program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAIN is the main program for XYZ_PLOT. ! ! Discussion: ! ! XYZPLOT is an interactive graphics program. ! ! Issues: ! ! Convert Least Squares calculations to ORTPOL/ORTVAL if possible. ! ! Clean up scatterplot triangulation. ! ! CON doesn't seem to be set up. ! ! "Dev = ps" fails, whereas "dev=ps" works. ! ! Notes: There is something wrong with the CLIP routine. I noticed this ! because perfectly vertical lines which were entirely within the range ! were getting clipped. In exasperation, I simply iced out the clipping ! for now. ! ! 3D axis, and labelling, are messed up. ! ! Add CON routine. ! ! Note: ! ! MAXFIX specifies the maximum length of a formula that a user ! can type in,in characters. ! ! MAXRPN specifies the maximum length of a "compiled" RPN formula, ! in symbols. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 17 July 2009 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: BIG = 60000 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxdat = BIG integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxiwork = 1000 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxrwork = 110 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxtri = 1000 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: val_max = BIG integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxvl3 = BIG character ( len = 80 ) carray character ( len = 10 ) coord real dat(maxdat,9) character ( len = 10 ) dev character ( len = 80 ) filexyz integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icom integer ( kind = 4 ) icurve integer ( kind = 4 ) idat(maxdat) integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot integer ( kind = 4 ) iplt1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iplt2 character ( len = 10 ) isay integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) iwork(maxiwork) integer ( kind = 4 ) ixplt1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ixplt2 integer ( kind = 4 ) iyplt1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iyplt2 integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k logical l3d logical ldat logical lframe integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) marray integer ( kind = 4 ) mdat integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) ntri integer ( kind = 4 ) nval integer ( kind = 4 ) nxgrid integer ( kind = 4 ) nygrid real plhite real plwide logical s_eqi real tdat(maxdat) real theta integer ( kind = 4 ) nodtri(3,maxtri) character ( len = 80 ) title integer ( kind = 4 ) tnbr(3,maxtri) real udat(maxdat) real umax real umin real uval real vdat(maxdat) real vscale real rwork(maxrwork) real x1 real x2 real x3 real x3val(maxvl3) real x3dat(maxdat) real xdat(maxdat) real xf real xmax real xmaxw real xmin real xminw real xplt1 real xplt2 real xval(val_max) real y1 real y2 real y3 real y3val(maxvl3) real y3dat(maxdat) real ydat(maxdat) real yf real ymax real ymaxw real ymin real yminw real yplt1 real yplt2 real yval(val_max) real z1 real z2 real z3 real z3val(maxvl3) real z3dat(maxdat) real zdat(maxdat) real zf ! ! anyplt stuff ! common /anycom/ iplt1,iplt2,ixplt1,ixplt2,iyplt1, & iyplt2,marray,xplt1,xplt2,yplt1,yplt2 common /anychr/ carray call timestamp ( ) ! ! Initialize. ! dev = '?' idat(1:maxdat) = 0 ierror = 0 iplot = 0 ldat = .true. lframe = .false. mdat = 0 ncon = 11 nfine = 101 nxgrid = 2 nygrid = 2 plhite = 1.0E+00 plwide = 1.0E+00 theta = 0.0E+00 title = ' ' vscale = 1.0E+00 x3dat(1:maxdat) = 0.0E+00 xdat(1:maxdat) = 0.0E+00 xmax = 1.0E+00 xmaxw = 1.0E+00 xmin = 0.0E+00 xminw = 0.0E+00 x3val(1:val_max) = 0.0E+00 xval(1:val_max) = 0.0E+00 y3dat(1:maxdat) = 0.0E+00 ydat(1:maxdat) = 0.0E+00 ymax = 1.0E+00 ymaxw = 1.0E+00 ymin = 0.0E+00 yminw = 0.0E+00 y3val(1:val_max) = 0.0E+00 yval(1:val_max) = 0.0E+00 z3dat(1:maxdat) = 0.0E+00 zdat(1:maxdat) = 0.0E+00 z3val(1:val_max) = 0.0E+00 ! ! Say hello. ! call hello ! ! Choose a device. ! call device_choose ( dev ) ! ! Set options. ! 10 continue call option ( dev, iplot, ldat, lframe, ncon, nfine, & nxgrid, nygrid, theta, title, vscale ) if ( iplot == 0 ) then icom = 0 carray = dev call anyplt ( icom ) icom = 13 call anyplt ( icom ) write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( carray ) end if if ( iplot > 0 ) then go to 60 end if ! ! Initialize for this plot ! 20 continue iplot = iplot + 1 nval = 0 ndat = 0 icurve = 0 ! ! Start here if a curve is to be added to the plot. ! 30 continue icurve = icurve + 1 ! ! Get the coordinate system option. ! 40 continue write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Coordinate choices:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CAU, CON, FX, FXY, LXY, LTXY, PWP, Q, RT, SCAT, ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR, SXY, TXY, TXYZ, UVXY, XYS, XYZ, or ?: ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter coordinate choice.' read ( *, '(a)' ) coord if ( s_eqi(coord,'CAU') ) then l3d = .false. call cau ( ival, val_max, nval, xval, yval ) else if ( s_eqi(coord,'CON') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 3 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xyu', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT - Fatal error!' go to 10 end if xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) udat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,3) ! ! Now triangulate the data. ! if ( 2*ndat > maxiwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' integer ( kind = 4 ) workspace needs exceeded.' go to 10 end if call ivec_identity ( ndat, iwork ) if ( 2*ndat > maxrwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Real workspace needs exceeded.' go to 10 end if j = 0 do i = 1, ndat j = j+1 rwork(j) = xdat(i) j = j+1 rwork(j) = ydat(i) end do call rtris2 ( ndat, ndat, rwork, iwork(1), ntri, nodtri, tnbr, & iwork(ndat+1), ierror ) ! ! Now call TRICON to get the levels. ! m = ncon + 2 umin = minval ( udat(1:ndat) ) umax = maxval ( udat(1:ndat) ) do i = 2, m-1 call rvec_even_select ( umin, umax, m, i, uval ) call tricon ( ival, val_max, ndat, nodtri, ntri, nval, udat, & uval, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) end do else if ( s_eqi ( coord, 'FX' ) ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT - Fatal error!' go to 10 end if nval = ndat xval(1:nval) = dat(1:nval,1) yval(1:nval) = dat(1:nval,2) ival(1:nval-1) = 1 ival(nval) = 0 else if ( s_eqi(coord,'FXY') ) then l3d = .false. call ffxy ( ierror, ival, val_max, nval, xval, yval ) else if ( s_eqi(coord,'LXY') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) call lsqxy ( ierror, ival, maxrwork, val_max, ndat, nfine, & nval, rwork, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then go to 10 end if else if ( s_eqi(coord,'LTXY') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) do i = 1, ndat tdat(i) = real ( i - 1 ) / real ( ndat - 1 ) end do call lsqtxy ( ierror, ival, maxrwork, val_max, ndat, nfine, & nval, rwork, tdat, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then go to 10 end if else if ( s_eqi(coord,'PWP') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) call pwp ( ierror, ival, maxrwork, val_max, ndat, nfine, & nval, rwork, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) else if ( s_eqi ( coord, 'RT' ) ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'rt', ndat ) xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) * cos ( dat(1:ndat,2) ) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) * sin ( dat(1:ndat,2) ) idat(1:ndat-1) = 1 idat(ndat) = 0 nval = ndat do i = 1, nval xval(i) = dat(i,1) * cos ( dat(i,2) ) yval(i) = dat(i,1) * sin ( dat(i,2) ) end do ival(1:nval-1) = 1 ival(nval) = 0 else if ( s_eqi(coord,'SCAT') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT - Fatal error!' go to 10 end if xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) ! ! Offer to triangulate the points. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Want to triangulate the points?' read ( *, '(a)') isay if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'Y' ) ) then if ( 2*ndat > maxiwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' integer ( kind = 4 ) workspace needs exceeded.' go to 10 end if call ivec_identity ( ndat, iwork ) if ( 2*ndat > maxrwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Real workspace needs exceeded.' go to 10 end if j = 0 do i = 1, ndat j = j+1 rwork(j) = xdat(i) j = j+1 rwork(j) = ydat(i) end do call rtris2 ( ndat, ndat, rwork, iwork(1), ntri, nodtri, tnbr, & iwork(ndat+1), ierror ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then go to 10 end if do i = 1, ntri do j = 1, 4 if ( j < 4 ) then k = nodtri(j,i) else k = nodtri(1,i) end if nval = nval + 1 xval(nval) = rwork(2*k-1) yval(nval) = rwork(2*k) ival(nval) = 1 end do ival(nval) = 0 end do end if else if ( s_eqi(coord,'STAR') ) then l3d = .false. call star ( ierror, ival, val_max, nval, xval, yval ) else if ( s_eqi(coord,'SXY') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) call sxy ( ival, val_max, ndat, nfine, nval, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) else if ( s_eqi(coord,'TXY') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 3 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'txy', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT - Fatal error!' go to 10 end if xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,3) nval = ndat xval(1:nval) = dat(1:nval,2) yval(1:nval) = dat(1:nval,3) ival(1:nval-1) = 1 ival(nval) = 0 else if ( s_eqi(coord,'TXYZ') ) then l3d = .true. mdat = 4 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'txyz', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT - Fatal error!' go to 10 end if x3dat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) y3dat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,3) z3dat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,4) nval = ndat do i = 1, nval x3val(i) = dat(i,2) y3val(i) = dat(i,3) z3val(i) = dat(i,4) end do ival(1:nval-1) = 1 ival(nval) = 0 else if ( s_eqi(coord,'UVXY') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 4 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xyuv', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT - Fatal error!' go to 10 end if xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) udat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,3) vdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,4) do i = 1, ndat nval = nval + 1 xval(nval) = xdat(i) yval(nval) = ydat(i) ival(nval) = 2 nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = xdat(i) + udat(i) yval(nval) = ydat(i) + vdat(i) ival(nval) = 0 end do else if ( s_eqi(coord,'XYS') ) then l3d = .false. mdat = 2 do call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xy', ndat ) if ( ndat > 3 ) then exit end if write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'You must define at least 4 data values!' end do xdat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) ydat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) call xys ( ival, maxdat, val_max, ndat, nfine, nval, tdat, xdat, & xval, ydat, yval ) else if ( s_eqi(coord,'XYZ') ) then l3d = .true. mdat = 3 call getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, 'xyz', ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then go to 10 end if x3dat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,1) y3dat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,2) z3dat(1:ndat) = dat(1:ndat,3) nval = ndat do i = 1, nval x3val(i) = dat(i,1) y3val(i) = dat(i,2) z3val(i) = dat(i,3) end do ival(1:nval) = idat(1:nval) else if ( s_eqi(coord,'?') ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CAU Caustic plot' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CON U(X,Y) contour plot.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FX (X,Y) data.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FXY (X,Y) defined by F(X,Y) = 0.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LXY Least squares curve, (X,Y) data' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LTXY Least squares curve, (X(T), Y(T) ).' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PWP Piecewise polynomial, (X,Y) data' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Q Cancel this plot.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RT ( R, THETA) polar plot.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SCAT Scatter plot, (X,Y) data.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR Plot a star.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SXY Cubic spline, X, Y data.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TXY ( X(T), Y(T) ).' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TXYZ ( X(T), Y(T), Z(T) ).' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'UVXY 2D vector plot, (U(X,Y), V(X,Y) ).' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYS Plot ???' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ (X, Y, Z) data.' go to 40 else if ( s_eqi ( coord(1:1), 'Q' ) ) then go to 10 else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'That was not a legal choice!' go to 10 end if if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Some error condition has occurred!' go to 10 end if ! ! Project 3D data. ! 50 continue if ( l3d ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Choose 3D -> 2D data projection method:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) '-X drop X coordinate, display YZ;' write ( *, '(a)' ) '-Y drop Y coordinate, display XZ;' write ( *, '(a)' ) '-Z drop Z coordinate, display XY;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'OPLANE orthographic projection into plane.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PPLANE perspective projection into plane.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PX project X into YZ using THETA;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PY project Y into XZ using THETA;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PZ project Z into XY using THETA;' read ( *, '(a)' ) isay if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:2), '-X' ) ) then xval(1:nval) = y3val(1:nval) yval(1:nval) = z3val(1:nval) xdat(1:ndat) = y3dat(1:ndat) ydat(1:ndat) = z3dat(1:ndat) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'-Y') ) then xval(1:nval) = x3val(1:nval) yval(1:nval) = z3val(1:nval) xdat(1:ndat) = x3dat(1:ndat) ydat(1:ndat) = z3dat(1:ndat) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'-Z') ) then xval(1:nval) = x3val(1:nval) yval(1:nval) = y3val(1:nval) xdat(1:ndat) = x3dat(1:ndat) ydat(1:ndat) = y3dat(1:ndat) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'OPLANE') ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter 3 points on the plane (X,Y,Z):' read ( *, * ) x1, y1, z1 read ( *, * ) x2, y2, z2 read ( *, * ) x3, y3, z3 call proplane3 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & nval, x3val, y3val, z3val, x3val, y3val, z3val ) call proplane2 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & nval, x3val, y3val, z3val, xval, yval ) call proplane3 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & ndat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat ) call proplane2 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & ndat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat, xdat, ydat ) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'PPLANE') ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter 3 points on the plane (X,Y,Z):' read ( *, * ) x1, y1, z1 read ( *, * ) x2, y2, z2 read ( *, * ) x3, y3, z3 write ( *, '(a)') 'Enter focus point (X,Y,Z):' read ( *, * ) xf, yf, zf call plane_exp_project_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & xf, yf, zf, nval, x3val, y3val, z3val, x3val, y3val, z3val, iwork ) call proplane2 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & nval, x3val, y3val, z3val, xval, yval ) call plane_exp_project_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & xf, yf, zf, ndat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat, iwork ) call proplane2 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & ndat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat, xdat, ydat ) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'PX') ) then call conv3d ( nval, theta, xval, yval, x3val, y3val, z3val ) call conv3d ( ndat, theta, xdat, ydat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat ) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'PY') ) then call conv3d ( nval, theta, xval, yval, y3val, x3val, z3val ) call conv3d ( ndat, theta, xdat, ydat, y3dat, x3dat, z3dat ) else if ( s_eqi(isay,'PZ') ) then call conv3d ( nval, theta, xval, yval, z3val, x3val, y3val ) call conv3d ( ndat, theta, xdat, ydat, z3dat, x3dat, y3dat ) else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Unrecognized projection option!' go to 50 end if end if ! ! Draw the plot. ! call drwplt ( ierror, ival, l3d, ldat, lframe, ndat, nval, nxgrid, & nygrid, plhite, plwide, theta, title, vscale, xdat, xmax, xmaxw, xmin, & xminw, xval, ydat, ymax, ymaxw, ymin, yminw, yval ) ! ! Finish up ! icom = 9 iplt1 = 1 call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! Now that that plot's done, what next? ! 60 continue write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'C another curve on this plot' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CHKDAT Print the data.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CHKVAL Print the values.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'F write plot data to file.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'P another plot' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'R redraw' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'O change option' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Q quit' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter option' read ( *, '(a)' ) isay if ( s_eqi ( isay, 'C' ) ) then go to 30 else if ( s_eqi(isay,'F') ) then if ( l3d ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'What should the output file be called?' read ( *, '(a)' ) filexyz call xyz_write ( filexyz, ival, nval, x3val, y3val, z3val ) else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'This option not ready for 2D plots.' end if go to 60 else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'O' ) ) then call option ( dev, iplot, ldat, lframe, ncon, nfine, & nxgrid, nygrid, theta, title, vscale ) go to 60 else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'P' ) ) then go to 20 else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1),'R' ) ) then go to 50 else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'Q' ) ) then icom = 1 call anyplt ( icom ) if ( .not. s_eqi(dev,'cgmb') ) then call file_delete ( 'cgmout' ) end if write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' stop else if ( s_eqi(isay,'CHKVAL') ) then if ( .not. l3d ) then call chkval ( ival, l3d, nval, xval, yval, yval ) else call chkval ( ival, l3d, nval, x3val, y3val, z3val ) end if go to 60 else if ( s_eqi(isay,'CHKDAT') ) then if ( .not. l3d ) then call chkdat ( idat, mdat, ndat, xdat, ydat, zdat ) else call chkdat ( idat, mdat, ndat, x3dat, y3dat, z3dat ) end if go to 60 else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT did not recognize that command!' go to 10 end if stop end function angle_rad_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3 ) !******************************************************************************* ! !! ANGLE_RAD_3D returns the angle in radians between two rays in 3D. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine always computes the SMALLER of the two angles between ! two rays. Thus, if the rays make an (exterior) angle of ! 1.5 radians, the (interior) angle of 0.5 radians will be reported. ! ! Formula: ! ! X dot Y = Norm(X) * Norm(Y) * Cos ( Angle(X,Y) ) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, are three points ! which define the rays. The rays are: ! ( X1-X2, Y1-Y2, Z1-Z2 ) and ( X3-X2, Y3-Y2, Z3-Z2 ). ! ! Output, real ANGLE_RAD_3D, the angle between the two rays, in radians. ! This value will always be between 0 and PI. If either ray has ! zero length, then the angle is returned as zero. ! implicit none real angle_rad_3d real dot real dot0_3d real enorm0_3d real v1norm real v2norm real x1 real x2 real x3 real y1 real y2 real y3 real z1 real z2 real z3 dot = dot0_3d ( x2, y2, y2, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3 ) v1norm = enorm0_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) v2norm = enorm0_3d ( x3, y3, z3, x2, y2, z2 ) if ( v1norm == 0.0E+00 .or. v2norm == 0.0E+00 ) then angle_rad_3d = 0.0E+00 else angle_rad_3d = acos ( dot / ( v1norm * v2norm ) ) end if return end subroutine arrow ( xstart, ystart, xtip, ytip, ndraw, xdraw, ydraw ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! ARROW returns points that specify an arrow from one point to another. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The arrow will stretch between two user specified points. ! ! The "head" of the arrow may be fatter or thinner than expected ! if the X and Y scales of the graph are not in the same ! proportions. ! ! ! left(3) ! |\ ! | \ ! | \ ! start(1)*-----base(2,6) * tip(4) ! | / ! | / ! |/ ! rite(5) ! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real XSTART, YSTART, the starting point for the arrow. ! ! Input, real XTIP, YTIP, the end point for the arrow. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NDRAW, the number of points to draw, which ! will be 6. ! ! Output, real XDRAW(NDRAW), YDRAW(NDRAW), the X and Y coordinates ! of the points to connect to draw the arrow. ! implicit none real alpha real del real dist integer ( kind = 4 ) ndraw real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979E+00 real theta real xbase real xdraw(*) real xleft real xrite real xstart real xtip real ybase real ydraw(*) real yleft real yrite real ystart real ytip theta = 0.5E+00 * pi - atan2 ( 2.0E+00, 1.0E+00 ) dist = sqrt ( ( xtip - xstart )**2 + ( ytip - ystart )**2 ) alpha = atan2 ( ytip - ystart, xtip - xstart ) del = sqrt ( 5.0E+00 ) / 3.0E+00 xbase = ( xstart + 2.0E+00 * xtip ) / 3.0E+00 ybase = ( ystart + 2.0E+00 * ytip ) / 3.0E+00 xleft = xstart + del * dist * cos ( alpha - theta ) yleft = ystart + del * dist * sin ( alpha - theta ) xrite = xstart + del * dist * cos ( alpha + theta ) yrite = ystart + del * dist * sin ( alpha + theta ) ndraw = 6 xdraw(1:6) = (/ xstart, xbase, xleft, xtip, xrite, xbase /) ydraw(1:6) = (/ ystart, ybase, yleft, ytip, yrite, ybase /) return end subroutine ch_cap ( c ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CH_CAP capitalizes a single character. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character C, the character to capitalize. ! implicit none character c integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp itemp = ichar ( c ) if ( 97 <= itemp .and. itemp <= 122 ) then c = char ( itemp - 32 ) end if return end function ch_eqi ( c1, c2 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CH_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two characters for equality. ! ! Example: ! ! CH_EQI ( 'A', 'a' ) is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 July 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character C1, C2, the characters to compare. ! ! Output, logical CH_EQI, the result of the comparison. ! implicit none logical ch_eqi character c1 character c1_cap character c2 character c2_cap c1_cap = c1 c2_cap = c2 call ch_cap ( c1_cap ) call ch_cap ( c2_cap ) if ( c1_cap == c2_cap ) then ch_eqi = .true. else ch_eqi = .false. end if return end function ch_is_alpha ( c ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CH_IS_ALPHA returns TRUE if C is an alphabetic character. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 05 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character C, a character to check. ! ! Output, logical CH_IS_ALPHA is TRUE if C is an alphabetic character. ! implicit none character c logical ch_is_alpha if ( ( lle ( 'a', c ) .and. lle ( c, 'z' ) ) .or. & ( lle ( 'A', c ) .and. lle ( c, 'Z' ) ) ) then ch_is_alpha = .true. else ch_is_alpha = .false. end if return end subroutine ch_to_digit ( c, digit ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CH_TO_DIGIT returns the value of a base 10 digit. ! ! Example: ! ! C DIGIT ! --- ----- ! '0' 0 ! '1' 1 ! ... ... ! '9' 9 ! ' ' 0 ! 'X' -1 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character C, the decimal digit, '0' through '9' or blank ! are legal. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) DIGIT, the corresponding value. If C was ! 'illegal', then DIGIT is -1. ! implicit none character c integer ( kind = 4 ) digit if ( lge ( c, '0' ) .and. lle ( c, '9' ) ) then digit = ichar ( c ) - 48 else if ( c == ' ' ) then digit = 0 else digit = -1 end if return end subroutine cau ( ival, val_max, nval, xval, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CAU draws a caustic plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of points. ! ! Input/output, real XVAL(VAL_MAX), YVAL(VAL_MAX), the coordinates ! of points to be used in graphs. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max real angle integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979E+00 real xval(val_max) real yval(val_max) do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the number of points on the circle.' read ( *, *, iostat = ios ) iq if ( ios /= 0 ) then return end if if ( iq < 3 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Please choose a value that is more than 3!' else if ( nval+2*iq > val_max ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'Choose a value no more than ', val_max else exit end if end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter point to which point 1 is connected.' read ( *, *, iostat = ios ) ip if ( ios /= 0 ) then return end if ! ! Draw lines between points: ! 1 and P ! 2 and 2*P ! ... ! Q and Q*P ! do i = 1, iq nval = nval + 1 angle = ( 2.0E+00 * pi * i ) / real ( iq ) xval(nval) = cos ( angle ) yval(nval) = sin ( angle ) ival(nval) = 1 j = mod ( ip * i, iq ) nval = nval + 1 angle = ( 2.0E+00 * pi * j ) / real ( iq ) xval(nval) = cos ( angle ) yval(nval) = sin ( angle ) ival(nval) = 0 end do return end subroutine chkdat ( idat, mdat, ndat, xdat, ydat, zdat ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHKDAT prints out the value of the data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idat(ndat) integer ( kind = 4 ) mdat real xdat(ndat) real ydat(ndat) real zdat(ndat) if ( ndat <= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ChkDat: No data is defined!' return end if write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ChkDat: User data values:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, ndat if ( mdat == 2 ) then write ( *, '(i5,2g15.6)' ) i, xdat(i), ydat(i) else write ( *, '(i5,3g15.6)' ) i, xdat(i), ydat(i), zdat(i) end if if ( idat(i) == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' end if end do return end subroutine chkval ( ival, l3d, nval, xval, yval, zval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CHKVAL prints out the value of the plot points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) nval integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(nval) logical l3d real xval(nval) real yval(nval) real zval(nval) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'ChkVal' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Plot points:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, nval if ( .not. l3d ) then write(*,'(1x,i5,2g15.6)') i, xval(i), yval(i) else write(*,'(1x,i5,3g15.6)') i, xval(i), yval(i), zval(i) end if if ( ival(i) == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' end if end do return end subroutine comrpn ( com, ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, namvar, value ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! COMRPN can translate formulas you type in and evaluate them. ! ! This means that you can design interactive FORTRAN programs ! which can input their formulas at run time, rather than ! recompiling every time you want a new formula. ! ! If you declare vectors or matrices, you may reference entries ! such as X(3) or A(3,2) or even X(2+3). ! ! ! Formulas are made from operators, constants, punctuation, ! variables, and functions. ! ! ! The list of legal operators includes: ! ! + - * / ** ^ = \ ! ! * means multiplication, and is standard matrix multiplication if ! both arguments are (conformable) matrices. If one argument is a ! scalar, it multiplies all the entries of the other argument. ! If both arguments are row or column vectors, the dot product ! is taken. ! ! Thus, ! ! x is a scalar equal to 2, ! y is a scalar equal to 3, ! u is a vector equal to (1, 2, 3), ! v is a vector equal to (1, 0, 2), ! ! then ! ! 