Numerical Exercises Using the Shape of a Hand

HAND_DATA, MATLAB programs which carry out some numerical exercises based on data that came from tracing several points on a person's hand.

The original proposer of this exercise was Cleve Moler, in the textbook Numerical Computing with MATLAB.


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


HAND_DATA is available in a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

CONVEX_HULL, a MATLAB program which demonstrates the computation of the convex hull of a set of 2D points.

HAND_AREA, a MATLAB program which estimates the area of a curve which outlines a person's hand.


MAPLE_AREA, a MATLAB library which takes the list of pixels that form the boundary of the image of a maple leaf within a picture, and uses grid, Monte Carlo, and Quasi Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the area of the leaf.

MAPLE_BOUNDARY, a MATLAB library which reads an image of a maple leaf and extracts the list of pixels that form the boundary.

MESH2D_HAND, a MATLAB program which reads in a set of 59 points which outline a human hand, and calls MESH2D, which is able to create a fine triangular mesh of the region outlined by the points.

POLYGON, a dataset directory which contains examples of polygons.

TRIANGULATE, a MATLAB program which triangulates a polygonal region.


Source Code:

Last revised on 29 April 2019.