples of XYZ files,
a simple 3D graphics point and line format;
a MATLAB program which
reads XYZ information defining points in 3D, and displays
an image in the MATLAB graphics window.
a C++ program which
reads an XYZ file of 3D point coordinates, and displays
an image of those points using OpenGL.
a FORTRAN90 program which
reads a set of XYZ spatial coordinates, and
rewrites them as ATOM records in a PDB file.
a data directory which
contains examples of XYZF files,
a simple 3D graphics point and face format;
a MATLAB program which
reads XYZF information defining points and faces in 3D,
and displays an image in a MATLAB graphics window.
a C++ program which
reads XYZL information defining points and faces in 3D, and displays
an image using OpenGL.
a data directory which
contains examples of XYZL files,
a simple 3D graphics point and line format;
a MATLAB program which
reads XYZL information defining points and lines in 3D,
and displays an image in a MATLAB graphics window.
a C++ program which
reads XYZL information defining points and lines in 3D, and displays
an image using OpenGL.
Source Code:
xyz_plot.f90, the source code.
commands to compile the source code and link it with the
"anynul" (no graphics) graphics package.
List of Routines:
XYZ_PLT is the main program.
ANGLE_RAD_3D returns the angle in radians between two rays in 3D.
ARROW returns points that specify an arrow from one point to another.
C_CAP capitalizes a single character.
C_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two characters for equality.
C_IS_ALPHA returns TRUE if C is an alphabetic character.
C_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
CAU draws a caustic plot.
CHKDAT prints out the value of the data.
CHKVAL prints out the value of the plot points.
COMRPN can translate formulas you type in and evaluate them.
CONV3D converts 3D data to a 2D projection.
DATA_TO_DIF sets up a divided difference table from raw data.
DHPSRT sorts points into lexicographic order.
DIAEDG chooses a diagonal edge.
DIF_VAL evaluates a divided difference polynomial at a point.
DIGIT_TO_C returns the character representation of a decimal digit.
DLESS determines whether P is lexicographically less than Q.
DOT0_3D computes the dot product of (P1-P0) and (P2-P0) in 3D.
DRWPLT displays the graph.
DSFTDW shifts A(*,MAP(L)) down a heap of size U.
DTRIS2 constructs a Delaunay triangulation of 2-D vertices.
ENORM0_3D computes the Euclidean norm of (P1-P0) in 3D.
ENORM_ND computes the Euclidean norm of a vector in ND.
EVALF gets a formula from the user and evaluates it.
FFXY sets up data for F(X,Y)=0 plots.
FILE_DELETE deletes a named file if it exists.
FUNSCL evaluates a scalar function of one or more scalar arguments.
FUNVAL evaluates a scalar, vector or matrix valued function.
FXY computes points on a implicit curve defined by F(X,Y) = 0.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
GETDAT gets information from the user defining the data vectors.
HELLO reports the program name, and other information.
I_GCD finds the greatest common divisor of I and J.
I_LCM computes the least common multiple of two integers.
I_SWAP swaps two integer values.
I_TO_S_ZERO converts an integer to a string, with zero padding.
INICOM initializes data for COMRPN.
LEAST_SET constructs the least squares polynomial approximation to data.
LEAST_VAL evaluates a least squares polynomial defined by LEAST_SET.
LINE_SEG_CONTAINS_POINT_1D reports if a line segment contains a point in 1D.
LRLINE determines where a point lies in relation to a directed line.
LSQTXY sets up a parameterized least squares polynomial plot.
LSQXY sets up the data defining a least squares polynomial plot.
NEWTON applies Newton's method to solve F(X,Y)=0, with X or Y fixed.
PI returns the value of pi.
PLANE_EXP2IMP_3D converts an explicit plane to implicit form in 3D.
PLANE_EXP_PROJECT_3D projects points through a point onto a plane in 3D.
PLANE_IMP_POINT_NEAR_3D: nearest point on a implicit plane to a point in 3D.
POINTS_DIST_3D finds the distance between two points in 3D.
PROPLANE2 produces 2D coordinates of points that lie in a plane, in 3D.
PROPLANE3 projects points orthographically onto a plane, in 3D.
PWP sets up the data defining a piecewise polynomial plot.
R2_CHEBY sets up the Chebyshev abscissas in a real interval.
R_NEXT "reads" real numbers from a string, one at a time.
R_TO_S_LEFT writes a real into a left justified character string.
RPNCHK examines an RPN formula, looking for a complete RPN expression.
RPNSET converts the infix formula into an RPN formula.
RPNVAL evaluates the symbolic functions in an RPN formula.
RVEC_BRACKET searches a sorted array for successive brackets of a value.
RVEC_DISTINCT is true if the entries in a real vector are distinct.
RVEC_EVEN returns N real values, evenly spaced between ALO and AHI.
RVEC_EVEN_SELECT returns the I-th of N evenly spaced values in [ XLO, XHI ].
RVEC_UNIT_EUCLIDEAN Euclidean normalizes a vector in ND.
S3_FS factors and solves a tridiagonal linear system.
S_BLANK_DELETE removes blanks from a string, left justifying the remainder.
S_BLANKS_DELETE replaces consecutive blanks by one blank.
S_CAP replaces any lowercase letters by uppercase ones in a string.
S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality.
S_IS_ALPHA returns .TRUE. if the string contains only alphabetic characters.
S_PAREN_CHECK checks the parentheses in a string.
S_TO_R reads a real number from a string.
SPLINE_CUBIC_SET computes the second derivatives of a cubic spline.
SPLINE_CUBIC_VAL evaluates a cubic spline at a specific point.
STAR draws a star.
SWAPEC swaps diagonal edges in a 2-D triangulation.
SXY sets up a cubic spline ( X, S(X) ), interpolating given data.
SYMADD adds a symbol name to the list of symbolic names.
SYMVAL sets, evaluates, or deletes a variable.
TOKENS parses a character string into recognized symbols and constants.
TRICON draws a contour line of a scalar quantity.
VBEDG determines which boundary edges are visible to a point.
VECTOR_UNIT_ND normalizes a vector in ND.
XYS computes splines through X and Y data.
XYZ_WRITE writes graphics data to an XYZ file.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 28 December 2010.