Simulate the "Lights Out" Puzzle

LIGHTS_OUT, a MATLAB program which sets up the "Lights Out" game and allows a user to try to solve it.

The Lights Out game is played on a rectangular board of squares, usually a 5x5 grid, each square containingr a light that may be on or off. Clicking the mouse on a light switches it from on to off and vice versa. However, when you switch a light, you also switch the lights to the immediate left, right, above and below.

You start the game with a randomly chosen configuration of lights and it's up to you to figure out how to get them all out.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


LIGHTS_OUT is available in a C version and a C++ version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

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COIN_SIMULATION, a MATLAB library which looks at ways of simulating or visualizing the results of many tosses of a fair or biased coin.

DICE_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates N tosses of M dice, making a histogram of the results.

DUEL_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates N repetitions of a duel between two players, each of whom has a known firing accuracy.

FAIR_DICE_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates N tosses of 2 dice, making a histogram of the results.

GAMBLERS_RUIN_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the game of gambler's ruin.

HIGH_CARD_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates a situation in which you see the cards in a deck one by one, and must select the one you think is the highest and stop.

ISING_2D_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which carries out a Monte Carlo simulation of an Ising model, a 2D array of positive and negative charges, each of which is likely to flip to be in agreement with neighbors.

LORENZ_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which solves the Lorenz equations and displays the solution, for various starting conditions.

POISSON_SIMULATION, a MATLAB library which simulates a Poisson process in which events randomly occur with an average waiting time of Lambda.

RANDOM_WALK_1D_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates a random walk in a 1-dimensional region.

RANDOM_WALK_2D_AVOID_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates a self-avoiding random walk in a 2-dimensional region.

RANDOM_WALK_2D_AVOID_TASKS, a MATLAB program which computes many self avoiding random walks in a 2-dimensional region by creating a job which defines each walk as a task, and then computes these independently using MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolbox task computing capability.

RANDOM_WALK_2D_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates a random walk in a 2-dimensional region.

RANDOM_WALK_3D_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates a random walk in a 3-dimensional region.

REACTOR_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which is a simple Monte Carlo simulation of the shielding effect of a slab of a certain thickness in front of a neutron source. This program was provided as an example with the book "Numerical Methods and Software."

ROULETTE_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the spinning of a roulette wheel and the evaluation of certain common roulette bets.

SIR_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the spread of a disease through a hospital room of M by N beds, using the Susceptible/Infected/Recovered (SIR) model.

SNAKES_AND_LADDERS, MATLAB programs which simulate the game of Snakes and Ladders.

STRING_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the behavior of a vibrating string by solving the corresponding initial boundary value problem (IBVP), creating files that can be displayed by gnuplot.

THREE_BODY_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the behavior of three planets, constrained to lie in a plane, and moving under the influence of gravity, by Walter Gander and Jiri Hrebicek.

TRAFFIC_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the cars waiting to get through a traffic light.

TRUEL_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates N repetitions of a duel between three players, each of whom has a known firing accuracy.

TWO_BODY_SIMULATION, a MATLAB program which simulates the behavior of two bodies, constrained to lie in a plane, moving under the influence of gravity, with one body much more massive than the other.


  1. Marlow Anderson, Todd Feil,
    Turning Lights Out With Linear Algebra,
    Mathematics Magazine,
    Volume 71, Number 4, October 1998, pages 300-303.
  2. Oscar Martin-Sanchez,
    Two Analyses of Lights Out,
    Mathematics Magazine,
    Volume 74, Number 4, October 2001, pages 295-304.

Source Code:

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 08 November 2017.