Length of a Plane Curve
> | restart; with( plots ): with( Student[Calculus1] ): |
Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined
> |
Auxiliary Plotting Procedures (do not modify)
> | Ptriangle := display( plot( [[1,1],[3,6]], style=point, color=blue ), plot( [[1,1],[3,6]], color=red, linestyle=DOT ), plot( [[1,1],[3,1],[3,6]], color=pink ), textplot( [0.8,0.8,"A"],align={below,left} ), textplot( [3.2,6.2,"B"],align={above,right} ), textplot( [2,0.8,"D"],align={below},font=[SYMBOL,12] ), textplot( [2.2,0.8,"x"],align={below} ), textplot( [3.2,3.5,"D"],align={right},font=[SYMBOL,12] ), textplot( [3.4,3.5,"y"],align={right} ), scaling=constrained, axes=none ): |
> | ArcLengthApprox := proc( f, domain, N ) local x, a, b, F, frames, ArcLengthApproxFrame; x,a,b := lhs(domain),op(rhs(domain)); if type(f,procedure) then F:=f else F:=unapply(f,x) end if; ArcLengthApproxFrame := proc( F, a, b, N ) local Xpt, XYpt, XY2pt, P0, P1, P2; Xpt := [ (b-a)*i/N $ i=0..N ]; XYpt := [ seq( [X,F(X)], X=Xpt ) ]; XY2pt := [ seq( op([[Xpt[i],F(Xpt[i])],[Xpt[i+1],F(Xpt[i])]]), i=1..N ), [Xpt[N+1],F(Xpt[N+1])] ]; P0 := plot( F(x), x=a..b, linestyle=DOT, legend="curve: C" ); P1 := plot( [ XYpt$2 ], style=[point,line], color=blue, legend=["points",""] ); P2 := plot( XY2pt, color=pink, legend="line segments" ); return display( P0,P1,P2, title=sprintf("Arclength Approximation\nwith n=%a Subintervals", N) ); end proc; if type(N,posint) then return ArcLengthApproxFrame( F, a, b, N ) else frames := seq( ArcLengthApproxFrame( F, a, b, n ), n=N ); return display( [frames], insequence=true ) end if; end proc: |
> |
Lesson Overview
The length of a curve in the plane is also known as the arclength of the curve. For a curve with bends and twists this one-dimensional geometric quantity can be difficult to measure directly. The length of straight segments, however, are easy to compute. The length of the line segment between two points A = ( , ) and B = ( , ) can be found (by the Pythagorean Theorem) to be
where the horizontal distance between the points (or run) is and the vertical difference between the two points (or rise) is .
For a curved path, C, the idea is to divide the curve into short segments. If the curve does not have corners or cusps, and if the pieces are short enough, then the each curved segment can be approximated by a line segment. Adding the lengths of these line segments will approximate the length of the curved path; in the limit this will yield the length of the curve. That is:
The special Maple command, ArcLengthApprox , defined at the top of this worksheet can present an animation showing how the short segments approximate the curved path as the number of segments increases.
> | ArcLengthApprox( x/2+sin(x), x=0..20, [5,10,20,40,80] ); |
> |
The general process appears to be very similar to the slice, approximate, limit, evaluate procedure used in other applications of the definite integral. The only problem is that the sum does not look like a Riemann Sum.
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Special Case 1:
If the curve is the graph of a differentiable function on the interval <= <= , then
by the Mean Value Theorem (for Derivatives)
where is some number between and . (Note that the Mean Value Theorem is applicable only because we assumed the function is differentiable.) When this is substituted into the general arclength formula and simplified, the sum is recognized as a Riemann sum and the arclength can be expressed as a definite integral:
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Special Case 2:
Similarly, if the curve is the graph of a differentiable function on the interval <= <= , then the Mean Value Theorem (for Derivatives) can be used to write where is a number between and . Then, we obtain
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Special Case 3: Parametric Form
The third case is a generalization of the previous cases. Suppose the points on the curve can be described in terms of a pair of parametric equations:
, , <= <= .
This means that the curve begins at the point ( , ), passes through all points ( , ) in order as increases from to , and terminates at the point ( , ). For example, the line segment from ( 1, 2 ) to ( 3, 0 ) can be given in parametric form as , for 0 <= <= 1. The animatecurve command from the plots package presents a very nice picture of a parametric curve as the parameter increases throughout its domain:
> | animatecurve( [1+2*t,2-2*t,t=0..1], view=[0..4,0..3], title="Line Segment in Parametric Form" ); |
One parameterization of the unit circle is , for 0 <= < .
> | animatecurve( [cos(theta),sin(theta),theta=0..2*Pi], scaling=constrained, title="Unit Circle in Parametric Form" ); |
> |
Notes about parametric curves
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If the both functions f and g are continuous on [ , ] and differentiable on ( , ) then the Mean Value Theorem (for Derivatives) can be applied to both and . to obtain
where < <
where < <
Note that there is no reason to expect and so the final sum is not a Riemann Sum. Using techniques well beyond the scope of this course it can be shown that -- in the limit -- this is not important and the definite integral does give the arclength of a parametric curve.
