Write a data file for SPACER

SPACER_DATA_CONVERT is a FORTRAN90 program which takes a simple file of object names and distances, and writes out a data file suitable for input with SPACER.

The input file is very simple. The first line lists N, the number of objects. The next line lists the name of object #1, and the N "distances" to the other objects (including itself). Similar lines follow for objects 2 through N. Spaces are used to separate the data.

Example of a legal input file to SPACER_DATA_CONVERT:

       London            0.0  125.0  250.0   75.0  450.0
       Manchester      125.0    0.0   83.0  327.0  154.0
       Dunwich         250.0   83.0    0.0  223.0  243.0
       East-Grinstead   75.0  327.0  223.0    0.0   93.0
       Burnt-Norton    450.0  154.0  243.0   93.0    0.0


spacer_data_convert input output
the input file to be processed;
the output file, suitable for use with SPACER;


SPACER_DATA_CONVERT is available in a FORTRAN90 version.

Related Data and Programs:

DISTANCES, a FORTRAN90 program which can read a file in PIR format and create a distance matrix.

READ_ALIGN, a FORTRAN90 program which can read a multiple sequence alignment file and write out the relevant information into a file in PIR format.

SPACER, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a distance matrix and computes a principal coordinate analysis.


Des Higgins,
EMBL Data Library,
April 1992

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

CITIES is the simple data example discussed above, with distances between 5 cities.

PROTEIN is a data file involving "distances" between 66 proteins.

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN90 source codes.

Last revised on 27 December 2007.