2*3 results in 6. ! ! x*y results in 6. ! ! u*v results in 7. ! ! x*v would result in the vector (2, 0, 4). ! ! ! / means division, as in A/B, but for matrices the only allowed ! form requires that B be a scalar, in which case each element of ! A is divided by B. ! ! ! + and - are allowed for pairs of scalars, vectors or matrices of ! the same order, and also for a square matrix and a scalar, ! in which case A+2 is interpreted as A+2*I. ! ! ! ** or ^ means exponentiation. In the scalar case, any ! nonnegative scalar can be taken to any power, positive, zero, or ! negative. A negative scalar may only be taken to a whole number ! power. ! ! ** is also supported for square matrices, which can be taken ! to any nonnegative whole number power. Nonsingular matrices may ! also be taken to negative whole number powers. ! ! ! = is used to assign values. For vectors or matrices, this may ! also be used to assign a single entry, as in A(3,2)=7. ! ! ! / is standard scalar division. It is used in a formula like ! ! X/Y ! ! or ! ! (A*B)/(X+1) ! ! Normally, X would be a scalar quantity. However, as NONSTANDARD ! shorthand, you may 'divide' a matrix by a scalar, in which case ! each entry of the matrix is divided by the scalar, e.g. ! ! A/2 = (1/2)*A. ! ! MATALG will NOT allow you to use the "/" operator to represent ! multiplication by an inverse matrix. Thus, if A is a matrix, ! the statement ! ! B/A ! ! is illegal. However, the statement ! ! INV(A)*B ! ! will compute the inverse of A and multiply by B, and the ! statement ! ! A \ B ! ! will compute the LU factorization of A, and use that to ! compute the inverse of A times B. ! ! ! Constants: ! ! ! Real and integer constants may appear in your formulas, as well ! as the symbol 'PI' and the machine unit roundoff number 'EPS' ! which is the power of two such that 1+EPS>1 but 1+(EPS/2)=1. ! ! ! Punctuation: ! ! ! Blanks may be used anywhere. ! ! Commas are used to separate arguments in a function, such as ! MAX(X,Y). ! ! Parentheses are used: ! ! to group quantities: (X+Y)*Z ! ! to reference an entry of a vector or matrix: A(2,2) ! ! to mark the argument of a function: SIN(X), MAX(X,Y) ! ! ! Functions and operators: ! ! ! S, S1, S2: Arguments which may only be scalar. ! V : Arguments may only be a scalar or vector. ! M : Arguments may only be scalar or square matrix. ! MV : Arguments may only be scalar, vector, or square matrix. ! * : Arguments which may be scalar, vector, or matrix. ! I : Arguments which may only be positive integers. ! ! ABS(*) Absolute value of *. ! ! ACOS(S) The arc cosine of S. ! -1 <= S <=1. ! ! ASIN(S) The arc sine of S. ! -1 <= S <=1. ! ! ATAN(S) The arc tangent of S. ! ! ATAN2(S1,S2) Arc tangent of (S1/S2) ! Correctly computes ATAN2(1.0,0.0)=PI/2. ! ! COS(S) The cosine of S, with S measured in radians. ! ! COSD(S) The cosine of S, with S measured in degrees. ! ! COSH(S) Hyperbolic cosine of S. ! ! DET(M) Determinant of square matrix M. ! ! DIAG(*) The diagonal entries of *, stored in a vector. ! ! E The base of the natural logarithm system. ! E=2.71828... ! You may not change the value of E. ! ! EPS The machine epsilon, or unit roundoff number. ! EPS is the power of 2 such that ! ! 1 < 1+EPS and 1=1+(EPS/2). ! ! You may not change the value of EPS. ! ! EVAL(M) Real and imaginary parts of eigenvalues of matrix ! M, stored in a matrix of N rows and 2 columns, ! with the real parts in column 1, and the ! imaginary parts in column 2. ! ! EVEC(M) Eigenvectors of square matrix M, stored in a ! square matrix of same size as M. ! ! (Eigenvectors corresponding to a complex pair: ! If eigenvalues j and j+1 are a complex pair, ! then the eigenvector for eigenvalue j is ! column j + i*column j+1, and the eigenvector ! for eigenvalue j+1 is column j - i*column j+1.) ! ! EXP(S) Exponential of S. ! ! GCF(I,J) Greatest common factor of two integers. ! ! HILBERT(I) The Hilbert matrix of order I. ! ! HILBINV(I) The inverse of the Hilbert matrix of order I. ! ! HOUSE(V) The Householder elementary reflector matrix H, ! defined as ! ! H = I - 2*(V * TRANSPOSE(V)) / (TRANS(V)*V) ! ! ID(I) The matrix identity of order I. ! ID(3) is the 3 by 3 identity, for instance. ! ! INT(*) Truncates real values to their integer part. ! INT(1.0) = INT(1.1) = INT(1.9) = 1. ! ! INV(M) The inverse matrix of the square matrix M. ! If M is singular, there will be no inverse. ! ! IVAL(M) Imaginary parts of eigenvalues of square matrix M ! stored in a column vector. ! ! LCM(I,J) Least common multiple of two integers. ! ! LN(S) The natural logarithm of S. ! S must be greater than 0. ! ! LOG(S) The natural logarithm of S. ! S must be greater than 0. ! ! LOG10(S) The logarithm base 10 of S. ! S must be greater than 0. ! ! LOG2(S) The logarithm base 2 of S. ! S must be greater than 0. ! ! MAX(S1,S2) The maximum of S1 and S2. ! ! MIN(S1,S2) Minimum of S1 and S2. ! ! NEG(*) Changes sign of *. ! ! NINT(*) Nearest integer value to entries of *. ! ! NORM0(*) Maximum or infinity norm of a vector or matrix. ! NORM0(S) = ABS(S) ! NORM0(V) returns the maximum of the absolute ! values of the entries of V. ! NORM0(M) returns the maximum of the sum of the ! absolute values of the entries in each row. ! ! NORM1(*) The L1-norm of a vector or matrix. ! NORM1(S) = ABS(S). ! NORM1(V) returns the sum of the absolute values ! of the entries of V. ! NORM0(M) returns the maximum of the sum of the ! absolute values of the entries in each column. ! ! NORM2(MV) L2-norm, Euclidean norm or root-mean-square norm ! of a vector or a square matrix M. NORM2(V) returns ! the square root of the sum of the squares of the ! entries of V. NORM2(M) returns the maximum magnitude ! of the eigenvalues of Transpose(M)*M. ! ! NORMF(*) The Frobenius norm. NORMF(M) returns the square ! root of the sum of the squares of all the entries ! of a matrix M. NORMF may also be applied to a ! vector, giving the same results as NORM2(V). ! ! NORMS(MV) The spectral "norm". NORMS(M) returns the ! value of the maximum of the absolute values of ! all the eigenvalues of the square matrix M. ! ! Note that the spectral norm is NOT a true ! norm, although it is frequently used as though ! it were. ! ! PI 3.14159265358979... ! You may not change the value of PI. ! ! POLY(V,M) Polynomial evaluation. V contains the ! coefficients of the polynomial, with V(1) the ! coefficient of M**(N-1) and V(N) the constant ! term. ! ! M is the scalar or square matrix argument of the ! polynomial. ! ! RAN(*) Fills * with random numbers between 0 and 1. ! ! ROUND(*) Replaces all "small" entries of * by 0. ! Here "small" means less than RTOL in absolute ! value. ! ! RTOL The tolerance for the ROUND command, initially set ! to EPS. To change the value of RTOL, simply ! reassign it with a statement like "RTOL=0.1E-6". ! ! RVAL(M) Real parts of eigenvalues of square matrix M, ! stored in a column vector. ! ! SIN(S) The sine of S, with S measured in radians. ! ! SIND(S) The sine of S, with S measured in degrees. ! ! SINH(S) Hyperbolic sine of S. ! ! SQRT(S) Square root of S. S must be non-negative. ! ! STEP(S) Heavyside step function. ! ! STEP=0 if S < 0, ! STEP=1 if 0 <= S. ! ! TAN(S) Tangent of S. ! ! TAND(S) Tangent of S measured in degrees. ! ! TANH(S) Hyperbolic tangent of S. ! ! TRACE(*) Sum of diagonal elements of *. ! ! TRANS(*) Transpose of matrix or vector. ! ! A=TRANS(A) is a legal formula if A is square. ! ! ZEROS(I) Matrix zero of order I. ! ZEROS(4) is the 4 by 4 zero matrix. ! ! I! Factorial of I. I should be an integer from 0 to ! 25. 0!=1, 1!=1, 2!=1*2=2, 3!=1*2*3=6, and so on. ! For large I, the exact value is not returned. ! !******************************************************************************* ! ! To add a new function to COMRPN: ! ! Update the information in the IOPSYM, IPRSYM, and SYMBOL ! arrays. ! ! Insert text into FUNVAL or FUNSCL which evaluates the ! function, and determines its dimensions. ! !******************************************************************************* ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Parameters: ! ! COM Input, character COM. ! ! The command to be executed, which determines what other ! input must be supplied. ! ! ! COM='A' Add (=declare) a variable: ! ! Causes the program to add the variable named in NAMVAR ! to its list of symbols. From now on, it may be used in ! formulas, and values may be assigned to it. If you ! declare a name which already exists, then if that name ! was already declared by the program, your command is ! ignored. Otherwise, your new definition overrides your ! old one. ! ! Input for the "A" command includes NAMVAR, NROW, ! and NCOL. ! ! ! COM='D' delete a variable: ! ! This command can be used to free up memory. You ! must also give the name of the variable to be deleted. ! The variable must be one you have already defined. ! ! Input for the "D" command includes NAMVAR. ! ! ! COM='E' evaluate a formula: ! ! Using current values of variables, evaluate the formula. ! The formula number is given by IFRM. The value of the ! formula is returned in VALUE, and its dimensions in NROW ! and NCOL. ! ! Input to the "E" command includes IFRM. ! Output from the "E" command includes VALUE. ! ! ! COM='F', Formula is to be compiled: ! ! The user assigns an index, IFRM, to the formula, so that ! it can be referred to later. The formula is stored in ! INFIX on input. The formula may refer to variables which ! have not yet been declared. ! ! Output from the "F" command includes IFRM. ! ! ! COM='G', Formula is to be compiled, all variables ! in the formula have already been declared: ! ! The same as 'F' except that the formula may not refer to ! any variables which have not been declared. ! ! Output from the "G" command includes IFRM. ! ! ! COM='I' Initialize: ! ! This must be the first call, to initialize COMRPN's internal ! data. Also, if old data is to be flushed out, this command ! can be used. ! ! ! COM='R' Read value of symbol: ! ! The program returns the current value of the variable ! NAMVAR. VALUE will contain the value, and NROW and NCOL ! the dimensions. ! ! ! COM='V' assign value to symbol: ! ! This command assigns the value of the numbers in VALUE ! to the variable NAMVAR, with NROW and NCOL specifying ! the dimension of the variable. ! ! IERROR Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! ! IERROR is an error flag. ! ! 0 Means no error occurred. ! ! 1 means some kind of error. These errors are usually ! signaled by a printed message. They can include the ! following problems: ! ! On adding a variable, if the name was already in use, ! either by you or the program, the program returns ! with this error warning. ! ! On setting a variable, if the name supplied does ! not represent any recognized variable, the program ! ignores the command and returns. ! ! On compiling a formula, the program will return with ! an error warning if any of the following occur: ! ! The formula does not compile. An unknown variable, ! missing parentheses, garbled information or mistyping ! may be responsible. For that matter, the compiler ! may fail to compile perfectly good, but complicated ! formulas. ! ! There is not enough space in IRPN to store the RPN code. ! In this case, you must either re-initialize, or increase ! the storage available in IRPN and signal this with ! an increased value of MAXRPN. ! ! On evaluating a formula, an error can occur if there ! is no formula corresponding to the given index IFRM. ! ! Certain arithmetic errors, such as division ! by zero, may be caught and flagged by the compiler. ! ! IFRM Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFRM. ! ! COMRPN can store more than one formula internally, at ! one time. COMRPN refers to the formulas by an index ! number. When a formula is entered, with the "F" or "G" ! command, it is assigned an index number, whose value is ! returned to the user. Then, whenever the formula is to ! be evaluated, the user must input the value of IFRM, so ! that COMRPN knows which formula to evaluate. In many ! cases, only one formula is being used, so that IFRM is ! usually just 1. ! ! For the "E" command, IFRM is the index of the formula to ! evaluate. ! ! For the "F" or "G" commands, the index assigned to the ! formula. ! ! INFIX character ( len = * ) INFIX, for the F or G commands, ! contains the user's formula to be compiled and evaluated. ! ! IRPN integer ( kind = 4 ) IRPN(MAXRPN), for the F, G or E commands, ! a vector used to store the compiled versions of the input ! formulas. ! ! MAXRPN Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXRPN. ! ! The maximum length of IRPN. 80 should be enough. ! ! NAMVAR Input, character ( len = * ) NAMVAR, used for the A, D, L, R and ! V commands, containing the name of the variable to be ! added, deleted, listed, read or valued. ! ! NAMVAR should not be a blank, nor should it be the name ! 'VOID'. ! ! VALUE real VALUE, used to pass values in and out ! of the program. ! ! For the V command, VALUE is the input value to be ! assigned to a variable. ! ! For the E command, VALUE is the output value of the formula. ! ! For the R command, VALUE is the output value of the variable. ! !******************************************************************************* ! ! Internal variables: ! ! IOPSYM Internal, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(I) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! IPRSYM Internal, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the operator "priority" of that symbol. This ! is simply to help COMRPN deal with ambiguous formulas like ! A*B+C. ! ! IPVAL Internal, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the address in VALSYM where the value of the ! symbol is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol ! represents a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to ! the location of the first entry. ! ! MAXSYM Internal, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, controls the maximum number ! of symbols allowed. This includes permanent symbols ! defined by the program, as well as symbols the user ! declares while running the program. ! !******************************************************************************* ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxsym = 150 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxval = 2500 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn character com integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: ifinis integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) ifreesv integer ( kind = 4 ) ifrm integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) imin integer ( kind = 4 ) implic integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: indx1 integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: indx2 integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: ineg character ( len = * ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ), dimension ( 80 ), save :: intsym integer ( kind = 4 ), dimension ( maxsym ), save :: iopsym integer ( kind = 4 ), dimension ( maxsym ), save :: iprsym integer ( kind = 4 ), dimension ( maxsym ), save :: ipval integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: irad integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: irtol integer ( kind = 4 ), dimension ( maxsym ), save :: istack integer ( kind = 4 ) maxfix integer ( kind = 4 ) maxfrm character ( len = * ) namvar character ( len = maxlen ) namvr integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: nints integer ( kind = 4 ) nrpn integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: nsym integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: nsymp integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: nsyms integer ( kind = 4 ) nuvar logical s_eqi logical s_paren_check character ( len = maxlen ), dimension ( maxsym ), save :: symbol real value real, dimension ( maxval ), save :: valsym ! ierror = 0 implic = 0 namvr = namvar maxfix = len ( infix ) if ( maxfix > 0 ) then maxfrm = ( maxrpn / maxfix ) else maxfrm = 0 end if call s_blank_delete(namvr) if ( s_eqi ( com, 'E' ) .or. s_eqi ( com, 'G' ) ) then if ( ifrm <= 0 .or. ifrm > maxfrm ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Error!' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Illegal formula index= ', ifrm ierror = 1 return end if end if ! ! COM=I initialize. ! if ( s_eqi ( com, 'I' ) ) then call inicom ( ifinis, ifree, indx1, indx2, ineg, infix, intsym, iopsym, & iprsym, ipval, irad, irpn, irtol, istack, maxrpn, maxsym, & maxval, nints, nsym, nsymp, nsyms, symbol, valsym, value ) return ! ! COM=A, Add variable. ! else if (s_eqi(com,'a') ) then call symadd ( ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, & maxsym, maxval, namvr, nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Note:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Added the variable ' // trim ( namvr ) end if return ! ! COM=V, Set variable value. ! COM=R, Get variable value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( com, 'r' ) .or. s_eqi ( com, 'v' ) ) then call symbol_value ( com, ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, & maxval, namvr, nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym, value ) return ! ! COM=F, compile formula. ! else if ( s_eqi ( com, 'f' ) ) then nuvar=1 ! ! Remove all blanks from the formula. ! call s_blank_delete ( infix ) ! ! Reject the formula if it has no information in it. ! if ( len_trim ( infix ) <= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The formula has zero length.' return end if ! ! Do a simple check on parentheses. ! if ( .not. s_paren_check ( infix ) ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The formula did not pass the parentheses checks!' return end if ! ! Convert INFIX, the string of characters, into INTSYM, an array of ! integers which are indices of tokens. ! call tokens ( ierror, ifinis, ifree, implic, indx1, indx2, ineg, infix, & intsym, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, maxval, nints, nsym, nsymp, & nuvar, symbol, valsym ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Could not convert formula into tokens.' if ( implic /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Cancelling the variable ' // symbol(implic) symbol(implic) = 'VOID' end if return end if ! ! Convert INTSYM, which is an infix formula, into IRPN, which ! is an RPN formula. ! imin = (ifrm-1) * 80 + 1 call rpnset ( ierror, ifinis, imin, intsym, iopsym, iprsym, irpn, & istack, maxrpn, maxsym, nints, nrpn, symbol ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Error! Could not compile formula.' if ( implic /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Cancelling the variable ' // symbol(implic) symbol(implic) = 'VOID' end if return end if ! ! Check that operators and arguments are balanced. ! ihi = imin + nrpn call rpnchk ( ierror, ihi, ilo, iopsym, irpn, maxrpn, maxsym ) if ( ierror /= 0 .or. ilo /= imin + 1 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Parentheses mismatch.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' ILO = ', ilo write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' IMIN = ', imin ierror = 1 if ( implic /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Cancelling the variable ' // symbol(implic) symbol(implic) = 'VOID' end if return end if ! ! For implicit definition via equality, evaluate formula to ! get dimensions. ! if ( implic /= 0 ) then go to 10 end if else if ( s_eqi ( com, 'E' ) ) then go to 10 else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Error! Unknown command = ' // trim ( com ) ierror = 1 end if return ! ! COM=E, Evaluate formula. ! 10 continue imin = (ifrm-1) * 80 + 1 nrpn = 80 ifreesv = ifree call rpnval ( ierror, ifree, imin, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, irad, irpn, & irtol, istack, maxrpn, maxsym, maxval, nrpn, nsym, & nsyms, symbol, valsym, value ) ifree = ifreesv if ( ierror /= 0 ) then value = 0.0E+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'COMRPN - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The formula could not be evaluated!' if ( implic /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Cancelling the variable ' // symbol(implic) symbol(implic) = 'VOID' end if return end if return end subroutine conv3d ( nval, theta, xval, yval, x3val, y3val, z3val ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! CONV3D converts 3D data to a 2D projection. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A "presentation angle" THETA is used to project the 3D point ! (X3D, Y3D, Z3D) to the 2D projection (XVAL,YVAL). ! ! The formula used is ! ! X2D = - sin ( theta ) * X3D + Y3D ! Y2D = - sin ( theta ) * X3D + Z3D ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the number of 3D values to be converted. ! ! Input, real THETA, the presentation angle. ! ! Output, real XVAL(NVAL), YVAL(NVAL), the 2D projections of the ! input data. ! ! Input, real X3VAL(NVAL), Y3VAL(NVAL), Z3VAL(NVAL), the 3D points ! to be projected. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real angle real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979E+00 real s real theta real x3val(nval) real xval(nval) real y3val(nval) real yval(nval) real z3val(nval) angle = pi * theta / 180.0E+00 s = sin ( angle ) xval(1:nval) = - s * x3val(1:nval) + y3val(1:nval) yval(1:nval) = - s * x3val(1:nval) + z3val(1:nval) return end subroutine data_to_dif ( diftab, ntab, xtab, ytab ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DATA_TO_DIF sets up a divided difference table from raw data. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Space can be saved by using a single array for both the DIFTAB and ! YTAB dummy parameters. In that case, the divided difference table will ! overwrite the Y data without interfering with the computation. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 April 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real DIFTAB(NTAB), the divided difference coefficients ! corresponding to the input (XTAB,YTAB). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NTAB, the number of pairs of points ! (XTAB(I),YTAB(I)) which are to be used as data. The ! number of entries to be used in DIFTAB, XTAB and YTAB. ! ! Input, real XTAB(NTAB), the X values at which data was taken. ! These values must be distinct. ! ! Input, real YTAB(NTAB), the corresponding Y values. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) ntab real diftab(ntab) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j logical rvec_distinct real xtab(ntab) real ytab(ntab) if ( .not. rvec_distinct ( ntab, xtab ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DATA_TO_DIF - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Two entries of XTAB are equal!' return end if ! ! Copy the data values into DIFTAB. ! diftab(1:ntab) = ytab(1:ntab) ! ! Compute the divided differences. ! do i = 2, ntab do j = ntab, i, -1 diftab(j) = ( diftab(j) - diftab(j-1) ) / ( xtab(j) - xtab(j+1-i) ) end do end do return end subroutine device_choose ( dev ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DEVICE_CHOOSE has the user choose the output device. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none character ( len = * ) dev logical s_eqi write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Please choose a graphics device:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Options are CGM, PS or XWS.' read ( *, '(a)' ) dev call s_blank_delete ( dev ) if ( s_eqi ( dev(1:3), 'cgm' ) ) then dev = 'cgmb' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Output to a CGM binary file "anyplt.cgm".' else if ( s_eqi ( dev, 'ps' ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Output to a PostScript file "".' else if ( s_eqi ( dev, 'xws' ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Output to an X window screen.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Your device ' // trim ( dev ) // ' was not recognized!' dev = 'xws' end if return end function diaedg ( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIAEDG chooses a diagonal edge. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine determines whether 0--2 or 1--3 is the diagonal edge ! that should be chosen, based on the circumcircle criterion, where ! (X0,Y0), (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), (X3,Y3) are the vertices of a simple ! quadrilateral in counterclockwise order. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Original FORTRAN77 version by Barry Joe. ! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X0, Y0, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, the ! coordinates of the vertices of a quadrilateral, given in ! counter clockwise order. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) DIAEDG, chooses a diagonal: ! +1, if diagonal edge 02 is chosen; ! -1, if diagonal edge 13 is chosen; ! 0, if the four vertices are cocircular. ! implicit none real ca real cb integer ( kind = 4 ) diaedg real dx10 real dx12 real dx30 real dx32 real dy10 real dy12 real dy30 real dy32 real s real tol real tola real tolb real x0 real x1 real x2 real x3 real y0 real y1 real y2 real y3 tol = 100.0E+00 * epsilon ( tol ) dx10 = x1 - x0 dy10 = y1 - y0 dx12 = x1 - x2 dy12 = y1 - y2 dx30 = x3 - x0 dy30 = y3 - y0 dx32 = x3 - x2 dy32 = y3 - y2 tola = tol * max ( abs ( dx10 ), abs ( dy10 ), abs ( dx30 ), abs ( dy30 ) ) tolb = tol * max ( abs ( dx12 ), abs ( dy12 ), abs ( dx32 ), abs ( dy32 ) ) ca = dx10 * dx30 + dy10 * dy30 cb = dx12 * dx32 + dy12 * dy32 if ( ca > tola .and. cb > tolb ) then diaedg = -1 else if ( ca < -tola .and. cb < -tolb ) then diaedg = 1 else tola = max ( tola, tolb ) s = ( dx10 * dy30 - dx30 * dy10 ) * cb + ( dx32 * dy12 - dx12 * dy32 ) * ca if ( s > tola ) then diaedg = -1 else if ( s < -tola ) then diaedg = 1 else diaedg = 0 end if end if return end subroutine dif_val ( diftab, ntab, xtab, xval, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIF_VAL evaluates a divided difference polynomial at a point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real DIFTAB(NTAB), the divided difference polynomial coefficients. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NTAB, the number of divided difference ! coefficients in DIFTAB, and the number of points XTAB. ! ! Input, real XTAB(NTAB), the X values upon which the ! divided difference polynomial is based. ! ! Input, real XVAL, a value of X at which the polynomial ! is to be evaluated. ! ! Output, real YVAL, the value of the polynomial at XVAL. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) ntab real diftab(ntab) integer ( kind = 4 ) i real xtab(ntab) real xval real yval yval = diftab(ntab) do i = 1, ntab-1 yval = diftab(ntab-i) + ( xval - xtab(ntab-i) ) * yval end do return end subroutine digit_to_ch ( digit, c ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DIGIT_TO_CH returns the character representation of a decimal digit. ! ! Example: ! ! DIGIT C ! ----- --- ! 0 '0' ! 1 '1' ! ... ... ! 9 '9' ! 17 '*' ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) DIGIT, the digit value between 0 and 9. ! ! Output, character C, the corresponding character, or '*' if DIGIT ! was illegal. ! implicit none character c integer ( kind = 4 ) digit if ( 0 <= digit .and. digit <= 9 ) then c = char ( digit + 48 ) else c = '*' end if return end function dot0_3d ( x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DOT0_3D computes the dot product of (P1-P0) and (P2-P0) in 3D. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X0, Y0, Z0, the coordinates of the point P0. ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, the coordinates of the point P1. ! ! Input, real X2, Y2, Z2, the coordinates of the point P2. ! ! Output, real DOT0_3D, the dot product of (P1-P0) and (P2-P0). ! implicit none real dot0_3d real x0 real x1 real x2 real y0 real y1 real y2 real z0 real z1 real z2 dot0_3d = ( x1 - x0 ) * ( x2 - x0 ) + ( y1 - y0 ) * ( y2 - y0 ) + & ( z1 - z0 ) * ( z2 - z0 ) return end subroutine drwplt ( ierror, ival, l3d, ldat, lframe, ndat, nval, & nxgrid, nygrid, plhite, plwide, theta, title, vscale, xdat, xmax, & xmaxw, xmin, xminw, xval, ydat, ymax, ymaxw, ymin, yminw, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DRWPLT displays the graph. