Computational Geometry in 2D, 3D, ND
is a FORTRAN90 library which
handles certain computational geometry problems, by Barry Joe.
In particular, GEOMPACK3 can compute the Voronoi diagram,
and the Delaunay triangulation, of a set of points in the plane,
and can carry out analogous operations for points in 3D and
in N-dimensional space.
GEOMPACK3 is available in
a FORTRAN90 version
Related Data and Programs:
a FORTRAN90 library which
carries out tasks in computational geometry.
a FORTRAN90 library which
performs geometric calculations in 2, 3 and N dimensional space.
a FORTRAN90 library which
contains a subset of the routines in GEOMPACK3, but only
those for certain 2D calculations.
a C++ program which
reads a tet mesh and displays the nodes and edges using OpenGL.
Original FORTRAN77 version by Barry Joe;
FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt.
Barry Joe,
GEOMPACK - a software package for the generation of meshes
using geometric algorithms,
Advances in Engineering Software,
Volume 13, pages 325-331, 1991.
George Forsythe, Michael Malcolm, Cleve Moler,
Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations,
Prentice Hall, 1971.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
List of Routines:
ANGLE computes the size of an angle in 2D.
ANGLE3 computes the size of a plane angle in 3D.
AREAPG computes twice the signed area of a simple polygon.
AREATR computes twice the signed area of a triangle.
AVAILF returns the index of the next available record in the FC array.
AVAILK returns the position of the next available record in the FC array.
BARYCK computes the barycentric coordinates of a point in KD.
BARYTH computes barycentric coordinates of a point in 3D.
BCDTRI constructs a boundary-constrained Delaunay triangulation in 3D.
BNSRT2 bin sorts a set of 2D points.
BNSRT3 bin sorts a set of 3D points.
BNSRTK bin sorts a set of KD points.
CCRADI computes the circumradius of a tetrahedron.
CCSPH finds the circumsphere through the vertices of a tetrahedron.
CCSPHK finds the circumsphere through a simplex in KD.
CMCIRC determines if a point is in the circumcircle of three points.
CUTFAC traces a cut face of a polyhedron from a starting edge.
CVDEC2 decomposes a polygonal region into convex polygons.
CVDEC3 decomposes polyhedra into convex parts.
CVDECF updates a polyhedral decomposition.
CVDTRI converts boundary triangles to Delaunay triangles.
DHPSRT sorts a list of double precision points in KD.
DIAEDG determines which diagonal to use in a quadrilateral.
DIAM2 finds the diameter of a convex polygon.
DIAM3 finds the diameter of a set of 3D points.
DLESS determines the lexicographically lesser of two double precision values.
DSCONV converts the representation of a convex polyhedron.
DSCPH initalizes the convex polyhedron data structure.
DSFTDW does one step of the heap sort algorithm for double precision data.
DSMCPR initializes the polygonal decomposition data structure.
DSMDF2 sets up a mesh distribution function data structure in 2D.
DSMDF3 sets up a mesh distribution function data structure in 3D.
DSPGDC initializes the polygonal decomposition data structure.
DSPHDC initializes the polyhedral decomposition data structure.
DSPHFH initializes the polyhedral decomposition data structure.
DSPHIH updates the polyhedral decomposition data structure.
DTRIMK constructs a Delaunay triangulation of points in KD.
DTRIS2 constructs the Delaunay triangulation of vertices in 2D.
DTRIS3 constructs a Delaunay triangulation of vertices in 3D.
DTRISK constructs a Delaunay triangulation of vertices in KD.
DTRIW2 constructs a Delaunay triangulation of vertices in 2D.
DTRIW3 constructs a Delaunay triangulation of vertices in 3D.
DTRIWK constructs a Delaunay triangulation of vertices in KD.
EDGHT searches a hash table for an edge record.
EMNRTH computes the mean ratio of a tetrahedron.
EQDIS2 subdivides convex polygons for equidistribution.
EQDIS3 subdivides polyhedra for equidistribution.
FNDMSW finds local transformation that improve a 3D triangulation.
FNDSEP finds separators to resolve a reflex vertex.
FNDSPF finds separators to resolve a reflex vertex.
