
faces_average, a MATLAB program which averages a set of images of a face.

The images are assumed to be K gray scale images, with a common pixel dimension of MxN, stored as a 3D uint8 array A(M,N,K).

The faces_average() function returns an MxN uint8 array A_average that is the average of the data in A.

Good results can only be expected if an attempt has been made to calibrate the images, so that various facial features are somewhat aligned.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


FACES_AVERAGE is available in a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:


faces_arnold_schwarzenegger, a dataset directory which contains images of Arnold Schwarzenegger for facial recognition applications.

faces_emma_stone, a dataset directory which contains images of Emma Stone for facial recognition applications.

faces_matt_damon, a dataset directory which contains images of Matt Damon for facial recognition applications.

faces_michael_caine, a dataset directory which contains images of Michael Caine for facial recognition applications.

faces_sylvester_stallone, a dataset directory which contains images of Sylvester Stallone for facial recognition applications.

faces_taylor_swift, a dataset directory which contains images of Taylor Swift for facial recognition applications.

Source Code:

Last revised on 23 December 2018.