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the number of plot points. ! implicit none real, parameter :: hletr = 0.1E+00 integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) nval integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icom integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) iplt1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iplt2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ipoint character isay integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(nval) integer ( kind = 4 ) ival1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ival2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ixplt1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ixplt2 integer ( kind = 4 ) iyplt1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iyplt2 logical l3d logical ldat logical s_eqi logical lframe integer ( kind = 4 ) marray integer ( kind = 4 ) ndraw integer ( kind = 4 ) nxgrid integer ( kind = 4 ) nygrid real r_pi real plhite real plwide real space real start real stheta real theta character ( len = 80 ) title real vscale real x1 real x1max real x1min real x1rang real x2 real x2max real x2min real x2rang real xdat(ndat) real xdif real xdraw(6) real, save :: xmarg = 0.05E+00 real xmax real xmaxw real xmin real xminw real xplt1 real xplt2 real xrange real xskal real xval(nval) real xvpos1 real xvpos2 real y1 real y1max real y1min real y1rang real y2 real y2max real y2min real y2rang real ydat(ndat) real ydif real ydraw(6) real, save :: ymargb = 0.05E+00 real, save :: ymargt = 0.05E+00 real ymax real ymaxw real ymin real yminw real yplt1 real yplt2 real yrange real yskal real yval(nval) real yvpos1 real yvpos2 ! ! ANYPLT stuff. ! character ( len = 80 ) carray common /anycom/ iplt1,iplt2,ixplt1,ixplt2,iyplt1, & iyplt2,marray,xplt1,xplt2,yplt1,yplt2 common /anychr/ carray ! stheta = sin ( r_pi ( ) * theta / 180.0E+00 ) ! ! Set the data range. ! xmin = min ( minval ( xval(1:nval) ), minval ( xdat(1:ndat) ) ) xmax = max ( maxval ( xval(1:nval) ), maxval ( xdat(1:ndat) ) ) ymin = min ( minval ( yval(1:nval) ), minval ( ydat(1:ndat) ) ) ymax = max ( maxval ( yval(1:nval) ), maxval ( ydat(1:ndat) ) ) ! ! Set the window range. ! xmaxw = xmax + 0.1E+00 * ( xmax - xmin ) xminw = xmin - 0.1E+00 * ( xmax - xmin ) ymaxw = ymax + 0.1E+00 * ( ymax - ymin ) yminw = ymin - 0.1E+00 * ( ymax - ymin ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter Y" if you want the same scale on both axes.' read ( *, '(a)' ) isay if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1),'Y' ) ) then xdif = xmaxw - xminw ydif = ymaxw - yminw if ( xdif > ydif ) then ymaxw = ymaxw + 0.5E+00 * ( xdif - ydif ) yminw = yminw - 0.5E+00 * ( xdif - ydif ) else xmaxw = xmaxw + 0.5E+00 * ( ydif - xdif ) xminw = xminw - 0.5E+00 * ( ydif - xdif ) end if end if ! ! Set the X and Y scaling factors. ! xrange = xmaxw-xminw if ( xrange <= 0.0E+00 ) then xrange = plwide-2.0E+00 *xmarg end if xskal = (plwide-2.0E+00 *xmarg)/xrange yrange = ymaxw-yminw if ( yrange <= 0.0E+00 ) then yrange = plhite-ymargb-ymargt end if yskal = (plhite-ymargb-ymargt)/yrange ! ! Set minimum, range, and maximum for X and Y physical dimensions. ! x1min = xskal*xminw-xmarg x1rang = plwide x1max = x1min+x1rang y1min = yskal*yminw-ymargb y1rang = plhite y1max = y1min+y1rang x2min = xskal*xminw x2rang = plwide-2.0E+00 *xmarg x2max = x2min+x2rang y2min = yskal*yminw y2rang = plhite-ymargb-ymargt y2max = y2min+y2rang icom = 2 call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! Set the physical range of the plot. ! Set the origin at minimum X, minimum Y. ! icom = 3 xplt1 = x1min xplt2 = x1rang yplt1 = y1min yplt2 = y1rang call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! Draw a frame around the plot. ! if ( lframe ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DEBUG: Framing the plot.' icom = 4 xplt1 = x1min yplt1 = y1min call anyplt ( icom ) icom = 5 yplt1 = y1max call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1max call anyplt ( icom ) yplt1 = y1min call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1min call anyplt ( icom ) end if ! ! Draw the grid lines. ! if ( nxgrid > 0 ) then do i = 1, nxgrid call rvec_even_select ( x2min, x2max, nxgrid, i, xplt1 ) yplt1 = y2max icom = 4 call anyplt ( icom ) yplt1 = y2min icom = 5 call anyplt ( icom ) end do end if if ( nygrid > 0 ) then do i = 1, nygrid xplt1 = x2min call rvec_even_select ( y2min, y2max, nygrid, i, yplt1 ) icom = 4 call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x2max icom = 5 call anyplt ( icom ) end do end if ! ! Label the plot ! if ( title /= ' ' ) then carray = title call s_blanks_delete(carray) marray = len_trim ( carray ) xplt2 = hletr xplt1 = 0.5E+00 *(x1min+x1max) yplt1 = y1max-2.0E+00 *hletr yplt2 = 0.0E+00 icom = 7 call anyplt ( icom ) end if if ( .not. l3d ) then write ( carray, '(a,f12.4,a,f12.4)' ) 'XMin=', xminw, ', XMax=', xmaxw else carray = ' ' end if call s_blanks_delete(carray) marray = len_trim ( carray ) xplt2 = hletr xplt1 = 0.5E+00 *(x1min+x1max) yplt1 = y1max-3.0E+00 *hletr icom = 7 ! call anyplt ( icom ) if ( .not. l3d ) then write ( carray, '(a,f12.4,a,f12.4)' ) 'YMin=', yminw, ', YMax=', ymaxw else carray = ' ' end if call s_blanks_delete(carray) marray = len_trim ( carray ) xplt1 = 0.5E+00 *(x1min+x1max) yplt1 = y1max-4.0E+00 *hletr icom = 7 ! call anyplt ( icom ) if ( l3d ) then carray = ' ' call s_blanks_delete(carray) marray = len_trim ( carray ) xplt1 = 0.5E+00 *(x1min+x1max) yplt1 = y1max-5.0E+00 *hletr icom = 7 ! call anyplt ( icom ) write ( carray, '(a,f12.4)' ) '3D presentation angle=', theta call s_blanks_delete(carray) marray = len_trim ( carray ) xplt1 = 0.5E+00 *(x1min+x1max) yplt1 = y1max-6.0E+00 *hletr icom = 7 ! call anyplt ( icom ) end if ! ! Draw the 3D axes. ! if ( l3d ) then xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00 icom = 4 call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00-0.05E+00*stheta yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00-0.05E+00*stheta icom = 5 call anyplt ( icom ) carray = 'x' marray = 1 xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00-0.06E+00*stheta yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00-0.06E+00*stheta icom = 7 call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00 icom = 4 call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1min+0.15E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00 icom = 5 call anyplt ( icom ) carray = 'y' marray = 1 xplt1 = x1min+0.16E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00 icom = 7 call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.1E+00 icom = 4 call anyplt ( icom ) xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.15E+00 icom = 5 call anyplt ( icom ) carray = 'z' marray = 1 xplt1 = x1min+0.1E+00 yplt1 = y1min+0.16E+00 icom = 7 call anyplt ( icom ) end if ! ! Begin drawing ! ipoint = 1 xvpos2 = xskal*xval(ipoint) yvpos2 = yskal*yval(ipoint) ival2 = ival(ipoint) x1 = xvpos2 y1 = yvpos2 ival1 = ival2 x2 = xvpos2 y2 = yvpos2 icom = 4 xplt1 = x2 yplt1 = y2 call anyplt ( icom ) do while ( ipoint < nval ) ipoint = ipoint+1 ival1 = ival2 ival2 = ival(ipoint) xvpos1 = xvpos2 yvpos1 = yvpos2 xvpos2 = xskal*xval(ipoint) yvpos2 = yskal*yval(ipoint) x1 = xvpos1 y1 = yvpos1 x2 = xvpos2 y2 = yvpos2 if ( ival1 == 1 ) then icom = 4 xplt1 = x1 yplt1 = y1 call anyplt ( icom ) icom = 5 xplt1 = x2 yplt1 = y2 call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! Draw an arrow representing a vector quantity. ! else if ( ival1 == 2 ) then x2 = x1 + vscale * ( x2 - x1 ) y2 = y1 + vscale * ( y2 - y1 ) call arrow ( x1, y1, x2, y2, ndraw, xdraw, ydraw ) if ( ndraw > 0 ) then icom = 4 xplt1 = xdraw(1) yplt1 = ydraw(1) call anyplt ( icom ) do i = 2, ndraw icom = 5 xplt1 = xdraw(i) yplt1 = ydraw(i) call anyplt ( icom ) end do end if ! ! uu = vscale*(x2-x1) ! vv = vscale*(y2-y1) ! tnorm = sqrt(uu**2+vv**2) ! ! if ( tnorm > 0.0E+00 ) then ! ! thet = 0.5 * r_pi ( ) - atan2(2.0,1.0) ! alph = atan2(vv,uu) ! del = sqrt(5.0)*tnorm/3.0E+00 ! ! u1 = x1+del*cos(alph-thet) ! v1 = y1+del*sin(alph-thet) ! ! u2 = x1+del*cos(alph+thet) ! v2 = y1+del*sin(alph+thet) ! ! icom = 5 ! xplt1 = x1+vscale*(x2-x1) ! yplt1 = y1+vscale*(y2-y1) ! call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! icom = 4 ! xplt1 = u1 ! yplt1 = v1 ! call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! icom = 5 ! xplt1 = x1+vscale*(x2-x1) ! yplt1 = y1+vscale*(y2-y1) ! call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! icom = 5 ! xplt1 = u2 ! yplt1 = v2 ! call anyplt ( icom ) ! ! end if ! end if end do ! ! Mark the data points. ! if ( ldat .and. ndat <= 100 ) then do i = 1, ndat x1 = xskal*xdat(i) y1 = yskal*ydat(i) if ( x2min <= x1 .and. x1 <= x2max .and. & y2min <= y1 .and. y1 <= y2max ) then xplt1 = x1 yplt1 = y1 icom = 11 call anyplt ( icom ) end if end do end if return end subroutine rsftdw ( l, u, k, lda, a, map ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RSFTDW shifts A(*,MAP(L)) down a heap of size U. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Original FORTRAN77 version by Barry Joe. ! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) L, U, the lower and upper indices of part of ! the heap. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) K, the spatial dimension of the points. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA, the leading dimension of A in the calling ! routine. ! ! Input, real A(LDA,N); A(I,J) contains the I-th coordinate ! of point J. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAP(N). ! On input, the points of A with indices MAP(1), MAP(2), ..., ! MAP(N) are to be sorted ! ! On output, MAP contains a permutation of its input values, with the ! property that, lexicographically, ! A(*,MAP(1)) <= A(*,MAP(2)) <= ... <= A(*,MAP(N)) ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) lda real a(lda,*) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) map(*) logical rless integer ( kind = 4 ) t integer ( kind = 4 ) u i = l j = 2 * i t = map(i) do while ( j <= u ) if ( j < u ) then if ( rless ( k, a(1,map(j)), a(1,map(j+1)) ) ) then j = j + 1 end if end if if ( rless ( k, a(1,map(j)), a(1,t) ) ) then exit end if map(i) = map(j) i = j j = 2 * i end do map(i) = t return end subroutine rtris2 ( npt, maxst, vcl, ind, ntri, til, tnbr, stack, ierr ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RTRIS2 constructs a Delaunay triangulation of 2D vertices. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine constructs the Delaunay triangulation of a set of 2D vertices ! using an incremental approach and diagonal edge swaps. Vertices are ! first sorted in lexicographically increasing (X,Y) order, and ! then are inserted one at a time from outside the convex hull. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Original FORTRAN77 version by Barry Joe. ! FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPT, the number of vertices. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXST, the maximum size available for the ! STACK array; should be about NPT to be safe, but MAX(10,2*LOG2(NPT)) is ! usually enough. ! ! Input, real VCL(2,NPT), the coordinates of the vertices. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IND(NPT), the indices in VCL of the ! vertices to be triangulated. On output, IND has been permuted by the sort. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NTRI, the number of triangles in the ! triangulation; NTRI is equal to 2*NPT - NB - 2, where NB is the number ! of boundary vertices. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) TIL(3,NTRI), the triangle incidence list. ! The elements are indices of VCL. The vertices of the triangles are ! in counter clockwise order ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) TNBR(3,NTRI), the triangle neighbor list. ! Positive elements are indices of TIL; negative elements are used for links ! of a counter clockwise linked list of boundary edges; LINK = -(3*I + J-1) ! where I, J = triangle, edge index; TNBR(J,I) refers to ! the neighbor along edge from vertex J to J+1 (mod 3) ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) STACK(MAXST), used for a stack of triangles ! for which circumcircle test must be made. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERR, an error flag, nonzero if an error ! occurred. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxst integer ( kind = 4 ) npt real cmax integer ( kind = 4 ) e integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierr integer ( kind = 4 ) ind(npt) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) ledg integer ( kind = 4 ) lr integer ( kind = 4 ) lrline integer ( kind = 4 ) ltri integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) m1 integer ( kind = 4 ) m2 integer ( kind = 4 ) n integer ( kind = 4 ) ntri integer ( kind = 4 ) redg integer ( kind = 4 ) rtri integer ( kind = 4 ) stack(maxst) integer ( kind = 4 ) t real temp integer ( kind = 4 ) til(3,npt*2) integer ( kind = 4 ) tnbr(3,npt*2) real tol integer ( kind = 4 ) top real vcl(2,*) ! ierr = 0 tol = 100.0E+00 * epsilon ( tol ) ! ! Sort the vertices by increasing (x,y) and obtain initial triangle(s). ! call rhpsrt ( 2, npt, 2, vcl, ind ) m1 = ind(1) do i = 2, npt m = m1 m1 = ind(i) k = 0 do j = 1, 2 cmax = max ( abs ( vcl(j,m) ), abs ( vcl(j,m1) ) ) if ( abs ( vcl(j,m) - vcl(j,m1) ) > tol * cmax .and. cmax > tol ) then k = j exit end if end do if ( k == 0 ) then ierr = 224 return end if end do m1 = ind(1) m2 = ind(2) j = 3 do if ( j > npt ) then ierr = 225 return end if m = ind(j) lr = lrline ( vcl(1,m), vcl(2,m), vcl(1,m1), vcl(2,m1), vcl(1,m2), & vcl(2,m2), 0.0E+00 ) if ( lr /= 0 ) then exit end if j = j + 1 end do ntri = j - 2 if ( lr == -1 ) then til(1,1) = m1 til(2,1) = m2 til(3,1) = m tnbr(3,1) = -3 do i = 2, ntri m1 = m2 m2 = ind(i+1) til(1,i) = m1 til(2,i) = m2 til(3,i) = m tnbr(1,i-1) = -3 * i tnbr(2,i-1) = i tnbr(3,i) = i - 1 end do tnbr(1,ntri) = -3 * ntri - 1 tnbr(2,ntri) = -5 ledg = 2 ltri = ntri else til(1,1) = m2 til(2,1) = m1 til(3,1) = m tnbr(1,1) = -4 do i = 2, ntri m1 = m2 m2 = ind(i+1) til(1,i) = m2 til(2,i) = m1 til(3,i) = m tnbr(3,i-1) = i tnbr(1,i) = -3 * i - 3 tnbr(2,i) = i - 1 end do tnbr(3,ntri) = -3 * ntri tnbr(2,1) = -3 * ntri - 2 ledg = 2 ltri = 1 end if ! ! Insert vertices one at a time from outside convex hull, determine ! visible boundary edges, and apply diagonal edge swaps until ! Delaunay triangulation of vertices (so far) is obtained. ! top = 0 do i = j+1, npt m = ind(i) m1 = til(ledg,ltri) if ( ledg <= 2 ) then m2 = til(ledg+1,ltri) else m2 = til(1,ltri) end if lr = lrline ( vcl(1,m), vcl(2,m), vcl(1,m1), vcl(2,m1), & vcl(1,m2), vcl(2,m2), 0.0E+00 ) if ( lr > 0 ) then rtri = ltri redg = ledg ltri = 0 else l = -tnbr(ledg,ltri) rtri = l / 3 redg = mod(l,3) + 1 end if call vbedg ( vcl(1,m), vcl(2,m), vcl, til, tnbr, ltri, ledg, rtri, redg ) n = ntri + 1 l = -tnbr(ledg,ltri) do t = l / 3 e = mod ( l, 3 ) + 1 l = -tnbr(e,t) m2 = til(e,t) if ( e <= 2 ) then m1 = til(e+1,t) else m1 = til(1,t) end if ntri = ntri + 1 tnbr(e,t) = ntri til(1,ntri) = m1 til(2,ntri) = m2 til(3,ntri) = m tnbr(1,ntri) = t tnbr(2,ntri) = ntri - 1 tnbr(3,ntri) = ntri + 1 top = top + 1 if ( top > maxst ) then ierr = 8 return end if stack(top) = ntri if ( t == rtri .and. e == redg ) then exit end if end do tnbr(ledg,ltri) = -3 * n - 1 tnbr(2,n) = -3 * ntri - 2 tnbr(3,ntri) = -l ltri = n ledg = 2 call swapec ( m, top, maxst, ltri, ledg, vcl, til, tnbr, stack, ierr ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then return end if end do return end function enorm0_3d ( x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! ENORM0_3D computes the Euclidean norm of (P1-P0) in 3D. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X0, Y0, Z0, X1, Y1, Z1, the coordinates of the points ! P0 and P1. ! ! Output, real ENORM0_3D, the Euclidean norm of (P1-P0). ! implicit none real enorm0_3d real x0 real x1 real y0 real y1 real z0 real z1 enorm0_3d = sqrt ( ( x1 - x0 )**2 + ( y1 - y0 )**2 + ( z1 - z0 )**2 ) return end function enorm_nd ( n, x ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! ENORM_ND computes the Euclidean norm of a vector in ND. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 27 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the dimension of the space. ! ! Input, real X(N), the coordinates of the vector. ! ! Output, real ENORM_ND, the Euclidean norm of the vector. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) n real enorm_nd integer ( kind = 4 ) i real x(n) enorm_nd = sqrt ( sum ( x(1:n)**2 ) ) return end subroutine evalf ( dat, ierror, idat, maxdat, mdat, namdat, ndat ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! EVALF gets a formula from the user and evaluates it. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real DAT(MAXDAT,MDAT). ! ! On input, DAT(I,J) contains the value of variable J at point I, ! for all the independent variables needed. However, column ! IDAT is probably not defined. ! ! On output, DAT(I,IDAT) contains the value of variable IDAT ! at point I, for I = 1 to NDAT, as determined by a formula ! entered by the user. The formula may involve the independent ! variables as stored in DAT. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. If IERROR is nonzero, ! then an error occurred in reading, compiling, or evaluating the ! formula. The entries of column IDAT of DAT have not been ! properly set. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXDAT, the first dimension of DAT, which is ! at least equal to NDAT. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MDAT, the number of columns of DAT, and the ! number of dependent and independent variables. ! ! Input, character ( len = MDAT ) NAMDAT, a string containing the ! one character names for the variables. The order of the names ! must correspond to the order of the corresponding columns in DAT. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NDAT, the number of points at which the values ! of the independent variables were given, and at which the value ! of the dependent variable is desired. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxdat integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxrpn = 100 integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat real dat(maxdat,9) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: icall = 0 integer ( kind = 4 ) idat integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifrm character ( len = 80 ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc integer ( kind = 4 ) lenchr character ( len = 80 ) line integer ( kind = 4 ) mdat character ( len = 6 ) namdat real value icall = icall + 1 if ( icall == 1 ) then ! ! Initialize the compiler. ! ifrm = 0 call comrpn ( 'I', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', value ) ! ! Declare variables to the compiler. ! line = 'rstuvwxyz' lenc = len_trim ( line ) do i = 1, lenc call comrpn ( 'A', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, line(i:i), value ) end do end if ! ! Get the formula. ! do write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter formula for ' // namdat(idat:idat) read ( *, '(a)' ) infix ! ! Compile the formula. ! ifrm = 1 call comrpn ( 'F', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', value ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then exit end if write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Your formula could not be compiled.' end do ! ! Evaluate the formula at every data point. ! do i = 1, ndat ! ! Tell the compiler the current value of all variables. ! do j = 1, mdat call comrpn ( 'V', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, namdat(j:j), & dat(i,j) ) end do ! ! Now evaluate the formula. ! ifrm = 1 call comrpn ( 'E', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', dat(i,idat) ) end do return end subroutine ffxy ( ierror, ival, val_max, nval, xval, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FFXY sets up data for F(X,Y)=0 plots. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxfix = 80 integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxrpn = 300 integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max real dir integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifrm character ( len = 80 ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) ndraw integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real value real xstart real xval(val_max) real ystart real yval(val_max) ! ! Initialize the compiler. ! ifrm = 0 call comrpn ( 'I', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', value ) ! ! Declare X and Y to the compiler. ! call comrpn ( 'A', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, 'X', value ) call comrpn ( 'A', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, 'Y', value ) ! write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter starting point (X, Y)' read ( *, * ) xstart, ystart write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter direction of +1 or -1' read ( *, * ) dir if ( dir /= -1.0E+00 ) then dir = 1.0E+00 end if do write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter formula for F(X,Y)' read ( *, '(a)' ) infix ifrm = 1 call comrpn ( 'F', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', value ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then exit end if end do do write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter formula for dF/dX' read ( *, '(a)' ) infix ifrm = 2 call comrpn ( 'F', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', value ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then exit end if end do do write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter formula for dF/dY' read ( *, '(a)' ) infix ifrm = 3 call comrpn ( 'F', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', value ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then exit end if end do write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter number of points to draw.' read ( *, * ) ndraw call fxy ( dir, ierror, infix, irpn, ival, maxfix, & maxrpn, val_max, ndraw, nval, xstart, xval, ystart, yval ) return end subroutine file_delete ( file_name ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FILE_DELETE deletes a named file if it exists. ! ! Discussion: ! ! You might want to call this routine to get rid of any old copy ! of a file, before trying to open a new copy with the OPEN argument: ! status = 'new'. ! ! It's not always safe to open a file with " STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' ". ! For instance, on the SGI, the most recent version of the FORTRAN ! compiler seems to go crazy when I open an unformatted direct ! access file this way. It creates an enormous file (of somewhat ! random size). The problem goes away if I delete any old copy ! using this routine, and then open a fresh copy with ! " STATUS = 'NEW' ". It's a scary world. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 29 June 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) FILE_NAME, the name of the file to be deleted. ! implicit none character ( len = * ) file_name integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit logical lfile ! ! Does the file exist? ! inquire ( file = file_name, exist = lfile ) if ( .not. lfile ) then return end if ! ! Get a free unit number. ! call get_unit ( iunit ) if ( iunit == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FILE_DELETE: Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' A free FORTRAN unit could not be found.' return end if write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FILE_DELETE: deleting old version of ' // & trim ( file_name ) open ( unit = iunit, file = file_name, status = 'old', iostat = ios ) if ( ios /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FILE_DELETE: Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Could not open the file:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' // trim ( file_name ) return end if close ( unit = iunit, status = 'delete' ) return end subroutine funscl ( angle_to_radian, arg1, arg2, ierror, result, rtol, sym ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FUNSCL evaluates a scalar function of one or more scalar arguments. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 15 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ARG2, ARG2, the values of the arguments of the function. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! Output, real RESULT, the value of the scalar function. ! ! Input, real RTOL, the rounding tolerance. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) SYM, the symbolic name of the ! function to be evaluated. ! implicit none real, parameter :: degrad = 3.14159265358979E+00 / 180.0E+00 real angle_to_radian real arg1 real arg2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i_lcm integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) i_gcd real result real rtol logical s_eqi real sarg character ( len = * ) sym real temp ! ierror = 0 result = 0.0E+00 ! ! Addition. ! if ( sym == '+' ) then result = arg1 + arg2 ! ! Subtraction. ! else if ( sym == '-' ) then result = arg1 - arg2 ! ! Division. ! else if ( sym == '/' ) then if ( arg2 == 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Attempt to divide by 0!' return end if result = arg1 / arg2 ! ! Multiplication. ! else if ( sym == '*' ) then result = arg1 * arg2 ! ! Exponentiation. ! else if ( sym == '**' .or. sym == '^' ) then if ( arg1 == 0.0E+00 .and. arg2 == 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Attempt to compute 0**0 !' ierror = 1 else if ( arg1 < 0.0E+00 .and. real(int(arg2)) /= arg2 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Illegal exponentiation:' write ( *, '(a,g14.6,a,g14.6)' ) ' ', arg1, ' ** ', arg2 ierror = 1 else sarg = 1.0E+00 if ( arg1 < 0.0E+00 ) then iarg = int ( arg2 ) if ( 2 * ( iarg / 2 ) /= iarg ) then sarg = - 1.0E+00 end if end if result = sarg * abs ( arg1 )**arg2 end if ! ! Assignment. ! else if ( sym == '=' ) then result = arg2 ! ! Absolute value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ABS' ) ) then result = abs ( arg1 ) ! ! Arc Cosine. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ACOS' ) ) then if ( arg1 < -1.0E+00 .or. arg1 > 1.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Illegal inverse cosine of ', arg1 ierror = 1 return end if result = acos ( arg1 ) / angle_to_radian ! ! Arc Sine. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ASIN' ) ) then if ( arg1 < - 1.0E+00 .or. arg1 > 1.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Illegal inverse sine of ', arg1 ierror = 1 end if result = asin ( arg1 ) / angle_to_radian ! ! Arc Tangent. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ATAN' ) ) then result = atan ( arg1 ) / angle_to_radian ! ! Arc Tangent of ratio. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ATAN2' ) ) then if ( arg1 == 0.0E+00 .and. arg2 == 0.0E+00 ) then result = 0.0E+00 else result = atan2 ( arg1, arg2 ) / angle_to_radian end if ! ! Cosine. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'COS' ) ) then result = cos ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Cotangent of angle. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'COT' ) ) then result = cos ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) / sin ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Hyperbolic cosine. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'COSH' ) ) then result = cosh ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Cosecant of angle. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'CSC' ) ) then result = 1.0E+00 / sin ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Determinant (of a scalar). ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'DET' ) ) then result = arg1 ! ! Diagonal (of a scalar). ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'DIAG' ) ) then result = arg1 ! ! Exponential. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'EXP' ) ) then result = exp ( arg1 ) ! ! Greatest common factor. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'GCD' ) ) then iarg1 = nint ( arg1 ) iarg2 = nint ( arg2 ) result = real ( i_gcd ( iarg1, iarg2 ) ) ! ! Hilbert. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'HILBERT' ) ) then result = 1.0E+00 ! ! Hilbert inverse. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'HILBINV' ) ) then result = 1.0E+00 ! ! Identity. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ID' ) ) then result = 1.0E+00 ! ! integer ( kind = 4 ) value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'INT' ) ) then result = real ( int ( arg1 ) ) ! ! Inverse (of a scalar). ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'INV' ) ) then if ( arg1 == 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Attempt to compute 1/0!' return end if result = 1.0E+00 / arg1 ! ! Least common multiple. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'LCM' ) ) then iarg1 = nint ( arg1 ) iarg2 = nint ( arg2 ) result = real ( i_lcm ( iarg1, iarg2 ) ) ! ! Natural logarithm. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ALOG' ) .or. s_eqi ( sym, 'LN' ) .or. & s_eqi ( sym, 'LOG' ) ) then if ( arg1 <= 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Illegal LOG of ', arg1 return end if result = log ( arg1 ) ! ! Logarithm base 10. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ALOG10' ) .or. s_eqi ( sym, 'LOG10' ) ) then if ( arg1 <= 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Illegal LOG10 of ', arg1 ierror = 1 return end if result = log10 ( arg1 ) ! ! Logarithm base 2. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'LOG2' ) ) then if ( arg1 <= 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Illegal LOG2 of ', arg1 ierror = 1 return end if result = log ( arg1 ) / log ( 2.0E+00 ) ! ! Maximum of two values. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'MAX' ) ) then if ( arg1 > arg2 ) then result = arg1 else result = arg2 end if ! ! Minimum of two values. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'MIN' ) ) then if ( arg1 < arg2 ) then result = arg1 else result = arg2 end if ! ! Negation ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'NEG' ) ) then result = - arg1 ! ! Nearest integer ( kind = 4 ) value ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'NINT' ) ) then result = anint ( arg1 ) ! ! NORM0, NORM1, NORM2, NORME or NORMF of a scalar. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'NORM0' ) .or. s_eqi ( sym, 'NORM1' ) .or. & s_eqi ( sym, 'NORM2' ) .or. s_eqi ( sym, 'NORME' ) .or. & s_eqi ( sym, 'NORMF' ) ) then result = abs ( arg1 ) ! ! POLY (scalar coefficient array, means constant polynomial). ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'POLY' ) ) then result = arg1 ! ! Random value. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'RAN' ) ) then call random_number ( result ) ! ! Rounding. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ROUND' ) ) then if ( abs ( arg1 ) < rtol ) then result = 0.0E+00 else result = arg1 end if ! ! Secant. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'SEC' ) ) then result = 1.0E+00 / cos ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Sine. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'SIN' ) ) then result = sin ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Hyperbolic sine. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'SINH' ) ) then result = sinh ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Square root. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'SQRT' ) ) then if ( arg1 < 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Illegal SQRT of ', arg1 return end if result = sqrt ( arg1 ) ! ! Step function. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'STEP' ) ) then if ( arg1 < 0.0E+00 ) then result = 0.0E+00 else result = 1.0E+00 end if ! ! Tangent. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'TAN' ) ) then result = tan ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Hyperbolic tangent. ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'TANH' ) ) then result = tanh ( angle_to_radian * arg1 ) ! ! Trace (of a scalar) ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'TRACE' ) ) then result = arg1 ! ! Transpose (of a scalar) ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'TRANS' ) ) then result = arg1 ! ! Zero ! else if ( s_eqi ( sym, 'ZEROS' ) ) then result = 0.0E+00 ! ! Factorial function. ! else if ( sym == '!' ) then if ( arg1 < 0.0E+00 .or. arg1 > 25.