
Research Interests: I study modular forms and their applications to problems relating
to algebraic number theory, elliptic curves, L-functions, partitions, and
other topics in number theory. |

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Interests: My interests in number theory are primarily in binary quadratic forms
and the class groups of quadratic, cubic, and quartic number fields and in the
application of number theory to cryptography and information security. I am also
interested in the application of novel computer hardware to computational problems
in number theory. |

Research Interests:
Number Theory, including Analytic, Classical Algebraic, Combinatorial,
Computational, Elementary, and Transcedence topics. I have particular
interests in results associated with lattice points close to (or on) a
curve or surface, the distribution of special sequences of integers in
short intervals, applications of Padé approximations to Number
Theory, the irreducibility of polynomials over the rationals,
and computations with sparse or lacunary polynomials. |

Research Interests:
Various aspects of Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory with
particular focus on modern techniques in the distribution of primes
and on applications of these techniques beyond their traditional

Research Interests:
Analytic Number Theory and Approximation Theory with particular
interests in the use of finite differences to determine information
about lattice points close to a curve or surface. I also have interests
in the application of these results to gap problems
in Number Theory. |