My research interests lie in graph theory and combinatorics. I am especially interested in extremal problems and problems motivated by scientific applications. I have results, or ongoing projects, under the categories of extremal graph theory, Konig-Egervary theory, chemical graph theory, degree sequences of hypergraphs, phylogenetics, graph coloring, and independence in graphs.


4. T. Došlić, T. Short. "Enumerating some families of graphs with small saturation number," In preparation.
3. T. Došlić, T. Short. "Maximal matchings in polyspiro and benzenoid chains," arXiv:1511.00590 [math.CO], Submitted to Discrete Applied Math, 2015..
2. É. Czabarka, J. Raugh, K. Sadeghi, T. Short, L. A. Székely. "On the number of non-zero elements of joint degree vectors," arXiv:1511.01035 [math.CO], Preparing to submit to Discrete Applied Math.
1. T. Short. "On some conjectures concerning critical independent sets of a graph," arXiv:1509.05057 [math.CO], Submitted to the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2015.

Other papers

1. T. Short, "KE Theory & the Number of Vertices Belonging to All Maximum Independent Sets in a Graph" (2011). VCU Theses and Dissertations. Paper 2353.


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