Estimate Voronoi Weights in a Region

VORONOI_WEIGHT is a FORTRAN90 program which estimates the volume of the Voronoi cells associated with N points contained in the M-dimensional unit hypercube.

One use for the weights produced by this calculation is for improving an equal-weight quadrature scheme. That is, we suppose that the integral of a function over the unit hypercube is to be approximated. Typically, this could be done by evaluating the function at each point in the dataset, and taking the average:

Integral(f) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) F(X(I) ) / N
This amounts to using a quadrature scheme in which each point has the same weight, namely 1/N.

Instead, it is possible to use the weights computed by this program, to produce a refined estimate of the integral:

Integral(f) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F(X(I) )

For more information, see the section 2.2, "Optimal Quadrature Rules", in the Du, Faber and Gunzburger reference.

The weights are the M-dimensional volumes of the Voronoi cells associated with the points. These volumes are not computed directly; instead, a sampling scheme (in fact, an equal weight quadrature method!) is used.

The program is interactive, and requires the user to:

The input commands may be stored in an file. A reasonable set of input commands might be:

        #  halton_02_00010.inp
        read halton_02_00010.txt
        sample_num = 5000
        sample_function = uniform
        write halton_02_00010_weights.txt

Commands beginning with a "#" are comments, and are ignored by the program.

The "read halton_02_00010.txt" command causes a dataset to be read in. The format of the dataset input file allows comment lines beginning with a "#" character. Each noncomment line contains the coordinates for one point of the dataset.

The "sample_num = 5000" command specifies that the unit hypercube is to be sampled 5000 times in estimating the volumes of the Voronoi cells.

The "sample_function = uniform" command specifies that the sample points are to be generated as uniform random numbers.

The "estimate" command tells the program to carry out the estimation procedure.

The "write halton_02_00010_weight.txt" command writes the weights to a file, one weight per line. The file will contain some comment lines indicating the parameters used in constructing the weights.

The "quit" command terminates the program.


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


VORONOI_WEIGHT is available in a FORTRAN90 version.

Related Data and Programs:

CVT, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute routines to estimate the coordinates of a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation.

FAURE, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Faure sequence.

GRID, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional grid sequence.

HALTON, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Halton sequence.

HAMMERSLEY, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Hammersley sequence.

IHS, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional improved hypercube sample.

INTEGRAL_TEST, a FORTRAN90 program which can read the weights generated by this program, and the associated original data points, and test the corresponding quadrature rule on a number of multi-dimensional test integrals.

LATIN_CENTER, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Latin center sequence.

LATIN_EDGE, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Latin edge sequence.

LATIN_RANDOM, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Latin random sequence.

NINTLIB, a FORTRAN90 library which can estimate the integral of a function over an M-dimensional region.

QUADRATURE_RULES, a dataset directory which contains sets of files that define quadrature rules over various 1D intervals or multidimensional hypercubes.

SOBOL, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional Sobol sequence.

TABLE_VORONOI, a FORTRAN90 program which can read a file containing the coordinates of a set of points in 2D, and compute information about the associated Voronoi diagram.

TEST_NINT, a FORTRAN90 library which defines test functions for multidimensional integration.

UNIFORM, a FORTRAN90 library which can compute N elements of an M-dimensional uniform random sequence.


  1. Franz Aurenhammer,
    Voronoi diagrams - a study of a fundamental geometric data structure,
    ACM Computing Surveys,
    Volume 23, Number 3, September 1991, pages 345-405.
  2. Qiang Du, Vance Faber, Max Gunzburger,
    Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations: Applications and Algorithms,
    SIAM Review,
    Volume 41, Number 4, December 1999, pages 637-676.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_02_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_02_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_02_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_02_10000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_07_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_07_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_07_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_16_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_16_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset cvt_16_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_02_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_02_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_02_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_02_10000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_03_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_03_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset halton_03_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_02_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_02_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_02_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_07_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_07_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_07_01000.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_16_00010.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_16_00100.txt:

The following weight files were calculated using the input dataset uniform_16_01000.txt:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN90 source codes.

Last revised on 13 November 2006.