Quadrature Rules for the Pyramid

PYRAMID_FELIPPA_RULE, a MATLAB library which returns Felippa quadrature rules over the interior of the unit pyramid in 3D.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


PYRAMID_FELIPPA_RULE is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

ANNULUS_RULE, a MATLAB library which computes a quadrature rule for estimating integrals of a function over the interior of a circular annulus in 2D.

CUBE_FELIPPA_RULE, a MATLAB library which returns the points and weights of a Felippa quadrature rule over the interior of a cube in 3D.

DISK_RULE, a MATLAB library which computes quadrature rules over the interior of the unit disk in 2D.


PYRAMID_RULE, a MATLAB program which computes a quadrature rule over the interior of a unit pyramid in 3D.

SIMPLEX_GM_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Grundmann-Moeller quadrature rules over the interior of a triangle in 2D, a tetrahedron in 3D, or over the interior of the simplex in M dimensions.

SQUARE_FELIPPA_RULE, a MATLAB library which returns the points and weights of a Felippa quadrature rule over the interior of a square in 2D.

STROUD, a MATLAB library which defines quadrature rules for a variety of unusual areas, surfaces and volumes in 2D, 3D and M-dimensions.

TETRAHEDRON_EXACTNESS, a MATLAB program which investigates the monomial exactness of a quadrature rule over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.

TETRAHEDRON_INTEGRALS, a MATLAB library which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit tetrahedron in 3D.

TETRAHEDRON_KEAST_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines ten quadrature rules, with exactness degrees 0 through 8, over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.

TETRAHEDRON_MONTE_CARLO, a MATLAB library which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals over the interior of the unit tetrahedron in 3D.

TETRAHEDRON_NCC_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Newton-Cotes Closed (NCC) quadrature rules over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.

TETRAHEDRON_NCO_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Newton-Cotes Open (NCO) quadrature rules over the interior of a tetrahedron in 3D.

TRIANGLE_DUNAVANT_RULE, a MATLAB library which sets up a Dunavant quadrature rule over the interior of a triangle in 2D.

TRIANGLE_FEKETE_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Fekete rules for quadrature or interpolation over the interior of a triangle in 2D.

TRIANGLE_LYNESS_RULE, a MATLAB library which returns Lyness-Jespersen quadrature rules over the interior of a triangle in 2D.

TRIANGLE_NCC_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Newton-Cotes Closed (NCC) quadrature rules over the interior of a triangle in 2D.

TRIANGLE_NCO_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Newton-Cotes Open (NCO) quadrature rules over the interior of a triangle in 2D.

TRIANGLE_WANDZURA_RULE, a MATLAB library which defines Wandzura rules for quadrature over the interior of a triangle in 2D.


  1. Carlos Felippa,
    A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work,
    Engineering Computation,
    Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890.

Source Code:

Last revised on 05 March 2019.