Iterative Solvers
for Linear Systems
is a FORTRAN90 library which
outlines the
most common iterative methods of solving a linear system.
TEMPLATES is available in
a FORTRAN90 version and
a MATLAB version
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 library which
implements the conjugate gradient method for solving
a positive definite sparse linear system A*x=b, using reverse communication.
a FORTRAN90 library which
implements iterative methods for solving
linear systems.
a dataset directory which
contains large sparse matrices stored in the
Harwell-Boeing format.
a FORTRAN90 library which
implements the Jacobi iteration for solving symmetric positive definite
systems of linear equations.
a FORTRAN90 library which
carries out direct methods for solving linear systems.
a data directory which
contains a description and
examples of the Matrix Market format for storing matrices.
a C program which
applies a fast direct solution method to
a sparse linear system.
a FORTRAN90 library
which defines test matrices.
Richard Barrett, Michael Berry, Tony Chan, James Demmel,
June Donato, Jack Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout, Roidan Pozo,
Charles Romine, Henk van der Vorst,
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems:
Building Blocks for Iterative Methods,
SIAM, 1994.
the TEMPLATES web site;
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
JACOBI_GE is a calling program that uses dense GE format
matrix storage, and the Jacobi iteration. Files you may
copy include:
SOR_GE is a calling program that uses dense GE format
matrix storage, and the Jacobi iteration. Files you may
copy include:
List of Routines:
APPROXRES approximates the residual using a Givens updating scheme.
BICG implements the BiConjugate Gradient method.
BICG_REVCOM is controlled by BICG using reverse communication.
BICGSTAB implements the BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized method.
BICGSTAB_REVCOM is controlled by BICGSTAB using reverse communication.
CG implements the Conjugate Gradient method.
CG_REVCOM is controlled by CG using reverse communication.
CGS implements the Conjugate Gradient Squared method.
CGS_GE implements the Conjugate Gradient Squared method for GE matrices.
CGS_REVCOM is controlled by CGS using reverse communication.
CHEBY implements the Chebyshev method.
CHEBY_REVCOM is controlled by CHEBY using reverse communication.
DIF returns the second difference matrix.
ELEM_VEC constructs the I-th elementary vector E, scaled by ALPHA.
GETBREAK is supposed to allow the user to set certain tolerances.
GETEIG_GE computes the eigenvalues of the iteration matrix for the GE format.
GIVENS_APPLY applies a sequence of Givens rotations to a column of H.
GIVENS_SET computes Givens rotation parameters.
GMRES implements the Generalized Minimal Residual method.
GMRES_REVCOM is controlled by GMRES using reverse communication.
JACOBI_GE implements the Jacobi method for a matrix in GE format.
JACOBI_REVCOM is controlled by JACOBI using reverse communication.
JACOBI_SPLIT_GE splits a GE matrix for the Jacobi algorithm.
JACOBI_RECON_GE reconstitutes a split GE matrix for the Jacobi algorithm.
MATVEC_GE computes Z := ALPHA * A * X + BETA * Y for a GE matrix.
MATVEC_GB computes Z := ALPHA * A * X + BETA * Y for a GB matrix.
MVGE is a version of the MATVEC routine which assumes that the
ORTHOH constructs the I-th column of the upper Hessenberg matrix H
PSOLVE calls the appropriate preconditioner solver.
PSOLVE_JACOBI_TRANS solves the linear system Mx = b where matrix M is diagonal.
PSOLVE_NONE is for the unpreconditioned version, i.e. just does
PSOLVE_NONE_TRANS is for the unpreconditioned version, i.e. just does
PSOLVE_Q is a solver for QMR which requires left preconditioning
PSOLVE_T calls the appropriate solver.
PSOLVE_T_Q is a solver for QMR which requires right preconditioning.
QMR implements the Quasi-Minimal Residual method.
QMR_REVCOM is controlled by QMR using reverse communication.
RESID_GE computes the residual A*X-B when A is stored in GE format.
ROTVEC applies a Givens rotation to a vector (X,Y).
R4VEC_PRINT_SOME prints "some" of an R4VEC.
SAMAX returns the maximum absolute value of the entries in a vector.
SGB_TO_SGE converts a general band matrix to general matrix format.
SGE_CHECK checks the dimensions of a general matrix.
SLT_SL solves a lower triangular system.
SNRM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector.
SOR_GE implements the Successive Over-Relaxation method for a GE matrix.
SOR_REVCOM is controlled by SOR using reverse communication.
SOR_SPLIT_GE splits a GE matrix for the SOR algorithm.
SOR_RECON_GE reconstructs the matrix A and right hand side B after splitting.
STOPB computes the stopping criterion on B.
STOPX computes the stopping criterion on X.
SUT_MXV computes A * x, where A is an upper triangular matrix.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
VECGEN generates a vector of all ones, zeros, or the row sum
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the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 13 November 2006.