FNDSPH finds a separator from top or bottom hole vertex.
FNDTRI finds two triangles containing a given edge.
FRSMPX shifts vertices to the first K+1 are in general position in KD.
FRSTET shifts vertices so the first 4 vertices are in general position in 3D.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
GTIME returns the current CPU time in seconds.
HEXAGON_VERTICES_2D returns the vertices of the unit hexagon in 2D.
HOLVRT determines top and bottom vertices of holes in polygonal regions.
HTDEL deletes a record from the hash table.
HTDELK deletes a record from the hash table.
HTINS inserts a record into the hash table.
HTINSK inserts a record into the hash table.
HTSDLK searches for a record in the hash table, and deletes it if found.
HTSRC searches for a record in the hash table.
HTSRCK searches for a record in the hash table.
I4_MODP returns the nonnegative remainder of integer division.
I4_SWAP swaps two integer values.
I4_UNIFORM returns a scaled pseudorandom I4.
I4_WRAP forces an integer to lie between given limits by wrapping.
IFACTY determines the type of an interior face in a 3D triangulation.
IHPSRT sorts a list of integer points in KD.
ILESS determines the lexicographically lesser of two integer values.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4MAT, transposed.
I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of the transpose of an I4MAT.
IMPTR3 improves a 3D triangulation.
IMPTRD further improves a 3D triangulation.
IMPTRF improves a given triangulation in 3D.
INTTRI generates triangles inside a convex polygon.
INSED2 inserts an edge into the head and polygon vertex lists.
INSED3 inserts an edge into the polyhedral decomposition data structure.
INSEH3 inserts an edge into the polyhedral decomposition data structure.
INSFAC inserts a new cut face into a polyhedral decomposition.
INSPH finds the center and radius of the insphere of a tetrahedron.
INSVR2 inserts a point into the vertex coordinate and polygon vertex lists.
INSVR3 inserts a point into the polyhedral decomposition database.
INTMVG generates interior mesh vertices in a shrunken polyhedron.
INTPG integrates a mesh distribution function over a polygon.
INTPH integrates a mesh distribution function over a polyhedron.
ISFTDW does one step of the heap sort algorithm for integer data.
ITRIS3 constructs an initial triangulation of 3D vertices.
JNHOLE joins a hole boundary to the boundary of the surrounding polygon.
LFCINI initializes two lists of faces.
LOP applies the local optimization procedure to two triangles.
LRLINE determines whether a point is left, right, or on a directed line.
LSRCT3 searches a 3D triangulation for the tetrahedron containing a point.
LUFAC factors a matrix.
LUSOL solves a linear system involving a matrix factored by LUFAC.
MDF2 evaluates a heuristic mesh distribution function in 2D.
MDF3 evaluates a heuristic mesh distribution function in 3D.
MFDEC2 further divides convex polygons to limit mesh function variation.
MFDEC3 subdivides polyhedra to control the mesh distribution function.
MINANG determines the minimum of the boundary angles for a separator.
MMASEP finds the best of four possible separators.
MTREDG sets fields for a triangle as needed by routine TMERGE.
NWSXED creates new simplices from insertion of an interior vertex.
NWSXFC creates new simplices from the insertion of a face vertex.
NWSXIN creates new simplices from the insertion of an interior vertex.
NWSXOU creates new simplices for vertices outside the current convex hull.
NWTHED creates new tetrahedra from the insertion of a vertex, in 3D.
NWTHFC creates new tetrahedra after the insertion of a new face vertex.
NWTHIN creates new tetrahedra after the insertion of an interior vertex.
NWTHOU creates new tetrahedra outside the current convex hull.
OPSIDE tests if points are on opposite sides of a triangular face.
OPSIDK tests if points are on opposite sides of a face in KD.
ORDER3 reorders 3 integers into ascending order.
ORDERK reorders K elements of an array in nondecreasing order.
PRIME returns a prime greater than a given value K.
PRMDF2 does preprocessing for the mesh distribution function evaluation.
PRMDF3 does preprocessing for the mesh distribution function evaluation.
PTPOLG determines where a point lies with respect to a polygon.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an R8MAT, transposed.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT, transposed.