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Argument out of range for factorial!' ierror = 1 return end if temp = arg1 result = 1.0E+00 do while ( temp > 1.0E+00 ) result = result * temp temp = temp - 1.0E+00 end do ! ! Unknown function. ! else result = 0.0E+00 ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNSCL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Unrecognized function name:' // trim ( sym ) end if return end subroutine funval ( iarg1, iarg2, ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, & ipset, ipval, irad, irtol, itemp, maxsym, maxval, nsyms, & sym, symbol, valsym ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FUNVAL evaluates a scalar, vector or matrix valued function. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 17 September 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IARG1, IARG2, are the indices ! of the arguments to the current function. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! ! IERROR is an error flag. If it is zero on return, ! then no error was detected, and the formula was ! evaluated successfully. If it is nonzero on return, ! then an error was found, and the evaluation of the ! formula could not be carried out. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFREE, the address of the next free ! memory location in VALSYM. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(I) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), the priorities of ! the functions. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPSET. If the function was an 'INDX1' or ! 'INDX2', then IPSET is the relative offset of the value. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, ! the address in VALSYM where the value of the symbol ! is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol represents ! a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to location of ! the first entry. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) ITEMP, the index of the constant. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXIW, the amount of space in IWORK, which ! should be at least MAXROW. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of values allowed ! in VALSYM. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYMS, the number of declared symbols. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NUMDIM(2,MAXSYM). ! For each symbol I, NUMDIM(1,I) is the number of rows in its ! value, and NUMDIM(2,I) is the number of columns. ! ! Input, character ( len = MAXLEN ) SYM, the symbolic name of the function. ! ! Input, character ( len = MAXLEN ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), the symbolic names ! of the internally defined constants and functions. ! ! Input, real VALSYM(MAXVAL), contains the values of all the ! symbolic variables. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval real angle_to_radian real arg1 real arg2 character ( len = 3 ) ctemp integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) index1 integer ( kind = 4 ) index4 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx integer ( kind = 4 ) info integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipset integer ( kind = 4 ) ipval(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) irad integer ( kind = 4 ) irtol integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) jseed integer ( kind = 4 ) nsyms real result real rtol logical s_eqi character ( len = maxlen ) sym character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) real valsym(maxval) ipset = 0 ierror = 0 ! ! If the operator is assignment, then the user may be trying to ! reset the values of certain reserved variables, including ! PI and EPS. ! if ( sym == '=' ) then if ( s_eqi ( symbol(iarg1), 'E' ) .or. & s_eqi ( symbol(iarg1), 'EPS' ) .or. & s_eqi ( symbol(iarg1), 'PI' ) ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNVAL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' You may not change the value of ' // & trim ( symbol(iarg1) ) return end if end if index1 = ipval(iarg1) if ( nsyms >= maxsym ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNVAL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Not enough free memory left!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The KILL or INIT commands may help!' return end if nsyms = nsyms + 1 iopsym(nsyms) = 0 iprsym(nsyms) = 10 itemp = itemp + 1 call i_to_s_zero ( itemp, ctemp ) symbol(nsyms) = 'STK000' symbol(nsyms)(4:6) = ctemp ipval(nsyms) = ifree index4 = ipval(nsyms) arg1 = valsym(index1) if ( iarg2 == 0 ) then arg2 = 0.0E+00 else arg2 = valsym(ipval(iarg2)) end if angle_to_radian = valsym(irad) rtol = valsym(irtol) call funscl ( angle_to_radian, arg1, arg2, ierror, result, rtol, sym ) valsym(index4) = result if ( sym == '=' ) then arg1 = arg2 valsym(index1) = arg2 end if return end subroutine fxy ( dir, ierror, infix, irpn, ival, maxfix, & maxrpn, val_max, ndraw, nval, xstart, xval, ystart, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FXY computes points on a implicit curve defined by F(X,Y) = 0. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxfix integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max real dfdx real dfdy real dir real h real hnew integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifrm character ( len = 80 ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ) ipc integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) jval integer ( kind = 4 ) ndraw integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real tdot real tnorm real tx real txnew real ty real tynew real x real xnew real xstart real xval(val_max) real y real ynew real ystart real yval(val_max) ! jval = 0 h = 0.05 ! ! First find the starting point. ! ipc = 1 do xnew = xstart ynew = ystart call newton ( ierror, infix, ipc, irpn, maxfix, maxrpn, xnew, ynew ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then exit end if if ( ipc == 2 ) then ierror = 1 return end if ipc = 2 end do if ( ipc == 1 ) then txnew = dir tynew = 0.0E+00 else txnew = 0.0E+00 tynew = dir end if ! ! main loop ! do jval = jval+1 nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = xnew yval(nval) = ynew ival(nval) = 1 if ( jval >= ndraw ) then ival(nval) = 0 exit end if y = ynew x = xnew tx = txnew ty = tynew ! ! Compute the tangent vector ! ifrm = 1 call comrpn ( 'V', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, 'X', x ) call comrpn ( 'V', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, 'Y', y ) ifrm = 2 call comrpn ( 'E', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', dfdx ) ifrm = 3 call comrpn ( 'E', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', dfdy ) if ( abs ( dfdx ) > abs ( dfdy ) ) then tynew = 1.0E+00 txnew = - dfdy / dfdx ipc = 2 else txnew = 1.0E+00 tynew = - dfdx / dfdy ipc = 1 end if tnorm = sqrt ( txnew**2 + tynew**2 ) txnew = txnew / tnorm tynew = tynew / tnorm tdot = txnew * tx + tynew * ty if ( tdot < 0.0E+00 ) then txnew = -txnew tynew = -tynew end if ! ! Set the stepsize, compute the starting point, and call NEWTON. ! hnew = h do xnew = x + hnew * txnew ynew = y + hnew * tynew call newton ( ierror, infix, ipc, irpn, maxfix, maxrpn, xnew, ynew ) if ( ierror == 0 ) then exit end if if ( hnew <= 0.125E+00 * h ) then ierror = 2 return end if hnew = 0.5E+00 * hnew end do end do return end subroutine get_unit ( iunit ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A "free" FORTRAN unit number is a value between 1 and 99 which ! is not currently associated with an I/O device. A free FORTRAN unit ! number is needed in order to open a file with the OPEN command. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 02 March 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IUNIT. ! ! If IUNIT = 0, then no free FORTRAN unit could be found, although ! all 99 units were checked (except for units 5 and 6). ! ! Otherwise, IUNIT is a value between 1 and 99, representing a ! free FORTRAN unit. Note that GET_UNIT assumes that units 5 and 6 ! are special, and will never return those values. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit logical lopen iunit = 0 do i = 1, 99 if ( i /= 5 .and. i /= 6 ) then inquire ( unit = i, opened = lopen, iostat = ios ) if ( ios == 0 ) then if ( .not. lopen ) then iunit = i return end if end if end if end do return end subroutine getdat ( dat, idat, ierror, maxdat, mdat, namdat, ndat ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETDAT gets information from the user defining the data vectors. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The user is allowed to specify the values of the variables in ! a variety of ways, including: ! ! * equally spaced between given limits; ! * Chebyshev points between given limits; ! * to be typed in by the user; ! * to be read in as columns of a disk file; ! * to be evaluated by a formula based on data already entered. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real DAT(MAXDAT,NDAT), contains in DAT(I,J) the I-th ! value of variable J. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, an error flag. If IERROR is nonzero, ! then DAT could not be set up properly because of some error. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXDAT, the maximum number of points at which a ! variable value is defined. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MDAT, the number of variables to be defined. ! ! Input, character ( len = MDAT ) NAMDAT, a string containing the one ! character names of the variables, in an order that corresponds to the ! order of the columns in DAT to which their values will be ! assigned. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NDAT, the number of points at which the value ! of each variable was defined. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) maxdat character ( len = 9 ) code real dat(maxdat,9) logical done character ( len = 80 ) filnam integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) indx(9) integer ( kind = 4 ) idat(maxdat) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical s_eqi character ( len = 80 ) line character ( len = 9 ) list integer ( kind = 4 ) mdat integer ( kind = 4 ) n character ( len = * ) namdat integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ngrid real rval character ( len = 80 ) string real xmax real xmin ! if ( mdat <= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETDAT - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Nonpositive input value of MDAT = ', mdat ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Say hello, and get data codes. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Data is needed for the following:' write ( *, '(1x,9(a1,1x))' ) ( namdat(i:i), i = 1, mdat ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' )'There is a code for each way of defining data:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) '*: Cartesian product;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'E: Equally spaced data, user limits;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'C: Chebyshev spaced data, user limits;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'F: Formula in terms of other data;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'D: Data is a column in a file;' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'T: Data will be typed in.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter a code for each data item:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' (Example: "ETF means ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' X is equally spaced,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Y is typed in, and' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Z is a formula in X and Y.)' read ( *, '(a)' ) code do i = 1, mdat if ( code(i:i) /= '*' .and. & .not. s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'E' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'C' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'F' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'D' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'T' ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETDAT - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a,i6,a)' ) ' Code letter ', i, ' is illegal.' ierror = 1 return end if end do ! ! The user may specify the number of data points implicitly or explicitly. ! We have to be prepared to catch the specification when it comes, ! and enforce it later on other data items. ! if ( index ( code(1:mdat), '*' ) == 0 ) then ndat = 0 else ndat = 1 end if ! ! 0: Handle any "*" codes. ! do i = 1, mdat if ( code(i:i) == '*' ) then string = 'Enter the number of grid points for ' // namdat(i:i) write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( string ) read ( *, * ) ngrid string = 'Enter lower and upper limits for ' // namdat(i:i) write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( string ) read ( *, * ) xmin, xmax else ngrid = 1 xmin = 0.0E+00 xmax = 0.0E+00 end if do j = 1, ngrid if ( j == 1 ) then dat(1:ndat,i) = xmin else do l = 1, i-1 do k = 1, ndat dat(k+(j-1)*ndat,l) = dat(k,l) end do end do call rvec_even_select ( xmin, xmax, ngrid, j, rval ) do k = 1, ndat dat(k+(j-1)*ndat,i) = rval end do end if end do ndat = ndat * ngrid end do ! ! 1: Handle any "E" or "C" codes. ! do i = 1, mdat if ( s_eqi (code(i:i), 'E' ) .or. s_eqi (code(i:i), 'C' ) ) then if ( ndat == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the number of data points.' read ( *, * ) ndat end if string = 'Enter lower and upper limits for ' // namdat(i:i) write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( string ) read ( *, * ) xmin, xmax if ( s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'E' ) ) then call rvec_even ( xmin, xmax, ndat, dat(1,i) ) else call r2_cheby ( ndat, xmin, xmax, dat(1,i) ) end if end if end do ! ! 2: Handle any "T" codes: ! n = 0 list = ' ' do i = 1, mdat if ( s_eqi(code(i:i),'T') ) then n = n + 1 list(2*n-1:2*n-1) = namdat(i:i) indx(n) = i end if end do if ( n > 0 ) then ndat2 = 0 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' string = 'Type in values of ' // list(1:2*n-1) write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( string ) if ( ndat == 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Terminate with a blank line.' else write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' The number of values needed is ', ndat end if j = 1 10 continue read ( *, '(a)' ) line if ( ndat == 0 .and. line == ' ' ) then ndat = ndat2 write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Number of values entered was ', ndat go to 30 end if done = .true. 20 continue call r_next ( line, rval, done ) if ( .not. done ) then dat ( ndat2+1, indx(j) ) = rval j = j + 1 if ( j > n ) then j = 1 ndat2 = ndat2 + 1 end if if ( ndat /= 0 .and. ndat2 == ndat ) then go to 30 end if go to 20 end if go to 10 30 continue end if ! ! 3: Handle disk file data. ! If NDAT is still 0, read til end of file. ! Otherwise, only read NDAT lines of file. ! n = 0 list = ' ' do i = 1, mdat if ( s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'D') ) then n = n + 1 list(2*n-1:2*n-1) = namdat(i:i) indx(n) = i end if end do if ( n > 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' string = 'Enter file name containing data for ' // list(1:2*n-1) write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( string ) read ( *,'(a)' ) filnam open ( unit = 1, file = filnam, status = 'old' ) ndat2 = 0 40 continue read ( 1, '(a)', end = 60 ) line ! ! A line beginning with '#' is a comment. ! if ( line(1:1) == '#' ) then go to 40 end if ! ! A blank line means that the previously read point terminates a line. ! if ( line == ' ' ) then if ( ndat2 > 0 ) then idat(ndat2) = 0 end if go to 40 end if ! ! Prepare to extract real values from the line of data. ! done = .true. j = 0 50 continue call r_next ( line, rval, done ) if ( done ) then go to 40 end if j = j+1 ! ! Store the value in DAT. ! dat(ndat2+1,indx(j)) = rval if ( j >= n ) then j = 0 ndat2 = ndat2 + 1 idat(ndat2) = 1 if ( ndat /= 0 .and. ndat2 >= ndat ) then go to 70 end if end if go to 50 ! ! On end of file, make sure we read enough data. ! 60 continue if ( ndat /= 0 ) then if ( ndat2 < ndat ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETDAT2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Not enough data was in the file.' ierror = 1 return end if else ndat = ndat2 write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Number of sets of data read was ', ndat end if ! ! Jump here if we've successfully read NDAT sets of data. ! 70 continue close ( unit = 1 ) else do i = 1, ndat idat(i) = 1 end do idat(ndat) = 0 end if ! ! 4: Ready to handle the "F" option? ! if ( ndat == 0 ) then ierror = 1 return end if do i = 1, mdat if ( s_eqi ( code(i:i), 'F' ) ) then call evalf ( dat, ierror, i, maxdat, mdat, namdat, ndat ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'GETDAT - Fatal error!' return end if end if end do return end subroutine hello !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! HELLO reports the program name, and other information. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'The interactive plotter' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Version 1.06' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Last modified on 25 April 1998' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) '18 November 2000' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Resurrected yet again, starting version 1.06.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '25 April 1998:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Added arbitrary orthographic plane projection.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '17 April 1998:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Finished plane projection setup.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '16 April 1998:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Using ARROW to draw vectors (untested)' write ( *, '(a)' ) '14 April 1998:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Added XYZ output file option.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '13 April 1998: X, Y, Z 3D projection options.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '31 March 1998: Sketched Cartesian products.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '31 March 1998: Began CON implementation.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '27 March 1998: Parameterized least squares.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '27 March 1998: Preliminary SCAT triangulation.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '26 March 1998: UVXY uses GETDAT.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '25 March 1998: Added scatterplot.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '24 March 1998: RT, TXY plots use GETDAT.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '19 March 1998: XYZ files allow # comments.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '19 March 1998: Purged CHRWRT, etc.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '18 March 1998: Revised XYZ call.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '17 March 1998: Updated PWP, XYS calls.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '16 March 1998: Updated FX, LSQ calls.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '12 March 1998: Renamed Z(X,Y) option.' return end function i_gcd ( i, j ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! I_GCD finds the greatest common divisor of I and J. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 03 March 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I, J, two numbers whose greatest common divisor ! is desired. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) I_GCD, the greatest common divisor of I and J. ! ! Note that only the absolute values of I and J are ! considered, so that the result is always nonnegative. ! ! If I or J is 0, I_GCD is returned as max ( 1, abs ( I ), abs ( J ) ). ! ! If I and J have no common factor, I_GCD is returned as 1. ! ! Otherwise, using the Euclidean algorithm, I_GCD is the ! largest common factor of I and J. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i_gcd integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) ir integer ( kind = 4 ) j i_gcd = 1 ! ! Return immediately if either I or J is zero. ! if ( i == 0 ) then i_gcd = max ( 1, abs ( j ) ) return else if ( j == 0 ) then i_gcd = max ( 1, abs ( i ) ) return end if ! ! Set IP to the larger of I and J, IQ to the smaller. ! This way, we can alter IP and IQ as we go. ! ip = max ( abs ( i ), abs ( j ) ) iq = min ( abs ( i ), abs ( j ) ) ! ! Carry out the Euclidean algorithm. ! do ir = mod ( ip, iq ) if ( ir == 0 ) then exit end if ip = iq iq = ir end do i_gcd = iq return end function i_lcm ( i, j ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! I_LCM computes the least common multiple of two I4's. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The least common multiple may be defined as ! ! LCM(I,J) = ABS( I * J ) / GCF(I,J) ! ! where GCF(I,J) is the greatest common factor of I and J. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 March 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I, J, the values whose I_LCM is desired. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) I_LCM, the least common multiple of I and J. ! I_LCM is never negative. I_LCM is 0 if either I or J is zero. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i_gcd integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) i_lcm i_lcm = abs ( i * ( j / i_gcd ( i, j ) ) ) return end subroutine i_swap ( i, j ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! I_SWAP swaps two I4's. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 30 November 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) I, J. On output, the values of I and ! J have been interchanged. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) k k = i i = j j = k return end subroutine i_to_s_zero ( intval, s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! I_TO_S_ZERO converts an I4 to a string, with zero padding. ! ! Example: ! ! Assume that S is 6 characters long: ! ! INTVAL S ! ! 1 000001 ! -1 -00001 ! 0 000000 ! 1952 001952 ! 123456 123456 ! 1234567 ****** <-- Not enough room! ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTVAL, an value to be converted. ! ! Output, character ( len = * ) S, the representation of the value. ! The integer ( kind = 4 ) will be right justified, and zero padded. ! If there is not enough space, the string will be filled with stars. ! implicit none character c integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) idig integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) intval integer ( kind = 4 ) ipos integer ( kind = 4 ) ival character ( len = * ) s s = ' ' ilo = 1 ihi = len ( s ) if ( ihi <= 0 ) then return end if ! ! Make a copy of the value. ! ival = intval ! ! Handle the negative sign. ! if ( ival < 0 ) then if ( ihi <= 1 ) then s(1:1) = '*' return end if ival = - ival s(1:1) = '-' ilo = 2 end if ! ! Working from right to left, strip off the digits of the value ! and place them into S(ILO:IHI). ! ipos = ihi do while ( ival /= 0 .or. ipos == ihi ) idig = mod ( ival, 10 ) ival = ival / 10 if ( ipos < ilo ) then do i = 1, ihi s(i:i) = '*' end do return end if call digit_to_ch ( idig, c ) s(ipos:ipos) = c ipos = ipos - 1 end do ! ! Fill the empties with zeroes. ! do i = ilo, ipos s(i:i) = '0' end do return end subroutine inicom ( ifinis, ifree, indx1, indx2, ineg, infix, intsym, iopsym, & iprsym, ipval, irad, irpn, irtol, istack, maxrpn, maxsym, & maxval, nints, nsym, nsymp, nsyms, symbol, valsym, value ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! INICOM initializes data for COMRPN. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 29 October 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFINIS, the index in SYMBOL of the symbol ! '$', meaning the end of the formula. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFREE, the index of the first free address ! in VALSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX1, the index of the symbol 'INDEX1'. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX2, the index of the symbol 'INDEX2'. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INEG, the index of the symbol 'NEG'. ! ! Output, character ( len = * ) INFIX, space for an infix formula. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTSYM(80), a set of integers which ! are the indices of symbols, representing an infix formula. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, ! the address in VALSYM where the value of the symbol ! is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol represents ! a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to location of ! the first entry. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IRAD, the index of the symbol ! 'ANGLE_TO_RADIAN'. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IRPN(MAXRPN), used to store the compiled ! versions of user formulas. ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISTACK(MAXSYM), workspace for interpreting ! the formula. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXRPN, specifies the length of IRPN. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of values ! allowed in VALSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NINTS, the number of useful entries in INTSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYM, the total number of symbols, including ! temporaries. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYMP, the number of permanent symbols. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NYMS, the number of declared symbols. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NUMDIM(2,MAXSYM). ! For each symbol I, NUMDIM(1,I) is the number of rows in its ! value, and NUMDIM(2,I) is the number of columns. ! ! Output, character ( len = MAXLEN ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), the symbolic names ! of the internally defined constants and functions. ! ! Output, real VALSYM(MAXVAL), contains the values of all the ! symbolic variables. ! ! Workspace, real VALUE(MAXROW,MAXROW), space used to hold ! the value of the variable to be saved. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ifinis integer ( kind = 4 ) ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) indx1 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ineg character ( len = * ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ) intsym(80) integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipval(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) irad integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) irtol integer ( kind = 4 ) istack(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nints integer ( kind = 4 ) nsym integer ( kind = 4 ) nsymp integer ( kind = 4 ) nsyms logical s_eqi character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) real temp real valsym(maxval) real value nsym = 0 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ABS' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ACOS' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ALOG' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ALOG10' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ANGLE_TO_RADIAN' iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 valsym(nsym) = 1.