A Graphics Library
with output in CGM, PS or X11
is a collection of C and FORTRAN routines which
create graphics images and files. The library is capable
of creating PostScript, CGM, X Windows and other graphics output.
DRAWCGM is available in
a C version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN77 library which
includes some graphics utility routines for use with the DRAWCGM graphics package;
Source Code:
Color tables:
Examples and Tests:
You may copy files for test problem 1, including:
You may copy files for test problem 2, including:
You may copy files for test problem 3, including:
You may copy files for another test problem, including:
List of Routines:
CGRID draws evenly spaced Cartesian X and Y grid lines.
CIRCLE draws an open or filled circle of a given radius.
CLRRCT clears a rectangular area of the display.
CPYINT copies the contents of one integer vector into another.
DEVICE sets the output device.
DRAWIT displays a cell array.
DRWPIX displays a cell array, and does housekeeping.
FILCLR sets the color of filled polygons.
GETCLR gets the red, green, and blue values of a given color index.
GETCTB reads a color table from a file FNAME.
GRFCLS is the graphics shutdown routine.
GRFINI is the graphics initializer.
HORCBR draws a horizontal color bar.
HORFLP inverts the image left-to-right, in place.
IMGMSK masks out regions of a pixel array.
INTERP computes a pixel array by interpolation.
LABEL draws simple labels.
LINCLR sets the color of polylines.
LINWID sets the width of polylines.
MOVCGM moves to a user-specified point with the "plotting pen" up.
DRWCGM resumes drawing from the last point defined by MOVCGM or DRWCGM.
MRKCLR sets the color of polymarkers.
MRKSIZ sets the size of polymarkers.
MRKTYP sets the marker type of polymarkers.
NEWFRM ends a frame, and begins the next.
OUTFIL sets the output graphics file name.
PLTBAR draws a graph of the color intensities of the color bar.
PLYGON draws polygons.
PLYLIN draws polylines.
PLYMRK draws polymarkers.
PUTCTB dumps the current working color table.
RDCLIS reads a color list in a file.
RTOINT converts a real array to integers, given ranges.
SETCLR sets the red, green and blue values of a given color.
SETCTB calculates a full set of color table entries.
SETSCL sets the coordinate system for drawing.
SPLIE2 is a utility routine for spline calculations.
SPLINE computes a cubic spline through given data.
STPAUS sets the 'pause' flag.
STPSPL does spline interpolation for ordered points.
STRLIN expands a real array by linear interpolation.
STRSPL expands a real array using bicubic natural spline interpolation.
UNPAUS clears the 'pause' flag.
VRTCBR draws a vertical color bar.
VRTFLP inverts the image top-to-bottom, in place.
WINFRM draws a window frame in the (full-screen) display window.
WRCLIS writes color data to a file.
You can go up one level to
the C source codes.
Last revised on 31 August 2005.