
> restart;

> with( plots ):

> with( plottools ):


Shrinking Circle Problem 


Enhanced Solution to the Original Shrinking Circle Problem 

when the Fixed Curve is an Ellipse 


Douglas B. Meade 

9 February 2007 


Setup the Geometry of the Problem 

> C  := a -> ((x-a)/a)^2+y^2=1;  # fixed ellipse

> Cr := r -> x^2+y^2=r^2;        # shrinking circle

> P  := r -> [ 0, r ];           # top of shrinking circle





> plotP  := r -> plot( [P(r)], x=-1..1, style=point, symbol=circle, symbolsize=10, thickness=3, color=blue ):

> plotC  := a -> implicitplot( C(a), x= 0..2*a, y=-a..a, color=pink, grid=[25*a,25] ):

> plotCr := r -> implicitplot( Cr(r), x=-r..r, y=-r..r, color=cyan ):

> P1 := (r,a) -> display( [plotP(r),plotC(a),plotCr(r)], view=[-r..max(r,2*a),DEFAULT], scaling=constrained,
                       axes=normal, labels=["x","y"] ):

> P1(1,2);


The Point Q: The Intersection of C and C_r 

These ellipses intersect in two points. 

> Intersection := [allvalues( solve( {C(a),Cr(r)}, {x,y} ) )] ;

[{y = (-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2), x = (-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a/(-1+a^2)}, {y = -(-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2), ...
[{y = (-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2), x = (-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a/(-1+a^2)}, {y = -(-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2), ...
[{y = (-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2), x = (-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a/(-1+a^2)}, {y = -(-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2), ...

Of the two points, we want the one in the first quadrant 

> X,Y := eval( [x,y], select( p->evalb( eval( [x,y], eval(p,[r=1.,a=2.]) )::[positive,positive] ), Intersection )[] )[]:

x = (-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a/(-1+a^2) 

y = (-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4))^(1/2) 


This is the formula for the point Q.  .  


To construct the projection from the top of the shrinking circle through Q onto the y=0 plane, 

> Q := unapply( [ X, Y ], [r,a] ):


> plotQ := (r,a) -> plot( [Q(r,a)], color=gold, style=point, thickness=2 ):

> P2 := (r,a) -> display( [plotP(r),plotC(a),plotCr(r),plotQ(r,a)],
                        axes=normal, labels=["x","y"], scaling=constrained ):

> P2(1,2);


The Point R: The Intersection of line through PQ and the x-axis 

For each angle theta, the lines passing through P and the point Q(theta) can be parameterized in terms of the (scaled) distance measured along this line. 

> LinePQ  := unapply( expand( (1-alpha)*P(r) + alpha*Q(r,a) ), [alpha,r,a] );

proc (alpha, r, a) options operator, arrow; [-a*alpha/(-1+a^2)+a*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)*alpha/(-1+a^2), (-a^2*r^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)-2*a^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+r^2/(1-2*a^...
proc (alpha, r, a) options operator, arrow; [-a*alpha/(-1+a^2)+a*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)*alpha/(-1+a^2), (-a^2*r^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)-2*a^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+r^2/(1-2*a^...
proc (alpha, r, a) options operator, arrow; [-a*alpha/(-1+a^2)+a*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)*alpha/(-1+a^2), (-a^2*r^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)-2*a^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+r^2/(1-2*a^...
proc (alpha, r, a) options operator, arrow; [-a*alpha/(-1+a^2)+a*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)*alpha/(-1+a^2), (-a^2*r^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)-2*a^2/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)/(1-2*a^2+a^4)+r^2/(1-2*a^...


The value of the parameter alpha when these lines hit the z=0 plane are given by 

> alpha0   := unapply( [simplify( solve( LinePQ(alpha,r,a)[2]=0, alpha ) ) assuming a>0, r>0][],
                    [r,a] );

proc (r, a) options operator, arrow; r/(-(-(a^2*r^2+2*a^2-2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)-r^2)/(-1+a^2)^2)^(1/2)+r) end proc 


Thus, the parametric representation of of the projected point, R, in the y=0 plane is 

> R := unapply( [simplify( LinePQ(alpha0(r,a),r,a) ) assuming a>0, r>0][], [r,a] );

proc (r, a) options operator, arrow; [(-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a*r/(-signum(-1+a^2)*(-a^2*r^2-2*a^2+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)+r^2)^(1/2)-r+r*a^2), 0] end proc
proc (r, a) options operator, arrow; [(-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a*r/(-signum(-1+a^2)*(-a^2*r^2-2*a^2+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)+r^2)^(1/2)-r+r*a^2), 0] end proc


This completes the constructions needed to put all of this together in one animation. 

> plotR := (r,a) -> plot( [P(r),R(r,a)], color=red, thickness=1 ):

> P3 := (r,a) -> display( [P2(r,a),plotR(r,a)] ):


These plots already illustrate the rapid convergence of every point on the curves R - except the one on the x-axis - to the origin (as r->0). Let's look at the parametric form of R. The three components are: 

> X,Y := R(r,a)[]:

x = (-1+(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2))*a*r/(-signum(-1+a^2)*(-a^2*r^2-2*a^2+2*a^2*(1-r^2+a^2*r^2)^(1/2)+r^2)^(1/2)-r+r*a^2) 

y = 0 


The Limit as r -> 0 

Maple does not recognize the indeterminate form, initially, 

> limit( X, r=0, right );


but once it is given some information about the parameter a, all is fine: 

> limit( X, r=0, right ) assuming a>1;


We close with a different animation that shows this convergence. 

> plotR0 := a -> plot( [[4/a,0]], x=0..4*a, color=green, style=point, thickness=2 ):

> animR := a -> animate( P3, [2-r,a], r=0..2, frames=30, numpoints=401, paraminfo=false, background=plotR0(a), view=[-2..max(2,2*a,4/a),DEFAULT] ):

> animR(4);

