(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)
This report contains overall statistics.
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending
14-Aug-2006 23:59).
Successful requests: 10,041 (420)
Average successful requests per day: 116 (59)
Successful requests for pages: 9,791 (419)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 113 (59)
Failed requests: 375 (7)
Redirected requests: 442 (2)
Distinct files requested: 221 (69)
Distinct hosts served: 1,099 (32)
Data transferred: 198.37 megabytes (2.36 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 2.29 megabytes (344.88 kilobytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)
This report lists the activity in each month.
Each unit () represents 100 requests
for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ----: -----: May 2006: 1465: 1396:Busiest month: Jul 2006 (4,065 requests for pages).Jun 2006: 3315: 3218:
Jul 2006: 4134: 4065:
Aug 2006: 1127: 1112:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)
This report lists the files on the site.
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last time: file ----: ------: ---------------: ---- 3083: 46.96%: 9/Aug/06 09:53: /calclab/142L-S06/ 2343: 10.70%: 9/Aug/06 11:50: /calclab/maplets4calculus/ 935: 15.30%: 9/Aug/06 09:57: /calclab/141L-F05/ 208: 0.14%: 9/Aug/06 01:28: /calclab/webstat/ 185: 1.52%: 9/Aug/06 09:56: /calclab/142L-S05/ 177: 0.65%: 9/Aug/06 09:58: /calclab/142L-S04/ 164: 0.26%: 9/Aug/06 09:14: /calclab/141L-S06/ 148: 0.30%: 8/Aug/06 16:53: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/ 142: 1.28%: 6/Aug/06 20:13: /calclab/141L-F03/ 136: 0.25%: 9/Aug/06 09:27: /calclab/ 97: 0.79%: 8/Aug/06 03:43: /calclab/141L-F04/ 75: 1.41%: 7/Aug/06 14:12: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/RollerCoaster.pdf 63: 0.61%: 9/Aug/06 09:53: /calclab/webstat/06Summer.html 60: 0.11%: 5/Aug/06 21:29: /calclab/142L-F05/ 59: 1.23%: 9/Aug/06 09:53: /calclab/webstat/all.html 57: 1.13%: 9/Aug/06 09:53: /calclab/webstat/0506.html 53: 1.08%: 31/Jul/06 11:28: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/Limits.pdf 50: 0.32%: 8/Aug/06 16:37: /calclab/webstat/06Spring.html 47: 0.30%: 8/Aug/06 23:11: /calclab/141L-S06/LabSyllabus.htm 47: 0.89%: 8/Aug/06 03:35: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/DiffTangent.pdf 45: 0.27%: 8/Aug/06 16:37: /calclab/webstat/05Fall.html 42: 0.17%: 24/Jul/06 13:32: /calclab/142L-F05/labs/ 42: 0.58%: 7/Aug/06 14:12: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/Project1.pdf 42: 0.17%: 7/Aug/06 13:14: /calclab/142L-F05/LabSyllabus.doc 40: 0.62%: 1/Aug/06 19:00: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/NewFunctions.pdf 39: 0.60%: 8/Aug/06 14:31: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/LinePlot.pdf 34: 0.28%: 6/Aug/06 14:52: /calclab/141L-S06/misc/access.doc 33: 0.23%: 8/Aug/06 03:28: /calclab/141-F02/ 32: 0.43%: 9/Aug/06 09:49: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/CriticalPoint.pdf 32: 0.11%: 8/Aug/06 03:28: /calclab/142L-F05/misc/access.htm 32: 0.21%: 24/Jul/06 16:42: /calclab/142L-F05/LabSyllabus.htm 32: 0.09%: 9/Aug/06 09:56: /calclab/142-S03/ 31: 0.65%: 7/Aug/06 20:42: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/DiffTrans.pdf 30: 0.47%: 31/Jul/06 11:33: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/EpsilonDelta.pdf 28: 0.26%: 6/Aug/06 14:31: /calclab/141L-S06/LabSyllabus.doc 26: 0.18%: 8/Aug/06 16:53: /calclab/141L-S06/misc/access.htm 25: 0.03%: 7/Jul/06 13:02: /calclab/webstat/type.png 25: 0.04%: 7/Jul/06 13:02: /calclab/webstat/dom.png 25: 0.04%: 7/Jul/06 13:02: /calclab/webstat/req.png 25: 0.04%: 7/Jul/06 13:02: /calclab/webstat/host.png 24: 0.28%: 8/Aug/06 14:48: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/LabIntro.pdf 24: 0.43%: 26/Jul/06 12:42: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/ImplicitDiff.pdf 24: 0.21%: 8/Aug/06 03:28: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/DefiniteInt.pdf 23: 0.23%: 6/Aug/06 12:29: /calclab/142L-F05/labs/Sequences.pdf 23: 0.12%: 9/Aug/06 09:55: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab81.html 23: 0.15%: 5/Aug/06 23:14: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/Antiderivative.pdf 22: 0.14%: 9/Aug/06 09:57: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab141.html 22: 0.12%: 6/Aug/06 12:29: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab41.html 22: 0.08%: 6/Aug/06 12:25: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab01.html 22: 0.08%: 9/Aug/06 09:53: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/survey.pdf 22: 0.12%: 9/Aug/06 09:57: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab51.html 22: 0.08%: 6/Aug/06 12:07: /calclab/141L-S06/labs/Project2.pdf 21: 0.17%: 5/Aug/06 09:51: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab71.html 21: 0.01%: 9/Aug/06 09:57: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab13TOC.html 21: 0.29%: 6/Aug/06 14:08: /calclab/142L-F05/labs/Piecewise.pdf 21: 0.19%: 8/Aug/06 03:28: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab121.html 21: 0.10%: 9/Aug/06 09:57: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab21.html 20: 0.01%: 9/Aug/06 09:58: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab4TOC.html 20: 0.01%: 9/Aug/06 09:57: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab2TOC.html 20: 0.04%: 9/Aug/06 09:53: /calclab/141L-S05/labs/ 20: 0.20%: 6/Aug/06 12:07: /calclab/142L-F05/labs/DefIntApplic.pdf 20: 0.01%: 9/Aug/06 09:58: /calclab/142-S03/labs/lab5TOC.html 774: 6.21%: 9/Aug/06 09:59: [not listed: 159 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)
This report lists the extensions of files.
