Reading Icesheet Data

HUMP is a Python routine which reads a file describing the parameters of an icesheet problem, generates the corresponding data, and writes that data to a NETCDF file for input to a solver.

The particular problem generated by the "config" file presented here is a simplistic, artificial test case of a sinusoidal "hump" of ice.

Note that HUMP requires the numpy module, which is available from .


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


HUMP is available in a Python version.

Related Data and Programs:

CDL, a data directory of examples of CDL files, a text version of NETCDF files created by the NCDUMP program;

ICE, a data directory of examples of ICE files, which store icesheet grid datasets in the NETCDF format.

NETCDF a data directory which contains examples of NETCDF files, a format for the interchange of scientific data.

NETCDF_GLIMMER a data directory which contains examples of GLIMMER data from Oak Ridge, stored as NETCDF files.

NETCDF_MPAS a data directory which contains examples of MPAS grid data stored as NETCDF files.

Source Code:

You can go up one level to the PYTHON source codes.

Last revised on 25 May 2011.