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ASIN' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ATAN' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ATAN2' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'COS' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'COSH' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'COT' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'CSC' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'DET' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'DIAG' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'E' iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 valsym(nsym) = exp ( 1.0E+00 ) nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'EPS' iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 valsym(nsym) = epsilon ( 1.0E+00 ) nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'EVAL' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'EVEC' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'EXP' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'GCD' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'HILBERT' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'HILBINV' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'HOUSE' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ID' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'INT' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'INV' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'IVAL' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'KRYLOV' iopsym(nsym) = 3 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'LCM' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'LN' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'LOG' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'LOG10' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'LOG2' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'MAX' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'MIN' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NEG' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 5 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NINT' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NORM0' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NORM1' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NORM2' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NORME' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NORMF' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'NORMS' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'PI' iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 valsym(nsym) = 4.0E+00 * atan2 ( 1.0, 1.0E+00 ) nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'POLY' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'RAN' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'RCOND' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ROUND' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'RTOL' iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 valsym(nsym) = epsilon ( 1.0E+00 ) nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'RVAL' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'SEC' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'SEED' iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'SIN' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'SINH' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'SQRT' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'STEP' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'TAN' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'TANH' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'TRACE' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'TRANS' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'ZEROS' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '**' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 8 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '^' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 8 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '+' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 5 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '-' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 5 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '/' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 7 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '*' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 6 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 ! ! Take care of fact that ninny UNIX FORTRAN compilers won't let us ! explicitly use a backslash character! ! nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = char ( 92 ) iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '(' iopsym(nsym) = -1 iprsym(nsym) = 1 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = ')' iopsym(nsym) = -1 iprsym(nsym) = 2 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '=' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 3 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = ',' iopsym(nsym) = -1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '!' iopsym(nsym) = 1 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'INDEX1' iopsym(nsym) = 2 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = 'INDEX2' iopsym(nsym) = 3 iprsym(nsym) = 9 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = '$' iopsym(nsym) = -1 iprsym(nsym) = 0 valsym(nsym) = 0.0E+00 nsymp = nsym nsyms = nsymp ifree = nsymp + 1 infix = ' ' intsym(1:80) = 0 irpn(1:maxrpn) = 0 istack(1:maxsym) = 0 nints = 0 call ivec_identity ( nsymp, ipval ) do i = 1, nsymp if ( s_eqi ( symbol(i), 'ANGLE_TO_RADIAN' ) ) then irad = i else if ( s_eqi ( symbol(i), 'NEG' ) ) then ineg = i else if ( symbol(i) == '$' ) then ifinis = i else if ( s_eqi ( symbol(i), 'INDEX1' ) ) then indx1 = i else if ( s_eqi ( symbol(i), 'INDEX2' ) ) then indx2 = i else if ( s_eqi ( symbol(i), 'RTOL' ) ) then irtol = i end if end do call random_seed ( ) value = 0.0E+00 return end subroutine ivec_identity ( n, a ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! IVEC_IDENTITY sets an I4VEC to the identity vector A(I)=I. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of elements of A. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) A(N), the array to be initialized. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! integer ( kind = 4 ) a(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i ! do i = 1, n a(i) = i end do return end subroutine least_set ( ntab, xtab, ytab, ndeg, ptab, array, eps, ierror ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LEAST_SET constructs the least squares polynomial approximation to data. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine LEAST_EVAL must be used to evaluate the approximation at a ! point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NTAB, the number of data points. ! ! Input, real XTAB(NTAB), the X data. The values in XTAB ! should be distinct, and in increasing order. ! ! Input, real YTAB(NTAB), the Y data values corresponding ! to the X data in XTAB. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NDEG, the degree of the polynomial which the ! program is to use. NDEG must be at least 1, and less than or ! equal to NTAB-1. ! ! Output, real PTAB(NTAB). PTAB(I) is the value of the ! least squares polynomial at the point XTAB(I). ! ! Output, real ARRAY(2*NTAB+3*NDEG), an array containing data about ! the polynomial. ! ! Output, real EPS, the root-mean-square discrepancy of the ! polynomial fit. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! zero, no error occurred; ! nonzero, an error occurred, and the polynomial could not be computed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ndeg integer ( kind = 4 ) ntab ! real array(2*ntab+3*ndeg) real eps real error integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) i0l1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i1l1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) it integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) mdeg real ptab(ntab) real rn0 real rn1 real s real sum2 real xtab(ntab) real y_sum real ytab(ntab) ! ierror = 0 ! ! Check NDEG. ! if ( ndeg < 1 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LEAST_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' NDEG < 1.' return else if ( ndeg >= ntab ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LEAST_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' NDEG >= NTAB.' return end if ! ! Check that the abscissas are strictly increasing. ! do i = 1, ntab-1 if ( xtab(i) >= xtab(i+1) ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LEAST_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' XTAB must be strictly increasing, but' write ( *, '(a,i6,a,g14.6)' ) ' XTAB(', i, ') = ', xtab(i) write ( *, '(a,i6,a,g14.6)' ) ' XTAB(', i+1, ') = ', xtab(i+1) return end if end do i0l1 = 3 * ndeg i1l1 = 3 * ndeg + ntab y_sum = sum ( ytab ) rn0 = ntab array(2*ndeg) = y_sum / real ( ntab ) ptab(1:ntab) = y_sum / real ( ntab ) error = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, ntab error = error + ( y_sum / real ( ntab ) - ytab(i) )**2 end do if ( ndeg == 0 ) then eps = sqrt ( error / real ( ntab ) ) return end if array(1) = sum ( xtab ) / real ( ntab ) s = 0.0E+00 sum2 = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, ntab array(i1l1+i) = xtab(i) - array(1) s = s + array(i1l1+i)**2 sum2 = sum2 + array(i1l1+i) * ( ytab(i) - ptab(i) ) end do rn1 = s array(2*ndeg+1) = sum2 / s do i = 1, ntab ptab(i) = ptab(i) + sum2 * array(i1l1+i) / s end do error = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, ntab error = error + ( ptab(i) - ytab(i) )**2 end do if ( ndeg == 1 ) then eps = sqrt ( error / real ( ntab ) ) return end if do i = 1, ntab array(3*ndeg+i) = 1.0E+00 end do mdeg = 2 k = 2 do array(ndeg-1+k) = rn1 / rn0 sum2 = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, ntab sum2 = sum2 + xtab(i) * array(i1l1+i)**2 end do array(k) = sum2 / rn1 s = 0.0E+00 sum2 = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, ntab array(i0l1+i) = ( xtab(i) - array(k) ) * array(i1l1+i) & - array(ndeg-1+k) * array(i0l1+i) s = s + array(i0l1+i)**2 sum2 = sum2 + array(i0l1+i) * ( ytab(i) - ptab(i) ) end do rn0 = rn1 rn1 = s it = i0l1 i0l1 = i1l1 i1l1 = it array(2*ndeg+k) = sum2 / rn1 do i = 1, ntab ptab(i) = ptab(i) + sum2 * array(i1l1+i) / rn1 end do error = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, ntab error = error + ( ptab(i) - ytab(i) )**2 end do if ( mdeg >= ndeg ) then exit end if mdeg = mdeg + 1 k = k + 1 end do eps = sqrt ( error / real ( ntab ) ) return end subroutine least_val ( x, ndeg, array, value ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LEAST_VAL evaluates a least squares polynomial defined by LEAST_SET. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 March 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the point at which the polynomial is to be evaluated. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NDEG, the degree of the polynomial fit used. ! This is the value of NDEG as returned from LEAST_SET. ! ! Input, real ARRAY(*), an array of a certain dimension. ! See LEAST_SET for details on the size of ARRAY. ! ! ARRAY contains information about the polynomial, as set up by LEAST_SET. ! ! Output, real VALUE, the value of the polynomial at X. ! implicit none ! real array(*) real dk real dkp1 real dkp2 integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) ndeg real value real x ! if ( ndeg <= 0 ) then value = array(2*ndeg) else if ( ndeg == 1 ) then value = array(2*ndeg) + array(2*ndeg+1) * ( x - array(1) ) else dkp2 = array(3*ndeg) dkp1 = array(3*ndeg-1) + ( x - array(ndeg) ) * dkp2 do l = 1, ndeg-2 k = ndeg - 1 - l dk = array(2*ndeg+k) + ( x - array(k+1) ) * dkp1 - array(ndeg+1+k) * dkp2 dkp2 = dkp1 dkp1 = dk end do value = array(2*ndeg) + ( x - array(1) ) * dkp1 - array(ndeg+1) * dkp2 end if return end subroutine line_seg_contains_point_1d ( x1, x2, x3, u ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LINE_SEG_CONTAINS_POINT_1D reports if a line segment contains a point in 1D. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 September 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, X2, two points defining a line segment. ! The line segment has origin at X1, and unit at X2. ! ! Input, real X3, a point to be tested. ! ! Output, real U, the coordinate of X3 in units of (X2-X1). ! The point X3 is contained in the line segment if 0 <= U <= 1. ! implicit none ! real u real unit real x1 real x2 real x3 ! unit = x2 - x1 if ( unit == 0.0E+00 ) then if ( x3 == x1 ) then u = 0.5E+00 else if ( x3 < x1 ) then u = - huge ( u ) else if ( x3 > x1 ) then u = huge ( u ) end if else u = ( x3 - x1 ) / unit end if return end function lrline ( xu, yu, xv1, yv1, xv2, yv2, dv ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LRLINE determines where a point lies in relation to a directed line. ! ! Discussion: ! ! LRLINE determines whether a point is to the left of, right of, ! or on a directed line parallel to a line through given points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, XU,YU, XV1,YV1, XV2,YV2 - vertex coordinates; the directed ! line is parallel to and at signed distance DV to the ! left of the directed line from (XV1,YV1) to (XV2,YV2); ! (XU,YU) is the vertex for which the position ! relative to the directed line is to be determined ! ! Input, DV - signed distance (positive for left) ! ! Output, LRLINE - +1, 0, or -1 depending on whether (XU,YU) is ! to the right of, on, or left of the directed line ! (0 if line degenerates to a point) ! implicit none ! real, parameter :: tol = 0.0000001 ! real dv real dx real dxu real dy real dyu integer ( kind = 4 ) lrline real t real temp real tolabs real xu real xv1 real xv2 real yu real yv1 real yv2 ! dx = xv2 - xv1 dy = yv2 - yv1 dxu = xu - xv1 dyu = yu - yv1 tolabs = tol * max ( abs(dx), abs(dy), abs(dxu), abs(dyu), abs(dv) ) t = dy * dxu - dx * dyu if ( dv /= 0.0E+00 ) then t = t + dv * sqrt ( dx**2 + dy**2 ) end if temp = 1.0E+00 lrline = int ( sign(temp,t) ) if ( abs(t) <= tolabs ) then lrline = 0 end if return end subroutine lsqtxy ( ierror, ival, maxrwork, val_max, ndat, nfine, & nval, rwork, tdat, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LSQTXY sets up a parameterized least squares polynomial plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrwork real eps integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) iw1 logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) ndeg integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real rwork(maxrwork) real tdat(ndat) real thi real tlo real tval real xdat(ndat) real xval(val_max) real ydat(ndat) real yval(val_max) ! ierror = 0 nval = nfine ! ! Get NDEG, the degree of the polynomial. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the degree of the polynomial:' read ( *, * ) ndeg if ( ndeg < 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LSQTXY - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The polynomial degree must be nonnegative.' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Make sure we have enough work space. ! if ( 3*ndat+3*ndeg > maxrwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LSQTXY - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is not enough work space to compute' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the least squares polynomial.' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Set up the least squares polynomial for X. ! iw1 = 2*ndat+3*ndeg+1 call least_set ( ndat, tdat, xdat, ndeg, rwork(iw1), rwork, eps, ierror ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if ! ! Fill in the graph values, XVAL. ! tlo = minval ( tdat(1:ndat) ) thi = maxval ( tdat(1:ndat) ) do i = 1, nval call rvec_even_select ( tlo, thi, nval, i, tval ) call least_val ( tval, ndeg, rwork, xval(i) ) ival(i) = 1 end do call least_set ( ndat, tdat, ydat, ndeg, rwork(iw1), rwork, eps, ierror ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if ! ! Fill in the graph values, YVAL. ! do i = 1, nval call rvec_even_select ( tlo, thi, nval, i, tval ) call least_val ( tval, ndeg, rwork, yval(i) ) ival(i) = 1 end do ival(nval) = 0 return end subroutine lsqxy ( ierror, ival, maxrwork, val_max, ndat, nfine, & nval, rwork, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LSQXY sets up the data defining a least squares polynomial plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrwork ! real eps integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) iw1 logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) ndeg integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real rwork(maxrwork) real xdat(ndat) real xhi real xlo real xval(val_max) real ydat(ndat) real yval(val_max) ! ! Get NDEG, the degree of the polynomial. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the degree of the polynomial:' read ( *, * ) ndeg if ( ndeg < 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LSQ - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The polynomial degree must be nonnegative.' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Make sure we have enough work space. ! if ( 3 * ndat + 3 * ndeg > maxrwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'LSQ - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is not enough work space to compute' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the least squares polynomial.' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Set up the least squares polynomial. ! iw1 = 2 * ndat + 3 * ndeg + 1 call least_set ( ndat, xdat, ydat, ndeg, rwork(iw1), rwork, eps, ierror ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if ! ! Fill in the graph values, XVAL, YVAL. ! xlo = minval ( xdat(1:ndat) ) xhi = maxval ( xdat(1:ndat) ) do i = 1, nfine nval = nval+1 call rvec_even_select ( xlo, xhi, nfine, i, xval(nval) ) call least_val ( xval(nval), ndeg, rwork, yval(nval) ) ival(nval) = 1 end do ival(nval) = 0 return end subroutine newton ( ierror, infix, ipc, irpn, maxfix, maxrpn, x, y ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! NEWTON applies Newton's method to solve F(X,Y)=0, with X or Y fixed. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxfix integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn real dfdx real dfdy real fxy integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifrm character ( len = 80 ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ) ipc integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) istep integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxstp = 20 real x real y ! ierror = 0 istep = 0 do ! ! Evaluate F(X,Y). ! ifrm = 1 call comrpn ( 'V', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, 'X', x ) call comrpn ( 'V', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, 'Y', y ) ifrm = 1 call comrpn ( 'E', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', fxy ) if ( abs ( fxy ) < 0.00001 ) then exit end if ! ! Increment the step counter. ! istep = istep + 1 if ( istep > maxstp ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NEWTON - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Too many Newton steps!' ierror = 1 exit end if ! ! Apply the Newton correction. ! if ( ipc == 2 ) then ifrm = 2 call comrpn ( 'E', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', dfdx ) x = x - fxy/dfdx else ifrm = 3 call comrpn ( 'E', ierror, ifrm, infix, irpn, maxrpn, ' ', dfdy ) y = y - fxy/dfdy end if end do return end subroutine option ( dev, iplot, ldat, lframe, ncon, & nfine, nxgrid, nygrid, theta, title, vscale ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! OPTION allows the user to set various options. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 17 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none ! character ( len = * ) dev integer ( kind = 4 ) icom integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) iplot character ( len = 80 ) isay integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp logical ldat logical lframe integer ( kind = 4 ) ncon integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) nxgrid integer ( kind = 4 ) nygrid logical s_eqi real theta character ( len = 80 ) title real vscale ! do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & 'Enter option to change, or H for help, or RETURN if done:' read ( *, '(a)', iostat = ios ) isay if ( isay == ' ' ) then exit end if ! ! C means cancel the current plot. ! if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'C' ) ) then exit ! ! 'DATA/NODATA' means show or don't show the data points. ! else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:4), 'data' ) ) then ldat = .true. write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Data points WILL be shown.' else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:6), 'nodata' ) ) then ldat = .false. write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Data points will NOT be shown.' ! ! FRAME/NOFRAME ! else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'F' ) ) then lframe = .true. write ( *, '(a)' ) 'A plot frame will be drawn.' else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:3), 'NOF' ) ) then lframe = .false. write ( *, '(a)' ) 'A plot frame will NOT be drawn.' ! ! G: Draw the graph. ! else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'G') ) then exit ! ! Help: Print the list of commands. ! else if ( s_eqi ( isay(1:1), 'H' ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Your options are:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' if ( iplot > 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'C cancel this plot' end if if ( ldat ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NODATA Do not show the data points.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DATA Show the data points.' end if write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DEV= Set the graphics output device.' if ( lframe ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NOFRAME Do NOT frame the plot.' else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FRAME Frame the plot.' end if write ( *, '(a)' ) 'G Ready to plot' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'H Help (list these options).' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NCON= Set number of contour levels.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NFINE= Set number of points on curves.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NXGRID= Set number of X grid lines.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NYGRID= Set number of Y grid lines.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Q Quit, stop this program, now!' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'THETA= Set the 3d presentation angle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TITLE= Set the title.' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'VSCALE= Set vector scale size.' ! ! NCON = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:5),'ncon=' ) ) then read ( isay(6:), * ) itemp ncon = itemp write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'Number of contour levels set to ', ncon ! ! NFINE = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:6),'nfine=') ) then read ( isay(7:), * ) itemp nfine = itemp write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'Number of points on curves set to ', nfine ! ! NXGRID = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:7),'nxgrid=') ) then read ( isay(8:), * ) nxgrid write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'Number of X grid lines set to ', nxgrid ! ! NYGRID = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:7),'nygrid=') ) then read ( isay(8:), * ) nygrid write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'Number of Y grid lines set to ', nygrid ! ! Q: Quit ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:1),'Q' ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter "Y" so I know you really mean it!' read ( *, '(a1)' ) isay if ( s_eqi(isay,'y') ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_PLOT is quitting now.' icom = 1 call anyplt ( icom ) if ( .not.s_eqi(dev,'cgmb') ) then call file_delete ( 'cgmout' ) end if stop end if ! ! THETA = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:6),'theta=') ) then read ( isay(7:), * ) theta ! ! TITLE = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:6),'title=') ) then title = isay(7:) ! ! VSCALE = ! else if ( s_eqi(isay(1:7),'vscale=') ) then read ( isay(8:), * ) vscale ! ! Blank. ! else if ( s_eqi(isay,' ') ) then else write ( *, '(a)' ) 'That option did not make sense!' end if end do return end function r_pi ( ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! R_PI returns the value of pi. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 December 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real R_PI, the value of pi. ! implicit none ! real r_pi ! r_pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510E+00 return end subroutine plane_exp2imp_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, a, b, c, d ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLANE_EXP2IMP_3D converts an explicit plane to implicit form in 3D. ! ! Definition: ! ! The explicit form of a plane in 3D is ! ! (X1,Y1,Z1), (X2,Y2,Z2), (X3,Y3,Z3). ! ! The implicit form of a plane in 3D is ! ! A * X + B * Y + C * Z + D = 0 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 February 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Adrian Bowyer and John Woodwark, ! A Programmer's Geometry, ! Butterworths, 1983. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, X2, X3, Y3, Z3, are three points ! on the plane, which must be distinct, and not collinear. ! ! Output, real A, B, C, D, coefficients which describe the plane. ! implicit none ! real a real b real c real d real x1 real x2 real x3 real y1 real y2 real y3 real z1 real z2 real z3 a = ( y2 - y1 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) - ( z2 - z1 ) * ( y3 - y1 ) b = ( z2 - z1 ) * ( x3 - x1 ) - ( x2 - x1 ) * ( z3 - z1 ) c = ( x2 - x1 ) * ( y3 - y1 ) - ( y2 - y1 ) * ( x3 - x1 ) d = - x2 * a - y2 * b - z2 * c return end subroutine plane_exp_project_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & xf, yf, zf, npnt, xo, yo, zo, xp, yp, zp, ivis ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLANE_EXP_PROJECT_3D projects points through a point onto a plane in 3D. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The explicit form of a plane in 3D is ! ! (X1,Y1,Z1), (X2,Y2,Z2), (X3,Y3,Z3). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, are the ! coordinates of three points on the plane. ! ! Input, real XF, YF, ZF, are the coordinates of the focus point. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPNT, the number of points to project. ! ! Input, real XO(NPNT), YO(NPNT), ZO(NPNT), are the coordinates of ! the object points. ! ! Output, real XP(NPNT), YP(NPNT), ZP(NPNT), are the coordinates of the ! projections of the object points through the focus point onto ! the plane. XP, YP, and ZP may share the same memory as XO, YO, ! and ZO, in which case the projections will overwrite the original data. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVIS(NPNT), visibility indicator: ! 3, the object was behind the plane; ! 2, the object was already on the plane; ! 1, the object was between the focus and the plane; ! 0, the line from the object to the focus is parallel to the plane, ! so the object is "invisible". ! -1, the focus is between the object and the plane. The object ! might be considered invisible. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npnt ! real a real alpha real angle_rad_3d real b real beta real c real d real disfo real disfn integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ivis(npnt) real x1 real x2 real x3 real xf real xn real xo(npnt) real xp(npnt) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yf real yn real yo(npnt) real yp(npnt) real z1 real z2 real z3 real zf real zn real zo(npnt) real zp(npnt) ! ! Put the plane into ABCD form. ! call plane_exp2imp_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, a, b, c, d ) ! ! Get the nearest point on the plane to the focus. ! call plane_imp_point_near_3d ( a, b, c, d, xf, yf, zf, xn, yn, zn ) ! ! Get the distance from the focus to the plane. ! call points_dist_3d ( xf, yf, zf, xn, yn, zn, disfn ) ! ! If the focus lies in the plane, this is bad. We could still ! project points that actually lie in the plane, but we'll ! just bail out. ! if ( disfn == 0.0E+00 ) then ivis(1:npnt) = 0 xp(1:npnt) = xf yp(1:npnt) = yf zp(1:npnt) = zf return end if ! ! Process the points. ! do i = 1, npnt ! ! Get the distance from the focus to the object. ! call points_dist_3d ( xf, yf, zf, xo(i), yo(i), zo(i), disfo ) if ( disfo == 0.0E+00 ) then ivis(i) = 0 xp(i) = xn yp(i) = yn zp(i) = zn else ! ! Compute ALPHA, the angle between (OBJECT-FOCUS) and (NEAREST-FOCUS). ! alpha = angle_rad_3d ( xo(i), yo(i), zo(i), xf, yf, zf, xn, yn, zn ) if ( cos ( alpha ) == 0.0E+00 ) then ivis(i) = 0 xp(i) = xn yp(i) = yn zp(i) = zn else ! ! BETA is Dist(NEAREST-FOCUS) / ( Cos(ALPHA)*Dist(OBJECT-FOCUS) ) ! beta = disfn / ( cos ( alpha ) * disfo ) if ( beta > 1.0E+00 ) then ivis(i) = 1 else if ( beta == 1.0E+00 ) then ivis(i) = 2 else if ( beta > 0.0E+00 ) then ivis(i) = 3 else ivis(i) = -1 end if ! ! Set the projected point. ! xp(i) = xf + beta * ( xo(i) - xf ) yp(i) = yf + beta * ( yo(i) - yf ) zp(i) = zf + beta * ( zo(i) - zf ) end if end if end do return end subroutine plane_imp_point_near_3d ( a, b, c, d, x, y, z, xn, yn, zn ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PLANE_IMP_POINT_NEAR_3D: nearest point on a implicit plane to a point in 3D. ! ! Definition: ! ! The implicit form of a plane in 3D is: ! ! A * X + B * Y + C * Z + D = 0 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real A, B, C, D, coefficients that define the plane as ! the set of points for which A*X+B*Y+C*Z+D = 0. ! ! Input, real X, Y, Z, the coordinates of the point. ! ! Output, real XN, YN, ZN, the coordinates of the nearest point on ! the plane. ! implicit none ! real a real b real c real d real t real x real xn real y real yn real z real zn ! if ( a == 0.0E+00 .and. b == 0.0E+00 .and. c == 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PLANE_IMP_POINT_NEAR_3D - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' A = B = C = 0.' stop end if ! ! The normal N to the plane is (A,B,C). ! ! The line defined by (XN-X)/A = (YN-Y)/B = (ZN-Z)/C = T ! goes through (X,Y,Z) and is parallel to N. ! ! Solving for the point (XN,YN,ZN) we get ! ! XN = A*T+X ! YN = B*T+Y ! ZN = C*T+Z ! ! Now place these values in the equation for the plane: ! ! A*(A*T+X) + B*(B*T+Y) + C*(C*T+Z) + D = 0 ! ! and solve for T: ! ! T = (-A*X-B*Y-C*Z-D) / (A * A + B * B + C * C ) ! t = - ( a * x + b * y + c * z + d ) / ( a * a + b * b + c * c ) xn = x + a * t yn = y + b * t zn = z + c * t return end subroutine points_dist_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, dist ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! POINTS_DIST_3D finds the distance between two points in 3D. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 27 January 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, determines the pair of points ! (X1,Y1,Z1) and (X2,Y2,Z2) whose distance apart is be determined. ! ! Output, real DIST, the distance between the points. ! implicit none ! real dist real x1 real x2 real y1 real y2 real z1 real z2 ! dist = sqrt ( ( x1 - x2 )**2 + ( y1 - y2 )**2 + ( z1 - z2 )**2 ) return end subroutine proplane2 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, npnt, xp, yp, zp, & alpha, beta ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PROPLANE2 produces 2D coordinates of points that lie in a plane, in 3D. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The plane is specified by three non-colinear points, which we will ! call P1, P2 and P3. ! ! The first thing to do is to compute two orthonormal vectors V1 and ! V2, so that any point P that lies in the plane may be written as ! ! P = P1 + alpha * V1 + beta * V2 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, are the ! coordinates of three points on the plane. These three points ! should not lie in a straight line, but this condition is not ! checked. