Spring 2024    Math 241.002    Math 241.003

Quiz over Ch 12

  1. The Quiz will cover
    Chapter 12 (section 12.1-12.6).
    Due to this course's cumulative nature, a working knowledge of previous material from the textbook is needed.
  2. The Quiz is to be taken over MML on
    Tuesday February 20 during between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm .
    A student
    has 45 minutes for the quiz (although MML suggests 29 minutes).
    Students need to
    complete the quiz in one session
    (i.e., once you start the quiz, you can not come back to it later). In case of an emergency, email Prof. Girardi immediately.
  3. The questions will be in the same style as your MML homework questions.
  4. There will be 17 questions worth a total of 25 points.
  5. Unlike an exam, this quiz is: open notes, cheat sheet is allowed, and calculators are allowed.
  6. A good way to study for this quiz is to work some practice quizzes, as explained at the (linked) MML Help and Hints, which is also posted on course homepage. Working such quizzes will also let you see the format of a MML quiz.
  7. The time remaining shows on the bottom bar. Also, a warning appears as the end time is nearing.
  8. Your results from your quiz will be posted on MML after the class finishes the quiz.
  9. Students may not discuss, nor share any information about, the quiz with others until the day after the quiz is to be taken. Failure to follow this will result in a F in the course
  10. If you are registered with the Office of Student Disability Resource Center for extended time and you have discussed your accommodations with Prof. Girardi, then your extended time will appear when you open your quiz.

Findable from URL:    http://people.math.sc.edu/girardi/w300.html/