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ----: ------: --------- 7850: 78.88%: [directories] 827: 5.77%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 332: 4.65%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 349: 4.49%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 199: 2.86%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 82: 1.19%: .mws [Maple worksheet (Classic)] 134: 1.00%: .doc [Microsoft Word document] 151: 0.91%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 100: 0.15%: .png [PNG graphics] 17: 0.08%: [not listed: 4 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)
This report lists the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 50 hosts by the number of requests, sorted alphabetically.
reqs: %bytes: host ----: ------: ---- 395: 3.48%: 33: 0.47%: 37: 0.06%: egspd42464.ask.com 99: 0.32%: charlotte.betaspider.com 69: 0.11%: unassigned.calpop.com 239: 0.20%: crawl-66-249-65-211.googlebot.com 202: 0.55%: crawl-66-249-72-165.googlebot.com 240: 0.84%: crawl-66-249-72-175.googlebot.com 113: 0.17%: crawl-66-249-72-197.googlebot.com 272: 0.62%: crawl-66-249-72-226.googlebot.com 193: 0.30%: crawl-66-249-72-244.googlebot.com 38: 0.25%: crawl-66-249-72-3.googlebot.com 123: 0.12%: crawl-66-249-72-67.googlebot.com 256: 1.42%: crawl-66-249-72-98.googlebot.com 59: 1.14%: user-10lf7la.cable.mindspring.com 502: 3.95%: msnbot.msn.com 188: 3.85%: jyxo-crawler3.streaming.cesnet.cz 41: 0.32%: corb091103.halls.colostate.edu 45: 0.80%: math.sc.edu 44: 0.58%: c13.math.sc.edu 84: 1.31%: lc001.math.sc.edu 47: 0.54%: lc0101.math.sc.edu 69: 0.69%: lc033.math.sc.edu 327: 0.84%: m01225.math.sc.edu 81: 1.34%: m01230.math.sc.edu 36: 0.35%: m40101.math.sc.edu 34: 0.46%: m40102.math.sc.edu 46: 0.61%: m40104.math.sc.edu 55: 0.92%: m40112.math.sc.edu 43: 0.96%: m40113.math.sc.edu 33: 0.88%: m40120.math.sc.edu 48: 1.12%: m40121.math.sc.edu 108: 1.67%: n40101.math.sc.edu 118: 1.10%: n40102.math.sc.edu 82: 1.05%: n40103.math.sc.edu 80: 0.92%: n40104.math.sc.edu 134: 1.53%: n40105.math.sc.edu 72: 1.62%: n40106.math.sc.edu 86: 1.08%: n40107.math.sc.edu 110: 2.16%: n40108.math.sc.edu 62: 1.32%: n40109.math.sc.edu 103: 1.25%: n40110.math.sc.edu 70: 1.19%: n40111.math.sc.edu 82: 1.41%: n40112.math.sc.edu 59: 1.01%: n40114.math.sc.edu 35: 0.59%: n40115.math.sc.edu 59: 0.78%: n40116.math.sc.edu 82: 0.49%: n40129.math.sc.edu 208: 1.24%: wb9.stanford.edu 98: 0.25%: vallila-gw.hupnet.helsinki.fi 4302: 49.75%: [not listed: 1,049 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: domain ----: ------: ------ 3638: 48.83%: .edu (USA Higher Education) 3273: 46.31%: sc.edu 3248: 45.77%: math.sc.edu (USC, Mathematics) 4443: 24.42%: .com (Commercial) 886: 9.83%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 422: 7.54%: .net (Networks) 198: 3.95%: .cz (Czech Republic) 32: 1.42%: .au (Australia) 17: 1.02%: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations) 14: 0.49%: .pl (Poland) 20: 0.35%: .ve (Venezuela) 19: 0.30%: .br (Brazil) 19: 0.30%: .us (United States) 99: 0.25%: .fi (Finland) 15: 0.21%: .uk (United Kingdom) 4: 0.16%: .th (Thailand) 21: 0.10%: .de (Germany) 30: 0.07%: .hu (Hungary) 3: 0.07%: .nz (New Zealand) 10: 0.07%: .jp (Japan) 22: 0.07%: .ca (Canada) 12: 0.06%: .cl (Chile) 2: 0.05%: .fr (France) 1: 0.05%: .kr (South Korea) 1: 0.05%: .sg (Singapore) 2: 0.05%: .ee (Estonia) 3: 0.03%: .tr (Turkey) 12: 0.02%: .ru (Russia) 1: 0.02%: .ar (Argentina) 3: 0.02%: .arpa (Arpanet) 27: 0.02%: .ch (Switzerland) 4: 0.02%: .nl (Netherlands) 10: 0.02%: .se (Sweden) 9: 0.02%: .pe (Peru) 1: 0.02%: .at (Austria) 8: 0.02%: .mx (Mexico) 8: 0.02%: .bg (Bulgaria) 7: 0.02%: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago) 6: 0.01%: [unknown domain] 4: 0.01%: .hk (Hong Kong) 4: 0.01%: .ro (Romania) 1: 0.01%: .es (Spain) 3: : .gr (Greece)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Request Report: File Type Report: Host Report: Domain Report)