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPNT, the number of points to project. ! ! Input, real XP(NPNT), YP(NPNT), ZP(NPNT), are the Cartesian ! coordinates of points which lie on the plane spanned by the ! three points. These points are not checked to ensure that ! they lie on the plane. ! ! Output, real ALPHA(NPNT), BETA(NPNT), the "in-plane" coordinates of ! the points. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npnt ! real alpha(npnt) real beta(npnt) real dot integer ( kind = 4 ) i real v1(3) real v2(3) real x1 real x2 real x3 real xp(npnt) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yp(npnt) real z1 real z2 real z3 real zp(npnt) ! ! Compute the two basis vectors for the affine plane. ! v1(1) = x2 - x1 v1(2) = y2 - y1 v1(3) = z2 - z1 call vector_unit_nd ( 3, v1 ) v2(1) = x3 - x1 v2(2) = y3 - y1 v2(3) = z3 - z1 dot = v1(1) * v2(1) + v1(2) * v2(2) + v1(3) * v2(3) v2(1:3) = v2(1:3) - dot * v1(1:3) call vector_unit_nd ( 3, v2 ) ! ! Now decompose each (X,Y,Z). ! do i = 1, npnt alpha(i) = ( xp(i) - x1 ) * v1(1) + ( yp(i) - y1 ) * v1(2) + & ( zp(i) - z1 ) * v1(3) beta(i) = ( xp(i) - x1 ) * v2(1) + ( yp(i) - y1 ) * v2(2) + & ( zp(i) - z1 ) * v2(3) end do return end subroutine proplane3 ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, & npnt, xo, yo, zo, xp, yp, zp ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PROPLANE3 projects points orthographically onto a plane, in 3D. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, are the ! coordinates of three points on the plane. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPNT, the number of points to project. ! ! Input, real XO(NPNT), YO(NPNT), ZO(NPNT), are the coordinates of ! the object points. ! ! Output, real XP(NPNT), YP(NPNT), ZP(NPNT), are the coordinates of ! the projections of the object points through the focus point onto ! the plane. ! ! XP, YP, and ZP may share the same memory as XO, YO, and ZO, in ! which case the projections will overwrite the original data. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) npnt ! real a real b real c real d integer ( kind = 4 ) i real x1 real x2 real x3 real xo(npnt) real xp(npnt) real y1 real y2 real y3 real yo(npnt) real yp(npnt) real z1 real z2 real z3 real zo(npnt) real zp(npnt) ! ! Put the plane into ABCD form. ! call plane_exp2imp_3d ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, a, b, c, d ) ! ! For each point, its image in the plane is the nearest point ! in the plane. ! do i = 1, npnt call plane_imp_point_near_3d ( a, b, c, d, xo(i), yo(i), & zo(i), xp(i), yp(i), zp(i) ) end do return end subroutine pwp ( ierror, ival, maxrwork, val_max, ndat, nfine, & nval, rwork, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PWP sets up the data defining a piecewise polynomial plot. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrwork ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jhi logical s_eqi integer ( kind = 4 ) ndeg integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) nint integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real rwork(maxrwork) real xdat(ndat) real xval(val_max) real ydat(ndat) real yval(val_max) ! ! Get NDEG, the polynomial degree of the pieces. ! ierror = 0 write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the polynomial degree of the pieces.' read ( *, * ) ndeg if ( ndeg < 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PWP - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The polynomial degree must be nonnegative.' ierror = 1 return end if nint = (ndat-1) / ndeg ! ! Make sure we have enough room in WORK. ! if ( ndat > maxrwork ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'PWP - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is not enough work space to set up' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the piecewise polynomial.' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Fill in the graph values, XVAL, YVAL, NVAL. ! ! The code for NDEG = 0 ignores the fact that we need NINT+1 X values ! and NINT Y values. ! if ( ndeg == 0 ) then do i = 1, nint nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = xdat(i) yval(nval) = ydat(i) nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = xdat(i+1) yval(nval) = ydat(i) end do else if ( ndeg == 1 ) then do i = 1, ndat nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = xdat(i) yval(nval) = ydat(i) end do else nval = nval+1 xval(nval) = xdat(1) yval(nval) = ydat(1) do i = 1, nint ilo = 1 + (i-1) * ndeg ihi = 1 + i * ndeg call data_to_dif ( rwork, ndeg+1, xdat(ilo), ydat(ilo) ) jhi = (nfine/nint) + 1 do j = 1, jhi nval = nval+1 call rvec_even_select ( xdat(ilo), xdat(ihi), jhi+1, j, xval(nval) ) call dif_val ( rwork, ndeg+1, xdat(ilo), xval(nval), yval(nval) ) ival(nval) = 1 end do end do end if ival(nval) = 0 return end subroutine r2_cheby ( n, alo, ahi, a ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! R2_CHEBY sets up the Chebyshev abscissas in a real interval. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine sets up a vector of X values spaced between the values ! XLO and XHI in a similar way to the spacing of the Chebyshev ! points of the same order in the interval [-1,1]. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 November 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of points to compute. ! ! Input, real ALO, AHI, the range. ! ! Output, real A(N), the computed X values. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real a(n) real ahi real alo real arg integer ( kind = 4 ) i real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979E+00 if ( n == 1 ) then a(1) = 0.5E+00 * ( alo + ahi ) else if ( n > 1 ) then do i = 1, n arg = real ( 2 * i - 1 ) * pi / real ( 2 * n ) a(i) = 0.5E+00 * ( ( 1.0E+00 + cos ( arg ) ) * alo & + ( 1.0E+00 - cos ( arg ) ) * ahi ) end do end if return end subroutine r_next ( s, r, done ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! R_NEXT "reads" real numbers from a string, one at a time. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, a string, presumably containing real ! numbers. These may be separated by spaces or commas. ! ! Output, real R. If DONE is FALSE, then R contains the ! "next" real value read from the string. If DONE is TRUE, then ! R is zero. ! ! Input/output, logical DONE. ! On input with a fresh string, the user should set DONE to TRUE. ! On output, the routine sets DONE to FALSE if another real ! value was read, or TRUE if no more reals could be read. ! implicit none ! logical done integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ), save :: next = 1 real r character ( len = * ) s ! r = 0.0E+00 if ( done ) then next = 1 done = .false. end if if ( next > len ( s ) ) then done = .true. return end if call s_to_r ( s(next:), r, ierror, lchar ) if ( ierror /= 0 .or. lchar == 0 ) then done = .true. next = 1 else done = .false. next = next + lchar end if return end subroutine r_to_s_left ( r, s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! R_TO_S_LEFT writes a real into a left justified character string. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A 'G14.6' format is used with a WRITE statement. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real R, the real number to be written into the string. ! ! Output, character ( len = * ) S, the string into which ! the real number is to be written. If the string is less than 14 ! characters long, it will will be returned as a series of ! asterisks. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar real r character ( len = * ) s character ( len = 14 ) s2 ! nchar = len ( s ) if ( nchar < 14 ) then do i = 1, nchar s(i:i) = '*' end do else if ( r == 0.0E+00 ) then s(1:14) = ' 0.0E+00 ' else write ( s2, '(g14.6)' ) r s(1:14) = s2 end if ! ! Shift the string left. ! s = adjustl ( s ) return end subroutine rhpsrt ( k, n, lda, a, map ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RHPSRT sorts points into lexicographic order using heap sort. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This routine uses heapsort to obtain the permutation of N K-dimensional ! points so that the points are in lexicographic increasing order. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Barry Joe, ! Department of Computing Science, ! University of Alberta, ! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1 ! Phone: (403) 492-5757 ! Email: ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) K, the dimension of the points (for instance, 2 ! for points in the plane). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of points. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LDA, the leading dimension of array A in the ! calling routine; LDA should be at least K. ! ! Input, real A(LDA,N); A(I,J) contains the I-th coordinate ! of point J. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAP(N). ! On input, the points of A with indices MAP(1), MAP(2), ..., ! MAP(N) are to be sorted ! ! On output, MAP contains a permutation of its input values, with the ! property that, lexicographically, ! A(*,MAP(1)) <= A(*,MAP(2)) <= ... <= A(*,MAP(N)) ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) lda integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real a(lda,n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) k integer ( kind = 4 ) map(n) ! do i = n/2, 1, -1 call rsftdw ( i, n, k, lda, a, map ) end do do i = n, 2, -1 call i_swap ( map(1), map(i) ) call rsftdw ( 1, i-1, k, lda, a, map ) end do return end function rless ( k, p, q ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RLESS determines whether P is lexicographically less than Q. ! ! Discussion: ! ! P and Q are K-dimensional points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Barry Joe, ! Department of Computing Science, ! University of Alberta, ! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) K, the spatial dimension of the points. ! ! Input, real P(K), Q(K), the points to be compared. ! ! Output, logical RLESS, is TRUE if P < Q, FALSE otherwise. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) k ! real cmax integer ( kind = 4 ) i real p(k) real q(k) logical rless real tol ! tol = 100.0E+00 * epsilon ( tol ) do i = 1, k cmax = max ( abs ( p(i) ), abs ( q(i) ) ) if ( abs ( p(i) - q(i) ) > tol * cmax .and. cmax > tol ) then if ( p(i) < q(i) ) then rless = .true. else rless = .false. end if return end if end do rless = .false. return end subroutine rpnchk ( ierror, ihi, ilo, iopsym, irpn, maxrpn, maxsym ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPNCHK examines an RPN formula, looking for a complete RPN expression. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine starts at location IHI, and finds the position ILO ! such that IRPN(ILO)...IRPN(IHI) represents a single argument. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 24 October 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, 0, no error; 1 an error. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IHI, the location in IRPN where the search ! begins. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ILO, the location in IRPN such that IRPN(ILO) ! through IRPN(IHI) represents a single argument, or IHI+1 if no such ! location was found. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, the ! number of operands. In particular, if a symbol represents a constant, ! IOPSYM(I) is 0. If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) IRPN(MAXRPN), used to store the compiled ! versions of user formulas. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXRPN, specifies the length of IRPN. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) isum ! isum = 0 ierror = 0 ilo = ihi + 1 do ilo = ilo - 1 if ( ilo <= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNCHK - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Reached beginning of formula without matchup.' ierror = 1 return end if if ( iopsym(irpn(ilo)) < 0 .and. isum == 0 ) then cycle end if isum = isum + 1 - iopsym(irpn(ilo)) if ( isum == 1 ) then exit end if end do return end subroutine rpnset ( ierror, ifinis, imin, intsym, iopsym, iprsym, irpn, & istack, maxrpn, maxsym, nints, nrpn, symbol ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPNSET converts the infix formula into an RPN formula. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 25 October 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFINIS, the index in SYMBOL of the symbol ! '$', meaning the end of the formula. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IMIN, an offset for accessing IRPN. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTSYM(80), a set of integers which ! are the indices of symbols, representing an infix formula. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(I) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), the priority of each symbol. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IRPN(MAXRPN), the RPN version of the infix ! formula. ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISTACK(MAXSYM). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXRPN, the maximum number of RPN symbols ! allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NINTS, the number of useful entries in INTSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NRPN, the number of useful entries in IRPN. ! ! Input, character ( len = MAXLEN ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), the symbolic names ! of the internally defined constants and functions. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifinis integer ( kind = 4 ) imin integer ( kind = 4 ) intsym(80) integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iread integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) istack(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) istak integer ( kind = 4 ) isym integer ( kind = 4 ) jsym integer ( kind = 4 ) nints integer ( kind = 4 ) nrpn character ( len = maxlen ) sym character ( len = maxlen ) sym2 character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) ! ierror = 0 nrpn = 0 ! ! An error if the formula seems to have nothing in it. ! if ( nints <= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNSET - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' This formula seems to be blank!' ierror = 1 return end if iread = 0 istak = 0 ! ! Read symbol number IREAD from INTSYM. ! do iread = iread + 1 if ( iread > nints ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNSET - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' This formula does not make sense!' return end if isym = intsym(iread) if ( isym == 0 ) then cycle end if sym = symbol(isym) if ( sym == ',' ) then cycle end if ! ! If the symbol is "$", then it's time to pop the stack. ! if ( sym == '$' ) then do if ( istak <= 0 ) then nrpn = nrpn + 1 irpn(nrpn+imin) = ifinis if ( iread < nints ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNSET - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Some of the formula is left over!' ierror = 1 end if return end if nrpn = nrpn + 1 irpn(nrpn+imin) = istack(istak) istak = istak - 1 end do end if ! ! A left parenthesis goes onto the stack. ! if ( sym == '(' ) then istak = istak + 1 istack(istak) = isym cycle end if ! ! A variable or constant goes immediately into IRPN. ! if ( iopsym(isym) == 0 ) then nrpn = nrpn + 1 irpn(nrpn+imin) = isym cycle end if ! ! Put operators onto the stack. ! do if ( istak <= 0 ) then istak = istak + 1 istack(istak) = isym exit end if jsym = istack(istak) if ( iprsym(jsym) <= iprsym(isym) ) then jsym = istack(istak) sym2 = symbol(jsym) if ( sym == ')' .and. sym2 == '(' ) then istak = istak - 1 else istak = istak + 1 istack(istak) = isym end if exit end if nrpn = nrpn + 1 irpn(nrpn+imin) = istack(istak) istak = istak - 1 end do end do return end subroutine rpnval ( ierror, ifree, imin, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, & irad, irpn, irtol, istack, maxrpn, maxsym, maxval, & nrpn, nsym, nsyms, symbol, valsym, value ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPNVAL evaluates the symbolic functions in an RPN formula. ! ! Discussion: ! ! RPNVAL determines the number of arguments, gathering their values, ! and calling FUNVAL to evaluate the given function. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real EPS, the value of the machine precision. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFREE, the index of the next free location ! in VALSYM. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IMIN, an offset for indexing IRPN. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(I) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), the relative priorities ! of the functions. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, ! the address in VALSYM where the value of the symbol ! is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol represents ! a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to location of ! the first entry. ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) IRPN(MAXRPN), used to store the compiled ! versions of user formulas. ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) ISTACK(MAXSYM), workspace for interpreting ! the formula. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXRPN, specifies the length of IRPN. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of values allowed ! in VALSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NCOL, the number of columns in the result. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NROW, the number of rows in the result. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NRPN, the number of useful entries in IRPN. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYM, the total number of symbols, including ! temporaries. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYMS, the number of declared symbols. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NUMDIM(2,MAXSYM). ! For each symbol I, NUMDIM(1,I) is the number of rows in its ! value, and NUMDIM(2,I) is the number of columns. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), the symbolic names ! of the internally defined constants and functions. ! ! Input, real VALSYM(MAXVAL), contains the values of all the ! symbolic variables. ! ! Workspace, real VALUE, space used to hold ! the value of the variable to be saved. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrpn integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym ! character ( len = 3 ) ctemp integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg1 integer ( kind = 4 ) iarg2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) imin integer ( kind = 4 ) index1 integer ( kind = 4 ) index4 integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipset integer ( kind = 4 ) ipval(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) irad integer ( kind = 4 ) iread integer ( kind = 4 ) irpn(maxrpn) integer ( kind = 4 ) irtol integer ( kind = 4 ) istack(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) istak integer ( kind = 4 ) isym integer ( kind = 4 ) isymo integer ( kind = 4 ) itemp integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval integer ( kind = 4 ) nrpn integer ( kind = 4 ) nsym integer ( kind = 4 ) nsyms character ( len = maxlen ) sym character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) real valsym(maxval) real value ! ierror = 0 value = 0.0E+00 if ( nrpn <= 1 ) then return end if istak = 0 isymo = 0 nsyms = nsym itemp = 0 iread = 0 do iread = iread + 1 if ( iread > nrpn ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNVAL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The formula ended unexpectedly!' exit end if isym = irpn(iread+imin) if ( 0 < isym .and. isym <= maxsym ) then sym = symbol(isym) else sym = '$' end if if ( sym == '$' .or. iread > nrpn ) then index4 = ipval(isymo) value = valsym(index4) exit end if ! ! Constants and variables go into stack. ! if ( iopsym(isym) == 0 ) then if ( isym <= nsym ) then istak = istak+1 istack(istak) = isym isymo = isym else if ( nsyms >= maxsym ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNVAL - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is no memory left for more symbols!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Perhaps the KILL or INIT command would help.' ierror = 1 exit end if nsyms = nsyms+1 isymo = nsyms istak = istak+1 istack(istak) = nsyms iprsym(nsyms) = 10 iopsym(nsyms) = 0 itemp = itemp+1 ctemp = ' ' call i_to_s_zero ( itemp, ctemp ) symbol(nsyms) = 'STK000' symbol(nsyms)(4:6) = ctemp ipval(nsyms) = ifree ifree = ifree + 1 index1 = ipval(isym) index4 = ipval(nsyms) valsym(index4) = valsym(index1) end if cycle end if ! ! Pull off arguments. ! iarg1 = istack(istak) iarg2 = 0 if ( iopsym(isym) == 2 ) then iarg2 = istack(istak) istak = istak-1 iarg1 = istack(istak) else if (iopsym(isym) == 3 ) then istak = istak-1 iarg2 = istack(istak) istak = istak-1 iarg1 = istack(istak) end if sym = symbol(isym) call funval ( iarg1, iarg2, ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, & ipset, ipval, irad, irtol, itemp, maxsym, maxval, nsyms, & sym, symbol, valsym ) isymo = nsyms if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPNVAL - Warning!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Evaluation of this formula is abandoned.' value = 0.0E+00 exit end if if ( ipset == 0 ) then ipval(nsyms) = ifree ifree = ifree + 1 else ipval(nsyms) = ipset ipset = 0 end if istack(istak) = nsyms end do return end subroutine rvec_bracket ( n, x, xval, left, right ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RVEC_BRACKET searches a sorted array for successive brackets of a value. ! ! Discussion: ! ! If the values in the vector are thought of as defining intervals ! on the real line, then this routine searches for the interval ! nearest to or containing the given value. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 06 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, length of input array. ! ! Input, real X(N), an array sorted into ascending order. ! ! Input, real XVAL, a value to be bracketed. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) LEFT, RIGHT, the results of the search. ! Either: ! XVAL < X(1), when LEFT = 1, RIGHT = 2; ! XVAL > X(N), when LEFT = N-1, RIGHT = N; ! or ! X(LEFT) <= XVAL <= X(RIGHT). ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) left integer ( kind = 4 ) right real x(n) real xval ! do i = 2, n - 1 if ( xval < x(i) ) then left = i - 1 right = i return end if end do left = n - 1 right = n return end function rvec_distinct ( n, a ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RVEC_DISTINCT is true if the entries in a real vector are distinct. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 16 September 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real A(N), the vector to be checked. ! ! Output, logical RVEC_DISTINCT is .TRUE. if all N elements of A ! are distinct. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real a(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j logical rvec_distinct ! rvec_distinct = .false. do i = 2, n do j = 1, i - 1 if ( a(i) == a(j) ) then return end if end do end do rvec_distinct = .true. return end subroutine rvec_even ( alo, ahi, n, a ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RVEC_EVEN returns N real values, evenly spaced between ALO and AHI. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 October 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ALO, AHI, the low and high values. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of values. ! ! Output, real A(N), N evenly spaced values. ! Normally, A(1) = ALO and A(N) = AHI. ! However, if N = 1, then A(1) = 0.5*(ALO+AHI). ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real a(n) real ahi real alo integer ( kind = 4 ) i ! if ( n == 1 ) then a(1) = 0.5E+00 * ( alo + ahi ) else do i = 1, n a(i) = ( real ( n - i ) * alo + real ( i - 1 ) * ahi ) / real ( n - 1 ) end do end if return end subroutine rvec_even_select ( xlo, xhi, n, ival, xval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RVEC_EVEN_SELECT returns the I-th of N evenly spaced values in [ XLO, XHI ]. ! ! Discussion: ! ! XVAL = ( (N-IVAL) * XLO + (IVAL-1) * XHI ) / real ( N - 1 ) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 October 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real XLO, XHI, the low and high values. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of values. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL, the index of the desired point. ! IVAL is normally between 1 and N, but may be any ! integer ( kind = 4 ) value. ! ! Output, real XVAL, the IVAL-th of N evenly spaced values ! between XLO and XHI. ! ! Unless N = 1, X(1) = XLO and X(N) = XHI. ! ! If N = 1, then X(1) = 0.5*(XLO+XHI). ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! integer ( kind = 4 ) ival real xhi real xlo real xval ! if ( n == 1 ) then xval = 0.5E+00 * ( xlo + xhi ) else xval = ( real ( n - ival ) * xlo + real ( ival - 1 ) * xhi ) & / real ( n - 1 ) end if return end subroutine rvec_unit_euclidean ( n, a ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RVEC_UNIT_EUCLIDEAN Euclidean normalizes a vector in ND. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the dimension of the vector. ! ! Input/output, A(N), the vector to be normalized. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real a(n) real norm ! norm = sqrt ( sum ( a(1:n)**2 ) ) if ( norm /= 0.0E+00 ) then a(1:n) = a(1:n) / norm end if return end subroutine s3_fs ( a1, a2, a3, n, b, x ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S3_FS factors and solves a tridiagonal linear system. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This algorithm requires that each diagonal entry be nonzero. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 05 December 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real A1(2:N), A2(1:N), A3(1:N-1). ! On input, the nonzero diagonals of the linear system. ! On output, the data in these vectors has been overwritten ! by factorization information. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the order of the linear system. ! ! Input/output, real B(N). ! On input, B contains the right hand side of the linear system. ! On output, B has been overwritten by factorization information. ! ! Output, real X(N), the solution of the linear system. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real a1(2:n) real a2(1:n) real a3(1:n-1) real b(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i real x(n) real xmult ! ! The diagonal entries can't be zero. ! do i = 1, n if ( a2(i) == 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'S3_FS - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a,i6,a)' ) ' A2(', i, ') = 0.' return end if end do do i = 2, n-1 xmult = a1(i) / a2(i-1) a2(i) = a2(i) - xmult * a3(i-1) b(i) = b(i) - xmult * b(i-1) end do xmult = a1(n) / a2(n-1) a2(n) = a2(n) - xmult * a3(n-1) x(n) = ( b(n) - xmult * b(n-1) ) / a2(n) do i = n-1, 1, -1 x(i) = ( b(i) - a3(i) * x(i+1) ) / a2(i) end do return end subroutine s_blank_delete ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_BLANK_DELETE removes blanks from a string, left justifying the remainder. ! ! Discssion: ! ! All TAB characters are also removed. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 26 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! implicit none ! character c integer ( kind = 4 ) iget integer ( kind = 4 ) iput integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar character ( len = * ) s character, parameter :: TAB = char ( 9 ) ! iput = 0 nchar = len_trim ( s ) do iget = 1, nchar c = s(iget:iget) if ( c /= ' ' .and. c /= TAB ) then iput = iput + 1 s(iput:iput) = c end if end do s(iput+1:nchar) = ' ' return end subroutine s_blanks_delete ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_BLANKS_DELETE replaces consecutive blanks by one blank. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The remaining characters are left justified and right padded with blanks. ! TAB characters are converted to spaces. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 26 July 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) j character newchr character oldchr character ( len = * ) s character, parameter :: TAB = char ( 9 ) ! j = 0 newchr = ' ' do i = 1, len ( s ) oldchr = newchr newchr = s(i:i) if ( newchr == TAB ) then newchr = ' ' end if s(i:i) = ' ' if ( oldchr /= ' ' .or. newchr /= ' ' ) then j = j + 1 s(j:j) = newchr end if end do return end subroutine s_cap ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_CAP replaces any lowercase letters by uppercase ones in a string. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 June 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be transformed. ! implicit none ! character c integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar character ( len = * ) s ! nchar = len_trim ( s ) do i = 1, nchar c = s(i:i) call ch_cap ( c ) s(i:i) = c end do return end function s_eqi ( s1, s2 ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality. ! ! Example: ! ! S_EQI ( 'Anjana', 'ANJANA' ) is .TRUE. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S1, S2, the strings to compare. ! ! Output, logical S_EQI, the result of the comparison. ! implicit none ! character c1 character c2 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) len1 integer ( kind = 4 ) len2 integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc logical s_eqi character ( len = * ) s1 character ( len = * ) s2 ! len1 = len ( s1 ) len2 = len ( s2 ) lenc = min ( len1, len2 ) s_eqi = .false. do i = 1, lenc c1 = s1(i:i) c2 = s2(i:i) call ch_cap ( c1 ) call ch_cap ( c2 ) if ( c1 /= c2 ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len1 if ( s1(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do do i = lenc + 1, len2 if ( s2(i:i) /= ' ' ) then return end if end do s_eqi = .true. return end function s_is_alpha ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_IS_ALPHA returns .TRUE. if the string contains only alphabetic characters. