Plot points

PLOT_POINTS is a FORTRAN90 program which reads data in the XY file format and creates an Encapsulated PostScript file.

In fact, PLOT_POINTS can read data in the more general TABLE file format, allowing the user to select the two coordinates that will play the role of X and Y.

Plots you can make include:

You can specify the input file, add one box or circle, specify the kind of plot to be made, and a few other options, by entering commands interactively. The set of commands can be gotten via the "HELP" command. The full list is:
command Meaning
BALLOON a "balloon" plot of points.
DASH dash plot of connected points.
DOT dot plot of points.
DEL Delaunay triangulation plot
KM K-Means plot.
TH thin the points.
TV triangulated Voronoi diagram.
VOR Voronoi diagram plot.
Q quit.
READ filename read another input file.
OUTPUT filename name the next output file.
BOX x1 y1 x2 y2 draw a single box in the plot.
NOBOX do not draw a box in the plot.
CIRCLE x y r draw a single circle in the plot.
NOCIRCLE do not draw a circle in the plot.
MARKER_SIZE = n Specify marker size.
SHADOW mark X and Y axes for each point.
TITLE enter a title for the next plot.
X = n specify data index to use as X.
Y = n specify data index to use as Y.
# comment make a comment.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


PLOT_POINTS is available in a FORTRAN90 version

Related Data and Programs:

BOX_PLOT, a MATLAB program which can color in specified entries of a checkerboard, corresponding to pairs of integer data.

PS_WRITE, a FORTRAN90 library which is used by PLOT_POINTS.

XY_DISPLAY, a MATLAB program which can read a file of coordinates of points, and display an image of the points in a MATLAB graphics window.

XY_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which can read a file containing 2D point coordinates, and display an image of those points using Open GL.


  1. Barry Joe,
    GEOMPACK - a software package for the generation of meshes using geometric algorithms,
    Advances in Engineering Software,
    Volume 13, pages 325-331, 1991.
  2. Henry McGilton, Mary Campione,
    PostScript by Example,
    ISBN: 0-201-63228-4

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

ANNULUS_25 is 25 points in an annulus:

BROWNIAN_100 is 100 points of simulated Brownian motion, created by the RANDOM_DATA program:

CIE_XY_81 is 81 points of CIE (x,y) coordinates for pure light, created by a sample program that uses the COLORS library:

CIRCLE_25 is 25 points on a circle:

CVT_02_00010 is a set of 10 points in 2D, generated by a centroidal Voronoi Tessellation program, and part of the CVT dataset:

CVT_02_00100 is a set of 100 points in 2D, generated by a centroidal Voronoi Tessellation program, and part of the CVT dataset:

DIAMOND_09 is 9 points whose Voronoi diagram contains one cell whose vertices are known exactly, and which looks roughly like a diamond:

GRID_49 is a set of 49 points in a grid:

JU1 is Lili Ju's first data set. Lili Ju gave me some data sets to analyze with this program. The data represents certain centroidal Voronoi tessellation generators, using certain density functions.

JU2 is Lili Ju's second data set:

JU3 is Lili Ju's third data set:

LSUP_303 is 303 points that outline Lake Superior:

REPEATS_17 is a set of 17 points with some repeated:

UNIFORM_02_00010 is a set of 10 points in 2D, generated by a uniform random number generator, and part of the UNIFORM dataset:

UNIFORM_02_00100 is a set of 100 points in 2D, generated by a uniform random number generator, and part of the UNIFORM dataset:

UNIFORM_02_00100_KM5 is a set of 100 points in 2D, generated by a uniform random number generator, and organized into 5 clusters using the KMEANS program:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN90 source codes.

Last revised on 28 January 2009.