A Finite Element Code for Fluid Flow
is a FORTRAN90 program which
uses the finite element method to solve for the steady state
velocity and pressure in a two dimensional fluid flow region.
The fluid flow is presumed to be incompressible, and time-independent.
The governing equations are the Navier Stokes equations with the
continuity equation.
FLOW6 was derived from the
FLOW5 code.
Alterations and new features include:
Both 3 and 7 point quadrature rules;
The no penetration wall condition has been extended to walls that
are not along a coordinate direction;
The elements are now in "standard" form;
A new free slip boundary condition is being added;
Boundary conditions handled by BOUNDARY routine.
FLOW6 writes node and element data files that may
be read in and plotted by
FLOW6 is available in
a FORTRAN90 version
Related Data and Programs:
is a FORTRAN90 program which solves a fluid flow problem
in a channel including a bump which obstructs and redirects the flow.
CHANNEL is a program which computes the pressure
and velocity for a Navier Stokes flow in a channel. It is
available in
a FORTRAN77 version and
a FORTRAN90 version.
is a FORTRAN90 library which
contains utilities for 2D finite element calculations.
a MATLAB library which
is the Incompressible Flow Iterative Solution Software;
this library is commonly called IFISS;
this is ACM TOMS algorithm 866.
Max Gunzburger,
Finite Element Methods for Viscous Incompressible Flows,
A Guide to Theory, Practice, and Algorithms,
Academic Press, 1989,
ISBN: 0-12-307350-2,
LC: TA357.G86.
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
solution data suitable
for input to the graphics program TECPLOT;
cavity.txt, printed output.
cavity_elements.txt, element information
suitable for input to the graphics program DISPLAY5.
cavity_uvp.txt, node information
suitable for input to the graphics program DISPLAY5.
cavity_u.txt, the finite element coefficient
List of Routines:
MAIN solves a 2D steady incompressible flow using finite elements.
BANDWIDTH computes the lower band width of the Jacobian matrix.
BOUNDARY_INTEGRAL sets data useful for boundary integrals.
BOUNDARY_INTEGRAL_FREESLIP sets boundary integral data for the freeslip.
BOUNDARY_INTEGRAL_STEP sets boundary integral data for the step.
BOUNDARY_INTEGRAL_PRINT prints data useful for boundary integrals.
BOUNDARY_SHAPE returns the tangent and normal vectors along the boundary.
BOUNDARY_SHAPE_CAVITY returns the boundary of the cavity problem.
BOUNDARY_SHAPE_CHANNEL returns the boundary of the channel problem.
BOUNDARY_SHAPE_FREESLIP returns the boundary of the freeslip problem.
BOUNDARY_SHAPE_STEP returns the boundary of the step problem.
BOUNDARY_VALUE evaluates boundary condition functions.
COEF_READ reads the coefficient data from a file.
COEF_WRITE writes the coefficient data to a file for possible restart.
DGB_CHECK checks the dimensions of a general band matrix.
DGB_FA factors a matrix stored in LINPACK general band storage.
DGB_PRINT prints nonzero entries of a banded matrix.
DGB_SL solves a system factored by DGB_FA.
DVEC_AMAX returns the maximum absolute value in a real vector.
ELEMENT_PRINT prints out the elements.
ELEMENT_WRITE writes element information to a file.
EQUATION_PRINT prints the equation types.
FP computes the jacobian matrix A of the Navier Stokes residual.
FP_PRINT prints information about the jacobian.
FP_DIF estimates the jacobian matrix by finite differences.
FX computes the residual RES of the Navier Stokes equations.
GEOMETRY sets up the geometry for any problem.
GEOMETRY_CAVITY sets up the geometry for the cavity problem.
GEOMETRY_CHANNEL sets up the geometry for the channel problem.
GEOMETRY_FREESLIP sets up the geometry for the freeslip problem.
GEOMETRY_STEP sets up the geometry for the step problem.
GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number.
HELLO says hello, prints the program name, date and limits.
INIT zeroes out data used by the program.
NEWTON applies Newton iteration, seeking a solution of FX(G) = 0.
NODE_WRITE writes solution information to a file.
PRESS_INTERP interpolates pressure values at non-pressure nodes.
REF_BF_L3 evaluates a reference element linear basis function.
REF_BF_Q6 evaluates shape functions for a 6 node triangle.
REF_MAP_Q6 returns the interpolation map for data on a 6 node triangle.
REF_QUAD1 sets abscissas and wquad1s for 1D Gauss-Legendre quadrature.
REF_QUAD2 sets up the 2D reference triangle quadrature rule.
SETBAS evaluates the basis functions at each quadrature point.
STOKES solves the Stokes equations.
TECPLOT_WRITE writes out solution information for use with TECPLOT.
TRANS_Q6 calculates the biquadratic reference element transformation.
UVP_NORM_H1 returns the H1 norm of the solution.
UVP_NORM_L2 returns the L2 norms of velocity magnitude, and pressure.
UVP_NORM_LMAX returns the infinity norms of velocity magnitude, and pressure.
UVP_PRINT prints out the solution.
UVP_QUAD_VALUE evaluates U, V and P at a quadrature point in a given element.
UVP_VALUE evaluates U, V and P at any point in a given element.
X_OF_XSI computes X and Y given XSI and ETA coordinates.
XY_PRINT prints the X and Y coordinates of the nodes.
You can go up one level to
the FORTRAN90 source codes.
Last revised on 12 November 2006.