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Here, alphabetic characters are 'A' through 'Z' and 'a' through 'z'. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 April 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, the string to be checked. ! ! Output, logical S_IS_ALPHA, .TRUE. if the string contains only ! alphabetic characters, .FALSE. otherwise. ! implicit none ! logical ch_is_alpha integer ( kind = 4 ) i character ( len = * ) s logical s_is_alpha ! s_is_alpha = .false. do i = 1, len ( s ) if ( .not. ch_is_alpha ( s(i:i) ) ) then return end if end do s_is_alpha = .true. return end function s_paren_check ( s ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_PAREN_CHECK checks the parentheses in a string. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Blanks are removed from the string, and then the following checks ! are made: ! ! 1) as we read the string left to right, there must never be more ! right parentheses than left ones; ! 2) there must be an equal number of left and right parentheses; ! 3) there must be no occurrences of the abutting packages '...)(...'. ! 4) there must be no occurrences of the empty package '()'. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, the string to check. ! ! Output, logical S_PAREN_CHECK is TRUE if the string passed the checks. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) isum character ( len = * ) s character ( len = 256 ) s_copy integer ( kind = 4 ) s_len logical s_paren_check ! s_copy = s call s_blank_delete ( s_copy) s_len = len_trim ( s_copy ) ! ! 1) Letting '(' = +1 and ')' = -1, check that the running parentheses sum ! is always nonnegative. ! isum = 0 do i = 1, s_len if ( s_copy(i:i) == '(' ) then isum = isum + 1 end if if ( s_copy(i:i) == ')' ) then isum = isum - 1 if ( isum < 0 ) then s_paren_check = .false. return end if end if end do ! ! 2) Check that the final parentheses sum is zero. ! if ( isum /= 0 ) then s_paren_check = .false. return end if ! ! 3) Check that there are no ")(" pairs. ! do i = 2, s_len if ( s_copy(i-1:i) == ')(' ) then s_paren_check = .false. return end if end do ! ! 4) Check that there are no "()" pairs. ! do i = 2, s_len if ( s_copy(i-1:i) == '()' ) then s_paren_check = .false. return end if end do ! ! The checks were passed. ! s_paren_check = .true. return end subroutine s_to_r ( s, r, ierror, lchar ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! S_TO_R reads a real number from a string. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This routine will read as many characters as possible until it reaches ! the end of the string, or encounters a character which cannot be ! part of the real number. ! ! Legal input is: ! ! 1 blanks, ! 2 '+' or '-' sign, ! 2.5 spaces ! 3 integer part, ! 4 decimal point, ! 5 fraction part, ! 6 'E' or 'e' or 'D' or 'd', exponent marker, ! 7 exponent sign, ! 8 exponent integer part, ! 9 exponent decimal point, ! 10 exponent fraction part, ! 11 blanks, ! 12 final comma or semicolon. ! ! with most quantities optional. ! ! Example: ! ! S R ! ! '1' 1.0E+00 ! ' 1 ' 1.0E+00 ! '1A' 1.0E+00 ! '12,34,56' 12.0E+00 ! ' 34 7' 34.0E+00 ! '-1E2ABCD' -100.0E+00 ! '-1X2ABCD' -1.0E+00 ! ' 2E-1' 0.2 ! '23.45' 23.45 ! '-4.2E+2' -420.0E+00 ! '17d2' 1700.0E+00 ! '-14e-2' -0.14 ! 'e2' 100.0E+00 ! '-12.73e-9.23' -12.73 * 10.0^(-9.23) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) S, the string containing the ! data to be read. Reading will begin at position 1 and ! terminate at the end of the string, or when no more ! characters can be read to form a legal real. Blanks, ! commas, or other nonnumeric data will, in particular, ! cause the conversion to halt. ! ! Output, real R, the real value that was read from the string. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! ! 0, no errors occurred. ! ! 1, 2, 6 or 7, the input number was garbled. The ! value of IERROR is the last type of input successfully ! read. For instance, 1 means initial blanks, 2 means ! a plus or minus sign, and so on. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) LCHAR, the number of characters read from ! the string to form the number, including any terminating ! characters such as a trailing comma or blanks. ! implicit none ! logical ch_eqi character c integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ihave integer ( kind = 4 ) isgn integer ( kind = 4 ) iterm integer ( kind = 4 ) jbot integer ( kind = 4 ) jsgn integer ( kind = 4 ) jtop integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ) nchar integer ( kind = 4 ) ndig real r real rbot real rexp real rtop character ( len = * ) s character, parameter :: TAB = char ( 9 ) ! nchar = len_trim ( s ) ierror = 0 r = 0.0E+00 lchar = - 1 isgn = 1 rtop = 0.0E+00 rbot = 1.0E+00 jsgn = 1 jtop = 0 jbot = 1 ihave = 1 iterm = 0 do lchar = lchar + 1 c = s(lchar+1:lchar+1) ! ! Blank or TAB character. ! if ( c == ' ' .or. c == TAB ) then if ( ihave == 2 ) then else if ( ihave == 6 .or. ihave == 7 ) then iterm = 1 else if ( ihave > 1 ) then ihave = 11 end if ! ! Comma. ! else if ( c == ',' .or. c == ';' ) then if ( ihave /= 1 ) then iterm = 1 ihave = 12 lchar = lchar + 1 end if ! ! Minus sign. ! else if ( c == '-' ) then if ( ihave == 1 ) then ihave = 2 isgn = - 1 else if ( ihave == 6 ) then ihave = 7 jsgn = - 1 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Plus sign. ! else if ( c == '+' ) then if ( ihave == 1 ) then ihave = 2 else if ( ihave == 6 ) then ihave = 7 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Decimal point. ! else if ( c == '.' ) then if ( ihave < 4 ) then ihave = 4 else if ( ihave >= 6 .and. ihave <= 8 ) then ihave = 9 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Exponent marker. ! else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'E' ) .or. ch_eqi ( c, 'D' ) ) then if ( ihave < 6 ) then ihave = 6 else iterm = 1 end if ! ! Digit. ! else if ( ihave < 11 .and. lge ( c, '0' ) .and. lle ( c, '9' ) ) then if ( ihave <= 2 ) then ihave = 3 else if ( ihave == 4 ) then ihave = 5 else if ( ihave == 6 .or. ihave == 7 ) then ihave = 8 else if ( ihave == 9 ) then ihave = 10 end if call ch_to_digit ( c, ndig ) if ( ihave == 3 ) then rtop = 10.0E+00 * rtop + real ( ndig ) else if ( ihave == 5 ) then rtop = 10.0E+00 * rtop + real ( ndig ) rbot = 10.0E+00 * rbot else if ( ihave == 8 ) then jtop = 10 * jtop + ndig else if ( ihave == 10 ) then jtop = 10 * jtop + ndig jbot = 10 * jbot end if ! ! Anything else is regarded as a terminator. ! else iterm = 1 end if ! ! If we haven't seen a terminator, and we haven't examined the ! entire string, go get the next character. ! if ( iterm == 1 .or. lchar+1 >= nchar ) then exit end if end do ! ! If we haven't seen a terminator, and we have examined the ! entire string, then we're done, and LCHAR is equal to NCHAR. ! if ( iterm /= 1 .and. lchar+1 == nchar ) then lchar = nchar end if ! ! Number seems to have terminated. Have we got a legal number? ! Not if we terminated in states 1, 2, 6 or 7! ! if ( ihave == 1 .or. ihave == 2 .or. ihave == 6 .or. ihave == 7 ) then ierror = ihave return end if ! ! Number seems OK. Form it. ! if ( jtop == 0 ) then rexp = 1.0E+00 else if ( jbot == 1 ) then rexp = 10.0E+00**( jsgn * jtop ) else rexp = jsgn * jtop rexp = rexp / jbot rexp = 10.0E+00**rexp end if end if r = isgn * rexp * rtop / rbot return end subroutine spline_cubic_set ( n, t, y, ibcbeg, ybcbeg, ibcend, ybcend, ypp ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SPLINE_CUBIC_SET computes the second derivatives of a cubic spline. ! ! Discussion: ! ! For data interpolation, the user must call SPLINE_CUBIC_SET to ! determine the second derivative data, passing in the data to be ! interpolated, and the desired boundary conditions. ! ! The data to be interpolated, plus the SPLINE_CUBIC_SET output, ! defines the spline. The user may then call SPLINE_CUBIC_VAL to ! evaluate the spline at any point. ! ! The cubic spline is a piecewise cubic polynomial. The intervals ! are determined by the "knots" or abscissas of the data to be ! interpolated. The cubic spline has continous first and second ! derivatives over the entire interval of interpolation. ! ! For any point T in the interval T(IVAL), T(IVAL+1), the form of ! the spline is ! ! SPL(T) = A(IVAL) ! + B(IVAL) * ( T - T(IVAL) ) ! + C(IVAL) * ( T - T(IVAL) )**2 ! + D(IVAL) * ( T - T(IVAL) )**3 ! ! If we assume that we know the values Y(*) and YPP(*), which represent ! the values and second derivatives of the spline at each knot, then ! the coefficients can be computed as: ! ! A(IVAL) = Y(IVAL) ! B(IVAL) = ( Y(IVAL+1) - Y(IVAL) ) / ( T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ) ! - ( YPP(IVAL+1) + 2 * YPP(IVAL) ) * ( T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ) / 6 ! C(IVAL) = YPP(IVAL) / 2 ! D(IVAL) = ( YPP(IVAL+1) - YPP(IVAL) ) / ( 6 * ( T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ) ) ! ! Since the first derivative of the spline is ! ! SPL'(T) = B(IVAL) ! + 2 * C(IVAL) * ( T - T(IVAL) ) ! + 3 * D(IVAL) * ( T - T(IVAL) )**2, ! ! the requirement that the first derivative be continuous at interior ! knot I results in a total of N-2 equations, of the form: ! ! B(IVAL-1) + 2 C(IVAL-1) * (T(IVAL)-T(IVAL-1)) ! + 3 * D(IVAL-1) * (T(IVAL) - T(IVAL-1))**2 = B(IVAL) ! ! or, setting H(IVAL) = T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ! ! ( Y(IVAL) - Y(IVAL-1) ) / H(IVAL-1) ! - ( YPP(IVAL) + 2 * YPP(IVAL-1) ) * H(IVAL-1) / 6 ! + YPP(IVAL-1) * H(IVAL-1) ! + ( YPP(IVAL) - YPP(IVAL-1) ) * H(IVAL-1) / 2 ! = ! ( Y(IVAL+1) - Y(IVAL) ) / H(IVAL) ! - ( YPP(IVAL+1) + 2 * YPP(IVAL) ) * H(IVAL) / 6 ! ! or ! ! YPP(IVAL-1) * H(IVAL-1) + 2 * YPP(IVAL) * ( H(IVAL-1) + H(IVAL) ) ! + YPP(IVAL) * H(IVAL) ! = ! 6 * ( Y(IVAL+1) - Y(IVAL) ) / H(IVAL) ! - 6 * ( Y(IVAL) - Y(IVAL-1) ) / H(IVAL-1) ! ! Boundary conditions must be applied at the first and last knots. ! The resulting tridiagonal system can be solved for the YPP values. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of data points; N must be at ! least 2. ! ! Input, real T(N), the points where data is specified. ! The values should be distinct, and increasing. ! ! Input, real Y(N), the data values to be interpolated. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBCBEG, the left boundary condition flag: ! ! 0: the spline should be a quadratic over the first interval; ! 1: the first derivative at the left endpoint should be YBCBEG; ! 2: the second derivative at the left endpoint should be YBCBEG. ! ! Input, real YBCBEG, the left boundary value, if needed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IBCEND, the right boundary condition flag: ! ! 0: the spline should be a quadratic over the last interval; ! 1: the first derivative at the right endpoint should be YBCEND; ! 2: the second derivative at the right endpoint should be YBCEND. ! ! Input, real YBCEND, the right boundary value, if needed. ! ! Output, real YPP(N), the second derivatives of the cubic spline. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real diag(n) integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcbeg integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcend real sub(2:n) real sup(1:n-1) real t(n) real y(n) real ybcbeg real ybcend real ypp(n) ! ! Check. ! if ( n <= 1 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPLINE_CUBIC_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The number of knots must be at least 2.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' The input value of N = ', n stop end if do i = 1, n-1 if ( t(i) >= t(i+1) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPLINE_CUBIC_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)') ' The knots must be strictly increasing, but' write ( *, '(a,i6,a,g14.6)' ) ' T(', i,') = ', t(i) write ( *, '(a,i6,a,g14.6)' ) ' T(',i+1,') = ', t(i+1) stop end if end do ! ! Set the first equation. ! if ( ibcbeg == 0 ) then ypp(1) = 0.0E+00 diag(1) = 1.0E+00 sup(1) = -1.0E+00 else if ( ibcbeg == 1 ) then ypp(1) = ( y(2) - y(1) ) / ( t(2) - t(1) ) - ybcbeg diag(1) = ( t(2) - t(1) ) / 3.0E+00 sup(1) = ( t(2) - t(1) ) / 6.0E+00 else if ( ibcbeg == 2 ) then ypp(1) = ybcbeg diag(1) = 1.0E+00 sup(1) = 0.0E+00 else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPLINE_CUBIC_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The boundary flag IBCBEG must be 0, 1 or 2.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' The input value is IBCBEG = ', ibcbeg stop end if ! ! Set the intermediate equations. ! do i = 2, n-1 ypp(i) = ( y(i+1) - y(i) ) / ( t(i+1) - t(i) ) & - ( y(i) - y(i-1) ) / ( t(i) - t(i-1) ) sub(i) = ( t(i) - t(i-1) ) / 6.0E+00 diag(i) = ( t(i+1) - t(i-1) ) / 3.0E+00 sup(i) = ( t(i+1) - t(i) ) / 6.0E+00 end do ! ! Set the last equation. ! if ( ibcend == 0 ) then ypp(n) = 0.0E+00 sub(n) = -1.0E+00 diag(n) = 1.0E+00 else if ( ibcend == 1 ) then ypp(n) = ybcend - ( y(n) - y(n-1) ) / ( t(n) - t(n-1) ) sub(n) = ( t(n) - t(n-1) ) / 6.0E+00 diag(n) = ( t(n) - t(n-1) ) / 3.0E+00 else if ( ibcend == 2 ) then ypp(n) = ybcend sub(n) = 0.0E+00 diag(n) = 1.0E+00 else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPLINE_CUBIC_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The boundary flag IBCEND must be 0, 1 or 2.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' The input value is IBCEND = ', ibcend stop end if ! ! Special case: ! N = 2, IBCBEG = IBCEND = 0. ! if ( n == 2 .and. ibcbeg == 0 .and. ibcend == 0 ) then ypp(1) = 0.0E+00 ypp(2) = 0.0E+00 ! ! Solve the linear system. ! else call s3_fs ( sub, diag, sup, n, ypp, ypp ) end if return end subroutine spline_cubic_val ( n, t, y, ypp, tval, yval, ypval, yppval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SPLINE_CUBIC_VAL evaluates a cubic spline at a specific point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SPLINE_CUBIC_SET must have already been called to define the ! values of YPP. ! ! For any point T in the interval T(IVAL), T(IVAL+1), the form of ! the spline is ! ! SPL(T) = A ! + B * ( T - T(IVAL) ) ! + C * ( T - T(IVAL) )**2 ! + D * ( T - T(IVAL) )**3 ! ! Here: ! A = Y(IVAL) ! B = ( Y(IVAL+1) - Y(IVAL) ) / ( T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ) ! - ( YPP(IVAL+1) + 2 * YPP(IVAL) ) * ( T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ) / 6 ! C = YPP(IVAL) / 2 ! D = ( YPP(IVAL+1) - YPP(IVAL) ) / ( 6 * ( T(IVAL+1) - T(IVAL) ) ) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of data values. ! ! Input, real T(N), the knot values. ! ! Input, real Y(N), the data values at the knots. ! ! Input, real YPP(N), the second derivatives of the spline at ! the knots. ! ! Input, real TVAL, a point, typically between T(1) and T(N), at ! which the spline is to be evalulated. If TVAL lies outside ! this range, extrapolation is used. ! ! Output, real YVAL, YPVAL, YPPVAL, the value of the spline, and ! its first two derivatives at TVAL. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real dt real h integer ( kind = 4 ) left integer ( kind = 4 ) right real t(n) real tval real y(n) real ypp(n) real yppval real ypval real yval ! ! Determine the interval [T(LEFT), T(RIGHT)] that contains TVAL. ! Values below T(1) or above T(N) use extrapolation. ! call rvec_bracket ( n, t, tval, left, right ) ! ! Evaluate the polynomial. ! dt = tval - t(left) h = t(right) - t(left) yval = y(left) & + dt * ( ( y(right) - y(left) ) / h & - ( ypp(right) / 6.0E+00 + ypp(left) / 3.0E+00 ) * h & + dt * ( 0.5E+00 * ypp(left) & + dt * ( ( ypp(right) - ypp(left) ) / ( 6.0E+00 * h ) ) ) ) ypval = ( y(right) - y(left) ) / h & - ( ypp(right) / 6.0E+00 + ypp(left) / 3.0E+00 ) * h & + dt * ( ypp(left) & + dt * ( 0.5E+00 * ( ypp(right) - ypp(left) ) / h ) ) yppval = ypp(left) + dt * ( ypp(right) - ypp(left) ) / h return end subroutine star ( ierror, ival, val_max, nval, xval, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! STAR draws a star. ! ! Discussion: ! ! Point I on the circle is connected to point I+ISTAR, where ! ISTAR is specified by the user. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, is nonzero if an error occurred. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX); IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of plot points. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! ! Input/output, real XVAL(VAL_MAX), YVAL(VAL_MAX), the plot points. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max ! real angle integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ios integer ( kind = 4 ) ip integer ( kind = 4 ) iq integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979E+00 real xval(val_max) real yval(val_max) ! ierror = 0 do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The star is constructed by connecting points' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' that lie on a circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' To specify the star you want, please enter' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the number of points on the circle.' read ( *, *, iostat = ios ) iq if ( ios /= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' I/O error.' return else if ( ierror > 5 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Too many errors in a row!' return else if ( iq <= 2 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Please choose a value that is more than 2!' ierror = ierror + 1 else if ( nval + 2 * iq > val_max ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is not enough memory left.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Choose a value no more than ', & ( val_max - nval ) / 2 ierror = ierror + 1 else exit end if end do ierror = 0 do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter the point to which point 1 is connected.' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'This must be a value between 2 and ', iq read ( *, *, iostat = ios ) ip if ( ios /= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' I/O error.' return else if ( ierror > 5 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'STAR - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Too many errors in a row!' return else if ( ip < 2 ) then ierror = ierror + 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Please choose a value that is at least 2!' else if ( ip > iq ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) 'Please choose a value that is no more than ', iq ierror = ierror + 1 else exit end if end do ! ! Connect points ! 1 and P ! 2 and P+1 ! ... ! Q and P+Q ! do i = 1, iq nval = nval+1 angle = ( 2.0E+00 * pi * real ( i ) ) / real ( iq ) xval(nval) = cos ( angle ) yval(nval) = sin ( angle ) ival(nval) = 1 j = mod ( i + ( ip - 1 ), iq ) nval = nval+1 angle = ( 2.0E+00 * pi * real ( j ) ) / real ( iq ) xval(nval) = cos ( angle ) yval(nval) = sin ( angle ) ival(nval) = 0 end do return end subroutine swapec ( i, top, maxst, btri, bedg, vcl, til, tnbr, stack, ierr ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SWAPEC swaps diagonal edges until all triangles are Delaunay. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine swaps diagonal edges in a 2-D triangulation, based on ! the empty circumcircle criterion, until all triangles are Delaunay, ! given that I is the index of the new vertex added to triangulation. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 19 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Barry Joe, ! Department of Computing Science, ! University of Alberta, ! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1 ! Phone: (403) 492-5757 ! Email: ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) I, the index in VCL of the new vertex. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) TOP, the index of the top of the stack. ! On output, TOP is zero. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXST, the maximum size available for the ! STACK array. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) BTRI, BEDG; on input, if positive, are ! the triangle and edge indices of a boundary edge whose updated indices ! must be recorded. On output, these may be updated because of swaps. ! ! Input, real VCL(2,*), the coordinates of the vertices. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) TIL(3,*), the triangle incidence list. ! May be updated on output because of swaps. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) TNBR(3,*), the triangle neighbor list; ! negative values are used for links of the counter-clockwise linked list of ! boundary edges; May be updated on output because of swaps. ! ! LINK = -(3*I + J-1) where I, J = triangle, edge index. ! ! Workspace, integer ( kind = 4 ) STACK(1:MAXST); on input, entries 1 through ! TOP contain the indices of initial triangles (involving vertex I) ! put in stack; the edges opposite I should be in interior; entries ! TOP+1 through MAXST are used as a stack. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERR is set to 8 for abnormal return. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxst ! integer ( kind = 4 ) a integer ( kind = 4 ) b integer ( kind = 4 ) bedg integer ( kind = 4 ) btri integer ( kind = 4 ) c integer ( kind = 4 ) diaedg integer ( kind = 4 ) e integer ( kind = 4 ) ee integer ( kind = 4 ) em1 integer ( kind = 4 ) ep1 integer ( kind = 4 ) f integer ( kind = 4 ) fm1 integer ( kind = 4 ) fp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierr integer ( kind = 4 ) l integer ( kind = 4 ) r integer ( kind = 4 ) s integer ( kind = 4 ) stack(maxst) integer ( kind = 4 ) swap integer ( kind = 4 ) t integer ( kind = 4 ) til(3,*) integer ( kind = 4 ) tnbr(3,*) integer ( kind = 4 ) top integer ( kind = 4 ) tt integer ( kind = 4 ) u real vcl(2,*) real x real y ! ! Determine whether triangles in stack are Delaunay, and swap ! diagonal edge of convex quadrilateral if not. ! ierr = 0 x = vcl(1,i) y = vcl(2,i) do if ( top <= 0 ) then exit end if t = stack(top) top = top - 1 if ( til(1,t) == i ) then e = 2 b = til(3,t) else if ( til(2,t) == i ) then e = 3 b = til(1,t) else e = 1 b = til(2,t) end if a = til(e,t) u = tnbr(e,t) if ( tnbr(1,u) == t ) then f = 1 c = til(3,u) else if ( tnbr(2,u) == t ) then f = 2 c = til(1,u) else f = 3 c = til(2,u) end if swap = diaedg ( x, y, vcl(1,a), vcl(2,a), vcl(1,c), vcl(2,c), & vcl(1,b), vcl(2,b) ) if ( swap == 1 ) then em1 = e - 1 if ( em1 == 0 ) then em1 = 3 end if ep1 = e + 1 if ( ep1 == 4 ) then ep1 = 1 end if fm1 = f - 1 if ( fm1 == 0 ) then fm1 = 3 end if fp1 = f + 1 if (fp1 == 4) then fp1 = 1 end if til(ep1,t) = c til(fp1,u) = i r = tnbr(ep1,t) s = tnbr(fp1,u) tnbr(ep1,t) = u tnbr(fp1,u) = t tnbr(e,t) = s tnbr(f,u) = r if ( tnbr(fm1,u) > 0 ) then top = top + 1 stack(top) = u end if if ( s > 0 ) then if ( tnbr(1,s) == u ) then tnbr(1,s) = t else if ( tnbr(2,s) == u ) then tnbr(2,s) = t else tnbr(3,s) = t end if top = top + 1 if ( top > maxst ) then ierr = 8 return end if stack(top) = t else if ( u == btri .and. fp1 == bedg ) then btri = t bedg = e end if l = -(3*t + e-1) tt = t ee = em1 do while ( tnbr(ee,tt) > 0 ) tt = tnbr(ee,tt) if ( til(1,tt) == a ) then ee = 3 else if ( til(2,tt) == a ) then ee = 1 else ee = 2 end if end do tnbr(ee,tt) = l end if if ( r > 0 ) then if ( tnbr(1,r) == t ) then tnbr(1,r) = u else if ( tnbr(2,r) == t ) then tnbr(2,r) = u else tnbr(3,r) = u end if else if ( t == btri .and. ep1 == bedg ) then btri = u bedg = f end if l = - ( 3 * u + f - 1 ) tt = u ee = fm1 do while ( tnbr(ee,tt) > 0 ) tt = tnbr(ee,tt) if ( til(1,tt) == b ) then ee = 3 else if ( til(2,tt) == b ) then ee = 1 else ee = 2 end if end do tnbr(ee,tt) = l end if end if end do return end subroutine sxy ( ival, val_max, ndat, nfine, nval, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SXY sets up a cubic spline ( X, S(X) ), interpolating given data. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that ! can be used for plots. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcbeg integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcend integer ( kind = 4 ) iderv integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) nval logical s_eqi real xdat(ndat) real xhi real xlo real xval(val_max) real y0 real y1 real y2 real ybcbeg real ybcend real ydat(ndat) real ypp(ndat) real yval(val_max) ! ! Get the boundary conditions ! ibcbeg = 0 ybcbeg = 0.0E+00 do write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter left boundary condition code.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '0=not-a-knot, 1=first derivative, 2=second.' read ( *, * ) ibcbeg if ( 0 <= ibcbeg .and. ibcbeg <= 2 ) then exit end if write ( *, '(a)' ) 'That was not acceptable.' end do if ( ibcbeg == 1 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter first derivative value:' read ( *, * ) ybcbeg else if ( ibcbeg == 2 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter second derivative value:' read ( *, * ) ybcbeg end if ibcend = 0 ybcend = 0.0E+00 do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'specify right boundary.' write ( *, '(a)' ) '0=not-a-knot, 1=first derivative, 2=second.' read ( *, * ) ibcend if ( 0 <= ibcend .and. ibcend <= 2 ) then exit end if write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'That was not acceptable.' end do if ( ibcend == 1 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter first derivative value:' read ( *, * ) ybcend else if ( ibcend == 2 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter second derivative value:' read ( *, * ) ybcend end if ! ! Set up the cubic spline. ! call spline_cubic_set ( ndat, xdat, ydat, ibcbeg, ybcbeg, ibcend, ybcend, & ypp ) ! ! Fill in the graph values, NVAL, XVAL, YVAL. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter 0 to graph spline, 1 for derivative, etc.' read ( *, * ) iderv xlo = xdat(1) xhi = xdat(ndat) do i = 1, nfine nval = nval+1 call rvec_even_select ( xlo, xhi, nfine, i, xval(nval) ) call spline_cubic_val ( ndat, xdat, ydat, ypp, xval(i), y0, y1, y2 ) if ( iderv == 0 ) then yval(i) = y0 else if ( iderv == 1 ) then yval(i) = y1 else if ( iderv == 2 ) then yval(i) = y2 else yval(i) = 0.0E+00 end if ival(nval) = 1 end do ival(nval) = 0 return end subroutine symadd ( ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, & maxsym, maxval, namvr, nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SYMADD adds a symbol name to the list of symbolic names. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred, variable was added to list. ! 1, error occurred, variable was not added to list. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFREE, the index of the next free ! memory location in VALSYM. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(I) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), the relative priorities ! of the functions. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, ! the address in VALSYM where the value of the symbol ! is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol represents ! a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to location of ! the first entry. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of values allowed ! in VALSYM. ! ! Input, character ( len = MAXLEN ) NAMVR, the name of the variable. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYM, the total number of symbols, including ! temporaries. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYMP, the number of permanent symbols. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NUMDIM(2,MAXSYM). ! For each symbol I, NUMDIM(1,I) is the number of rows in its ! value, and NUMDIM(2,I) is the number of columns. ! ! Input, character ( len = MAXLEN ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), the symbolic names ! of the internally defined constants and functions. ! ! Input, real VALSYM(MAXVAL), contains the values of all the ! symbolic variables. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) indx integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipval(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) lennam character ( len = maxlen ) namvr integer ( kind = 4 ) nsym integer ( kind = 4 ) nsymp logical s_eqi character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) real valsym(maxval) ! ! Get the length of the variable name. ! ierror = 0 lennam = len_trim ( namvr ) if ( lennam <= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMADD - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' This variable name has zero length!' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Check if the name is already in use. ! do i = 1, nsymp if ( s_eqi ( namvr, symbol(i) ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMADD - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The name ' // trim ( namvr ) // & ' is already in use.' ierror = 1 return end if end do ! ! Check for user overriding earlier use of same name. ! do i = nsymp+1, nsym if ( s_eqi ( namvr, symbol(i) ) ) then symbol(i) = 'VOID' end if end do ! ! Is there enough space in SYMBOL for another symbol name? ! if ( nsym >= maxsym ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMADD - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is not enough memory for ' // trim ( namvr ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Perhaps the KILL or INIT commands would help.' ierror = 1 return end if ! ! Is there enough space in VALSYM for the symbol's value? ! if ( ifree > maxval ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMADD - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' There is not enough memory for ' // trim ( namvr ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Perhaps the KILL or INIT commands would help.' return end if ! ! Insert information about the symbol into various tables. ! nsym = nsym + 1 symbol(nsym) = namvr iopsym(nsym) = 0 iprsym(nsym) = 10 ipval(nsym) = ifree ifree = ifree + 1 indx = ipval(nsym) valsym(indx) = 0.0E+00 return end subroutine symbol_value ( com, ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, & maxval, namvar, nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym, value ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SYMBOL_VALUE evaluates, sets or deletes a variable. