Create Data for CVT_MOVIE5

CVT_MOVIE5_DATA is a FORTRAN90 program which creates numeric data used by the CVT_MOVIE5 program to create an animation of a CVT iteration.

The computational region is region #8 from TEST_TRIANGULATION; this region is nicknamed the "holey pie". We initialize with hex grid points. We include fixed points at the vertices of the region. We sample on a "fattened" region, but force wayward centroid back to the boundary.

We perform 100 CVT iterations, and save each set of generators in a file, "p08_hbf_000.txt" contains the initial data, followed by "p08_hbf_001.txt" through "p08_hbf_100.txt". This data is processed by the CVT_MOVIE5 program into JPEG files.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


CVT_MOVIE5_DATA is available in a FORTRAN90 version.

Related Data and Programs:

CVTP, a FORTRAN90 library which creates a CVTP, that is, a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation on a periodic domain.

TEST_TRIANGULATION, a FORTRAN90 library which is needed by CVT_MOVIE5_DATA, so a compiled version of that library is necessary to build the program.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN90 source codes.

Last revised on 18 September 2005.