Utility Routines for DRAWCGM Graphics.
is a FORTRAN77 library which
supplies some utility routines for use with the DRAWCGM graphics package.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
Related Data and Programs:
a library of FORTRAN and C routines for
graphics output in CGM, PostScript or X11 format;
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
Individual graphics images from the sample calling program:
a PNG file containing a demo of ARROW.
a PNG file containing a demo of CARC and WEDGE.
a PNG file containing a demo of CARC.
a PNG file containing a demo of CBOX.
a PNG file containing a demo of CGRID2.
a PNG file containing a demo of CHRPLT.
a PNG file containing a demo of CIRKLE.
a PNG file containing a demo of CIRKLE.
a PNG file containing a demo of CLIP.
a PNG file containing an image of a color wheel.
a PNG file containing a demo of DSHLIN.
a PNG file containing a demo of ELLIPSE.
a PNG file containing a demo of OVAL.
a PNG file containing a demo of PGRID.
a PNG file containing a demo of SPLXY.
a PNG file containing a demo of SQUARE and DIAMOND.
a PNG file containing a demo of TRIHATCH.
List of Routines:
ARROW draws an arrow at any point on a graph.
ARROW2 draws an arrow with the arrowhead size being specified.
BOX draws a rectangle with specified corners.
BOX01 draws the unit square.
CARC draws a circular arc of a given angular size and radius.
CBOX draws a 16 by 16 box of colors in the current color table.
CGRID2 draws evenly spaced Cartesian X and Y grid lines.
CHRPLT plots a character string onto a graphics image.
CIRKLE draws an open or filled circle of a given radius.
CLIP determines the portion of a line that lies within a rectangle.
CLIP1 is used by CLIP.
CLIP2 is used by CLIP1.
CUBSPL defines a cubic spline for given data.
DELFIL deletes the file FILNAM if it exists.
DIAMND draws an open or filled diamond of a given size.
DIAMOND draws a diamond of height HITE centered at the point X, Y.
DSHLIN draws a dashed line connecting a series of points.
ELLIPSE draws an ellipse for a picture being created by DRAWCGM.
GAUSS is a simple function used by SETTAB.
GETUNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
INTERV seeks to bracket a value within a vector of increasing values.
IXTOX maps integer IX in [IXMIN, IXMAX] to real X in [XMIN, XMAX].
LENCHR returns the length of STRING up to the last nonblank character.
OVAL draws a "filled in" ellipse for a picture being created by DRAWCGM.
PGRID draws evenly spaced grid lines for polar coordinates.
PPVALU evaluates a piecewise polynomial function or its derivatives.
REVEN returns N real values, evenly spaced between XLO and XHI.
RRANGE computes the range of a real array.
SCALE resets the current coordinate system for the picture.
SCL01 restores the coordinate system to the default 0, 1 system.
SETTAB sets up the color table.
SPLXY computes a cubic spline interpolant to (X,Y) data.
SQUARE draws a square centered at a given point.
TRIHATCH draws a triangle filled with diagonal hatch marks.
WEDGE draws a circular wedge of a given angular size and radius.
XTOIX maps real X in [XMIN, XMAX] to integer IX in [IXMIN, IXMAX].
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the FORTRAN77 source codes.
Last revised on 19 January 2009.