Make Your Own Graph Paper.
is a FORTRAN90 library which
makes graph paper.
GRAPH_PAPER generates simple Encapsulated PostScript files
(EPS) representing several styles of graph paper.
When I manage to find a pad of printed graph paper, I use it all
up in a week. Right now, there are just a couple of options
involving simple plain grids, but more may come.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
GRAPH_PAPER is available in
a FORTRAN90 version.
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 library which
can be used to create PostScript image files.
a FORTRAN90 library which
computes a triangular grid of points.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
Sample Graph Paper Files:
a PNG image of
a hexagonal line grid that roughly forms a triangle.
a PNG image of
a hollow hexagonal
dot grid that fills a rectangle. The dots look like "chicken wire",
because a central dot of each hexagon has been removed.
a PNG image of
a hexagonal line grid that fills a rectangle (some minor defects
in the image need to be attended to).
a PNG image of
a hexagonal line grid that fills a rectangle. This is similar to
the chicken wire graph, except that no dots are omitted.
a PNG image of
a 14x14 hexagonal grid suitable for playing HEX.
a PNG image of
a polar line grid.
a PNG image of
a sheet of 12 blank sudoku grids.
a PNG image of
a sheet of 12 sudoku grids, only one of them has a problem set up.
a PNG image of
a staggered dot grid.
a PNG image of
a triangular line grid.
a PNG image of
a triangular dot grid.
a PNG image of
a uniform line grid;
a PNG image of
a uniform dot grid;
a uniform line grid with heavy guide lines;
a PNG image of
a uniform line grid with 12 boxes per inch;
List of Routines:
CH_CAP capitalizes a single character.
DEGREES_TO_RADIANS converts an angle from degrees to radians.
EPS_FILE_HEAD writes header information to an encapsulated PostScript file.
EPS_FILE_TAIL writes trailer information to an encapsulated PostScript file.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
HEXAGON_DRAW draws a hexagon.
HEXAGONAL_1 draws a hexagonal grid that roughly forms a triangle.
HEXAGONAL_2 draws a hexagonal grid of dots (no lines).
HEXAGONAL_3 draws a hexagonal grid that fills a rectangle.
HEXAGONAL_4 draws a hexagonal grid of dots (no lines).
HEXAGONAL_5 draws a Hex board.
I4_SWAP swaps two I4 values.
POLAR_1 draws a polar grid.
PS_COLOR_LINE handles the line color.
PS_COLOR_LINE_SET sets the line color.
PS_COMMENT inserts a comment into the PostScript file.
PS_DEFAULT sets the internal settings to their default values
PS_FILE_CLOSE closes a PostScript file.
PS_FILE_OPEN opens a new version of a PostScript file with a given name.
PS_LINE_CLOSED adds the graph of a closed line to a PostScript file.
PS_PAGE_HEAD writes header information on a new page.
PS_PAGE_TAIL writes tail information at the end of a page.
PS_SETTING_INT sets, gets, or prints integer ( kind = 4 ) internal PS_WRITE parameters.
PS_SETTING_REAL sets, gets, or prints real internal PS_WRITE parameters.
R8_SWAP swaps two real values.
S_EQI is a case insensitive comparison of two strings for equality.
STAGGERED_2 draws a staggered grid of dots (no lines).
SUDOKU_SHEET_BLANK draws a sheet of 12 blank sudoku grids.
SUDOKU_SHEET_FILLED draws a sheet of 12 filled sudoku grids.
SUDOKU_GRID_BLANK draws one blank sudoku grid.
SUDOKU_GRID_FILLED draws one sudoku grid with some values filled.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
TRIANGULAR_1 draws a triangular grid.
TRIANGULAR_2 draws a triangular grid of dots (no lines).
UNIFORM_1 draws a uniform grid at 1/4 inch intervals.
UNIFORM_2 draws a uniform grid of dots (no lines).
UNIFORM_3 draws a uniform 1/4 inch grid; every fifth line is heavy.
UNIFORM_4 draws a uniform grid with N boxes per inch.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 27 December 2010.