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General Comments about Arclength
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Example 1: Plane Curve with
Find the arclength of the curve
> | f1 := (x^4+3)/(6*x): y = f1; |
> | lo1 := 1/2: x = lo1; |
> | hi1 := 3: x = hi1; |
> |
> | plot( f1, x=lo1..hi1, view=[0..3,0..4] ); |
> |
According to the arclength formula for a curve given by y=f(x), the length of this curve is given by a defniite integral with integrand
> | q1 := sqrt( diff( f1, x )^2 + 1 ): q1; |
In this form there is no hope of finding an antiderivative. But, if the inner expression is expanded and simplified (with appropriate assumptions on x)
> | q2 := expand( q1 ): q3 := simplify( q2 ): q4 := simplify( q3 ) assuming x>1: ds1 := expand( q4 ): q1 = q2; `` = q3; `` = q4; `` = ds1; |
This function will not be difficult to integrate! The definite integral for the length of this curve is
> | L1 := Int( ds1, x=lo1..hi1 ): L = L1; `` = value( L1 ); |
> |
The same results can be obtained with the ArcLength maplet [ Maplet Viewer][ MapleNet] or with the ArcLength command from the Student[Calculus1] package:
> | q5 := ArcLength( f1, lo1..hi1, output=integral ): L = q5; `` = value( q5 ); |
Concluding Remark
Observe that this example could not be treated as a plane curve in the form because the function is not 1-1 on the interval [ , 3 ].
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Example 2: Plane Curve with
Find the length of the curve
> | F2 := x^2 = y^3: F2; |
between the points ( 1, 1 ) and ( 8, 4 ).
> | implicitplot( F2, x=1..8, y=1..4, scaling=constrained ); |
> |
Because this curve is so linear, a quick lower bound for the arclength is the distance between the endpoints:
> | d2 := sqrt( (8-1)^2 + (4-1)^2 ): L[est] = d2; `` = evalf( d2 ); |
> |
This curve passes the horizontal and vertical line tests; it can be written either as
y = x^(3/2) for 1 < x < 4 or as x = y^(2/3) for 1 < y < 8. Let's pursue the latter option.
> | f2x := rhs( isolate( F2=0, y ) ): y = f2x; |
for x in
> | lo2x := 1: hi2x := 8: lo2x .. hi2x; |
or as
> | f2y := rhs( isolate( F2=0, x ) ): x = f2y; |
for y in
> | lo2y := 1: hi2y := 4: lo2y .. hi2y; |
> |
Attempting to use the first form involves the integrand
> | sqrt( diff( f2x, x )^2 + 1 ); |
The prospects for finding an antiderivative of this function are slim. And, further manipulations of this expression do not improve the situation. Let's see if the integrand for the second form is any better (or worse):
> | ds2 := sqrt( 1 + diff( f2, y )^2 ): ds2; |
It is easy to find an antiderivative of this function. Continuing to work towards our goal of finding the length of this curve with this representation leads to the definite integral
> | L2 := Int( ds2, y=lo2y..hi2y ): L = L2; `` = value( L2 ); `` = evalf( value( L2 ) ); |
Note that this result is, as expected, slightly larger than the distance between the endpoints.
This example shows how the arclength can be computed easily in one form and is almost impossible to compute (explicitly) with other representations.
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Example 3: Plane Curve in Parametric Form
Consider the parametric curve given by
> | f3 := sqrt(5)*sin(2*t)-2: g3 := sqrt(5)*cos(2*t)-sqrt(3): lo3 := 0: hi3 := Pi/2: x = f3; y = g3; t = lo3..hi3; |
> |
According to the general analysis earlier in this lesson, the integrand for the arclength integral will be
> | q1 := sqrt( diff(f3,t)^2 + diff(g3,t)^2 ): |
> | ds3 := simplify( q1 ): q1 = ds3; |
This could not be much simpler to integrate. The resulting (trivial) definite integral for the arclength of this curve is
> | L3 := Int( ds3, t=0..Pi/2 ): L = L3; `` = value( L3 ); |
> |
What is this curve and why did the problem simplify so nicely? To answer the first question, recall the discussion of the animatecurve command from the plots package.
> | animatecurve( [f3,g3,t=lo3..hi3], view=[-5..1,-5..1], scaling=constrained ); |
> |
Aha! This is appears to be a semicircle. The center is (2, sqrt(3) ) and the radius is sqrt(5). From geometry, the circumference of a semicircle with radius sqrt(5) is Pi*sqrt(5), exactly the value found above via Calculus.
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Lesson Summary
The slice, approximate, limit, evaluate procedure has been used, once again, to develop definite integrals for three general classes of curves. The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives plays a fundamental role in the identification of the approximating sum as a Riemann Sum. Without this key piece of knowledge there would be no general method for expressing arclength as a definite integral.
The ArcLengthApprox command (defined at the beginning of this worksheet) can prepare an animation showing how a curved path can be approximated by a piecewise linear approximating function. The ArcLength maplet [ Maplet Viewer][ MapleNet] can be used to check that the definite integral has been correctly formulated and evaluated (exactly and numerically).
What's Next?
The emphasis of this application is setting up the definite integral. Evaluating the integral to find a numeric (or symbolic) expression for the volume is important but this is a secondary concern. The online homework assignment, including the practice sessions, emphasize the conceptual topics of this lesson.. Work enough practice problems to master these concepts, then complete the online homework assignment and the assigned problems from the text. The textbook problems typically involve both the setup of the definite integral and its evaluation.
The online homework assignment for arclength provides practice applying the concepts and ideas introduced in this lesson. As with other lessons in this unit, concepts are emphasized more than computations. Use the practice sessions to hone your skills, then attempt the online graded homework assignment. The assigned problems from the text ask that you evaluate the integral as well. Remember to look for simplifications to the integrand before you spend too much time trying to evaluate an arclength integral.
The final lesson in this unit introduces Work as applications of definite integral.
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