Reverse Cuthill-McKee Node Reordering
is a FORTRAN90 program which
computes the Reverse Cuthill McKee (RCM) reordering for nodes in a mesh of 4-node
The user supplies a node file and an element file, containing
the coordinates of the nodes, and the indices of the nodes that
make up each element.
The program reads the data, computes the adjacency information,
carries out the RCM algorithm to get the permutation, applies
the permutation to the nodes and elements, and writes out
new node and element files that correspond to the RCM permutation.
quad_mesh_rcm 'prefix'
where 'prefix' is the common file prefix:
'prefix'_nodes.txt, the node coordinates;
'prefix'_elements.txt, the element definitions.
'prefix'_rcm_nodes.txt, the reordered node coordinates;
'prefix'_rcm_elements.txt, the reordered element definitions.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
QUAD_MESH_RCM is available in
a C++ version and
a FORTRAN version and
a MATLAB version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 program which
returns the geometric bandwidth associated with a mesh of
elements of any order and in a space of arbitrary dimension.
a MATLAB program which
reads data defining a polygonal mesh and displays it, with
optional numbering.
a C++ program which
reads files defining a polygonal mesh and displays an image using OpenGL.
a data directory which
defines a format for storing meshes of quadrilaterals over a 2D region.
a FORTRAN90 library which
handles meshes of quadrilaterals over a 2D region;
a FORTRAN90 library which
carries out reverse Cuthill-McKee computations.
a FORTRAN90 program which
applies the reverse Cuthill-McKee reordering to a tetrahedral
mesh of nodes in 3D.
a FORTRAN90 program which
reads files describing a triangulation of nodes in 2D, and applies the RCM algorithm
to produce a renumbering of the triangulation with a reduced
HL Crane, Norman Gibbs, William Poole, Paul Stockmeyer,
Algorithm 508:
Matrix Bandwidth and Profile Reduction,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Volume 2, Number 4, December 1976, pages 375-377.
Marc deBerg, Marc Krevald, Mark Overmars,
Otfried Schwarzkopf,
Computational Geometry,
Springer, 2000,
ISBN: 3-540-65620-0.
Alan George, Joseph Liu,
Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Matrices,
Prentice Hall, 1981,
ISBN: 0131652745,
LC: QA188.G46
Norman Gibbs,
Algorithm 509:
A Hybrid Profile Reduction Algorithm,
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Volume 2, Number 4, December 1976, pages 378-387.
Norman Gibbs, William Poole, Paul Stockmeyer,
An Algorithm for Reducing the Bandwidth
and Profile of a Sparse Matrix,
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
Volume 13, 1976, pages 236-250.
Joseph ORourke,
Computational Geometry,
Second Edition,
Cambridge, 1998,
ISBN: 0521649765,
LC: QA448.D38.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
HOLE works with region of equal-sized squares, with some irregularities.
List of Routines:
MAIN is the main program for QUAD_MESH_RCM.
ADJ_BANDWIDTH computes the bandwidth of an adjacency matrix.
ADJ_PERM_BANDWIDTH computes the bandwidth of a permuted adjacency matrix.
ADJ_SET_Q4_MESH sets adjacencies in a Q4 mesh.
ADJ_SIZE_Q4_MESH counts adjacencies in a Q4 mesh.
BANDWIDTH determines the bandwidth associated with a finite element mesh.
CH_CAP capitalizes a single character.
CH_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two characters for equality.
CH_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
DEGREE computes the degrees of the nodes in the connected component.
FILE_COLUMN_COUNT counts the number of columns in the first line of a file.
FILE_ROW_COUNT counts the number of row records in a file.
GENRCM finds the reverse Cuthill-Mckee ordering for a general graph.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
I4COL_COMPARE compares columns I and J of an I4COL.
I4COL_SORT_A ascending sorts an I4COL.
I4COL_SWAP swaps columns I and J of an I4COL.
I4MAT_DATA_READ reads data from an I4MAT file.
I4MAT_HEADER_READ reads the header from an I4MAT.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of the transpose of an I4MAT.
I4MAT_WRITE writes an I4MAT file.
I4VEC_HEAP_D reorders an I4VEC into an descending heap.
I4VEC_REVERSE reverses the elements of an I4VEC.
I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using heap sort.
LEVEL_SET generates the connected level structure rooted at a given node.
NEIGHBOR_ELEMENTS_Q4_MESH determines element neighbors in a Q4 mesh.
PERM_CHECK checks that a vector represents a permutation.
PERM_INVERSE3 produces the inverse of a given permutation.
R8COL_PERMUTE permutes an R8COL in place.
R8MAT_DATA_READ reads data from an R8MAT file.
R8MAT_HEADER_READ reads the header from an R8MAT file.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT, transposed.
R8MAT_WRITE writes an R8MAT file.
RCM renumbers a connected component by the reverse Cuthill McKee algorithm.
ROOT_FIND finds a pseudo-peripheral node.
S_TO_I4 reads an I4 from a string.
S_TO_I4VEC reads an I4VEC from a string.
S_TO_R8 reads an R8 from a string.
S_TO_R8VEC reads an R8VEC from a string.
S_WORD_COUNT counts the number of "words" in a string.
SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL externally sorts a list of items into ascending order.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 30 September 2009.