RADRTH computes the aspect ratio of a tetrahedron.
RANDPT generates N random points in KD.
RESEDG resolves a reflex edge by a cut polygon.
RESHOL finds a cut face in a polyhedron to resolve an interior hole.
RESVRF resolves a reflex vertex of a simple polygon.
RESVRH resolves a hole vertex on a face by finding a separator.
RESVRT resolves a reflex vertex of a simply connected polygon.
RMCLED removes collinear adjacent convex polyhedron edges from the database.
RMCPFC removes coplanar adjacent polyhedron faces from the data base.
ROTIAR rotates elements of an integer array.
ROTIPG rotates the indices of the vertices of a simple polygon.
ROTPG rotates a convex polygon.
SANGMN computes the minimum solid angle of a tetrahedron.
SDANG computes the solid and dihedral angles of a tetrahedron.
SEPFAC traces out a separator in a convex polyhedron.
SEPMDF determines a separator that splits a convex polygon.
SEPSHP determines a separator that splits a convex polygon.
SFC1MF seeks a separator or cut face in a convex polyhedron.
SFC2MF finds a separator or cut face in a convex polyhedron.
SFCSHP seeks a separator or cut face in a convex polyhedron.
SFDWMF sifts down a heap.
SFUPMF sifts up a heap.
SHRNK2 shrinks a convex polygon.
SHRNK3 shrinks a convex polyhedron.
SMPXDA deletes simplices whose circumhypersphere contains a vertex.
SMPXLS constructs a list of simplices from the FC array.
SPDEC2 decomposes a polygonal region with holes into simple polygons.
SPDECH decomposes a face of a polyhedral region.
STATS computes statistical measurements for data.
SWAPDG applies swaps in a KD triangulation.
SWAPEC swaps diagonal edges in a 2D triangulation
SWAPES swaps faces in a 3D triangulation.
SWAPHS swaps faces in a KD triangulation.
SWAPMU swaps faces in a KD triangulation.
SWAPTF swaps tranformable faces in a 3D triangulation.
SWPREM tries to remove an interior vertex.
TETLST constructs a list of tetrahedra from the FC array.
TETMU computes a tetrahedron shape measure.
TETSIZ smooths PSI values and computes tetrahedron sizes.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
TMERGE forms triangles near the boundary by merging vertex chains.
TRIBFC generates a Delaunay triangulation on polyhedron boundary faces.
TRIPR3 generates mesh vertices in a decomposed polygonal region.
TRISIZ smooths PSI and computes triangle sizes.
TRPOLG generates a Delaunay triangular mesh inside a convex polygon.
UMDF2 is a sample user mesh distribution function for 2D.
UMDF3 is a sample user mesh distribution function for 3D.
UPDATF updates a record in FC after a local transformation.
UPDATK updates a record in FC after a local transformation.
UPDATR updates a record in FC after a local transformation.
URAND is a uniform random number generator.
VBEDG determines the boundary edges of a 2D triangulation.
VBFAC determines the boundary faces of a 3D triangulation.
VBFACK determines the boundary faces of a KD triangulation.
VISPOL computes the visibility polygon from an eyepoint.
VISVRT determines a list of visible vertices.
VOLCPH computes the volume of a convex polyhedron.
VOLTH computes the volume of a tetrahedron.
VORNBR determines the Voronoi neighbors of a point.
VPLEFT is called by VISPOL for the LEFT operation.
VPRGHT is called by VISPOL for the RIGHT operation.
VPSCNA is called by VISPOL for the SCANA operation.
VPSCNB is called by VISPOL for the SCANB operation.
VPSCNC is called by VISPOL for the SCANC operation.
VPSCND is called by VISPOL for the SCAND operation.
WALKT2 walks through a 2D triangulation searching for a point.
WALKT3 walks through a 3D triangulation searching for a point.
WALKTH finds the Delaunay simplex containing a point by "walking".
WIDTH2 determines the width of a convex polygon.
WIDTH3 determines the width of a convex polyhedron.
XEDGE determines whether two edges, or an edge and a ray intersect.
XLINE intersects two lines parallel to given lines.
XPGHPL intersects a convex polygon with a half plane.
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Last revised on 27 November 2006.