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SYMVAL accepts the name of a symbol in NAMVAR, and does one ! of three things, depending on the value of COM: ! ! 'R' - "reads" the value of the variable, returning it in VALUE. ! 'V' - "sets" the value of the variable from the array VALUE. ! 'D' - "deletes" the variable from memory. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 15 May 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character COM, determines what task is to be done: ! 'R', "reads" the variable, returning its value and dimensions. ! 'V', "sets" the value and dimensions of the variable. ! 'D', "deletes" the variable from memory. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFREE, the index of the next free ! memory location in VALSYM. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(i) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as abs, ! IOPSYM(i) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), the function priorities. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, ! the address in VALSYM where the value of the symbol ! is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol represents ! a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to location of ! the first entry. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of values allowed. ! ! Input, character ( len = maxlen ) namvar, the name of the variable. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYM, the total number of symbols, including ! temporaries. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYMP, the number of permanent symbols. ! ! Input, character ( len = maxlen ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), symbolic names. ! ! Input, real VALSYM(MAXVAL), the values of the symbolic variables. ! ! Input/output, real VALUE, holds the value of the variable. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 10 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval ! character com integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) ihi integer ( kind = 4 ) ilo integer ( kind = 4 ) indx integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipval(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) lennam integer ( kind = 4 ) match character ( len = maxlen ) namvar integer ( kind = 4 ) ncol integer ( kind = 4 ) nrow integer ( kind = 4 ) nsym integer ( kind = 4 ) nsymp logical s_eqi character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) real valsym(maxval) real value ! ierror = 0 if ( len_trim ( namvar ) <= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMBOL_VALUE - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Bad variable name ' // trim ( namvar ) return end if ! ! Search for a match between NAMVAR and any predefined symbol. ! match = 0 do i = 1, nsym if ( s_eqi ( namvar, symbol(i) ) ) then match = i exit end if end do ! ! If no such variable seems to exist, but we have been asked ! to DELETE or READ such a variable, then exit. ! if ( match == 0 ) then if ( s_eqi ( com, 'D' ) .or. s_eqi ( com, 'R' ) ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMBOL_VALUE - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' No variable named ' // trim ( namvar ) if ( s_eqi ( com, 'R' ) ) then ierror = 1 return end if end if ! ! Add the name of the new variable to the internal list. ! call symadd ( ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, & maxsym, maxval, namvar, nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if match = nsym ! ! The matched symbol has index MATCH. ! else ! ! If the symbol is not the name of a variable, but ! rather the name of an operator, then this is an error. ! if ( iopsym(match) /= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMBOL_VALUE - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' You are trying to assign a value to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the name of a function or operator:' write ( *, '(a)' ) symbol(match) return end if ! ! Some variables may not be revalued. ! if ( s_eqi ( com, 'V' ) ) then if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'E' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'EPS' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'PI' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( symbol(match)(1:1) == '"' ) ierror = 1 end if ! ! Some variables may not be deleted. ! if ( s_eqi ( com, 'D' ) ) then if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'E' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'EPS' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'PI' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'RTOL' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( s_eqi ( symbol(match), 'SEED' ) ) ierror = 1 if ( symbol(match)(1:1) == '"' ) ierror = 1 end if if ( ierror /= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMBOL_VALUE - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Try to change special variable:' write ( *, '(a)' ) symbol(match) return end if nrow = 1 ncol = 1 end if indx = ipval(match) if ( s_eqi ( com, 'V' ) ) then valsym(indx) = value else if ( s_eqi ( com, 'R' ) ) then value = valsym(indx) else if ( s_eqi ( com, 'D' ) ) then ilo = indx ihi = ifree-1 do i = 1, ihi+1-ilo valsym(ilo-nrow*ncol+i-1) = valsym(ilo+i-1) end do ifree = ifree-nrow*ncol do i = match+1, nsym iopsym(i-1) = iopsym(i) iprsym(i-1) = iprsym(i) ipval(i-1) = ipval(i)-nrow*ncol symbol(i-1) = symbol(i) end do nsym = nsym-1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SYMBOL_VALUE:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Removed the variable ' // trim ( namvar ) write ( *, '(a,i6)' ) ' Free memory now: ', maxval+1-ifree end if return end subroutine timestamp ( ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. ! ! Example: ! ! 31 May 2001 9:45:54.872 AM ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 May 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none character ( len = 8 ) ampm integer ( kind = 4 ) d integer ( kind = 4 ) h integer ( kind = 4 ) m integer ( kind = 4 ) mm character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) integer ( kind = 4 ) n integer ( kind = 4 ) s integer ( kind = 4 ) values(8) integer ( kind = 4 ) y call date_and_time ( values = values ) y = values(1) m = values(2) d = values(3) h = values(5) n = values(6) s = values(7) mm = values(8) if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, trim ( month(m) ), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm ) return end subroutine tokens ( ierror, ifinis, ifree, implic, indx1, indx2, ineg, infix, & intsym, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, maxval, nints, nsym, nsymp, & nuvar, symbol, valsym ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TOKENS parses a character string into recognized symbols and constants. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine produces the output array of integers INTSYM, containing ! whose entries stand for recognized symbols, variable names or ! constants. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 02 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error occurred. ! nonzero, an error occurred. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFINIS, the index in SYMBOL of the symbol ! '$', meaning the end of the formula. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IFREE, the address of the next free ! memory location in VALSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IMPLIC, implicit variable flag. ! 0, the assignment variable was not implicit. ! nonzero, the assignment variable was implicit, and has been ! added to the symbol table, and assigned the symbol index of IMPLIC. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX1, the index of the symbol 'INDEX1'. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INDX2, the index of the symbol 'INDEX2'. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) INEG, the index of the symbol 'NEG'. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) INFIX, a sequence of characters representing ! an infix formula. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) INTSYM(80), a sequence of integers which are ! the indices of the symbols used in INFIX. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IOPSYM(MAXSYM), contains, for each ! symbol, the number of operands. In particular, if ! a symbol represents a constant, IOPSYM(I) is 0. ! If a symbol represents a unary operator such as ABS, ! IOPSYM(I) is 1. IOPSYM may be as large as 3. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPRSYM(MAXSYM), the relative priorities ! of the functions. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IPVAL(MAXSYM), contains, for each symbol, ! the address in VALSYM where the value of the symbol ! is stored, if it is a scalar. If the symbol represents ! a vector or matrix, IPVAL(IARG) points to location of ! the first entry. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXSYM, the maximum number of symbols allowed. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) MAXVAL, the maximum number of values allowed ! in VALSYM. ! ! Output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NINTS, the number of useful entries in INTSYM. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYM, the total number of symbols, including ! temporaries. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NSYMP, the number of permanent symbols. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NUVAR. ! If NUVAR is 0, then the formula may refer to variables which ! have not yet been declared. ! Otherwise, all variables on the right hand side of the "=" ! sign must have been previously declared. ! ! Input, character ( len = MAXLEN ) SYMBOL(MAXSYM), the symbolic names ! of the internally defined constants and functions. ! ! Input, real VALSYM(MAXVAL), contains the values of all the ! symbolic variables. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ), parameter :: maxlen = 20 integer ( kind = 4 ) maxsym ! character ctemp integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) iback integer ( kind = 4 ) icom1 integer ( kind = 4 ) icom2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ierror integer ( kind = 4 ) ifinis integer ( kind = 4 ) ifree integer ( kind = 4 ) ilpr integer ( kind = 4 ) implic integer ( kind = 4 ) indx1 integer ( kind = 4 ) indx2 integer ( kind = 4 ) ineg character ( len = * ) infix integer ( kind = 4 ) intsym(80) integer ( kind = 4 ) iopsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipoint integer ( kind = 4 ) ipos integer ( kind = 4 ) iprsym(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) ipval(maxsym) integer ( kind = 4 ) irpr integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jback integer ( kind = 4 ) lchar integer ( kind = 4 ) lenfix integer ( kind = 4 ) lenmat integer ( kind = 4 ) lens integer ( kind = 4 ) loc integer ( kind = 4 ) loc1 integer ( kind = 4 ) loc2 integer ( kind = 4 ) match integer ( kind = 4 ) matcho integer ( kind = 4 ) maxval character ( len = maxlen ) namvr integer ( kind = 4 ) nints logical notnum integer ( kind = 4 ) nsym integer ( kind = 4 ) nsymp integer ( kind = 4 ) nuvar real rval logical s_eqi logical s_is_alpha character sym character ( len = maxlen ) sym1 character ( len = maxlen ) sym2 character ( len = maxlen ) sym3 character ( len = maxlen ) symbol(maxsym) real valsym(maxval) ! implic = 0 ierror = 0 nints = 0 match = 0 ipos = 1 lenfix = len_trim ( infix ) ! ! 1: Does this formula begin with a variable name followed ! by an equals sign? ! sym = '=' loc1 = index ( infix, sym ) if ( loc1 <= 1 ) then go to 20 end if ! ! The formula begins with a variable name followed by an equals sign. ! ! Pick off the name of the variable, but first make sure ! you stop before any left hand parenthesis, in case the ! formula is something like "alfred(7)=5". ! sym = '(' loc2 = index ( infix, sym ) if ( loc2 <= 0 ) then loc = loc1 else loc = min ( loc1, loc2 ) end if if ( loc <=1 .or. loc > maxlen+1 ) then go to 20 end if loc = loc - 1 namvr = infix(1:loc) ! ! Check to see whether the name of the assignment variable has ! already been defined. ! do i = 1, nsym if ( s_eqi ( namvr, symbol(i) ) ) then go to 20 end if end do ! ! The assignment variable has not previously been defined. ! Prepare to add it to the table of symbols. ! ipos = loc + 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TOKENS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Implicit definition of ' // trim ( namvr ) call symadd ( ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, maxval, namvr, & nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = nsym match = nsym implic = nsym ! ! Process the next chunk of the formula. ! 20 continue ! ! If we have reached the end of the input string, we're done. ! Append an "End-of-formula" marker "$" and return. ! if ( ipos > lenfix ) then nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = ifinis return end if ! ! We're not done yet. Remember the last match in MATCHO, and ! look for the next match. Go through all the symbols, and ! try to find the longest match possible. ! matcho = match match = 0 lenmat = 0 do i = 1, nsym lens = len_trim ( symbol(i) ) if ( lens > lenmat .and. ipos + lens - 1 <= lenfix ) then if ( s_eqi ( infix(ipos:ipos+lens-1), symbol(i) ) ) then lenmat = lens match = i end if end if end do if ( match == 0 ) then go to 110 end if ! ! We found a match. ! ! But watch out! The user might be implicitly defining a name, ! but because the first part matches an earlier symbol, you don't ! realize it! For example, in a formula involving SINGLE, you ! might think you see "SIN". So make sure that the match you've ! got is not followed by an alphabetic character. ! if ( iopsym(match) /= 0 ) then go to 40 end if if ( ipos+lenmat-1 >= lenfix ) then go to 40 end if ctemp = infix(ipos+lenmat:ipos+lenmat) if ( s_is_alpha ( ctemp ) ) then go to 140 end if ! ! We have matched an old symbol. ! 40 continue sym1 = symbol(match) sym2 = ' ' if ( matcho /= 0 ) then sym2 = symbol(matcho) end if ! ! Check for unary minus or plus. ! if ( sym1 == '-' ) then if ( sym2 == '**' .or. sym2 == ',' .or. & sym2 == '(' .or. sym2 == '=' .or. & ipos == 1 ) then sym = infix(ipos+1:ipos+1) if ( lge ( sym, '0' ) .and. lle ( sym, '9' ) ) then go to 110 end if if ( sym == '.' ) then go to 110 end if end if end if if ( sym1 == '-' ) then if ( ipos == 1 .or. sym2 == '(' .or. sym2 == ',' .or. sym2 == '=' ) then nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = ineg ipos = ipos + 1 go to 20 end if end if if ( sym1 == '+' ) then if ( ipos == 1 .or. sym2 == '(' .or. sym2 == '=' ) then ipos = ipos + 1 go to 20 end if end if ! ! If we've hit a right parenthesis, then we assume we're dealing with: ! ! a vector index: A(3) ! a matrix index: A(1,2) ! a two place operator: MAX(A,B), or MIN or POLY ! a three place operator: KRYLOV(A,X,N) ! ! We need to find the matching left parenthesis, count the ! arguments by assuming that commas separate them, and read ! off the name preceding the left parenthesis. ! if ( sym1 == ')' ) then icom1 = 0 icom2 = 0 ilpr = 0 irpr = 1 do iback = 1, nints i = nints + 1 - iback if ( intsym(i) <= 0 ) then go to 90 end if sym3 = symbol ( intsym(i) ) if ( sym3 == ',' .and. irpr-ilpr == 1 ) then if ( icom1 == 0 ) then icom1 = i else if ( icom2 == 0 ) then icom2 = i else ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TOKENS - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Too many commas in formula.' return end if else if ( sym3 == '(' ) then ilpr = ilpr + 1 else if ( sym3 == ')' ) then irpr = irpr + 1 end if ! ! If ILPR=IRPR, we've reached the matching left parenthesis. ! if ( ilpr == irpr ) then if ( i <= 1 ) then go to 100 end if if ( intsym(i-1) <= 0 ) then go to 100 end if sym3 = symbol ( intsym(i-1) ) if ( iopsym(intsym(i-1)) /= 0 .and. & .not. s_eqi ( sym3, 'MAX' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( sym3, 'MIN' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( sym3, 'ATAN2' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( sym3, 'POLY' ) .and. & .not. s_eqi ( sym3, 'KRYLOV' ) ) then go to 100 end if ! ! Copy ) into INTSYM. ! nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = match ! ! INDX1 is our name for a vector reference. ! if ( icom1 == 0 ) then match = indx1 ! ! INDX2 is our name for a matrix reference. ! else if ( icom2 == 0 ) then intsym(icom1) = match do jback = 1, nints-icom1 j = nints + 1 - jback intsym(j+1) = intsym(j) end do nints = nints + 1 intsym(icom1+1) = match - 1 if ( iopsym(intsym(i-1)) /= 0 ) then ipos = ipos + 1 go to 20 end if match = indx2 ! ! Insert )( to divide a trio of arguments. ! else intsym(icom1) = match do jback = 1, nints-icom1 j = nints + 1 - jback intsym(j+1) = intsym(j) end do intsym(icom1+1) = match - 1 nints = nints + 1 intsym(icom2) = match do jback = 1, nints-icom2 j = nints + 1 - jback intsym(j+1) = intsym(j) end do intsym(icom2+1) = match - 1 nints = nints + 1 if ( iopsym(intsym(i-1)) /= 0 ) then ipos = ipos + 1 go to 20 end if match = indx2 end if ipos = ipos + 1 nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = match go to 20 end if 90 continue end do end if 100 continue lens = len_trim ( symbol(match) ) nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = match ipos = ipos + lens go to 20 ! ! Check for a constant. ! 110 continue call s_to_r ( infix(ipos:), rval, ierror, lchar ) if ( lchar <= 0 ) then go to 140 end if if ( ierror /= 0 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TOKENS - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Illegal real number.' return end if ! ! Look for a constant already defined with the same value. ! do i = nsymp+1, nsym if ( iprsym(i) == 10 ) then if ( symbol(i)(1:1) == '"' ) then ipoint = ipval(i) if ( valsym(ipoint) == rval ) then match = i go to 130 end if end if end if end do ! ! This is a new constant. Make up a name for it. ! if ( real ( int ( rval ) ) == rval ) then write ( namvr, '(''"'',i19)' ) int ( rval ) else write ( namvr, '(''"'', g19.10)' ) rval end if call s_blank_delete ( namvr ) ! ! Add the constant to the symbol list. ! call symadd ( ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, maxval, namvr, & nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym ) if ( ierror /= 0 ) then return end if ipoint = ipval(nsym) valsym(ipoint) = rval match = nsym 130 continue ! ! Advance LCHAR characters, except that CHRCTR will read in a ! comma as the end of the number, and we have to back up in ! such a case. ! if ( infix(ipos+lchar-1:ipos+lchar-1) /= ',' ) then ipos = ipos + lchar else ipos = ipos + lchar - 1 end if nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = match go to 20 ! ! Consider implicit variable declaration on right hand side. ! 140 continue if ( nuvar == 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TOKENS - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Undeclared variable in formula.' return end if namvr = ' ' do i = 1, maxlen sym = infix(ipos-1+i:ipos-1+i) notnum = llt ( sym, '0' ) .or. lgt ( sym, '0' ) if ( ( .not. s_is_alpha(sym) ) .and. notnum ) then exit end if namvr(i:i) = sym end do lchar = len_trim ( namvr ) if ( lchar <= 0 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TOKENS - Error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The string starting at location ', ipos, & ' is unreadable.' return end if ipos = ipos + lchar call symadd ( ierror, ifree, iopsym, iprsym, ipval, maxsym, maxval, namvr, & nsym, nsymp, symbol, valsym ) nints = nints + 1 intsym(nints) = nsym match = nsym write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TOKENS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The undeclared variable ' // trim ( namvr ) // & ' will be assumed to be a scalar.' go to 20 end subroutine tricon ( ival, val_max, ndat, nodtri, ntri, nval, udat, & uval, xdat, xval, ydat, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TRICON draws a contour line of a scalar quantity. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The scalar quantity is assumed to be known at the nodes of a ! triangulation of the region. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of points that can ! be used for plots. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NODTRI(3,NTRI). Triangle I is made up of nodes ! NODTRI(1,I), NODTRI(2,I) and NODTRI(3,I). ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NTRI, the number of triangles. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! ! Input, real UDAT(NDAT). UDAT(I) is the function value at ! the point ( XDAT(I), YDAT(I) ). ! ! Input, real UVAL, the value associated with the contour line. ! ! Input, real XDAT(NDAT), the X coordinates of the nodes. ! ! Input, real YDAT(NDAT), the Y coordinates of the nodes. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) ntri ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) icross integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) jp1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n1 integer ( kind = 4 ) n2 integer ( kind = 4 ) nodtri(3,ntri) integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real t real u1 real u2 real udat(ndat) real uval real x1 real x2 real xdat(ndat) real xval(val_max) real xx(3) real y1 real y2 real ydat(ndat) real yval(val_max) real yy(3) ! ! Consider each triangle: ! do i = 1, ntri icross = 0 ! ! Consider each side of the triangle: ! do j = 1, 3 n1 = nodtri(j,i) x1 = xdat(n1) y1 = ydat(n1) u1 = udat(n1) jp1 = j+1 if ( jp1 > 3 ) then jp1 = 1 end if n2 = nodtri(jp1,i) x2 = xdat(n2) y2 = ydat(n2) u2 = udat(n2) call line_seg_contains_point_1d ( u1, u2, uval, t ) if ( 0.0E+00 <= t .and. t <= 1.0E+00 ) then icross = icross+1 xx(icross) = x1 + (uval-u1)*(x2-x1)/(u2-u1) yy(icross) = y1 + (uval-u1)*(y2-y1)/(u2-u1) end if end do ! ! If we found two crossings, draw the line. ! if ( icross == 2 ) then nval = nval +1 xval(nval) = xx(1) yval(nval) = yy(1) ival(nval) = 1 nval = nval + 1 xval(nval) = xx(2) yval(nval) = yy(2) ival(nval) = 0 end if end do return end subroutine vbedg ( x, y, vcl, til, tnbr, ltri, ledg, rtri, redg ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! VBEDG determines which boundary edges are visible to a point. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The point (X,Y) is assumed to be outside the convex hull of the ! region covered by the 2D triangulation. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Parameters: ! ! X,Y - 2-D point outside convex hull. ! ! VCL(1:2,1:*) - coordinates of 2-D vertices ! TIL(1:3,1:*) - triangle incidence list ! TNBR(1:3,1:*) - triangle neighbor list; negative values are ! used for links of CCW linked list of boundary edges; ! LINK = -(3*I + J-1) where I, J = triangle, edge index. ! ! Input/output, LTRI,LEDG - if LTRI /= 0 then they are assumed to be ! as defined below and are not changed, else they are updated. ! On output, LTRI is the index of boundary triangle to left of leftmost ! boundary triangle visible from (X,Y) ! LEDG is the boundary edge of triangle LTRI to left of leftmost ! boundary edge visible from (X,Y). 1 <= LEDG <= 3. ! ! Input/output, RTRI. On input, the index of boundary triangle to ! begin search at. On output, the index of the rightmost boundary ! triangle visible from (X,Y) ! ! Input/output, REDG. The edge of triangle RTRI that is visible from (X,Y) ! 1 <= REDG <= 3. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) a integer ( kind = 4 ) b integer ( kind = 4 ) e integer ( kind = 4 ) l logical ldone integer ( kind = 4 ) ledg integer ( kind = 4 ) lr integer ( kind = 4 ) lrline integer ( kind = 4 ) ltri integer ( kind = 4 ) redg integer ( kind = 4 ) rtri integer ( kind = 4 ) t real temp integer ( kind = 4 ) til(3,*) integer ( kind = 4 ) tnbr(3,*) real vcl(2,*) real x real y ! ! Find rightmost visible boundary edge using links, then possibly ! leftmost visible boundary edge using triangle neighbor information. ! if ( ltri == 0 ) then ldone = .false. ltri = rtri ledg = redg else ldone = .true. end if 10 continue l = -tnbr(redg,rtri) t = l/3 e = mod(l,3) + 1 a = til(e,t) if ( e <= 2 ) then b = til(e+1,t) else b = til(1,t) end if temp = 0.0E+00 lr = lrline ( x, y, vcl(1,a), vcl(2,a), vcl(1,b), vcl(2,b), temp ) if ( lr > 0 ) then rtri = t redg = e go to 10 end if if ( ldone ) then return end if t = ltri e = ledg 20 continue b = til(e,t) if ( e >= 2 ) then e = e - 1 else e = 3 end if 30 continue if ( tnbr(e,t) > 0 ) then t = tnbr(e,t) if ( til(1,t) == b ) then e = 3 else if ( til(2,t) == b ) then e = 1 else e = 2 end if go to 30 end if a = til(e,t) temp = 0.0E+00 lr = lrline ( x, y, vcl(1,a), vcl(2,a), vcl(1,b), vcl(2,b), temp ) if ( lr > 0 ) then go to 20 end if ltri = t ledg = e return end subroutine vector_unit_nd ( n, v ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! VECTOR_UNIT_ND normalizes a vector in ND. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 February 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input/output, real V(N), the vector to be normalized. On output, ! V should have unit Euclidean norm. However, if the input vector ! has zero Euclidean norm, it is not altered. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) n ! real enorm_nd integer ( kind = 4 ) i real temp real v(n) ! temp = enorm_nd ( n, v ) if ( temp /= 0.0E+00 ) then v(1:n) = v(1:n) / temp end if return end subroutine xys ( ival, maxdat, val_max, ndat, nfine, nval, tdat, xdat, & xval, ydat, yval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! XYS computes splines through X and Y data. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An independent parameter T is used to trace out the curves. ! T varies from 0 to 1. ! ! The "not-a-knot" boundary condition is used at the endpoints of ! the splines. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 November 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(VAL_MAX). IVAL(I) is 1 if point I ! is to be connected to point I+1. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) VAL_MAX, the maximum number of line segments ! that can be drawn. ! ! Input/output, integer ( kind = 4 ) NVAL, the current number of plot points. ! implicit none ! integer ( kind = 4 ) maxdat integer ( kind = 4 ) val_max ! integer ( kind = 4 ) i integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcbeg integer ( kind = 4 ) ibcend character isay integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(val_max) integer ( kind = 4 ) maxrwork integer ( kind = 4 ) ndat integer ( kind = 4 ) nfine integer ( kind = 4 ) nval real rwork(4,ndat) logical s_eqi real thi real tlo real tdat(maxdat) real tval real xbcbeg real xbcend real xdat(maxdat) real xpp(maxdat) real xppval real xpval real xval(val_max) real ybcbeg real ybcend real ydat(maxdat) real ypp(maxdat) real yppval real ypval real yval(val_max) ! tlo = 0.0E+00 thi = 1.0E+00 ! ! Assign the T values. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'Enter "Y" to join curve ends.' read ( *, '(a)' ) isay if ( s_eqi ( isay, 'Y' ) ) then ndat = ndat + 1 xdat(ndat) = xdat(1) ydat(ndat) = ydat(1) end if call rvec_even ( tlo, thi, ndat, tdat) ! ! Set up the spline data ! nval = nfine ibcbeg = 0 xbcbeg = 0.0E+00 ibcend = 0 xbcend = 0.0E+00 call spline_cubic_set ( ndat, tdat, xdat, ibcbeg, xbcbeg, ibcend, xbcend, & xpp ) ibcbeg = 0 ybcbeg = 0.0E+00 ibcend = 0 ybcend = 0.0E+00 call spline_cubic_set ( ndat, tdat, ydat, ibcbeg, ybcbeg, ibcend, ybcend, & ypp ) do i = 1, nval call rvec_even_select ( tlo, thi, nval, i, tval ) call spline_cubic_val ( ndat, tdat, xdat, xpp, tval, xval(i), xpval, & xppval ) call spline_cubic_val ( ndat, tdat, ydat, ypp, tval, yval(i), ypval, & yppval ) end do ival(1:nval-1) = 1 ival(nval) = 0 return end subroutine xyz_write ( filexyz, ival, npnt, x, y, z ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! XYZ_WRITE writes graphics data to an XYZ file. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The XYZ format is very simple: ! ! Comment lines begin with a '#' in column 1. ! All other lines are either XYZ coordinates, or blank. ! Two successive XYZ coordinates represent a line segment. ! A blank line terminates the current line segment. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 23 February 2002 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, character ( len = 80 ) FILEXYZ, the name of the XYZ file being ! created. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) IVAL(MAXPNT), describes lines. If IVAL(I) is: ! 0, no line goes through point I; ! 1, point I is the last point in a line; ! 2, point I is the first point in a line; ! 3, point I is an interior point of a line. ! ! Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) NPNT, the number of points used in the ! internal data format. ! ! Input, real X(NPNT), Y(NPNT), Z(NPNT), contains the X, Y, and Z ! components of points used in the internal data format. ! implicit none integer ( kind = 4 ) npnt character ( len = * ) filexyz integer ( kind = 4 ) iunit integer ( kind = 4 ) ival(npnt) integer ( kind = 4 ) j integer ( kind = 4 ) lenc integer ( kind = 4 ) ntline real x(npnt) real y(npnt) real z(npnt) call get_unit ( iunit ) open ( unit = iunit, file = filexyz, status = 'replace' ) write ( iunit, '(a)' ) '# ' // trim ( filexyz ) // ' created by XYZ_WRITE.' write ( iunit, '(a)' ) '#' ntline = 3 do j = 1, npnt if ( j > 1 ) then if ( ival(j) == 0 .or. ival(j) == 2 ) then write ( iunit, '(a)' ) ' ' ntline = ntline + 1 end if end if write ( iunit, '(3g14.6)' ) x(j), y(j), z(j) ntline = ntline + 1 end do close ( unit = iunit ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'XYZ_WRITE:' write ( *, '(a,i6,a)' ) ' Output file contains ', ntline, ' lines.' return end